
context("Testing multisynth with covariates")

basque <- basque %>% mutate(trt = case_when((regionno == 17) & (year >= 1975) ~ 1,
                                              (regionno == 16) & (year >= 1980) ~ 1,
                                              TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)

regions <- basque %>% distinct(regionno) %>% pull(regionno)

test_that("Getting eligible donor units by exact matching works", {

  # binary variable to split on
  fake_bin <- sample(c(0, 1), length(regions), replace = T)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions, Z = fake_bin) %>%
        mutate(Z = case_when(regionno == 17 ~ 0,
                             regionno == 16 ~ 1,
                             TRUE ~ Z)
               by = "regionno") -> basque2

  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | 0| Z, regionno, year, basque2, nu = 0,
                     scm = T)

  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)

  # again with fixed effect
  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | 0 | Z, regionno, year, basque2, nu = 0,
                     scm = T, fixedeff = T)
  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)

test_that("Getting eligible donor units by exact matching works with factors", {

  # binary variable to split on
  fake_fac <- sample(c(0, 1, 3), length(regions), replace = T)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions, Z = fake_fac) %>%
          Z = case_when(regionno == 17 ~ 0,
                             regionno == 16 ~ 1,
                             TRUE ~ Z),
               Z = as.factor(Z)
               by = "regionno") -> basque2

  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | 0 | Z, regionno, year, basque2, nu = 0,
                     scm = T)

  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 3, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 3, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)

  # again with fixed effect
  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | 0 |Z, regionno, year, basque2, nu = 0,
                     scm = T, fixedeff = T, how_match = "exact")
  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 3, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_fac == 3, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)

test_that("K-NN finds the right number of neighbors", {

  # variables to match on
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(length(regions) * 3), ncol = 3)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions,
                 Z1 = Z[, 1], Z2 = Z[, 2], Z3 = Z[, 3]),
      by = "regionno") -> basque2
  dat <- format_data_stag(quo(gdpcap), quo(trt), quo(regionno),
                          quo(year), basque2)
  k <- 3
  donors <- get_eligible_donors(dat$trt, F, 100)
  knn_donors <- get_knn_donors(dat$trt, Z, donors, k)
  expect_true(all(sapply(knn_donors, sum) == k))

  k <- 20
  expect_warning(get_knn_donors(dat$trt, Z, donors, k))

test_that("Getting eligible donor units by knn matching works", {

  # variables to match on
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(length(regions) * 3), ncol = 3)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions,
                 Z1 = Z[, 1], Z2 = Z[, 2], Z3 = Z[, 3]),
      by = "regionno") -> basque2

  # error if no k is supplied
  expect_error(multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3, regionno, 
                          year, basque2,
                          scm = T, how_match = "knn"),
              "Number of neighbors for knn not selected, please choose k.")

  k <- 5
  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3, regionno, year, 
                     basque2, scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = k)

  # check that all but k units recieve exactly 0 weight
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 1] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 2] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12) 


  # again with fixed effect
  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3, regionno, year,
                       basque2, scm = T, fixedeff = T, how_match = "knn", k = k)
  # check that all but k units recieve exactly 0 weight
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 1] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 2] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12) 

  # without synth weights, weights are uniform
  k <- 2
  unimatch <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt| 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3 | 0, regionno, year,
                     basque2, scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = k, lambda = 1e10)

  expect_equal(unimatch$weights[unimatch$weights != 0 ], rep(1 / k, 2 * k))

  # matching with more neighbors is worse
  unimatch2 <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3, regionno, year, basque2,
                     scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = 2 * k, lambda = 1e10)

  trtZ <- Z[regions %in% c(16, 17),]
  imbal1 <- sqrt(sum(sapply(1:2, 
                function(i) sum(unimatch$weights[,i] * (trtZ[i,] - Z) ^ 2 ))))
  imbal2 <- sqrt(sum(sapply(1:2, 
                function(i) sum(unimatch2$weights[,i] * (trtZ[i,] - Z) ^ 2 ))))

  expect_lt(imbal1, imbal2)


test_that("Getting eligible donor units by exact and knn matching works", {

  # binary variable to split on
  fake_bin <- sample(c(0, 1), length(regions), replace = T)

  # variables to match on
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(length(regions) * 3), ncol = 3)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions,
                 Z1 = Z[, 1], Z2 = Z[, 2], Z3 = Z[, 3],
                 Z_bin = fake_bin) %>%
        mutate(Z_bin = case_when(regionno == 17 ~ 0,
                             regionno == 16 ~ 1,
                             TRUE ~ Z_bin)),
      by = "regionno") -> basque2

