
#' Interactive interface to ggplot2
#' Provides a menu selection system (via \code{manipulate}) so that the variables
#' for different aspects of a plot can be selected interactively.  The \code{ggplot2}
#' command for generating the plot currently being displayed is copied to the console,
#' whence it can be copied to a document for later direct, non-interactive use.
#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @aliases scatterGraphHelper barGraphHelper USMap WorldMap DistributionGraphHelper
#' @param data Dataframe containing the variables that might be used in the plot.
#' @param key name of variable holding the state or country ID(for mWorldMap and mUSMap only)
#' @param fill name of variable to use for the cholopleth map (for mWorldMap and mUSMap only)
#' @return Nothing.  Just for plotting side effects.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#'   scatterGraphHelper(HappinessIndex) # the use menu to map variables to aesthetics
#'   Counts <-
#'     Minneapolis2013 %>%
#'     group_by(First, Precinct) %>%
#'     summarise(vote_count=n())
#'   barGraphHelper(Counts)
#'   WorldMap(CountryData, key=country, fill=fert)
#' }
#' @export
scatterGraphHelper <- function(dat) {
  if(!require(manipulate)) stop("Must install 'manipulate' package in RStudio.")
  df = substitute(dat)
  nm = varsByType(head(dat))
  # nm$q is the quantitative variables.
  snames <- NAprepend(nm$all)
  cnames <- NAprepend(nm$c)
  mnames <- list("none", linear="linear","smoother")
             show = button("Show Expression"),
             x = picker(nm$q,initial=nm$q[[1]],label="x axis"),
             y = picker(nm$q,initial=nm$q[[2]],label="y axis"),
             color = picker(snames, initial="none ",label="Color"),
             size = picker(snames, initial="none ",label="Size"),
             facet = picker(cnames, initial="none ", label="Facet"),
             logx = checkbox(label="Log X-axis"),
             logy = checkbox(label="Log Y-axis"),
             model = picker(mnames, initial="none", label="Model")
#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @export
distributionGraphHelper <- function (data, format = "histogram",default=format,
                    system = "ggplot2", show = FALSE, title = "", ...)
  plotTypes <- c("histogram", "density", "frequency polygon")
  default <- match.arg(default, plotTypes)
  system <- match.arg(system)
  dataName <- substitute(data)
  return(eval(parse(text = paste("mUniplot(", dataName, ", default='histogram', system='ggplot2', show=FALSE, title='')"))))

#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @export
barGraphHelper <- function(dat) {
  if(!require(manipulate)) stop("Must install 'manipulate' package in RStudio.")
  df = substitute(dat)
  nm = varsByType(head(dat))
  numberNames <- NAprepend(nm$q)
  factorNames <- NAprepend(nm$c)
  alignNames <- list(dodge="dodge",stack="stack",
  fillColorNames <- list( default=NA, seq="seq",div="div",qual="qual")
  paletteNames <- list(default=1,two=2,three=3,four=4,five=5,six=6,seven=7,eight=8)
             show = button("Show Expression"),
             x = picker(factorNames,initial=factorNames[[2]],label="x axis"),
             y = picker(numberNames,initial=numberNames[[2]],label="y axis"),
             fill = picker(factorNames, initial="none ",label="Bar Fill"),
             position = picker(alignNames, initial="stack",label="Alignment"),
             ordery=picker(numberNames, initial="none ",label="Fill Order"),
             orderx=picker(numberNames, initial="none ",label="X Order"),
             colors=picker(fillColorNames, initial="default",label="Color Scheme"),
             palette=picker(paletteNames, initial="default",label="Palette"),
             facetx=picker(factorNames,initial="none ",label="Facet Variable"),
             sideways=checkbox(label="Sideways Labels")
#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @export
densityGraphHelper <- function(...) {

#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @export
USMap <-  function(data=NULL, key=NULL, fill=NULL, ...) {
  dataName <- as.character(substitute(data))
  key <- as.character(substitute(key))
  fill <- as.character(substitute(fill))
  vars <- names(data)
  if(is.null(data)) stop("No data provided.")
  if( is.null(fill)) stop("No variable provided for fill")
  if( is.null(key)) stop("No variable provided for key")
  if(! key %in% vars) stop(paste(key, "is not a variable in", dataName))
  if(! fill %in% vars) stop(paste(fill, "is not a variable in", dataName))

  mosaic::mUSMap(data,key=key,fill=fill, ...)
#' @rdname graphicsHelpers
#' @export
WorldMap <-  function(data=NULL, key=NULL, fill=NULL, ...) {
  if(missing(key)) stop("Must specify variable for 'key' argument.")
  if(missing(fill)) stop("Must specify variable for 'fill' argument")
  dataName <- as.character(substitute(data))
  key <- as.character(substitute(key))
  fill <- as.character(substitute(fill))
  vars <- names(data)
  if(is.null(data)) stop("No data provided.")
  if( is.null(fill)) stop("No variable provided for fill")
  if(! key %in% vars) stop(paste(key, "is not a variable in", dataName))
  if(! fill %in% vars) stop(paste(fill, "is not a variable in", dataName))

  mosaic::mWorldMap(data,key=key,fill=fill, ...)

