
Defines functions createIndirectBr createExtractValue createInsertValue createExtractElement createInsertElement createPHI createTrunc createFPTrunc getStructFieldIndex createStructGEP createCast parseIRError parseIR getTrue getFalse getInsertBlock addCases createPtrDiff createSelect createUnreachable createUnwind createIsNotNull createIsNull createGlobalString createIntCast createBitCast createZExt createSExt getTargetType createGEP createLoad createStore isBasicType createFCmp createICmp createSIToFP createFPToUI createFPToSI createUIToFP createNot createFNeg createNeg createCondBranch createBranch createCall createRetVoid createRet binOp setInsertPoint setInsertBlock IRBuilder

Documented in addCases binOp createBitCast createBranch createCall createCast createCondBranch createExtractElement createFCmp createFNeg createFPToSI createFPToUI createFPTrunc createGEP createGlobalString createICmp createInsertElement createIntCast createIsNotNull createIsNull createLoad createNeg createNot createPHI createRet createRetVoid createSelect createSelect createSExt createSIToFP createStore createStructGEP createTrunc createUIToFP createUnreachable createUnreachable createUnwind createZExt getFalse getInsertBlock getTrue IRBuilder isBasicType parseIR parseIRError setInsertBlock setInsertPoint setInsertPoint

IRBuilder =
function(block = getGlobalContext())
    # if no block, use the context
   if(is(block, "LLVMContext"))
      return(.Call("R_new_IRBuilder_LLVMContext", block)  )

   if(is(block, "Function")) {
       blocks = getBlocks(block)
           block = blocks[[1]]
           block = Block(block)
   .Call("R_new_IRBuilder", block)

setInsertBlock = 
function(builder, block)
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_SetInsertPoint", builder, block)

setInsertPoint =
function(builder, instruction)
       if(is(instruction, "BasicBlock"))
          setInsertBlock(builder, instruction)
          .Call("R_IRBuilder_SetInsertPointInstruction", builder, as(instruction, "Instruction") )

binOp = 
function(builder, op, x, y, id = character())
   fun = deparse(substitute(op))
   if(is.function(op))  {
            # incomplete. The idea is to recognize symbols in R such as + or - and
            # map those to the corresponding enum values. However, it is not clear
            # whether to use the integer or numeric values.
      op = fun
   } else if(is.character(op)) {
       i = match(op, names(BinaryOps))
          stop(op, " is not a valid Binary Operator name. See BinaryOps")
       op = BinaryOps[i]

   if(! (op %in% BinaryOps) ) {
      if(fun %in% c("Add", "Sub") || fun %in% Opcode)
          msg = paste(" You seem to have used", fun, "which is an Opcode with the same name as a BinaryOp")
          msg = character()
      stop(op, " is not a valid Binary Operator value. See the vector BinaryOps.", msg)
     x = makeConstant(builder, x)
     y = makeConstant(builder, y, getType(x))

   .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateBinOp", builder, as.integer(op), x, y, as.character(id))

createReturn = createRet =
function(builder, value = NULL)
   if(missing( value ) )
      .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateRet", builder, value)

createReturnVoid = createRetVoid =
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateRetVoid", builder)

createCall =
function(builder, fun, ..., .args = list(...), id = character())
    ftype = NULL
    if(!is(fun, "Function")) {
        ftype = getType(fun)
            ftype = getElementType(ftype)
    } else {

        m = as(builder, "Module")
        if(!identical(m, as(fun, "Module")))
            fun = copyFunction(fun, m)

    params = getParameters(fun)
    paramTypes = lapply(params, getType)    
    if(length(params) != length(.args)) {
        if(!(va <- isVarArg(fun)))
            stop(length(params), " arguments expected in call to ", getName(fun), ", but ", length(.args), " provided")
        else if(length(.args) < length(params)) 
            stop("too few arguments to ", getName(fun), ". Expecting at least ", length(params))

        # extend the param type so we can loop over them in parallel and provide NULL
        # type when we don't know!
         paramTypes = append(paramTypes, vector("list", length(.args) - length(params)))

    .args = mapply(function(x, ty) {
                            builder$createConstant(x, ty)
                    }, .args, paramTypes)

