#' @title Format messages and warnings
#' @name format_message
#' @description Inserts line breaks into a longer message or warning string.
#' Line length is adjusted to maximum length of the console, if the width
#' can be accessed. By default, new lines are indented by two spaces.
#' `format_alert()` is a wrapper that combines formatting a string with a
#' call to `message()`, `warning()` or `stop()`. By default, `format_alert()`
#' creates a `message()`. `format_warning()` and `format_error()` change the
#' default type of exception to `warning()` and `stop()`, respectively.
#' @param string A string.
#' @param ... Further strings that will be concatenated as indented new lines.
#' @param line_length Numeric, the maximum length of a line.
#' The default is 90% of the width of the console window.
#' @param indent Character vector. If further lines are specified in `...`, a
#' user-defined string can be specified to indent subsequent lines. Defaults to
#' `" "` (two white spaces), hence for each start of the line after the first
#' line, two white space characters are inserted.
#' @details
#' There is an experimental formatting feature implemented in this function.
#' You can use following tags:
#' * `{.b text}` for bold formatting
#' * `{.i text}` to use italic font style
#' * `{.url www.url.com}` formats the string as URL (i.e., enclosing URL in
#' `<` and `>`, blue color and italic font style)
#' * `{.pkg packagename}` formats the text in blue color.
#' This features has some limitations: it's hard to detect the exact length for
#' each line when the string has multiple lines (after line breaks) and the
#' string contains formatting tags. Thus, it can happen that lines are wrapped at
#' an earlier length than expected. Furthermore, if you have multiple words in a
#' format tag (`{.b one two three}`), a line break might occur inside this tag,
#' and the formatting no longer works (messing up the message-string).
#' @return For `format_message()`, a formatted string.
#' For `format_alert()` and related functions, the requested exception,
#' with the exception formatted using `format_message()`.
#' @examples
#' msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
#' line_length = 15
#' )
#' message(msg)
#' msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
#' "First new line",
#' "Second new line",
#' "(both indented)",
#' line_length = 30
#' )
#' message(msg)
#' msg <- format_message("Much too long string for just one line, I guess!",
#' "First new line",
#' "Second new line",
#' "(not indented)",
#' line_length = 30,
#' indent = ""
#' )
#' message(msg)
#' # Caution, experimental! See 'Details'
#' msg <- format_message(
#' "This is {.i italic}, visit {.url easystats.github.io/easystats}",
#' line_length = 30
#' )
#' message(msg)
#' @export
format_message <- function(string,
line_length = 0.9 * getOption("width", 80),
indent = " ") {
if (is.null(line_length) || is.infinite(line_length) || line_length < 1L) {
line_length <- 70
all_lines <- c(string, ...)
string <- .wrap_message_line(all_lines[1], line_length = line_length)
further_lines <- all_lines[-1]
if (length(further_lines)) {
further_lines <- lapply(further_lines, function(i) {
.wrap_message_line(string = i, line_length = line_length, indent = indent)
string <- paste0(c(string, unlist(further_lines, use.names = FALSE)), collapse = "\n")
#' @name format_alert
#' @rdname format_message
#' @param type Type of exception alert to raise.
#' Can be `"message"` for `message()`, `"warning"` for `warning()`,
#' or `"error"` for `stop()`.
#' @param call Logical. Indicating if the call should be included in the the
#' error message. This is usually confusing for users when the function
#' producing the warning or error is deep within another function, so the
#' default is `FALSE`.
#' @param immediate Logical. Indicating if the *warning* should be printed
#' immediately. Only applies to `format_warning()` or `format_alert()` with
#' `type = "warning"`. The default is `FALSE`.
#' @examplesIf identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true")
#' # message
#' format_alert("This is a message.")
#' format_alert("This is a warning.", type = "message")
#' # error
#' try(format_error("This is an error."))
#' @examplesIf getOption("warn") < 2L
#' # warning
#' format_warning("This is a warning.")