# Utilities
# Pull out the names of the quantitative and categorical variables in a data frame
varsByType = function(dat) {
  # Utility function for converting a vector of names into a list.
  v2list <- function(nms) {
    res = list()
    res[nms] <- nms
  nm = names(dat)
  type = nm
  for (k in 1:length(dat)) {
    type[k] <- class(dat[[k]])
    if (type[k] %in% c("integer", "numeric") && length(unique(dat[k]) < 100))
      type[k] <- "smallNlevels"
  numberNames <- v2list(nm[type %in% c("integer","numeric","smallNlevels")])
  factorNames <- v2list(nm[type %in% c("factor","character","logical","ordered","smallNlevels")])
  return( list( c=factorNames, q=numberNames, all=v2list(nm) ) )
# Prepend a list with NA for optional items
NAprepend <- function(L) {
  c(list(`none `=NA),L)

# Converting a vector of names into a list.
v2list <- function(nms) {
  res = list()
  res[nms] <- nms

doScatter <- function(show=FALSE,dname,x=NA,y=NA,color=NA,size=NA,facet=NA,logx=FALSE,logy=FALSE,model=""){
  vals <- list(dat=dname,x=x,y=y,color=color,size=size,facet=facet,logx=logx,logy=logy,model=model)
  s <- scatterString(vals)
  if (show) cat(paste(s,"\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text=s))

# Scatter plots
scatterString <- function(s){
#  res <- paste("ggplot(data=",s$dat,")",sep="")
#    res<-paste(res,"+geom_point(aes(x=",s$x,",y=",s$y,"))",sep="")
  res <- paste("ggplot(data=",s$dat,",aes(x=",s$x,",y=",s$y,"))",sep="")
  res <- paste(res,"+geom_point()",sep="")
  if (!is.null(s$color) && !is.na(s$color))
    res<-paste(res, "+aes(colour=",s$color,")",sep="")
  if (!is.null(s$size) && !is.na(s$size))
  if (s$logx)
    res <- paste(res,"+scale_x_log10()",sep="")
  if (s$logy)
    res <- paste(res,"+scale_y_log10()",sep="")
  if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facet)) # why do I need both?
  if (s$model=="linear")
    res <- paste(res, "+ stat_smooth(method=lm)")
  if (s$model=="smoother")
    res <- paste(res, "+ stat_smooth(method=loess)")


# Bar Plots
barString <- function(s){
  xStr <- s$x
  if( !is.na(s$orderx))
    xStr <- paste("reorder(",s$x,",",s$orderx,")",sep="")
  fillStr <- if( is.null(s$fill) || is.na(s$fill) ) ")" else paste(",fill=",s$fill,")",sep="")
  orderStr <- if( is.null(s$ordery) || is.na(s$ordery) | is.null(s$fill) || is.na(s$fill) ) " " else
  aesStr <- paste("aes(x=",xStr,",y=",s$y, orderStr,fillStr,sep="")
  res <- paste("ggplot(data=",s$dat,",",aesStr,")",sep="")
  res<-paste(res,"+geom_bar(stat='identity',position='",s$position,"', width=.9)", sep="")
  if( !is.null(s$colors) && !is.na(s$colors))
    res <- paste(res,"+scale_fill_brewer(type='",s$colors,"',palette=",s$palette,")",sep="")
  if (s$sideways)
    res <- paste(res, "+ theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=60,hjust=1))")
  if (!is.null(s$facet) && !is.na(s$facetx))
    res <- paste(res, "+ facet_wrap(~",s$facetx,",ncol=3)",sep="")

doBar <- function(show=FALSE,dname,...){
  vals <- list(dat=dname,...)
  s <- barString(vals)
  if (show) cat(paste(s,"\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text=s))

doMap <- function(show=FALSE,dname,...){
  vals <- list(dat=dname,...)
  s <- mapString(vals)
  if (show) cat(paste(s,"\n"))
  p <- eval(parse(text=s))

mapString <- function(s){
  res <- paste("{.s. <- joinCountryData2Map(",s$dat,
       ", joinCode='NAME',nameJoinColumn='",s$countryVarName,"' ); ",sep="")
  res <- paste(res, "par(mai=c(0,0,0.2,0), xaxs='i',yaxs='i') ;",sep="")
  if (!is.na(s$categoryName)) { # plot categories or bubbles
    if (s$bubbles){
      res <-paste(res, ".mp. <- mapBubbles(.s., nameZColour='",
                  ifelse( is.null(s$plotVarName),"",
                          paste(",nameZSize='",s$plotVarName,"'",sep="") ),
    else { # categories
      res <- paste(res, ".mp. <- mapCountryData(.s., nameColumnToPlot='",
  else {
    if (!is.na(s$plotVarName)) { # color countries on a continuous scale
      res <- paste(res, ".mp. <- mapCountryData(.s., nameColumnToPlot='",
                   s$plotVarName,"', addLegend=FALSE,mapRegion='",s$region,"'); ", sep="")
      res <- paste(res,
               "do.call(addMapLegend, c(.mp., legendWidth=.5,legendMar=2))",
    else { # no variables specified
      res <- paste(res, "mapCountryData(mapTitle='Choose Variables');")
dtkaplan/dcfunctions documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:59 p.m.