
Defines functions geom_edgelabels

Documented in geom_edgelabels

#' Plotting of a population graph edge labels using ggplot neumonic
#' This function allows you to layer the edgeset lables from a \code{popgraph}
#'  object
#' @param mapping The aesthetic mapping as an \code{aes()} object.  This aesthetic
#'  must at least have values for x, y, and label
#' @param graph The popgraph/igraph object to be plot
#' @param directed A flag indicating that you should only plot the edge 
#'  with the largest weight if more than one edge connects nodes.
#' @param offset The amount added to each X,Y coordinate to move the label
#'  off the line (default=c(0,0)).
#' @param ... Options passed to \code{geom_text} like color, etc.
#' @return A formatted geom_text object for addition to a ggplot()
#' @author Rodney J. Dyer <rjdyer@@vcu.edu>
#' @import sampling
#' @export
#' @examples
#' a <- matrix( c(0,1,0,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,0),nrow=4)
#' rownames(a) <- colnames(a) <- LETTERS[1:4]
#' graph <- as.popgraph(a)
#' igraph::V(graph)$x <- runif(4)
#' igraph::V(graph)$y <- runif(4)
#' igraph::E(graph)$Label <- LETTERS[1:4]
#' require(ggplot2)
#' p <- ggplot() + geom_edgeset( aes(x=x,y=y), graph ) 
#' p + geom_edgelabels(aes(x=x,y=y,label=Label),graph)
#' p + geom_edgelabels(aes(x=x,y=y,label=Label),graph,color="red")
#' p + geom_edgelabels(aes(x=x,y=y,label=Label),graph,color="red", offset=c(.005,-0.004))
geom_edgelabels<- function( mapping=NULL, graph=NULL, directed=FALSE, offset=c(0,0), ... ) {
  X <- Y <- label <- NULL
  # catch errors with missing 
  if( is.null(mapping))
    stop("You need at least aes(x,y) for aesthetic mapping in this function.")
  if( is.null(graph))
    stop("You cannot plot a graph without a graph...")
  # take care of directed.
  if( directed ) {
    d <- get.adjacency(graph,type="both",attr="weight",sparse=FALSE)
    K <- length( V(graph) )
    for( i in 1:K ){
      for( j in i:K ) {
        if( d[i,j] > 0 & d[j,i] > 0 ){
          if( d[i,j] > d[j,i] )
            d[j,i] <- 0
            d[i,j] <- 0
    g <- graph.adjacency(d, mode="directed",weighted=TRUE )
    df <- to_data.frame( graph )
    graph <- decorate_graph(g, df, stratum="name" ) 
  # grab mapping labels not in the vertex attributes
  edge.attr <- c(list.edge.attributes(graph),list.vertex.attributes(graph))
  mappingNames <- names(mapping)[ names(mapping) != "label"]
  for( name in mappingNames) {
    key <- as.character(mapping[[name]])[2]
    if( !(key %in% edge.attr))
      stop(paste("Aesthetic mapping variable ",key," was not found in the edge attributes of this graph",sep=""))
  if( is.null(mapping$x) | is.null(mapping$y))
    stop("To plot a graph, you need coordinates and they must be attributes of the vertices in the graph.")
  X1 <- X2 <- Y1 <- Y2 <- size <- x <- y <- color <- colour <- NULL
  x <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, as.character( mapping$x)[2] ) 
  y <- get.vertex.attribute(graph, as.character( mapping$y)[2] )
  if( is.null(get.vertex.attribute(graph,"name")))
    igraph::V(graph)$name <- paste("node",1:length(igraph::V(graph)), sep="-")
  # find the coordinates to all the segments and make into a data.frame
  layout <- matrix(cbind( x, y ), ncol=2)
  colnames(layout) <- c("X1","X2")
  rownames(layout) <- V(graph)$name
  coords <- data.frame(name=igraph::V(graph)$name, X1=layout[,1], X2=layout[,2])  
  edgelist <- get.edgelist(graph)
  df <- data.frame( coords[edgelist[,1],2:3], coords[edgelist[,2],2:3] )
  colnames(df) <- c("X1","Y1","X2","Y2")
  vals <- get.edge.attribute( graph, as.character(mapping$label)[2] )
  vals <- format( vals, digits=4)
  df.lbls <- data.frame( X=(df$X1+df$X2)/2 + offset[1], Y=(df$Y1+df$Y2)/2 + offset[2], label=format(vals,digits=4) )
  ret <- ggplot2::geom_text(aes(x=X,y=Y,label=label),data=df.lbls,...)
  return( ret )
dyerlab/popgraph documentation built on July 22, 2022, 5:42 p.m.