
# These  are somewhat analogous to the functions in getType.R
# Some functionality can be moved back to RCIndex.

# There are issues with RCIndex/libclang with content
# not being present in CXCursor objects.
# We may need to use the C++ interface to clang's AST.
# See AST.xml for some information.

acompReturnType =
    # Analogous to compReturnType in getType.R. a prefix for ast.
    ret = afindReturn(f)
        ret = list(ret)
    lapply(ret, procReturnType, f)

procReturnType =
    # For a given return statement, get the R type information.
    # If this is a call, process it. If it is a variable, look for assignments to it.
    # Missing: passing a variable by reference that is populated by another routine
    #  e.g.     foo(&ans) and foo() sets ans.  Rarely seen in code creating R objects.
function(ret, f)
    val = chase(ret[[1]][[1]])

    if(val$kind == CXCursor_CallExpr) 
       return(agetCallType(val, fun = f))

    if(val$kind %in% c(CXCursor_IntegerLiteral, CXCursor_StringLiteral, CXCursor_FloatingLiteral, CXCursor_CharacterLiteral)) {
        stop("return type shouldn't be a primitive literal for a .Call() routine")

    ans = NULL
    if(val$kind == CXCursor_DeclRefExpr) {
        var = getName(val)
        if(var == "R_NilValue")
            return(structure(list("NULL"), class = "RNULL"))
        b = getBody(f)
        kinds = sapply(b, function(x) x$kind)
        w = kinds %in% c(CXCursor_DeclStmt, CXCursor_VarDecl, CXCursor_BinaryOperator)
        b = b[w]
        w = sapply(b, function(x) { if(x$kind %in% c(CXCursor_DeclStmt, CXCursor_BinaryOperator)) x = x[[1]]; getName(x)}) == var

        ans = lapply(b[w], function(x) { if(x$kind == CXCursor_DeclStmt) x = x[[1]]; if(length(x) > 1) agetCallType(x[[2]], fun = f)})
        ans = ans[!sapply(ans, is.null)]
        if(length(ans) == 0) {
            # search within expressions.
            b = getBody(f)
            ans = findAssignment(var, f)
            ans = lapply(ans, function(x) agetCallType(x[[2]], fun = f))

        ans = ans[!sapply(ans, is.null)]


    if(length(ans) == 0) {
        if(getName(val) %in% names(f@params)){
           return(list(type = "SEXP"))


getBody =
    # convenience to get the body of a routine as a list of CXCursors
    k = getChildren(f)
    b = k[[ length(k) ]]

CXCursorDispatch =
    # Helper function that is used to implement "method dispatch" for CXCursor
    # objects based on their kind, not class.
function(fn, x, ...)    
    tmp = paste(fn, c(gsub("CXCursor_", "", names(x$kind)), "default"), sep = ".")
    for(i in tmp) {
        f = find(i, mode = "function")
            return((get(i, mode = "any", f))(x, ...))
    stop("no method for ", fn)

agetCallType =
    # Analogous to getCallType() in getType.R
    # Uses methods based on the kind of the cursor (not their class).
function(x, fun = NULL, ...)
  CXCursorDispatch("agetCallType", x, fun = fun, ...)

agetCallType.default =
function(x, fun = NULL, ...)
    # Should do something sensible here.

agetCallType.CallExpr =
function(x, fun = NULL, ...)
    fn = getName(x)
    ans = switch(fn,
                 "Rf_ScalarInteger" = structure(list(type = "INTSXP"), class = "Scalar"),
                 "Rf_ScalarReal" = structure(list(type = "REALSXP"), class = "Scalar"),
                 "Rf_ScalarLogical" = structure(list(type = "LGLSXP"), class = "Scalar"),
                 "Rf_ScalarString" = structure(list(type = "STRSXP"), class = "Scalar"),


    if(fn == "Rf_allocVector") {
        tmp = chase(x[[2]])
        if(tmp$kind == CXCursor_DeclRefExpr) {
            tmp = findAssignment(getName(tmp), fun)
            ty = sapply(tmp, getValue2) # function(x) afindValue(x[[2]]))            
        } else
           ty = mapRType(afindValue(tmp))
        len = afindValue(x[[3]])

