
Defines functions .names_to_broom .names_to_easystats .standardize_names standardize_names.parameters_model standardize_names.default standardize_names

Documented in standardize_names standardize_names.parameters_model

#' Standardize column names
#' Standardize column names from data frames, in particular objects returned
#' from [parameters::model_parameters()], so column names are consistent and
#' the same for any model object.
#' @param data A data frame. In particular, objects from *easystats*
#' package functions like [parameters::model_parameters()] or
#' [effectsize::effectsize()] are accepted, but also data frames returned by
#' `broom::tidy()` are valid objects.
#' @param style Standardization can either be based on the naming conventions
#' from the [easystats-project](https://easystats.github.io/easystats/), or on
#' **broom**'s naming scheme.
#' @param ignore_estimate Logical, if `TRUE`, column names like `"mean"` or
#' `"median"` will *not* be converted to `"Coefficient"` resp. `"estimate"`.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A data frame, with standardized column names.
#' @details This method is in particular useful for package developers or users
#' who use, e.g., [`parameters::model_parameters()`] in their own code or
#' functions to retrieve model parameters for further processing. As
#' `model_parameters()` returns a data frame with varying column names
#' (depending on the input), accessing the required information is probably
#' not quite straightforward. In such cases, `standardize_names()` can be
#' used to get consistent, i.e. always the same column names, no matter what
#' kind of model was used in `model_parameters()`.
#' For `style = "broom"`, column names are renamed to match **broom**'s
#' naming scheme, i.e. `Parameter` is renamed to `term`, `Coefficient` becomes
#' `estimate` and so on.
#' For `style = "easystats"`, when `data` is an object from `broom::tidy()`,
#' column names are converted from "broom"-style into "easystats"-style.
#' @examplesIf require("parameters")
#' model <- lm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
#' mp <- model_parameters(model)
#' as.data.frame(mp)
#' standardize_names(mp)
#' standardize_names(mp, style = "broom")
#' @export
standardize_names <- function(data, ...) {

#' @export
standardize_names.default <- function(data, ...) {
  print_color(sprintf("Objects of class `%s` are currently not supported.\n", class(data)[1]), "red")

#' @rdname standardize_names
#' @export
standardize_names.parameters_model <- function(data,
                                               style = c("easystats", "broom"),
                                               ignore_estimate = FALSE,
                                               ...) {
  style <- match.arg(style)
  .standardize_names(data, style, ignore_estimate = ignore_estimate, ...)

#' @export
standardize_names.effectsize_table <- standardize_names.parameters_model

#' @export
standardize_names.data.frame <- standardize_names.parameters_model

#' @export
standardize_names.parameters_distribution <- standardize_names.parameters_model

# helper -----

.standardize_names <- function(data, style, ignore_estimate = FALSE, ...) {
  cn <- colnames(data)

  if (style == "easystats") {
    cn <- .names_to_easystats(cn, ignore_estimate)
  } else {
    cn <- .names_to_broom(cn, ignore_estimate)

  colnames(data) <- cn

.names_to_easystats <- function(cn, ignore_estimate) {
  cn[cn %in% c("t", "z", "F", "Chi2", "chisq", "Chisq", "chi-sq", "t / F", "z / Chisq", "z / Chi2", "W")] <- "Statistic"

  if (isFALSE(ignore_estimate)) {
    cn[cn %in% c("Median", "Mean", "MAP", "Dxy", "rho", "r", "tau", "Difference")] <- "Coefficient"

  cn[cn %in% c("df_residual", "df.residual", "Resid..Df", "df.error", "df_error")] <- "df"

