
Defines functions compareTermBranches compareNodeAges

Documented in compareNodeAges compareTermBranches

#' Comparing the Time-Scaling of Trees
#' These functions take two trees and calculate the changes in node ages (for
#' \code{compareNodeAges}) for shared clades or terminal branch lengths leading to
#' shared tip taxa (for \code{compareTermBranches}).
#' @details For their most basic usage, these functions compare the time-scaling of two
#' trees. Any taxa not-shared on both trees are dropped before analysis, based
#' on tip labels.
#' As with many \code{paleotree} functions, calculations relating to time on trees are
#' done with respect to any included \code{$root.time} elements. If these are not
#' present, the latest tip is assumed to be at the present day (time = 0).
#' The function \code{compareNodeAges} calculates
#' the changes in the clade ages among those clades
#' shared by the two trees, relative to the first tree in absolute time. For
#' example, a shift of \code{+5} means the clade originates five time-units \code{later} in
#' absolute time on the second tree, while a shift of \code{-5} means the clade
#' originated five time-units \emph{prior} on the second tree.
#' For \code{compareNodeAges}, if \code{tree2} is actually a \code{multiPhylo} object composed of
#' multiple phylogenies, the output will be a \code{matrix}, with each row
#' representing a different tree and each column a different clade shared
#' between at least some subset of the trees in \code{tree2} and the tree in \code{tree1}.
#' values in the matrix are the changes in clade ages between from tree1 (as
#' baseline) to \code{tree2}, with \code{NA} values representing a clade that is not contained
#' in the tree represented by that row (but is contained in tree1 and at least
#' one other tree in tree2). The matrix can be reduced to only those clades
#' shared by all trees input via the argument \code{dropUnshared}. Note that this
#' function distinguishes clades based on their shared taxa, and cannot so infer
#' that two clades might be identical if it were not for single taxon within
#' the crown of one considered clade, despite that such a difference should
#' probably have no effect on compare a node divergence date. Users should
#' consider their dataset for such scenarios prior to application of
#' \code{compareNodeAges}, perhaps by dropping all taxa not included in all other
#' trees to be considered (this is NOT done by this function).
#' \code{compareTermBranches} calculates the changes in the terminal branch lengths
#' attached to tip taxa shared by the two trees, relative to the first tree.
#' Thus, a shift of \code{+5} means that this particular terminal taxon is connected
#' to a terminal branch which is five time-units longer.

#' @aliases compareTimescaling compareNodeAges compareTermBranches

#' @param tree1 A time-scaled phylogeny of class \code{phylo}

#' @param tree2 A time-scaled phylogeny of class \code{phylo}; for \code{compareNodeAges},
#' \code{tree2} can also be an object of class \code{multiPhylo} composed of multiple
#' phylogenies. See below.

#' @param dropUnshared If \code{TRUE}, nodes not shared across all input trees are
#' dropped from the final output for \code{compareNodeAge}. This argument has no
#' effect if \code{tree2} is a single phylogeny (a \code{phylo}-class object).

#' @return \code{compareTermBranches} returns a vector of temporal shifts for terminal
#' branches with the shared tip names as labels.
#' For the function \code{compareNodeAges}, if both \code{tree1}
#' and \code{tree2} are single trees, outputs a vector
#' of temporal shifts for nodes on tree2 with respect to \code{tree1}. 
#' If \code{tree2} is multiple trees, then a \code{matrix} is output, with each row representing each
#' tree in \code{tree2} (and carrying the name of each tree, if any is given).
#' The values are temporal shifts for each tree in \code{tree2} with respect to \code{tree1}. 
#' For either case, the column names or element names (for a vector) are the sorted
#' taxon names of the particular clade, the dates of which are given in that
#' column. See above for more details. These names can be very long when large
#' trees are considered.

#' @seealso \code{\link{dateNodes}}, \code{\link{taxa2phylo}}, \code{\link{phyloDiv}}