  # error if no k is supplied
  expect_error(multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3 | Z_bin, regionno, 
                          year, basque2,
                          scm = T, how_match = "knn"),
              "Number of neighbors for knn not selected, please choose k.")

  k <- 3
  msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3 | Z_bin, regionno, year, 
                     basque2, scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = k)
  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  # check that all but k units recieve exactly 0 weight
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 1] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 2] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12) 
  # again with fixed effect
    msyn <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3 | Z_bin, regionno, year,
                       basque2, scm = T, fixedeff = T, how_match = "knn", k = k)
  # check that all but k units recieve exactly 0 weight
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 1] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[, 2] != 0), k, tolerance = 1e-12)

  # check that there is actually no weight on donors with different Z
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 1]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 1]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 1, 2]), 0, tolerance = 1e-6)
  expect_equal(sum(msyn$weights[fake_bin == 0, 2]), 1, tolerance = 1e-6) 

  k <- 3
  # without synth weights, weights are uniform
  unimatch <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3 | Z_bin, regionno,
                     year, basque2, scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = k, lambda = 1e10)

  expect_equal(unimatch$weights[unimatch$weights != 0 ], rep(1 / k, 2 * k))

  # matching without exact gives better matches
  unimatch2 <- multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | 0 | Z1 + Z2 + Z3, regionno, year,
                    basque2, scm = T, how_match = "knn", k = k, lambda = 1e10)

  trtZ <- Z[regions %in% c(16, 17),]
  imbal1 <- sqrt(sum(sapply(1:2, 
                function(i) sum(unimatch$weights[,i] * (trtZ[i,] - Z) ^ 2 ))))
  imbal2 <- sqrt(sum(sapply(1:2, 
                function(i) sum(unimatch2$weights[,i] * (trtZ[i,] - Z) ^ 2 ))))

  expect_lt(imbal2, imbal1)

test_that("An error is thrown if trying to match with time cohorts or the formula is wrong", {

  # binary variable to split on
  fake_bin <- sample(c(0, 1), length(regions), replace = T)

  # variables to match on
  Z <- matrix(rnorm(length(regions) * 3), ncol = 3)
  basque %>%
      data.frame(regionno = regions,
                 Z1 = Z[, 1], Z2 = Z[, 2], Z3 = Z[, 3],
                 Z_bin = fake_bin) %>%
        mutate(Z_bin = case_when(regionno == 17 ~ 0,
                             regionno == 16 ~ 1,
                             TRUE ~ Z_bin)),
      by = "regionno") %>% 
    mutate(trt = case_when((regionno == 17) & (year >= 1975) ~ 1,
                            (regionno == 16) & (year >= 1975) ~ 1,
                                              TRUE ~ 0)) %>%
      filter(regionno != 1)-> basque2

  expect_error(multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | Z1 + Z2, regionno, year, basque2,
                     time_cohort = T), NA)

  expect_error(multisynth(gdpcap ~ trt | Z1 + Z2 | 0 | Z_bin,
                          regionno, year, basque2, time_cohort = T))

test_that("multisynth with covariates doesn't depend on unit or time order ", {

  data <- read.csv("https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/:persistentId?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/WGWMAV/3UHTLP", sep="\t")
  data %>%
    filter(!State %in% c("DC", "WI"),
           year >= 1959, year <= 1997) %>%
    mutate(YearCBrequired = ifelse(is.na(YearCBrequired), 
                                   Inf, YearCBrequired),
           cbr = 1 * (year >= YearCBrequired)) -> analysis_df

  data %>%
  select(State, year, agr, pnwht, purban, perinc, studteachratio) %>%
  group_by(State) %>%
  summarise(perinc_1959 = perinc[year == 1959],
            studteachratio_1959 = studteachratio[year == 1959]) %>% 
  # filter to lower 48 where we have data
  filter(!State %in% c("AK", "HI"))  -> cov_data

  analysis_df %>%
    inner_join(cov_data, by = "State") -> analysis_df_covs

  msyn <- multisynth(lnppexpend ~ cbr | perinc_1959 + studteachratio_1959,
                            State, year, analysis_df_covs)

  msyn_rev_unit <- multisynth(lnppexpend ~ cbr | perinc_1959 + studteachratio_1959,
                            State, year,
                            analysis_df_covs %>% arrange(desc(State)))

  msyn_rev_time <- multisynth(lnppexpend ~ cbr | perinc_1959 + studteachratio_1959,
                            State, year,
                            analysis_df_covs %>% arrange(desc(year)))

  expect_equal(predict(msyn), predict(msyn_rev_time))
  expect_equal(predict(msyn), predict(msyn_rev_unit))

ebenmichael/augsynth documentation built on March 20, 2024, 5:20 a.m.