
Defines functions cv_ridge cv_internal drop_time_and_refit drop_time_t

drop_time_t <- function(wide_data, Z, t_drop) {
  new_wide_data <- list()
  new_wide_data$trt <- wide_data$trt
  if (is.list(wide_data$X)) {
    # TODO
  } else {
    new_wide_data$X <- wide_data$X[, -t_drop, drop = F]
    new_wide_data$y <- cbind(wide_data$X[, t_drop, drop = F], 
    X0 <- new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
    x1 <- matrix(colMeans(new_wide_data$X[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F]),
    y0 <- new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 0,, drop = F]
    y1 <- colMeans(new_wide_data$y[new_wide_data$trt == 1,, drop = F])
    new_synth_data <- list()
    new_synth_data$Z0 <- t(X0)
    new_synth_data$X0 <- t(X0)
    new_synth_data$Z1 <- x1
    new_synth_data$X1 <- x1
    return(list(wide_data = new_wide_data,
                synth_data = new_synth_data,
                Z = Z)) 

drop_time_and_refit <- function(wide_data, Z, t_drop, progfunc, scm, fixedeff, ...) {
  new_data <- drop_time_t(wide_data, Z, t_drop)
  new_ascm <- do.call(fit_augsynth_internal,
                      c(list(wide = new_data$wide,
                             synth_data = new_data$synth_data,
                             Z = new_data$Z,
                             progfunc = progfunc,
                             scm = scm,
                             fixedeff = fixedeff, ...)))

cv_internal <- function(wide_data, Z, progfunc, scm, fixedeff, lambdas, holdout_periods, ...) {
  X <- wide_data$X
  lambda_error_vals <- vapply(lambdas, function(lambda){
    errors <- apply(holdout_periods, 1, function(t_drop){
      new_ascm <- drop_time_and_refit(wide_data, Z, t_drop, progfunc, scm, fixedeff, lambda = lambda, ...)
      err <- sum((predict(new_ascm, att = T)[(ncol(X)-length(t_drop)+1):ncol(X)])^2)
    lambda_error <- mean(errors)
    lambda_error_se <- sd(errors) / sqrt(length(errors))
    c(lambda_error, lambda_error_se)
  }, numeric(2))
  return(list(lambda_errors = lambda_error_vals[1,], lambda_errors_se = lambda_error_vals[2,]))

cv_ridge <- function(wide_data, synth_data, Z, progfunc, scm, fixedeff, how = 'time', holdout_length = 1, lambdas = NULL, 
               lambda_min_ratio = 1e-8, n_lambda = 20, lambda_max = NULL, min_1se = T, V = NULL, ...) {
  X <- wide_data$X
  trt <- wide_data$trt
  if (is.null(lambdas)) {
    if(is.null(lambda_max)) {
      X_cent <- apply(X, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
      X_c <- X_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]
      t0 <- ncol(X_c)
      if(is.null(V)) {
        V <- diag(rep(1, t0))
      } else if(is.vector(V)) {
        V <- diag(V)
      } else if(ncol(V) == 1 & nrow(V) == t0) {
        V <- diag(c(V))
      } else if(ncol(V) == t0 & nrow(V) == 1) {
        V <- diag(c(V))
      } else if(nrow(V) == t0) {
      } else {
        stop("`V` must be a vector with t0 elements or a t0xt0 matrix")
      X_c <- X_c %*% V

      if(!is.null(Z)) {
        Z_cent <- apply(Z, 2, function(x) x - mean(x[trt==0]))
        Z_c <- Z_cent[trt==0,,drop=FALSE]
        Xc_hat <- Z_c %*% solve(t(Z_c) %*% Z_c) %*% t(Z_c) %*% X_c
        res_c <- X_c - Xc_hat
        X_c <- res_c
      lambda_max <- svd(X_c)$d[1] ^ 2
    lambdas <- create_lambda_list(lambda_max, lambda_min_ratio, n_lambda)
  if (how == 'time') {
    period_starts <- 1:(ncol(X) - holdout_length)
    if (holdout_length == 1) {
      holdout_periods <- matrix(period_starts, nrow = length(period_starts), ncol = 1)
    } else {
      holdout_periods <- t(vapply(period_starts, function(t) t:(t+holdout_length-1), numeric(holdout_length)))
    results <- cv_internal(wide_data, Z, progfunc, scm, fixedeff, lambdas, holdout_periods, ...)
    lambda <- choose_lambda(lambdas, results$lambda_errors, results$lambda_errors_se, min_1se)
    return(list(lambda = lambda, lambdas = lambdas, lambda_errors = results$lambda_errors, lambda_errors_se = results$lambda_errors_se))
ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:20 a.m.