#' @examples
#' set.seed(444)
#' record <- simFossilRecord(p = 0.1, q = 0.1, nruns = 1,
#' 	nTotalTaxa = c(30,40), nExtant = 0)
#' taxa <- fossilRecord2fossilTaxa(record)
#' #get the true tree
#' tree1 <- taxa2phylo(taxa)
#' #simulate a fossil record with imperfect sampling with sampleRanges()
#' rangesCont <- sampleRanges(taxa,r = 0.5)
#' #let's use taxa2cladogram to get the 'ideal' cladogram of the taxa
#' cladogram <- taxa2cladogram(taxa,plot = TRUE)
#' #Now let's try timePaleoPhy using the continuous range data
#' tree2 <- timePaleoPhy(cladogram,rangesCont,type = "basic")
#' #let's look at the distribution of node shifts
#' hist(compareNodeAges(tree1,tree2))
#' #let's look at the distribution of terminal branch lengths
#' hist(compareTermBranches(tree1,tree2))
#' #testing ability to compare multiple trees with compareNodeAges
#' trees <- cal3TimePaleoPhy(cladogram,rangesCont,brRate = 0.1,extRate = 0.1,
#'     sampRate = 0.1,ntrees = 10)
#' nodeComparison <- compareNodeAges(tree1,trees)
#' #plot it as boxplots for each node
#' boxplot(nodeComparison,names = NULL);abline(h = 0)
#' #plot mean shift in node dates
#' abline(h = mean(apply(nodeComparison,2,mean,na.rm = TRUE)),lty = 2)
#' #just shifting a tree back in time
#' set.seed(444)
#' tree1 <- rtree(10)
#' tree2 <- tree1
#' tree1$root.time <- 10
#' compareNodeAges(tree1,tree2)
#' compareTermBranches(tree1,tree2)
#' @name compareTimescaling
#' @rdname compareTimescaling
#' @export
compareNodeAges <- function(
		dropUnshared = FALSE
	# output vector of shifts in node dates
		# 08-02-12: Allows multiple trees2 to be multiple trees
			# will produce a matrix, each row is a tree in tree2,
			# each column a different but commonly shared clade
	if(!inherits(tree1, "phylo")){
		stop("tree1 is not of class phylo")
	tree1orig <- tree1
	if(!inherits(tree2, "phylo")){
		if(!inherits(tree2, "multiPhylo")){
			stop("tree2 is not of class phylo or multiphylo")
		trees2 <- tree2
	}else{		#if it isn't multiphylo, make it into one!
		trees2 <- list(tree2)
		# give class multiphylo
		attr(trees2, "class") <- c("multiPhylo", class(trees2))		
	#okay, need to find all matches common to tree1 and tree2
		#we'll make a MATRIX of all clades held in common between
			# each tree in trees2 and to tree1
		#each row will be a different tree, each column a different clade
		#node dates for each tree will get added as a new column or to an old column
	matchMat <- NULL
	for(i in 1:length(trees2)){
		tree2 <- trees2[[i]]
		tree1 <- tree1orig
		#incredibly, all of the following is necessary to properly adjust node dates (??!!)
		matches1 <- which(!is.na(match(tree1$tip.label,tree2$tip.label)))[1]
			stop(paste("No shared taxa between tree2 and tree1[[",i,"]]!"))
		tipmatch <- tree1$tip.label[matches1]
		mtimeA <- node.depth.edgelength(tree1)[matches1]
		mtimeB <- node.depth.edgelength(tree2)[match(tipmatch,tree2$tip.label)]
		tree1 <- drop.tip(tree1,tree1$tip.label[
		tree2 <- drop.tip(tree2,tree2$tip.label[
		ntime1 <- node.depth.edgelength(tree1)
		ntime2 <- node.depth.edgelength(tree2)
		mtime1 <- ntime1[match(tipmatch,tree1$tip.label)]
		mtime2 <- ntime2[match(tipmatch,tree2$tip.label)]
			tree1$root.time <- tree1$root.time-(mtimeA-mtime1)
			ntime1 <- tree1$root.time-ntime1
			ntime1 <- round(ntime1,6)
				stop(paste("tree1$root.time is less than total depth of tree1!"))
			ntime1 <- max(ntime1)-ntime1
			tree2$root.time <- tree2$root.time - (mtimeB-mtime2)
			ntime2 <- tree2$root.time - ntime2
			ntime2 <- round(ntime2, 6)
				stop("tree2[",i,"]$root.time is less than total depth of that tree!")
			ntime2 <- max(ntime2)-ntime2
		clades1 <- lapply(prop.part(tree1),function(x)
		clades2 <- lapply(prop.part(tree2),function(x)
		matches <- match(clades1,clades2)
		cladesMatches <- clades2[matches[!is.na(matches)]]
		if(length(matches[!is.na(matches)]) == 1){
			cladesMatches <- list(cladesMatches)
		ages1 <- ntime1[Ntip(tree1)+which(!is.na(matches))]
		ages2 <- ntime2[Ntip(tree2)+matches[!is.na(matches)]]
		age_diff <- ages1-ages2
		names(age_diff) <- NULL
		#okay, need to find all matches common to tree1 and tree2
			#we'll make a MATRIX of all clades held in common between each tree in trees2 and to tree1
			#each row will be a different tree, each column a different clade
			#node dates for each tree will get added as a new column or to an old column
		cladesMatches <- sapply(cladesMatches,function(x)
			paste(x, collapse = ",")
			#if the first tree examined...
			matchMat <- matrix(age_diff,1,)
			colnames(matchMat) <- cladesMatches
			currMatches <- match(cladesMatches,
			matchMat <- rbind(matchMat,rep(NA,
			for(j in 1:length(currMatches)){
					matchMat[i,currMatches[j]] <- age_diff[j]
					matchMat <- cbind(
					colnames(matchMat)[ncol(matchMat)] <- cladesMatches[j]
		matchMat <- matchMat[
			,apply(matchMat,2,function(x) all(!is.na(x)))
			,drop = FALSE]
	rownames(matchMat) <- names(trees2)
	if(length(trees2) == 1){
		matchMat <- matchMat[1,]
		names(matchMat) <- NULL
#' @rdname compareTimescaling
#' @export
compareTermBranches <- function(tree1,tree2){
	#output vector of shifts in terminal branch lengths
	if(!inherits(tree1, "phylo")){
		stop("tree1 is not of class phylo")
	if(!inherits(tree2, "phylo")){
		stop("tree2 is not of class phylo")
	tree1 <- drop.tip(tree1,tree1$tip.label[
	tree2 <- drop.tip(tree2,tree2$tip.label[
	term1 <- tree1$edge.length[tree1$edge[,2] <= Ntip(tree1)]
	term1 <- term1[
		order(tree1$edge[tree1$edge[,2] <= Ntip(tree1),2])
	term2 <- tree2$edge.length[tree2$edge[,2] <= Ntip(tree2)]
	term2 <- term2[
		order(tree2$edge[tree2$edge[,2] <= Ntip(tree2),2])
	term2 <- term2[
	term_diff <- term2 - term1
	names(term_diff) <- tree1$tip.label
dwbapst/paleotree documentation built on Aug. 30, 2022, 6:44 a.m.