# Get SE ------------------------------------------------------------------
get_predicted_se <- function(x,
data = NULL,
ci_type = "confidence",
vcov = NULL,
vcov_args = NULL,
ci_method = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# Matrix-multiply X by the parameter vector B to get the predictions, then
# extract the variance-covariance matrix V of the parameters and compute XVX'
# to get the variance-covariance matrix of the predictions. The square-root of
# the diagonal of this matrix represent the standard errors of the predictions,
# which are then multiplied by 1.96 for the confidence intervals.
## TODO: what about Satterthwaite? @vincentarelbundock
# kenward-roger adjusts both the dof and the varcov
if (isTRUE(ci_method %in% c("kenward-roger", "kenward", "kr"))) {
if (is.null(vcov) && is.null(vcov_args)) {
vcovmat <- as.matrix(pbkrtest::vcovAdj(x))
} else {
format_error("The `vcov` argument cannot be used together with the `ci_method=\"kenward-roger\"` argument.")
# all other varcov types can be supplied manually
} else {
vcovmat <- get_varcov(
vcov = vcov,
vcov_args = vcov_args,
mm <- .get_predicted_ci_modelmatrix(x, data = data, vcovmat = vcovmat, verbose = verbose)
# return NULL for fail
if (is.null(mm)) {
# some tweaking for multinomial / ordinal models
if (inherits(x, "polr")) {
keep <- intersect(colnames(mm), colnames(vcovmat))
vcovmat <- vcovmat[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
mm <- mm[, keep, drop = FALSE]
} else if (inherits(x, c("multinom", "brmultinom", "bracl", "mixor", "fixest"))) {
## BUG this currently doesn't work...
# models like multinom have "level:termname" as column name
# remove response level to match column names of model matrix
colnames(vcovmat) <- gsub("^(+.):(.*)", "\\2", colnames(vcovmat))
keep <- setdiff(intersect(colnames(mm), colnames(vcovmat)), "(Intercept)")
vcovmat <- vcovmat[colnames(vcovmat) %in% keep, colnames(vcovmat) %in% keep, drop = FALSE]
mm <- mm[, keep, drop = FALSE]
# sometimes, model matrix and vcov won't match exactly, so try some hacks here
} else if (ncol(mm) != ncol(vcovmat)) {
# last desperate try
if (ncol(mm) == nrow(mm) && ncol(vcovmat) > ncol(mm) && all(colnames(mm) %in% colnames(vcovmat))) {
# we might have a correct model matrix, but the vcov matrix contains values
# from specific model parameters that do not appear in the model matrix
# we then need to reduce the vcov matrix.
matching_parameters <- stats::na.omit(match(colnames(vcovmat), colnames(mm)))
vcovmat <- vcovmat[matching_parameters, matching_parameters, drop = FALSE]
} else {
# VAB: below there is some matching code to reduce matrices to make them
# conformable. I am not sure at all it is a good idea to do that in
# general, but we may want to revisit eventually. Currently, the code
# below is commented out because it is dangerous and silently produces incorrect
# numerical results in some cases. We CANNOT uncomment it before thorough.
# See example at the bottom of test-get_predicted.R
# # model matrix rows might mismatch. we need a larger model matrix and
# # then filter those rows that match the vcov matrix.
# mm_full <- get_modelmatrix(x)
# mm <- tryCatch(
# mm_full[as.numeric(row.names(get_modelmatrix(x, data = data))), , drop = FALSE],
# error = function(e) NULL
# )
# still no match?
if (isTRUE(ncol(mm) != ncol(vcovmat))) {
if (verbose) {
format_warning("Could not compute standard errors or confidence intervals because the model and variance-covariance matrices are non-conformable. This can sometimes happen when the `data` used to make predictions fails to include all the levels of a factor variable or all the interaction components.")
