
Defines functions .in_intercepts .intercepts .remove_backticks_from_string .clean_parameter_names

#' @keywords internal
.clean_parameter_names <- function(x, full = FALSE) {
  # return if x is empty
  if (is.null(x) || length(x) == 0) {

  # here we need to capture only those patterns that we do *not* want to format
  # in a particular style. However, these patterns will not be shown in the output
  # from "model_parameters()". If certain patterns contain useful information,
  # remove them here and clean/prepare them in ".parameters_type_basic()".
  # for formatting / printing, refer to ".format_parameter()".

  pattern <- if (full) {
      "as.factor", "as.numeric", "as.ordered", "factor", "ordered", "offset",
      "lag", "diff", "catg", "matrx", "pol", "strata", "strat", "scale",
      "scored", "interaction", "lsp", "pb", "lo", "t2", "te", "ti", "tt", "mi",
      "mo", "gp"
  } else {
    c("as.factor", "as.numeric", "as.ordered", "factor", "ordered", "catg", "interaction")

  for (j in seq_along(pattern)) {
    # remove possible  namespace
    if (any(grepl("::", x, fixed = TRUE))) {
      x <- sub("(.*)::(.*)", "\\2", x)
    if (pattern[j] == "offset" && any(grepl("offset(", x, fixed = TRUE))) {
      x <- insight::trim_ws(sub("offset\\(([^-+ )]*)\\)(.*)", "\\1\\2", x))
      # some exceptions here...
    } else if (full && pattern[j] == "scale" && any(grepl("scale(", x, fixed = TRUE))) {
      x[grepl("scale(", x, fixed = TRUE)] <- insight::clean_names(grep("scale(", x, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE))
    } else if (any(grepl(pattern[j], x, fixed = TRUE))) {
      p <- paste0(pattern[j], "\\(((\\w|\\.)*)\\)(.*)")
      x <- insight::trim_ws(sub(p, "\\1\\3", x))

  gsub("`", "", x, fixed = TRUE)

#' @keywords internal
.remove_backticks_from_string <- function(x) {
  if (is.character(x)) {
    x <- gsub("`", "", x, fixed = TRUE)

#' @keywords internal
.intercepts <- function() {
    "intercept (zero-inflated)",
    "intercept (zero-inflation)",

#' @keywords internal
.in_intercepts <- function(x) {
  tolower(x) %in% .intercepts() | startsWith(tolower(x), "intercept")
easystats/parameters documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 7:52 p.m.