globalVariables(c(".n_na", ".pct_overall_na"))
#' Missing data polishing for tsibble
#' If the proportion of overall missings is less than the cutoff,
#' * `na_polish_measures()` removes columns or observations.
#' * `na_polish_key()` polishes data by rows or observations, removing the whole
#' rows of key series.
#' * `na_polish_index()` polishes data by rows or observations, removing either
#' the starting or the ending `NA` blocks (if any) within each key series.
#' * `na_polish_index2()` polishes data by rows or observations, removing the
#' ending `NA` blocks (if any) within each key series. It is a shortcut of
#' `na_polish_index(na_fun = na_ends_with)`.
#' @param data A tsibble.
#' @param cutoff A numeric between 0 and 1. Rows/cols will be kept, if the
#' proportion of overall missings is less than the cutoff.
#' @param na_fun Either [`na_starts_with`] or [`na_ends_with`].
#' @family missing value polishing functions
#' @details
#' The proportion of overall missings is defined as the number of `NA` divided
#' by the number of **measurements** (i.e. excluding key and index).
#' @rdname mists-polish
#' @examples
#' wdi_ts <- tsibble::as_tsibble(wdi, key = country_code, index = year)
#' (wdi_cols <- na_polish_measures(wdi_ts, cutoff = .7))
#' # columns removed
#' setdiff(names(wdi_ts), names(wdi_cols))
#' @export
na_polish_measures <- function(data, cutoff) {
na_polish_assert(data, cutoff)
prop_na_by_vars <- summarise_all(as_tibble(data), prop_overall_na)
sel_data <- select_if(prop_na_by_vars, function(x) x < cutoff)
select(data, !!!names(sel_data))
#' @rdname mists-polish
#' @examples
#' na_polish_key(wdi_ts, cutoff = .7)
#' @export
na_polish_key <- function(data, cutoff) {
na_polish_assert(data, cutoff)
key_vars <- key(data)
non_idx_data <- select(as_tibble(data), setdiff(names(data), index_var(data)))
keyed_data <- new_grouped_df(non_idx_data, groups = key_data(data))
add_prop_na <-
group_nest(keyed_data, .key = ".pct_overall_na"),
".pct_overall_na" := map_dbl(.pct_overall_na, prop_overall_na)
key_vals <- filter(add_prop_na, .pct_overall_na < cutoff)
if (is_empty(key_vars)) {
data[vec_size(key_vals) != 0, ]
} else {
key_df <- select(key_vals, !!!key_vars)
right_join(data, key_df, by = key_vars(data))
#' @rdname mists-polish
#' @examples
#' na_polish_index(wdi_ts, cutoff = .7)
#' @export
na_polish_index <- function(data, cutoff, na_fun = na_starts_with) {
na_polish_assert(data, cutoff)
idx_len <- map_int(key_rows(data), length)
key_vars <- key_vars(data)
keyed_nobs <- idx_len * (NCOL(data) - length(key_vars) - 1)
non_idx_data <- select(as_tibble(data), setdiff(names(data), index_var(data)))
keyed_data <- new_grouped_df(data, groups = key_data(data))
na_blocks <- group_by(summarise_all(keyed_data, na_fun), !!!key(data))
add_prop_na <-
group_nest(na_blocks, .key = ".n_na"),
".pct_overall_na" := map_dbl(.n_na, sum) / keyed_nobs,
".n_na" := floor(.pct_overall_na * idx_len)
index_pass <- filter(add_prop_na, .pct_overall_na < cutoff)
if (vec_size(index_pass) == 0) {
return(data[0L, ])
} else if (is_empty(key_vars)) {
full_data <- mutate(data, !!!index_pass)
} else {
full_data <- left_join(data, index_pass, by = key_vars)
grped_data <- group_by_key(full_data)
if (is_true(all.equal(na_fun, na_starts_with))) {
filter_data <- filter(grped_data,
!!index(data) >= min(!!index(data)) + .n_na)
} else if (is_true(all.equal(na_fun, na_ends_with))) {
filter_data <- filter(grped_data,
!!index(data) <= max(!!index(data)) - .n_na)
} else {
abort("`na_fun` requires either `na_starts_with` or `na_ends_with`.")
select(ungroup(filter_data), -.n_na, -.pct_overall_na)
#' @rdname mists-polish
#' @examples
#' na_polish_index2(wdi_ts, cutoff = .7)
#' @export
na_polish_index2 <- function(data, cutoff) {
na_polish_index(data, cutoff, na_fun = na_ends_with)
#' Automate missing data polishing for tsibble
#' It is an iterative process for minimising the loss until a tolerance value.