  # convert broom-style to easystats
  # styler: off
  cn[cn == "term"]           <- "Parameter"
  cn[cn == "estimate"]       <- "Coefficient"
  cn[cn == "std.error"]      <- "SE"
  cn[cn == "std.dev"]        <- "SD"
  cn[cn == "p.value"]        <- "p"
  cn[cn == "s.value"]        <- "S"
  cn[cn == "bayes.factor"]   <- "BF"
  cn[cn == "component"]      <- "Component"
  cn[cn == "effect"]         <- "Effects"
  cn[cn == "predicted"]      <- "Predicted"
  cn[cn == "response"]       <- "Response"
  cn[cn == "y.level"]        <- "Response"
  cn[cn == "response.level"] <- "Response_Level"
  cn[cn == "statistic"]      <- "Statistic"
  cn[cn == "conf.low"]       <- "CI_low"
  cn[cn == "conf.high"]      <- "CI_high"
  cn[cn == "conf.level"]     <- "CI"
  cn[cn == "conf.method"]    <- "CI_method"
  cn[cn == "n.obs"]          <- "n_Obs"
  cn[cn == "n"]              <- "n_Obs"
  cn[cn == "type"]           <- "Type"
  # marginaleffects
  cn[cn == "value"]          <- "Level"
  # anova
  cn[cn == "sumsq"]          <- "Sum_Squares"
  cn[cn == "meansq"]         <- "Mean_Square"
  cn[cn == "Resid..Dev"]     <- "Deviance_error"
  # convert classic summary
  cn[cn == "Estimate"]       <- "Coefficient"
  cn[cn == "Std. Error"]     <- "SE"
  cn[cn == "t value"]        <- "Statistic"
  cn[cn == "z value"]        <- "Statistic"
  cn[cn == "Pr(>|t|)"]       <- "p"
  cn[cn == "Pr(>|z|)"]       <- "p"
  # styler: on


.names_to_broom <- function(cn, ignore_estimate) {
  # styler: off
  # easy replacements
  cn[cn == "Parameter"]      <- "term"
  cn[cn == "SE"]             <- "std.error"
  cn[cn == "SD"]             <- "std.dev"
  cn[cn == "p"]              <- "p.value"
  cn[cn == "BF"]             <- "bayes.factor"
  cn[cn == "log_BF"]         <- "log(bayes.factor)"
  cn[cn == "Component"]      <- "component"
  cn[cn == "Effects"]        <- "effect"
  cn[cn == "Response"]       <- "response"
  cn[cn == "Response_Level"] <- "response.level"
  cn[cn == "CI"]             <- "conf.level"
  cn[cn == "df_error"]       <- "df.error"
  cn[cn == "df_residual"]    <- "df.residual"
  cn[cn == "CI_method"]      <- "conf.method"
  cn[cn == "n_Obs"]          <- "n.obs"
  cn[cn == "n"]              <- "n.obs"
  cn[cn == "n_Missing"]      <- "missing.obs"
  cn[cn == "Level"]          <- "value"
  # anova
  cn[cn == "Sum_Squares"]    <- "sumsq"
  cn[cn == "Mean_Square"]    <- "meansq"
  cn[cn == "Deviance_error"] <- "Resid..Dev"
  # styler: on

  # name of coefficient column for (Bayesian) models
  if (isFALSE(ignore_estimate)) {
    cn[cn %in% c("Coefficient", "Std_Coefficient", "Median", "Mean", "MAP", "Psihat", "Trimmed_Mean")] <- "estimate"

  # name of coefficient column htest
  cn[cn %in% c("Dxy", "rho", "r", "tau")] <- "estimate"

  # for glance
  cn[cn == "R2"] <- "r.squared"
  cn[cn == "R2_adjusted"] <- "adj.r.squared"

  if (("Difference" %in% cn) && !("estimate" %in% cn)) {
    cn[cn == "Difference"] <- "estimate"

  cn[cn %in% c(
    "t / F",
    "z / Chisq",
    "z / Chi2"
  )] <- "statistic"

  # fancy regex replacements
  cn <- gsub("^CI_low", "conf.low", cn)
  cn <- gsub("^CI_high", "conf.high", cn)
  cn <- gsub("(.*)CI_low$", "\\1conf.low", cn)
  cn <- gsub("(.*)CI_high$", "\\1conf.high", cn)

  # from package effectisze
  if (requireNamespace("effectsize", quietly = TRUE)) {
    effectsize_names <- effectsize::is_effectsize_name(cn)
    if (any(effectsize_names)) {
      cn[effectsize_names] <- "estimate"

  # convert classic summary
  # styler: off
  cn[cn == "Std. Error"] <- "std.error"
  cn[cn == "t value"]    <- "statistic"
  cn[cn == "z value"]    <- "statistic"
  cn[cn == "Pr(>|t|)"]   <- "p.value"
  cn[cn == "Pr(>|z|)"]   <- "p.value"
  # styler: on

  # lowercase for everything
  cn <- gsub(tolower(cn), pattern = "_", replacement = ".", fixed = TRUE)

easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.