        return(structure(list(type = ty, length = len), class = "RVector"))

    if(fn == "Rf_allocMatrix") {
        # In acompReturnType(r$matrix)
        # the second element of x is empty. This is the INTSXP.
        #XXX Bug in RCIndex or what?
        ty = afindValue(x[[2]])
#    browser()        
        ty = getValue2(x)
        dims = list(nrow = afindValue(x[[3]]), ncol = afindValue(x[[4]]))
        return(structure(list(type = ty, dims = dims), class = "RMatrix"))

    if(fn == "R_MakeExternalPtr") {
        tmp = x[[3]]
        if(tmp$kind == CXCursor_CallExpr && getName(tmp) == "Rf_install")
            tmp = tmp[[2]]
        tag = afindValue(tmp)
        return(structure(list(allocated = NA, tag = tag), class = "RExternalPtr"))

    if(fn == "R_do_new_object") {
        #XXX If x[[2]] is a a call to MAKE_CLASS(), process this directly.
        var = getName(x[[2]])
        a = findAssignment(var, fun)

        val = "??"
           val = unname(afindValue( a[[1]][[2]][[2]] ))
        return(structure(list(className = val), class = "S4Instance"))


agetCallType.DeclStmt =
function(x, fun = NULL, ...)
   agetCallType( x[[1]], fun = fun, ...)

agetCallType.VarDecl =
function(x, fun = NULL, ...)
#   browser()


afindReturn =
    # Two ways to find return() statements
    # 1) as top-level statements in the body using the $kind == ReturnStmt
    # 2) recursively descending all cursors/nodes in a routine.
    # 2 is preferred.
function(f, all = TRUE)
    k = getChildren(f)
    b = k[[length(k)]]
    kinds = sapply(b, function(x) x$kind)
    w = (kinds == CXCursor_ReturnStmt)
    if(!any(w) && !all) {
    } else

visitReturns =
function(f, fun = returnVisitor())
    visitCursor(f, fun)

returnVisitor =
    ans = list()
    function(cur, parent, ...) {
        if(cur$kind == CXCursor_ReturnStmt)
            ans <<- c(ans, cur)


chase =
    # Convenience function to recurse through a cursor
    # to get to the interesting part.
    # For example, takes a FirstExpr and will get the first element
    # Same for ParenExpr.
    while(x$kind %in% c(CXCursor_FirstExpr, CXCursor_ParenExpr))
        x = x[[1]]



afindValue =
    # Analogous to findValue in getType.R
function(x, ...)
  CXCursorDispatch("afindValue", chase(x), ...)

afindValue.DeclRefExpr = 
function(x, ...)
    #?? Should perhaps go get the value.? But it will have to be initialized in a routione
    # so have to find where to get value.
  structure(getCursorTokens(x), class = "CVariableName")

afindValue.CallExpr = 
function(x, ...)

afindValue.default = 
    # Make generic using the code above for agetCallType.
function(x, ...)
    x = chase(x)

    val = getCursorTokens(x)
    if(x$kind == CXCursor_StringLiteral)
        val = gsub('^"|"$', "", val)
    else if(x$kind == CXCursor_IntegerLiteral)
        val = as.integer(val)
    else if(x$kind == CXCursor_FloatingLiteral)
        val = as.numeric(val)    



findAssignment =
    # Find var = val expressions in the code.
    # These are binary operators.
function(to, fun, cursors = getBody(fun), visitor = assignVisitor(to))
    lapply(cursors, visitTU, visitor)

assignVisitor =
    # collector for binary operators that assign to a variable named in to
  ans = list()
  function(cur, parent, ...) {
      if(cur$kind == CXCursor_BinaryOperator && cur[[1]]$kind == CXCursor_DeclRefExpr && getName(cur[[1]]) == to && getBinOpOperator(cur) == "=") {
          ans <<- c(ans, cur)


getValue2 =
    # Goal is same as afindValue().    
    # This is a work around for the missing content in INTSXP, etc.
    # So we use the cursor tokens.
    ans = afindValue(x[[2]])

    tok = getCursorTokens(x)
    i = which(tok == "=")
duncantl/Rllvm documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 2:33 a.m.