

# This script takes 3-D NetCDF file with time (month) as 3rd dimension and convert it to 2-D NetDCF file where montly values are averaged.
## When data are carbon pools the averall the average is taken,
## When data are carbon fluxes A yearly sum is calculated and the average of yearly sum is taken for the output

setwd('R:/Global Maps Data/MsTMIP CLM-4') 

# Set vectors of montly variables we want to convert and if they are pools or fluxes (names should be same as variables as metions in name of .nc file)

Variables <- c("AbvGrndWood", "CarbPools", "NEE", "TotLivBiom", "TotSoilCarb")
Carbon <- c("Pools", "Pools", "Fluxes", "Pools", "Pools")
Units <- c("kg C m-2", "kg C m-2", "kg C m-2 s-1", "kg C m-2", "kg C m-2")
Names <- c("Yearly Above ground woody biomass", "Yearly Size of each carbon pool", "Yearly Net Ecosystem Exchange", "Yearly Total living biomass", "Yearly Total Soil Carbon")

# set 2 model names (RG1 and SG1)

Models <- c("RG1", "SG1")

# convert all files with a loop

for (m in Models){
  for (i in 1:length(Variables)){
    v <- Variables[i]
    c <- Carbon[i]
    u <- Units[i]
    n <- Names[i]
    print(v) <- paste0("CLM4_", m, "_Monthly_", v, ".nc4") <- paste0("CLM4_", m, "_", v, ".nc")
    # open input NetCDF as brick and set CRS
    r <- brick(, varname = v )
    # Average values over all month (carbon pools) or sum values aver months of each year and then average (carbon fluxes)
    if(c == "Pools") {
    r.avg <- stackApply(r, indices = rep(1, 1320), mean) # mean of all layers
    if(c == "Fluxes"){
    r.avg <- stackApply(r, indices = rep(1:110, each = 12), sum) # sum per year 
    r.avg <- stackApply(r, indices = rep(1, 110), mean) # mean of all years
    # save values
    r.avg_vals <- as.matrix(r.avg)
    #save them in a one layer raster and write it as NetDCF file
    r1 <- raster(r[[1]])
    r1 <- setValues(r1, r.avg_vals)
    writeRaster(r1,, format = "CDF",  overwrite = TRUE, varname = v, longname = n, varunit = u , xname = "lon", yname = "lat", NAflag = -9999)
ebimodeling/ghgvcR documentation built on April 28, 2021, 8:19 p.m.