
Defines functions num_wins to_h2h_mat h2h_mat as_tibble.h2h_long to_h2h_long h2h_long

Documented in as_tibble.h2h_long h2h_long h2h_mat num_wins to_h2h_long to_h2h_mat

# Long format of Head-to-Head values --------------------------------------
#' Compute long format of Head-to-Head values
#' Functions to compute Head-to-Head values in long pair-value format.
#' @param cr_data Competition results ready for [as_longcr()].
#' @param ... Name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions (see Details).
#' @param fill A named list that for each variable supplies a single value to
#'   use instead of `NA` for missing pairs (see tidyr's
#'   [complete()][tidyr::complete()]).
#' @param mat Matrix of Head-to-Head values.
#' @param value String name to be used for column with Head-to-Head value.
#' @param drop Use `TRUE` to drop rows with missing Head-to-Head values (see
#'   Details).
#' @param x Object to be converted to [tibble][tibble::tibble].
#' @section Head-to-Head value:
#' Head-to-Head value is a summary statistic of direct confrontation between two
#' players. It is assumed that this value can be computed based only on the
#' players' [matchups][get_matchups()]. In other words, every game is converted
#' into series of "subgames" between ordered pairs of players (including
#' selfplay) which is stored as [widecr] object. After that, summary of item,
#' defined by columns `player1` and `player2`, is computed using
#' [summarise_item()].
#' That said, name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions should be defined as
#' for `summarise_item()` applied to data with columns `game`, `player1`,
#' `score1`, `player2`, `score2`.
#' @details `h2h_long()` computes Head-to-Head values in
#' [long][convert-pair-value] format. It allows computation of multiple
#' Head-to-Head values at the same time by supplying multiple summary functions
#' in `...`. If no function is supplied in `...`, it returns all appropriate
#' combinations of [matchups][get_matchups()] (see next paragraph).
#' After computing Head-to-Head values of actually present matchups, they are
#' aligned with "levels" (see [levels2()]) of `player` vector (after applying
#' `as_longcr()`). This is a way to target function on fixed set of players by
#' using factor columns. The procedure is:
#' - Implicit missing matchups are turned into explicit (by adding corresponding
#' rows with filling values in Head-to-Head columns) by using tidyr's
#' [complete()][tidyr::complete()].
#' - All matchups not containing players from "levels" are removed.
#' Use `fill` as in `complete()` to control filling values. To drop those rows
#' use tidyr's [drop_na()][tidyr::drop_na()].
#' `to_h2h_long()` takes __object of [h2h_mat] structure__ and converts
#' it into `h2h_long` object with value column named as stored in `value`. Use
#' `drop = TRUE` to remove rows with missing values in value column (but not in
#' players').
#' @return An object of class `h2h_long` which is a [tibble][tibble::tibble]
#' with columns `player1`, `player2` and those, produced by Head-to-Head
#' functions (for `h2h_long()` maybe none).
#' [as_tibble()][tibble::as_tibble()] applied to `h2h_long` object drops
#' `h2h_long` class.
#' @examples
#' ncaa2005 %>%
#'   h2h_long(
#'     mean_score = mean(score1),
#'     mean_abs_score = mean(abs(score1 - score2))
#'   )
#' ncaa2005[-(1:2), ] %>%
#'   h2h_long(
#'     mean_score = mean(score1),
#'     fill = list(mean_score = 0)
#'   )
#' @seealso [Matrix format][h2h_mat] of Head-to-Head values.
#' [Common Head-to-Head functions][h2h_funs].
#' @name h2h_long

#' @rdname h2h_long
#' @export
h2h_long <- function(cr_data, ..., fill = list()) {
  cr <- cr_data %>%
    as_longcr(repair = TRUE)
  player_levs <- levels2(cr$player)

  if (is.factor(cr[["player"]])) {
    # Simulation of "computing Head-to-Head values of actually present matchups"
    # This is needed because of updates in {dplyr} (>= 0.8.0) regarding
    # manipulation with grouped data.
    cr_summary <- cr %>%
      mutate(player = as.character(.data$player)) %>%
      get_matchups() %>%
      summarise_item(c("player1", "player2"), ...) %>%
        player1 = factor(.data$player1, levels = player_levs),
        player2 = factor(.data$player2, levels = player_levs)
  } else {
    cr_summary <- cr %>%
      get_matchups() %>%
      summarise_item(c("player1", "player2"), ...)

  cr_summary %>%
      # This seems more consistent than `player1 = .data$player1` etc.
      !!!syms(c("player1", "player2")),
      fill = fill
    ) %>%
      as.character(.data$player1) %in% player_levs,
      as.character(.data$player2) %in% player_levs
    ) %>%

#' @rdname h2h_long
#' @export
to_h2h_long <- function(mat, value = "h2h_value", drop = FALSE) {
  mat %>%
    mat_to_long("player1", "player2", value, drop = drop) %>%

#' @rdname h2h_long
#' @export
as_tibble.h2h_long <- function(x, ...) {
  tibble::as_tibble(remove_class_cond(x, "h2h_long"), ...)