#' @export
format_alert <- function(string,
line_length = 0.9 * getOption("width", 80),
indent = " ",
type = "message",
call = FALSE,
immediate = FALSE) {
type <- match.arg(type, choices = c("message", "warning", "error"))
if (type == "message") {
string = string, ...,
line_length = line_length, indent = indent
} else if (type == "warning") {
string = string, ...,
line_length = line_length, indent = indent
), call. = call, immediate. = immediate)
} else {
string = string, ...,
line_length = line_length, indent = indent
), call. = call)
#' @name format_warning
#' @rdname format_message
#' @export
format_warning <- function(..., immediate = FALSE) {
format_alert(..., type = "warning", immediate = immediate)
#' @name format_error
#' @rdname format_message
#' @export
format_error <- function(...) {
format_alert(..., type = "error")
# helper -----------------------
.wrap_message_line <- function(string, line_length, indent = NULL) {
line_length <- round(line_length)
line_separator <- "\\1\n "
lsub <- 0
tmp_string <- string
# these chars are allowed inside a token, e.g. "{.i allowedchars}"
allowed_chars <- "([a-zA-Z:\\./\\+-]*)"
# supported tokens, create regex pattern
token_pattern <- sprintf("\\{\\.%s %s\\}", c("b", "i", "url", "pkg"), allowed_chars)
# for line breaks, we "protect" these patterns
token_protected <- sprintf("\\{\\.%s_\\1\\}", c("b", "i", "url", "pkg"))
# check if string contains any formatting token
which_tokens <- .find_tokens(string)
# check ansi-colors are supported by system. if not, remove tokens from string
if (!.supports_color() && !is.null(which_tokens)) {
for (i in token_pattern[which_tokens]) {
string <- gsub(i, "\\1", string)
which_tokens <- NULL
# remove tokens from temporary string, so we can detect the "real" line length
if (!is.null(which_tokens)) {
for (i in which(which_tokens)) {
tmp_string <- gsub(token_pattern[i], "\\1", tmp_string)
# protect tokens from line break
string <- gsub(token_pattern[i], token_protected[i], string)
} else {
tmp_string <- string
# check if line breaks are required
if (line_length > 0 && nchar(tmp_string) > line_length) {
# insert line breaks into string at specified length
pattern <- paste0("(.{1,", line_length, "})(\\s|$)")
string <- gsub(pattern, line_separator, string)
# remove last line break
l <- nchar(string)
lc <- substr(string, l - lsub, l)
if (lc == "\n") {
string <- substr(string, 0, l - (lsub + 1))
# convert tokens into formatting
if (!is.null(which_tokens)) {
for (i in which(which_tokens)) {
if (token_pattern[i] == token_pattern[1]) {
# bold formatting
pattern <- paste0("(.*)\\{\\.b_", allowed_chars, "\\}(.*)")
s2 <- .bold(gsub(pattern, "\\2", string))
} else if (token_pattern[i] == token_pattern[2]) {
# italic formatting
pattern <- paste0("(.*)\\{\\.i_", allowed_chars, "\\}(.*)")
s2 <- .italic(gsub(pattern, "\\2", string))
} else if (token_pattern[i] == token_pattern[3]) {
# url formatting
pattern <- paste0("(.*)\\{\\.url_", allowed_chars, "\\}(.*)")
s2 <- .italic(.blue(paste0("<", gsub(pattern, "\\2", string), ">")))
} else if (token_pattern[i] == token_pattern[4]) {
# package formatting
pattern <- paste0("(.*)\\{\\.pkg_", allowed_chars, "\\}(.*)")
s2 <- .blue(gsub(pattern, "\\2", string))
s1 <- gsub(pattern, "\\1", string)
s3 <- gsub(pattern, "\\3", string)
string <- paste0(s1, s2, s3)
# remove trailing white space
if (grepl("\\n $", string)) {
string <- gsub("\\n $", "", string)
if (!is.null(indent)) {
string <- paste0(indent, string)
# check whether a string line contains one of the supported format tags
.find_tokens <- function(string) {
tokens <- c("{.b ", "{.i ", "{.url ", "{.pkg ")
matches <- vapply(tokens, grepl, TRUE, string, fixed = TRUE)
if (!any(matches)) {
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