    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateCall", builder, fun, .args, as.character(id), ftype)

createBr = createBranch =
function(builder, block, check = TRUE)
  if(identical(block, getInsertBlock(builder)))
      warning("setting a branch to the same block. This often results in  an infinite loop!")
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateBr", builder, block)

createCondBr = createCondBranch =
function(builder, cond, true, false)
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateCondBr", builder, cond, true, false)

createNeg =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateNeg", builder, val)

createFNeg =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateFNeg", builder, val)

createNot =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateNot", builder, val)

createUIToFP =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateUIToFP", builder, val, type)

createFPToSI =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateFPToSI", builder, val, type)

createFPToUI =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateFPToUI", builder, val, type)

createSIToFP =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateSIToFP", builder, val, type)

createICmp =
function(builder, op, lhs, rhs, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateICmp", builder, as(op, "integer"), lhs, rhs)

createFCmp =
function(builder, op, lhs, rhs, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateFCmp", builder, as(op, "integer"), lhs, rhs)

isBasicType =
  typeof(val) %in% c("integer", "logical", "character", "double")

createStore =
function(builder, val, ptr, volatile = FALSE)
  if(isBasicType(val))  # make a constant.
      val = makeConstant(builder, val, getElementType(getType(ptr)))

  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateStore", builder, val, ptr, as.logical(volatile))

createLoad =
function(builder, val, isVolatile = FALSE, id = character(), type = NULL)
        type = getElementType(getType(val))
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateLoad", builder, val, as.logical(isVolatile), as.character(id), type)

createGEP =
function(builder, val, index, id = character(), type = NULL)
    if (isBasicType(index))
         index = as.list(index)
    else if (!is.list(index))
        index = list(index)
    index = lapply(index, function(idx) {
                   if (isBasicType(idx)) {
                           stop("index for GEP cannot be NA")
                       if(is.numeric(idx)) {
                           # warning("coercing numeric to integer for GEP index")
                           idx = as.integer(idx)
                       makeConstant(builder, idx)
                   } else {
                       if(!is(idx, "Value") && is(idx, "IntegerType"))
                           stop("llvm Value being used in GEP is not an IntegerType")

        type = getTargetType(getType(val), index)

    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateGEP", builder, val, index, as.character(id), type)

getTargetType =
function(type, index)    
    if(is(type, "GlobalVariable"))
        type = getType(type)

    ty = type
    for(i in index[-1]) {
#        browser()
        #XXX handle elements in struct 
        ty = getElementType(type)        
        pos = as(i, "integer")


setGeneric("isInBounds", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("isInBounds"))
setMethod("isInBounds", "Value",
           function(x, ...) {
              if(isa(x, "GetElementPtrInst"))
                  .Call("R_GetElementPtrInst_isInBounds", x)
                  stop("isInBounds applicable only for GetElementPtrInst")               

setGeneric("isInBounds<-", function(x, ..., value) standardGeneric("isInBounds<-"))
setMethod("isInBounds<-", "Value",
           function(x, ..., value) {
              if(isa(x, "GetElementPtrInst"))
                 .Call("R_GetElementPtrInst_setIsInBounds", x, as.logical(value))
                  stop("isInBounds applicable only for GetElementPtrInst")

createAlloc = createLocalVariable =
  #XXX doesn't match method in IRBuilder.  Building myself. Be suspicious
function(builder, type, id, beforeTerminator = FALSE)
    if(beforeTerminator) {
        ins = as(builder, "BasicBlock")[]
        if(length(ins) > 0 && is(ins[[length(ins)]], "TerminatorInst"))
            setInsertPoint(builder, ins[[ length(ins) -1L ]])
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_createLocalVariable", builder, type, integer(), as.character(id), as.logical(beforeTerminator))

createLocalArrayVariable =
  #XXX doesn't match method in IRBuilder.  Building myself. Be suspicious
  # size is a Value.  If a constant, we should create the value.
function(builder, type, id, size = NULL)
#   if(size <= 0)
#     stop("Must be positive value for size of array")
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_createLocalVariable", builder, type, size, as.character(id))

#  syntactic sugar to allow calls such as irbuilder$createGEP(...)
#    bldr$binOp(...)
# rather than having the builder as the first argument.
# This makes it easier to follow along with C++ code examples.

setMethod("$", "IRBuilder",
           function(x, name) {
              fun = get(name)
              # formals(fun)$builder = x
                 fun(builder = x, ...)

