
#mom_and_ll <-  function(w, Ve, k, p_n){
#  mom_est <- mom_ma_gamma(w, Ve, mean ( k ) * (1-p_n)  )
#  shape_mom <- mom_est[["shape"]]
#  rate_mom <- mom_est[["rate"]]
#  LL <- dma_gamma_known(w, Ve=Ve, shape=shape_mom,  rate=rate_mom, p_neutral = p_n, k=k)
#  c( LL_mom=LL, p_n=p_n, shape_mom = shape_mom, rate_mom = rate_mom )
#mom_and_maxamize <- function(w, Ve, k, p_n){
#    res <- mom_and_ll(w, Ve, k, p_n)
#    mod <- fit_gamma_known(w, 
#                           start=list(shape=res[["shape_mom"]], rate=res[["rate_mom"]]),
#                           fixed=list(Ve=Ve, p_neutral = p_n), k)
#    c(res, mod@coef, maxLL=-mod@min)

#AIC <- function(ests)  6- 2 *ests[5,]
#ests <- sapply(Ut, mom_and_ll, w=w, Ve=0.001)

#Are all of the requred args either set or give a starting value
check_args <- function(required){
    parent_args <- sys.frame(sys.parent())
    all_args <- (c(names(parent_args$start), names(parent_args$fixed)))
    if( !all (required %in% all_args )) {
        missing <- paste(required[!(required %in% all_args)])
        msg <- paste("Must set fixed or starting values for the following parameters:\n", 
                     paste(missing, collapse=" "))
        stop(msg, call.=FALSE)                      

#Create contstraints for parameters that need them
process_constraints <- function(starting_vals, constraint, lower=TRUE){
    bounds <- constraint[names(starting_vals)]
    NO_CONSTRAINT <- if(lower)  -Inf else Inf
    res <- vapply(bounds, function(x) if(is.null(x)) NO_CONSTRAINT else x, FUN.VALUE=0.0)

# closures to generating fitting functions
make_dfe_fitting_fxn <- function(Q, all_params, verbose=TRUE, lower=list(), upper=list()){
    f <- function(obs, start=list(), fixed=list(), verbose=versbose, ...){
        #Set up the specific fitting function (with fixed values given and (to
        #match optimx) variables given as a single vector)
        Q_args <- formals(Q)
        Q_args$obs <- obs
        Q_args[names(fixed)] <- fixed
        Q_args[names(start)] <- NULL

        #Are we using contraints? If so, let's set them up 
        lower_bound <- process_constraints(start, lower, lower=TRUE)
        upper_bound <- process_constraints(start, upper, lower=FALSE)
        LL <- function(x) {            
            res <- -do.call(Q, c(x, Q_args))
            if (is.nan(res)){
                return( .Machine$double.xmax )
            if (is.infite(res)){
                .dfe_bad_obs <<- x
                .dfe_bad_args <<- Q_args
                return (.Machine$double.xmax )
        if(is.null(upper_bound) & is.null(lower_bound)){                
            return( optimx(unlist(start), LL, ...) )
        LL_args <- c(list(method="L-BFGS-B", par=unlist(start), fn=LL), list(...))
            LL_args$lower <- lower_bound
            LL_args$upper <- upper_bound
        do.call(optimx, LL_args)

# @export
#fit_gamma_known <- make_dfe_fitting_fxn(dma_gamma_known, 
#                                        c("shape", "rate", "Ve", "p_neutral", "k"),
#                                        lower=list(shape=1e-8, rate=1e-8, Ve=1e-8, p_neutral=0),
#                                        upper = list(p_neutral=1.0))

#mom_lik_sim <- function(shape, rate, Ut, pn, n, Ve=0.01){
#    pn_grid <- seq(0, 1, 0.025)
#    mu <- rpois(n,Ut)
#    w <- rma_known_gamma(shape=shape, rate=rate, Ve=Ve, k=mu, p_neutral=pn)
#    res <- vapply(pn_grid, mom_and_ll, w=w, Ve=0.01, k=mu, FUN.VALUE=rep(0.01,4))
#    simmed_pn <- which(pn_grid  == pn)
#    winner <- which.max(res[1,])
#    delta_LL <- unname(res[1,winner] - res[1,simmed_pn])
#    params = as.list(match.call())[-1]
#    unlist(c(params, LL_dif=delta_LL, res[,winner]))
#mod <- fit_gamma_known(w, 
#                       fixed=list(Ve=0.01, shape=1, rate=10, k=mu),
#                       start=list(p_neutral = 0.1) )
dwinter/dfe documentation built on May 15, 2019, 6:21 p.m.