#' * `na_polish_auto()` returns the polished data.
#' * `na_polish_autotrace()` returns a tibble for documenting the steps and metrics.
#' @inheritParams na_polish_measures
#' @param cutoff Numerics of length 1 or length of `funs` between 0 and 1.
#' @param tol A tolerance value close or equal to zero as stopping rule. It
#' compares to the loss defined as `(1 - prop_na) * prop_removed` to be minimised.
#' See [`na_polish_metrics()`] for details.
#' @param funs A list of `na_polish_*()` functions to go through. By default,
#' `na_polish_funs()` contains "measures", "key", "index", and "index2".
#' @param quiet If `FALSE`, report metrics at each step and pass of the polishing
#' process. It requires the "cliapp" package to be installed.
#' @family missing value polishing functions
#' @rdname mists-polish-auto
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' wdi_ts <- tsibble::as_tsibble(wdi, key = country_code, index = year)
#' wdi_after <- na_polish_auto(wdi_ts, cutoff = .8)
#' na_polish_metrics(wdi_ts, wdi_after)
#' # Trace down `na_polish_auto()`
#' na_polish_autotrace(wdi_ts, cutoff = .8, quiet = TRUE)
#' }
na_polish_auto <- function(data, cutoff, tol = .1, funs = na_polish_funs(),
quiet = FALSE) {
na_polish_auto_impl(data, cutoff, tol, funs, quiet, expect = "data")
#' @rdname mists-polish-auto
#' @export
na_polish_autotrace <- function(data, cutoff, tol = .1, funs = na_polish_funs(),
quiet = FALSE) {
na_polish_auto_impl(data, cutoff, tol, funs, quiet, expect = "report")
na_polish_auto_impl <- function(data, cutoff, tol = .1, funs = na_polish_funs(),
quiet = FALSE, expect = "data") {
stopifnot(tol >= 0 && tol <= 1)
stopifnot((len1 <- has_length(cutoff, 1)) || has_length(cutoff, length(funs)))
if (len1) {
cutoff <- rep(cutoff, length(funs))
before <- data_copy <- data
tol0 <- 1
iterator <- counter()
lst_funs <- funs
vec_cutoff <- cutoff
results <- list()
while (tol0 > tol) {
step_metrics <- # carry out individual steps to determine the order
map2_dbl(lst_funs, vec_cutoff, function(.f, .c) {
metrics <- na_polish_metrics(data, .f(data, cutoff = .c))
(1 - metrics[["prop_na"]]) * metrics[["prop_removed"]]
ord_step <- order(step_metrics, decreasing = TRUE)
lst_funs <- lst_funs[ord_step]
vec_cutoff <- vec_cutoff[ord_step]
# a full pass
step_na <- step_removed <- double(length(lst_funs))
for (i in seq_along(lst_funs)) {
data0 <- data
data <- lst_funs[[i]](data, cutoff = vec_cutoff[i])
tmp_metrics <- na_polish_metrics(data0, data)
step_na[i] <- tmp_metrics[["prop_na"]]
step_removed[i] <- tmp_metrics[["prop_removed"]]
step_metrics[i] <- (1 - step_na[i]) * step_removed[i]
funs_left <- step_metrics != 0 # should this be less than tol?
lst_funs <- lst_funs[funs_left]
vec_cutoff <- vec_cutoff[funs_left]
pass_metrics <- na_polish_metrics(before, data)
tol0 <- (1 - pass_metrics[["prop_na"]]) * pass_metrics[["prop_removed"]]
before <- data
i <- iterator()
results[[i]] <-
iteration = i,
polisher = names(lst_funs),
prop_na = step_na[funs_left],
prop_removed = step_removed[funs_left],
eval_loss = step_metrics[funs_left],
iter_loss = tol0
if (!quiet) cli_report(i, results[[i]])
if (expect == "data") {
} else {
final_results <- na_polish_metrics(data_copy, data)
results <- bind_rows(results)
"final_prop_na" := final_results[["prop_na"]],
"final_prop_removed" := final_results[["prop_removed"]]
#' @rdname mists-polish-auto
#' @keywords internal
#' @usage NULL
#' @export
na_polish_funs <- function() {
"na_polish_measures" = na_polish_measures,
"na_polish_key" = na_polish_key,
"na_polish_index" = na_polish_index,
"na_polish_index2" = na_polish_index2
#' Report metrics for missing data polishing
#' @param before,after Tsibbles before and after polishing.