createSExt =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
  createZExt(builder, val, type, id, FALSE)

createZExt =
function(builder, val, type, id = character(), Z = TRUE)
   if(is(type, "numeric"))
      type =  switch(as.character(type),
                     "32" = Int32Type,
                     "64" = Int64Type,

   .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateSExt", builder, val, type, as.character(id), as.logical(Z))

createBitCast =
function(builder, val, type, id = character())
   .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateBitCastInst", builder, val, type, as.character(id))

createIntCast =
function(builder, val, type, isSigned = TRUE, id = character())
   .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateIntCastInst", builder, val, type, as.logical(isSigned), as.character(id))

createGlobalString =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateGlobalString", builder, as.character(val), as.character(id))

createIsNull =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateIsNull", builder, val, as.character(id))

createIsNotNull =
function(builder, val, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateIsNull", builder, val, as.character(id))

createUnwind  =
function(builder, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateUnwind", builder,  as.character(id))

createUnreachable  =
function(builder, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateUnreachable", builder,  as.character(id))

createSelect  =
function(builder, cond, true, false, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateSelect", builder, cond, true, false, as.character(id))

createPtrDiff  =
function(builder, a, b, id = character(), type = NULL)
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreatePtrDiff", builder, a, b, as.character(id), type)

createSwitch  =
  # Should create the block first so that you can connect it to other blocks.
  # Method to query the destination block?
function(builder, value, dest = Block(as(builder, "Function")), ..., numCases = max(length(cases), 3L), branchWeights = 0L, id = character())
  cases = list(...)
  inst = .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateSwitch", builder, value, dest, as.integer(numCases), as.character(id))
     addCases(inst, .cases = cases)

addCases =
function(sw, ..., .cases = list(...), .values = integer(), .ctx = getGlobalContext())
  if(missing(.values)) {
    if(length(names(.cases)) > 0)
       .values = as.integer( names(.cases) )
       .values = seq(along = .cases)
  } else if(is.atomic(.values)) 
       .values = as.integer(.values)

     .values = lapply(.values, function(i) createIntegerConstant(i, .ctx))
  .Call("R_SwitchInst_addCases", sw, .values, .cases)

setAs("IRBuilder", "Function",
       function(from) {

getInsertBlock =
   if(!is(builder, "IRBuilder"))
      stop("getInsertBlock needs to be called with an IRBuilder object")
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_GetInsertBlock", builder)

           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL, builder = NULL)

if(FALSE) {
setMethod("createNot", c("Value", block = "missing"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL)
              .Call("R_BinaryOperator_CreateNot", val, as.character(id), VoidType, block))

setMethod("createNot", c("Value", block = "BasicBlock"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL) {
              if(length(id) == 0)
                  id = ""
              .Call("R_BinaryOperator_CreateNot", val, as.character(id), VoidType, block)

setMethod("createNot", c("Value", block = "missing", builder = "IRBuilder"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL, builder = NULL)
              .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateNot", builder, val))

setMethod("createNot", c("Value", block = "BasicBlock", builder = "IRBuilder"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL, builder = NULL) {
              if(length(id) == 0)
                  id = ""
              .Call("R_BinaryOperator_CreateNot", builder, val)

           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL)

setMethod("createNeg", c("Value", block = "missing"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL)
              .Call("R_BinaryOperator_CreateNeg", val, as.character(id), getType(val), NULL))

setMethod("createNeg", c("Value", block = "BasicBlock"),
           function(val, id = character(), block = NULL) {
              if(length(id) == 0)
                  id = ""
              .Call("R_BinaryOperator_CreateNeg", val, as.character(id), getType(val), block)

setGeneric("getOpcode", function(op, ...) standardGeneric("getOpcode"))

setMethod("getOpcode", "Operator",
  function(op, ...)    
     .Call("R_Operator_getOpcode", op)

getFalse =
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_getFalse", ir)

getTrue =
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_getTrue", ir)

parseIR =
function(content, context = NULL, asText = is(content, "AsIs"),
           opaquePointers = TRUE) #  || !file.exists(content))
                                                 # If file doesn't exist but we parse it as text in LLVM 15, we may crash
    kall = sys.call()
    masText = missing(asText)
      content = path.expand(content)
      content = paste(as.character(content), collapse = "\n")

   if(asText && content == "")
      stop("no content")
   if(!asText && !file.exists(content))
      stop(paste("no such file ", content))