# compute vcov for predictions
# Next line equivalent to: diag(M V M')
var_diag <- colSums(t(mm %*% vcovmat) * t(mm))
# add sigma to standard errors, i.e. confidence or prediction intervals
ci_type <- match.arg(ci_type, c("confidence", "prediction"))
if (ci_type == "prediction") {
if (is_mixed_model(x)) {
se <- sqrt(var_diag + get_variance_residual(x))
} else {
se <- sqrt(var_diag + get_sigma(x)^2)
} else {
se <- sqrt(var_diag)
## TODO: check if this is correct. Based on the vcov, we have the same SEs
# for a predictor for each response level, so we simply repeat the SEs for
# each level. This might not be appropriate and needs to be checked!
# make sure we repeat SE for each response level for
# models with categorical or ordinal response.
if (inherits(x, c("polr", "multinom", "mixor"))) {
se <- rep(se, times = n_unique(get_response(x, as_proportion = TRUE)))
# Get Model matrix ------------------------------------------------------------
.get_predicted_ci_modelmatrix <- function(x, data = NULL, vcovmat = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
resp <- find_response(x, combine = FALSE)
if (is.null(vcovmat)) vcovmat <- get_varcov(x, ...)
if (is.null(data)) {
mm <- get_modelmatrix(x)
} else {
if (!all(resp %in% colnames(data))) data[resp] <- 0 # fake response
# else, model.matrix below fails, e.g. for log-terms
attr(data, "terms") <- NULL
# In these models we need to drop offset from model_terms. To do this, we
# must construct the mm by calling `get_modelmatrix` on modified model
# terms. When we do not need to drop offset terms, we call get_modelmatrix
# on the model itself. The latter strategy is safer in cases where `data`
# does not include all the levels of a factor variable.
if (inherits(x, c("zeroinfl", "hurdle", "zerotrunc", "MixMod"))) {
# model terms, required for model matrix
model_terms <- tryCatch(stats::terms(x),
error = function(e) find_formula(x, verbose = FALSE)$conditional
all_terms <- find_terms(x)$conditional
off_terms <- grepl("^offset\\((.*)\\)", all_terms)
if (any(off_terms)) {
all_terms <- all_terms[!off_terms]
# TODO: preserve interactions
vcov_names <- dimnames(vcovmat)[[1]][grepl(":", dimnames(vcovmat)[[1]], fixed = TRUE)]
if (length(vcov_names)) {
vcov_names <- gsub(":", "*", vcov_names, fixed = TRUE)
all_terms <- unique(c(all_terms, vcov_names))
off_terms <- grepl("^offset\\((.*)\\)", all_terms)
model_terms <- stats::reformulate(all_terms[!off_terms], response = find_response(x))
# check for at least to factor levels, in order to build contrasts
single_factor_levels <- sapply(data, function(i) is.factor(i) && nlevels(i) == 1)
if (any(single_factor_levels)) {
if (verbose) {
format_warning("Some factors in the data have only one level. Cannot compute model matrix for standard errors and confidence intervals.")
obj <- model_terms
# extra handling for polr
} else if (inherits(x, c("polr", "multinom", "brmultinom", "bracl"))) {
# mixor, fixest?
# model terms, required for model matrix
obj <- tryCatch(stats::terms(x), error = function(e) find_formula(x)$conditional)
} else {
obj <- x
# try to get model matrix
mm <- tryCatch(
get_modelmatrix(x = obj, data = data),
error = function(e) e
# tell user when fails
if (inherits(mm, "simpleError")) {
if (verbose) {
if (grepl("2 or more levels", mm$message, fixed = TRUE)) {
format_warning("Some factors in the data have only one level. Cannot compute model matrix for standard errors and confidence intervals.")
} else {
format_warning("Something went wrong with computing standard errors and confidence intervals for predictions.")
# fix rank deficiency
if (ncol(vcovmat) < ncol(mm)) {
mm <- mm[, intersect(colnames(mm), colnames(vcovmat))]
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