#' @title Get clean names of model terms
#' @name clean_names
#' @description This function "cleans" names of model terms (or a character
#' vector with such names) by removing patterns like `log()` or
#' `as.factor()` etc.
#' @param x A fitted model, or a character vector.
#' @param include_names Logical, if `TRUE`, returns a named vector where
#' names are the original values of `x`.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return The "cleaned" variable names as character vector, i.e. pattern
#' like `s()` for splines or `log()` are removed from
#' the model terms.
#' @note Typically, this method is intended to work on character vectors,
#' in order to remove patterns that obscure the variable names. For
#' convenience reasons it is also possible to call `clean_names()`
#' also on a model object. If `x` is a regression model, this
#' function is (almost) equal to calling `find_variables()`. The
#' main difference is that `clean_names()` always returns a character
#' vector, while `find_variables()` returns a list of character
#' vectors, unless `flatten = TRUE`. See 'Examples'.
#' @examplesIf require("lme4", quietly = TRUE)
#' # example from ?stats::glm
#' counts <- c(18, 17, 15, 20, 10, 20, 25, 13, 12)
#' outcome <- as.numeric(gl(3, 1, 9))
#' treatment <- gl(3, 3)
#' m <- glm(counts ~ log(outcome) + as.factor(treatment), family = poisson())
#' clean_names(m)
#' # difference "clean_names()" and "find_variables()"
#' data(cbpp, package = "lme4")
#' m <- lme4::glmer(
#' cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
#' data = cbpp,
#' family = binomial
#' )
#' clean_names(m)
#' find_variables(m)
#' find_variables(m, flatten = TRUE)
#' @export
clean_names <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
clean_names.default <- function(x, ...) {
if (is.null(x)) {
cleaned <- unname(find_variables(x, flatten = TRUE, verbose = FALSE))
.remove_values(cleaned, c("1", "0"))
#' @rdname clean_names
#' @export
clean_names.character <- function(x, include_names = FALSE, ...) {
.clean_names(x = x, include_names = include_names, ...)
# helper -----------------
.clean_names <- function(x, include_names = FALSE, is_emmeans = FALSE, ...) {
if (is.null(x)) {
out <- unlist(lapply(x, function(.x) {
# in case we have ranges, like [2:5], remove those first, so it's not
# treated as "interaction"
.x <- sub("\\[(\\d+):(\\d+)\\]", "", .x)
if (grepl(":", .x, fixed = TRUE) && !grepl("::", .x, fixed = TRUE) && !startsWith(.x, "mm(")) {
strsplit(.x, ":", fixed = TRUE),
is_emmeans = is_emmeans
collapse = ":"
} else {
.remove_pattern_from_names(.x, is_emmeans = is_emmeans)
}), use.names = FALSE)
if (isTRUE(include_names)) {
stats::setNames(out, x)
} else {
# utils ---------------------
.remove_pattern_from_names <- function(x,
ignore_asis = FALSE,
ignore_lag = FALSE,
is_emmeans = FALSE) {
# return if x is empty
if (.is_empty_string(x)) {
# for gam-smoothers/loess, remove s()- and lo()-function in column name
# for survival, remove strata(), and so on...
pattern <- c(
"as.factor", "as.numeric", "factor", "frailty", "offset", "log1p", "log10",
"log2", "log(log", "scale(log", "log", "lag", "diff", "lspline", "as.logical",
"logical", "ordered", "as.ordered", "pspline", "scale(poly", "poly", "catg",
"asis", "matrx", "pol", "strata", "strat", "scale", "scored", "interaction",
"sqrt", "sin", "cos", "tan", "acos", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "exp", "lsp",
"rcs", "pb", "lo", "bs", "ns", "mSpline", "bSpline", "t2", "te", "ti", "tt",
"mmc", "mm", "mi", "mo", "gp", "s", "I", "gr", "relevel(as.factor", "relevel"
# sometimes needed for panelr models, where we need to preserve "lag()"
if (ignore_lag) {
lag_pattern <- which(pattern == "lag")
if (length(lag_pattern)) pattern <- pattern[-lag_pattern]
# do we have a "log()" pattern here? if yes, get capture region
# which matches the "cleaned" variable name
cleaned <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(x), function(i) {
# copy value(s)
out <- x[i]
# check if we have special patterns like 100 * log(xy), and remove it
if (isFALSE(is_emmeans) && grepl("^([0-9]+)", out)) {
out <- gsub("^([0-9]+)[^(\\.|[:alnum:])]+(.*)", "\\2", out)
for (j in seq_along(pattern)) {
# check if we find pattern at all
if (any(grepl(pattern[j], out, fixed = TRUE))) {
# remove possible namespace
if (grepl("::", out, fixed = TRUE)) {
out <- sub("(.*)::(.*)", "\\2", out)
if (pattern[j] == "offset") { # nolint
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^offset\\(([^-+ )]*).*", "\\1", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] == "I") {
if (!ignore_asis && grepl("I\\((.*)\\)", out)) {
# out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("I\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
# for compatibility with `get_data(source = "mf")`, we return only
# the first value for "I()". But in some examples, like `I(food/income)`,
# we would actutually have two names - but this breaks get_data()
out <- all.vars(stats::as.formula(paste("~", out)))[1]
} else if (pattern[j] == "asis") {
if (!ignore_asis && grepl("asis\\((.*)\\)", out)) {
# out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("asis\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
out <- all.vars(stats::as.formula(paste("~", out)))[1]
} else if (pattern[j] == "log(log") {
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^log\\(log\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] == "relevel(as.factor") {
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^relevel\\(as.factor\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] == "scale(log") {
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^scale\\(log\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^scale\\(log1p\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^scale\\(log2\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^scale\\(log10\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] == "scale(poly") {
out <- trim_ws(unique(sub("^scale\\(poly\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*", "\\1", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] %in% c("mmc", "mm")) {
if (grepl(paste0("^", pattern[j], "\\((.*)\\).*"), out)) {
out <- all.vars(stats::as.formula(paste("~", out)))
} else if (pattern[j] == "s" && startsWith(out, "s(")) {
out <- gsub("^s\\(", "", out)
out <- gsub("\\)$", "", out)
if (grepl("=|[[:digit:]]", out)) {
new_x <- trim_ws(unlist(strsplit(out, ",", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE))
to_remove <- which(!grepl("\\D", new_x))
to_remove <- c(to_remove, grep("=", new_x, fixed = TRUE))
if (length(to_remove) == 0) {
out <- toString(new_x)
} else {
out <- toString(new_x[-to_remove])
} else {
# p <- paste0("^", pattern[j], "\\(([^,/)]*).*")
# this one should be more generic...
p <- paste0("^", pattern[j], "\\(((\\w|\\.)*).*")
out <- unique(sub(p, "\\1", out))
# for coxme-models, remove random-effect things...
if (any(grepl("|", out, fixed = TRUE))) {
out <- sub("^(.*)\\|(.*)", "\\2", out)
}), use.names = FALSE)
# remove for random intercept only models
.remove_values(cleaned, c("1", "0"))
## TODO multimembership-models may also have weights, this does not work yet
.clean_brms_mm <- function(x) {
# only clean for mm() / mmc() functions, else return x
if (!grepl("^(mmc|mm)\\(", x)) {
# extract terms from mm() / mmc() functions, i.e. get
# multimembership-terms
compact_character(unlist(lapply(c("mmc", "mm"), function(j) {
if (grepl(paste0("^", j, "\\("), x = x)) {
all.vars(stats::as.formula(paste("~", x)))
} else {
}, simplify = FALSE), use.names = FALSE))
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