detect_package_folder <- function(path = NULL) {
path <-
path %||% getOption("detecting_description_path") %||% "."
paths <- lst(
description = paste0(path, "/DESCRIPTION"),
news_md = paste0(path, "/inst/")
if (!file.exists(paths$description)) {
stop("Could not find DESCRIPTION file, please specify the package manually.")
if (!file.exists(paths$news_md)) {
paths$news_md <- paste0(path, "/")
detect_package_name <- function(path = NULL) {
paths <- detect_package_folder(path = path)
lines <- readLines(paths$description)
lines <- lines[grepl("^Package: ", lines)]
gsub("^Package: *", "", lines)
find_news <- function(path = NULL, package = detect_package_name(path = path)) {
paths <- detect_package_folder(path = path)
if (!file.exists(paths$news_md)) {
stop(package, " does not have a!")
# processes the news into tidy format
#' @importFrom stringr str_detect str_match
#' @importFrom purrr map2
process_news <- function(path = NULL, package = detect_package_name(path = path)) {
news_md <-
find_news(path = path, package = package) %>%
start_ix <- which(str_detect(news_md, "^# "))
matches <- str_match(news_md[start_ix], c("\\# ([A-Za-z0-9]*) ([0-9\\.]*) \\((.*)\\)"))
version <- matches[, 3]
release_data <- matches[, 4]
end_ix <- c(start_ix[-1] - 1, length(news_md))
items <- map2(start_ix+1, end_ix, function(start, end) {
text <- map2(start_ix, end_ix, function(start, end) {
version = version,
release_data = release_data,
items = items,
text = text
#' Print the most recent news
#' @param path The path of the description in which the package resides
#' @param n Number of recent news to print
#' @param package The package name
#' @export
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
recent_news <- function(path = NULL, package = detect_package_name(path = path), n = 2) {
news <-
process_news(path = path, package = package) %>%
news$text %>%
unlist() %>%
str_replace("^##(#*)", "####\\1") %>%
str_replace("^# ", "### Recent changes in ") %>%
paste0(collapse = "\n")
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