    # Note the parseIRError function below. It is called by the C code.
    # It has the correct information. However, it is called from a different level in the call stack.
    # Too bad!
  .Call("R_llvm_ParseIRFile", content, as.logical(asText), context, as.logical(opaquePointers))

parseIRError =
function(line, col, msg, inMemory, txt = character())
    alt = guessFile(txt)
    if(!inMemory && !file.exists(txt)) {
        # So user explicitly said has to be a file, but then got it wrong.
        msg = paste("failed to parse ", txt, "as IR code as it doesn't exist")
        class = "FileNotFound"
    } else {
        if(length(alt)) {
            msg = paste("failed to parse IR code:", msg, "at line =", line, ", column =", col)
        } else
        msg =  paste("failed to parse IR code:", msg, "at line =", line, ", column =", col)
        class = character()
   e = simpleError(msg)
   e$lineNum = line
   e$colNum = col
      e$IR = txt
      e$filename = txt
   stop(structure(e, class = c(class, "ParseIRError", "LLVMError", class(e))))

if(FALSE) {
# Old version < 3.4
CastOps = structure(33:44, .Names = c("Trunc", "ZExt", "SExt", "FPToUI",
                    "FPToSI", "UIToFP", "SIToFP", "FPTrunc", "FPExt", "PtrToInt",
                    "IntToPtr", "BitCast"))
# 3.4.
CastOps = structure(0:14, .Names = c("CastOpsBegin", "Trunc", "ZExt", "SExt", 
"FPToUI", "FPToSI", "UIToFP", "SIToFP", "FPTrunc", "FPExt", "PtrToInt", 
"IntToPtr", "BitCast", "AddrSpaceCast", "CastOpsEnd"))

createCast =
function(builder, op, from, to, id = character())
   if(is(op, "character"))
     op = CastOps[match(op, names(CastOps))]
   if(is(op, "numeric"))
      stopifnot(is.na(op) || op %in% CastOps)
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateCast", builder, as.integer(op), from, to, as.character(id))

createStructGEP =
function(builder, value, field)
  if(!is(value, "Value"))
    stop("need a value")
     field = getStructFieldIndex(field, getType(value))

  field = as.integer(field)
  if(length(field) != 1 || is.na(field))
     stop("not a field index")

  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateStructGEP",  builder, value, as.integer(field))

getStructFieldIndex =
function(field, type)
  stop("cannot get struct field by name")

createFPTrunc = 
function(builder, value, type, id = "")
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateFPTrunc", as(builder, "IRBuilder"), as(value, "Value"), as(type, "Type"), as.character(id))

createTrunc = 
function(builder, value, type, id = "")
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateTrunc", as(builder, "IRBuilder"), as(value, "Value"), as(type, "Type"), as.character(id))

createPhi = createPHI =
function(builder, type, numReservedValues, id = character())
  .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreatePHI", as(builder, "IRBuilder"), as(type, "Type"), as.integer(numReservedValues), as.character(id))

createInsertElement =
function(builder, vec, value, idx, id = character())
    vec = as(vec, "Value")
    value = as(value, "Value")
    if(is(idx, "numeric"))
        idx = makeConstant(builder, idx)
        idx = as(idx, "Value")
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateInsertElement", builder, vec, value, idx, as.character(id))

createExtractElement =
function(builder, vec, idx, id = character())
    vec = as(vec, "Value")
    if(is(idx, "numeric"))
        idx = makeConstant(builder, idx)
        idx = as(idx, "Value")
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateExtractElement", builder, vec, idx, as.character(id))

createInsertValue =
function(builder, vec, value, indices, id = character())
    vec = as(vec, "Value")
    value = as(value, "Value")
    indices = as.numeric(indices)
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateInsertValue", builder, vec, value, indices, as.character(id))

createExtractValue =
function(builder, vec, value, indices, id = character())
    vec = as(vec, "Value")
    indices = as.numeric(indices)
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateExtractValue", builder, vec, indices, as.character(id))

createIndirectBr =
function(builder, value, id = character())
    value = as(value, "Value")
    .Call("R_IRBuilder_CreateIndirectBr", builder, value, as.character(id))

setAs("IRBuilder", "Module",
         as(as(from, "BasicBlock"), "Module"))
duncantl/Rllvm documentation built on April 23, 2024, 6:14 p.m.