
# Examples used in the documentation
# They are used in several places, so they are consolidated here.
# None of them are exported, so they need to be referred to with :::

rep_1234 <- function(USER_CODE) {
  code <- for_checkr(USER_CODE)
  res <- line_where(code, Z != "",
                    message = "Remember to store the result under the name `Id`.")
  res <- line_where(res, Z == "Id", message = "Use `Id` for the assignment, not {{Z}}.")

  res <- line_where(res, F == rep, message = "You're supposed to use `rep()`.")
  the_each_arg <- named_arg(res, "each",
                            message = "Look at the help for `rep()` to see what arguments are available to control the pattern of repetition. (These are documented under `...`)")
  t1 <- check(the_each_arg,
              failif(V != 3,
                     "Good use of `each=`, but each = {{V}} is not the right value."))
  if (failed(t1)) return(t1)

  the_vector <- vector_arg(res, message = "Where do you create the elements to be repeated?")
  t2 <- check(the_vector,
              failif(! identical(V, 1:4),
                     "The elements to be repeated are 1 through 4, not {{V}}. Where do you construct the set 1:4 to pass to `rep()`?"))


rep_abcd <- function(USER_CODE) {
  code <- for_checkr(USER_CODE)
  res <- line_where(code, Z != "",
                    message = "Remember to store the result under the name `Letter`.")
  res <- line_where(res, Z == "Letter", message = "Use `Letter` for the assignment, not {{Z}}.")

  res <- line_where(res, F == rep, message = "You're supposed to use `rep()`.")
  the_each_arg <- named_arg(res, "each",
                            message = "Look at the help for `rep()` to see what arguments are available to control the pattern of repetition. (These are documented under `...`)")
  t1 <- check(the_each_arg,
              failif(V != 4,
                     "Good use of `each=`, but each = {{V}} is not the right value."))
  if (failed(t1)) return(t1)

  the_vector <- vector_arg(res, message = "Where do you create the elements to be repeated?")
  t2 <- check(the_vector,
              failif(! identical(V, letters[1:3]),
                     "The elements to be repeated are 'a' through 'c', not {{V}}. Where do you construct that set?"))


# Will this be of any use in general
check_assigns <- function(ex, names = NULL, vals = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(vals)) stopifnot(length(names) == length(vals))

  res <- ex
  for (k in seq_along(names)) {
    m <- paste("You're supposed to assign to an object called", names[k])
    t1 <- line_where(res, Z == names[k], message = m)
    if (! is.null(vals)) {
      m <- paste("The object called", names[k], "should be a",
      t1 <- line_where(t1, Z == names[k], identical(V, vals[[k]]),
                 message = m)
    if (failed(t1)) return(t1)

df_abcd_1234_x_y <- function(USER_CODE) {
  code <- for_checkr(USER_CODE)
  Id <- rep(1:4, each = 3)
  x <- seq(1, 43, along.with=Id)
  y <- seq(-20,0, along.with=Id)
  df <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, Id = Id)
  check_assigns(code, c("Id", "x", "y", "df"),
                list(Id, x, y, df))
dtkaplan/checkr2 documentation built on May 17, 2019, 4:01 p.m.