#' @return
#' A tibble contains:
#' * `prop_na` & `nobs_na`: The proportion of `NA`s in the sliced data
#' (the difference between `before` and `after`).
#' * `prop_removed`, `nobs_removed`, `nrows_removed`, & `ncols_removed`: The
#' proportion of removed observations over the overall observations.
#' @family missing value polishing functions
#' @details
#' The metric used for measuring the effect of polishing events is
#' `prop_na * prop_removed`. We'd like to minimise the loss by minimising both
#' `prop_na` and `prop_removed` over sequential polishing events.
#' @export
na_polish_metrics <- function(before, after) {
stopifnot(is_tsibble(before) && is_tsibble(after))
stopifnot(dim(before) >= dim(after))
stopifnot(index_var(before) == index_var(after))
stopifnot(key_vars(before) == key_vars(after))
mvars <- measures(before)
bf <- select(as_tibble(before), !!!mvars)
nobs_bf <- NROW(bf) * NCOL(bf)
prop_na <- prop_removed <- 0
nobs_na <- nobs_removed <- nrows_removed <- ncols_removed <- 0L
if ((cols_rm <- NCOL(before) > NCOL(after))) { # cols removed
removed_cols <- select(bf, setdiff(names(before), names(after)))
nobs_removed <- NROW(removed_cols) * NCOL(removed_cols)
nobs_na <- n_overall_na(removed_cols)
prop_na <- prop_overall_na(removed_cols)
if ((rows_rm <- NROW(before) > NROW(after))) { # rows removed
removed_rows <- as_tibble(anti_join(before, after, by = names(after)))
removed_rows <- select(removed_rows, !!!mvars)
nobs_removed <- NROW(removed_rows) * NCOL(removed_rows)
nobs_na <- n_overall_na(removed_rows)
prop_na <- prop_overall_na(removed_rows)
if (cols_rm && rows_rm) {
af <- select(as_tibble(after), !!!measures(after))
removed_rows <- # rm double counted cols part
select(removed_rows, intersect(names(bf), names(af)))
nobs_removed <- nobs_bf - NCOL(af) * NROW(af)
nobs_na <- n_overall_na(removed_rows) + n_overall_na(removed_cols)
prop_na <- nobs_na / nobs_removed
prop_na = prop_na,
nobs_na = nobs_na,
prop_removed = nobs_removed / nobs_bf,
nobs_removed = nobs_removed,
nrows_removed = NROW(before) - NROW(after),
ncols_removed = NCOL(before) - NCOL(after)
na_polish_assert <- function(data, cutoff) {
if (vec_size(data) == 0L) {
abort("`data` can't be empty.")
if (!is_tsibble(data)) {
abort("`data` requires a tsibble object.")
if (cutoff < 0 || cutoff > 1) {
abort("`cutoff` requires a numeric between 0 and 1.")
counter <- function() {
init <- 0L
function() {
init <<- init + 1L
cli_report <- function(iteration, tbl) {
if (!is_installed("cliapp")) {
abort("`quiet = FALSE` requires the \"cliapp\" package to be installed.")
if (vec_size(tbl) == 0) return()
fmt_steps <-
"{arg %s} {emph (1 - %.3f) x %.3f = %.3f}",
backticks(paste0(tbl[["polisher"]], parenthesis(""))),
right = FALSE, space = "\u00a0"
tbl[["prop_na"]], tbl[["prop_removed"]], tbl[["eval_loss"]]
fmt_tol <- sprintf("{emph %.3f}", unique(tbl[["iter_loss"]]))
cliapp::start_app(theme = cliapp::simple_theme())
cliapp::cli_div(theme = list(span.emph = list(color = "red")))
cliapp::cli_h1(paste("Iteration", iteration))
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