
#' Clean an EBD file
#' Some rows in the eBird Basic Dataset (EBD) may have an incorrect number of
#' columns, often resulting from tabs embedded in the comments field. This
#' function drops these problematic records. **Note that this function typically
#' takes at least 3 hours to run on the full EBD.**
#' @param f_in character; input file.
#' @param f_out character; output file.
#' @param sep character; the input field separator, the EBD is tab separated by
#'   default. Must only be a single character and space delimited is not allowed
#'   since spaces appear in many of the fields.
#' @param remove_blank logical; whether the trailing blank should be removed
#'   from the end of each row. The EBD comes with an extra tab at the end of
#'   each line, which causes a extra blank column.
#' @param overwrite logical; overwrite output file if it already exists
#' @details
#' This function can clean an EBD file or an EBD sampling file.
#' Calling this function requires that the command line utility AWK is
#' installed. Linux and Mac machines should have AWK by default, Windows users
#' will likely need to install [Cygwin](https://www.cygwin.com).
#' @return If AWK ran without errors, the output filename is returned,
#'   however, if an error was encountered the exit code is returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # example data with errors
#' f <- system.file("extdata/ebd-sample_messy.txt", package = "auk")
#' tmp <- tempfile()
#' # clean file to remove problem rows
#' auk_clean(f, tmp)
#' # number of lines in input
#' length(readLines(f))
#' # number of lines in output
#' length(readLines(tmp))
#' # note that the extra blank column has also been removed
#' ncol(read.delim(f, nrows = 5, quote = ""))
#' ncol(read.delim(tmp, nrows = 5, quote = ""))
#' unlink(tmp)
#' }
auk_clean <- function(f_in, f_out, sep = "\t",
                      remove_blank = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE) {
  # checks
  awk_path <- auk_getpath()
  if (is.na(awk_path)) {
    stop("auk_clean() requires a valid AWK install.")
    assertthat::is.string(sep), nchar(sep) == 1, sep != " ",
  # check output file
  if (!dir.exists(dirname(f_out))) {
    stop("Output directory doesn't exist.")
  if (!overwrite && file.exists(f_out)) {
    stop("Output file already exists, use overwrite = TRUE.")
  f_out <- path.expand(f_out)

  # determine number of columns
  # read header row
  header <- get_header(f_in, sep)
  if (remove_blank && header[length(header)] == "") {
    header <- header[-length(header)]
  ncols <- length(header)
  if (ncols < 30) {
      sprintf("There is an error in your EBD file, only %i columns detected.",

  # construct awk command
  if (remove_blank) {
    # remove end of line tab
    ws <- "sub(/\t$/, \"\", $0)"
  } else {
    ws <- ""
  awk <- str_interp(awk_clean, list(ncols = ncols, ws = ws, sep = sep))

  # run command
  exit_code <- system2(awk_path,
                       args = paste0("'", awk, "' ", f_in),
                       stdout = f_out)
  if (exit_code == 0) {
  } else {

# awk script template
awk_clean <- "
  FS = \"${sep}\"
  OFS = \"${sep}\"
  # only keep rows with correct number of records
  if (NF == ${ncols} || NR == 1) {
    print $0
ebird/auk documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:02 a.m.