
compile.while = whileHandler =
  # This generates the code corresponding to an while() {} loop in R.
function(call, env, ir, ..., fun = env$.fun, nextBlock = NULL, breakBlock = NULL, nextIterBlock = NULL)
   env$.loopStack = c("while", env$.loopStack)
   on.exit(env$.loopStack <- env$.loopStack[-1])
    label = deparse(call)

         # create blocks for evaluating the condition
         # the body and then where to jump to when we are finished
         # We'll make the nextBlock the location where subsequent
         # instructions are added to continue on from this while() command
    cond = Block(fun, sprintf("cond.%s", label))
    bodyBlock = Block(fun, sprintf("body.%s", label))
#    nextBlock = Block(fun, sprintf("after.%s", label))

#   pushNextBlock(env, nextBlock)
#   on.exit(popNextBlock(env))
#   pushContinueBlock(env, cond)
#   on.exit(popContinueBlock(env), add = TRUE)       

          # We have to explicitly jump from the current block
          # before the while() loop to our condition code.

    createConditionCode(call[[2]], env, ir, bodyBlock, nextBlock,
                           breakBlock = nextBlock, nextIterBlock = cond, ...)


     compile(call[[3]], env, ir, ..., breakBlock = nextBlock, nextIterBlock = cond, nextBlock = nextBlock)
#      if(!identical(ir$getInsertBlock(), incrBlock) && length(getTerminator(ir$getInsertBlock())) == 0) 
       if(length(getTerminator(ir$getInsertBlock())) == 0)  


isCompositeCond =
  is.call(call) && as.character(call[[1]]) %in% c("&&", "||")

createConditionCode =
function(call, env, ir, bodyBlock, nextBlock, ...)
    compositeCond = isCompositeCond(call)
    if(!compositeCond)  {
          # Same as in while() so consolidate
       a = compile(call, env, ir, nextBlock = nextBlock, ...)
          # We don't need to compare the value of a to 1 but can
          # expect that a is a logical value. 
       # ok = ir$createICmp(ICMP_SLT, a, ir$createIntegerConstant(1L))

       ir$createCondBr(a, bodyBlock, nextBlock)
    } else {

      if(isCompositeCond(call[[2]])) {

        alt.id = paste(deparse(call[[3]]), collapse = "")
        bl = Block(env$.fun, alt.id)
        blocks = list()
        if(as.character(call[[1]]) == "||") {
           blocks[[1]] = bodyBlock
           blocks[[2]] = bl
        } else {
            blocks[[1]] = bl
            blocks[[2]] = nextBlock

          createConditionCode(call[[2]], env, ir, blocks[[1]], blocks[[2]])
          ans = createConditionCode(call[[3]], env, ir, bodyBlock, nextBlock)
         # Currently assumes only a || b and only two expressions, i.e. not a || b || c which is recursive.
       a = compile(call[[2]], env, ir)

       alt.id = paste(deparse(call[[3]]), collapse = "")
       bl = Block(env$.fun, alt.id)
       if(as.character(call[[1]]) == "||")
          ir$createCondBr(a, bodyBlock, bl)
          ir$createCondBr(a, bl, nextBlock)

            # we need to deal with the composite condition here
            # in the context of an if()/while() statement and blocks, not
            # just a regular stand-alone call to && or || which we might
            # handle differently
         createConditionCode(call[[3]], env, ir, bodyBlock, nextBlock)
       else {
          b = compile(call[[3]], env, ir)       
          ir$createCondBr(b, bodyBlock, nextBlock)
duncantl/RLLVMCompile documentation built on May 15, 2019, 5:31 p.m.