# Matrix format of Head-to-Head values ------------------------------------
#' Compute matrix format of Head-to-Head values
#' Functions to compute Head-to-Head values in matrix pair-value format.
#' @param cr_data Competition results ready for [as_longcr()].
#' @param ... Name-value pairs of Head-to-Head functions (see Details).
#' @param fill A single value to use instead of `NA` for missing pairs.
#' @param tbl Data frame in [long format][h2h_long] of Head-to-Head values.
#' @param value String name for column with Head-to-Head value.
#' @inheritSection h2h_long Head-to-Head value
#' @details `h2h_mat()` computes Head-to-Head values in
#' [matrix][convert-pair-value] format. It allows multiple Head-to-Head
#' functions in `...` but only first (if present) will be used. Basically, it
#' uses supplied function to compute long format of Head-to-Head values and then
#' [transforms][long_to_mat()] it naturally to matrix, filling missing values
#' with `fill`.
#' `to_h2h_mat()` takes __object of [h2h_long] structure__ and converts it into
#' `h2h_mat` using column with name `value` for values and filling data for
#' implicitly missing (not explicitly provided in `tbl`) player pairs with
#' `fill`. If `value` is `NULL` it takes first non-player column. If there is no
#' such column, it will use vector of dummy values (`NA`s or `fill`s).
#' @return An object of class `h2h_mat` which is a [matrix] with row names
#'   indicating first player in matchup, col names - second and values -
#'   Head-to-Head values.
#' @examples
#' # Only first function is used
#' ncaa2005 %>%
#'   h2h_mat(
#'     mean_score = mean(score1),
#'     mean_abs_score = mean(abs(score1 - score2))
#'   )
#' ncaa2005[-(1:2), ] %>%
#'   h2h_mat(mean_score = mean(score1), fill = 0)
#' @seealso [Long format][h2h_long] of Head-to-Head values.
#' [Common Head-to-Head functions][h2h_funs].
#' @name h2h_mat

#' @rdname h2h_mat
#' @export
h2h_mat <- function(cr_data, ..., fill = NULL) {
  dots <- rlang::quos(...)
  if (length(dots) > 1) {
    dots <- dots[1]
    was_trunc <- TRUE
  } else {
    was_trunc <- FALSE

  res_long <- cr_data %>% h2h_long(!!!dots)

  value_col <- setdiff(colnames(res_long), c("player1", "player2"))
  if (was_trunc) {

  # If some value column is actually supplied missing values should be removed
  # in order to use `fill` from `to_h2h_mat`.
  # If don't do it conditionally then call `h2h_mat(cr_data)` will produce
  # output after dropping NAs in __all__ columns (behavior of `drop_na()`)
  if (length(value_col) > 0) {
    res_long <- res_long %>%
      # This might be even faster then `fill` as list-argument to `h2h_long`
      # in case of many players

  res_long %>%
    to_h2h_mat(value = value_col, fill = fill)

#' @rdname h2h_mat
#' @export
to_h2h_mat <- function(tbl, value = NULL, fill = NULL) {
  tbl %>%
      fill = fill,
      silent = !identical(value, NULL)
    ) %>%

# Head-to-Head functions --------------------------------------------------
#' Common Head-to-Head functions
#' List of commonly used functions for computing Head-to-Head values.
#' @details `h2h_funs` is a named list of [expressions][rlang::expr()]
#' representing commonly used expressions of Head-to-Head functions for
#' computing Head-to-Head values with [h2h_long()] or [h2h_mat()]. Names of the
#' elements will be used as Head-to-Head value names. To use them inside
#' `h2h_long()` or `h2h_mat()` use [unquoting][rlang::quasiquotation] mechanism
#' from rlang package.
#' Currently present functions:
#' - `mean_score_diff` - computes mean score difference of `player1` compared to
#' `player2`.
#' - `mean_score_diff_pos` - equivalent to `mean_score_diff` but returns 0 if
#' result is negative.
#' - `mean_score` - computes mean score of `player1`.
#' - `sum_score_diff` - computes sum of score differences of `player1` compared
#' to `player2`.
#' - `sum_score_diff_pos` - equivalent to `sum_score_diff` but returns 0 if
#' result is negative.
#' - `sum_score` - computes sum of scores of `player1`.
#' - `num_wins` - computes number of matchups `player1` scored __more__ than
#' `player2`. Draws (determined by [dplyr::near()]) are omitted.
#' - `num_wins2` - computes number of matchups `player1` scored __more__ than
#' `player2` __plus__ half the number of matchups where they had draw. __Note__
#' that for equal `player1` and `player2` there might be non-zero output.
#' - `num` - computes number of matchups.
#' __Note__ that it is generally better to subset `h2h_funs` using names
#' rather than indices because the order of elements might change in future
#' versions.
#' @examples
#' ncaa2005 %>% h2h_long(!!!h2h_funs)
#' ncaa2005 %>% h2h_mat(!!!h2h_funs["num_wins2"])
#' @seealso [Long format][h2h_long] of Head-to-Head values.
#' [Matrix format][h2h_mat] of Head-to-Head values.
#' @export
h2h_funs <- list(
  mean_score_diff = expr(mean(score1 - score2)),
  mean_score_diff_pos = expr(max(mean(score1 - score2), 0)),
  mean_score = expr(mean(score1)),
  sum_score_diff = expr(sum(score1 - score2)),
  sum_score_diff_pos = expr(max(sum(score1 - score2), 0)),
  sum_score = expr(sum(score1)),
  num_wins = expr(num_wins(score1, score2, half_for_draw = FALSE)),
  num_wins2 = expr(num_wins(score1, score2, half_for_draw = TRUE)),
  num = expr(dplyr::n())

#' Compute number of wins
#' Function to accompany `num_wins` and `num_wins2` in [h2h_funs]. May be useful
#' for outer usage.
#' @param score_1 Vector of scores for first player.
#' @param score_2 Vector of scores for second player.
#' @param half_for_draw Use `TRUE` to add half the matchups with draws.
#' @param na.rm Use `TRUE` to not count pair of scores with at least one `NA`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
num_wins <- function(score_1, score_2, half_for_draw = FALSE, na.rm = TRUE) {
  near_score <- near(score_1, score_2)

  sum(score_1[!near_score] > score_2[!near_score], na.rm = na.rm) +
    half_for_draw * 0.5 * sum(near_score, na.rm = na.rm)
echasnovski/comperes documentation built on March 5, 2023, 4:27 p.m.