
Defines functions interp_cell_pack_out interp_row_pack_out interp_col_pack_out interp_group_pack_out interp_data_pack_out expose_single.cell_pack expose_single.row_pack expose_single.col_pack expose_single.group_pack expose_single.data_pack expose_single.default expose_single expose

Documented in expose expose_single

# Expose ------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Expose data to rule packs
#' Function for applying rule packs to data.
#' @param .tbl Data frame of interest.
#' @param ... Rule packs. They can be in pure form or inside a list
#'   (at any depth).
#' @param .rule_sep Regular expression used as separator between column and
#'   rule names in [col packs][column-pack] and [cell packs][cell-pack].
#' @param .remove_obeyers Whether to remove elements which obey rules from
#'   report.
#' @param .guess Whether to guess type of unsupported rule pack type (see
#'   Details).
#' @details `expose()` applies all supplied rule packs to data, creates an
#'   [exposure] object based on results and stores it to attribute 'exposure'.
#'   It is guaranteed that `.tbl` is not modified in any other way in order to
#'   use `expose()` inside a \code{\link[magrittr]{pipe}}.
#'   It is a good idea to name all rule packs: explicitly in `...` (if they are
#'   supplied not inside list) or during creation with respective rule pack
#'   function. In case of missing name it is imputed based on possibly existing
#'   exposure attribute in `.tbl` and supplied rule packs. Imputation is similar
#'   to one in [rules()] but applied to every pack type separately.
#'   Default value for `.rule_sep` is the regular expression `characters
#'   ._. surrounded by non alphanumeric characters`. It is picked to be used
#'   smoothly with `dplyr`'s [scoped verbs][dplyr::scoped] and [rules()] instead
#'   of pure list. In most cases it shouldn't be changed but if needed it
#'   should align with `.prefix` in [rules()].
#' @section Guessing:
#'   To work properly in some edge cases one should specify pack types with
#'   [appropriate function][rule-packs]. However with `.guess` equals to `TRUE`
#'   `expose` will guess the pack type based on its output after applying to
#'   `.tbl`. It uses the following features:
#'   - Presence of non-logical columns: if present then the guess is [group
#'   pack][group-pack]. Grouping columns are guessed as all non-logical. This
#'   works incorrectly if some grouping column is logical: it will be guessed as
#'   result of applying the rule. __Note__ that on most occasions this edge case
#'   will produce error about grouping columns define non-unique levels.
#'   - Combination of whether number of rows equals 1 (`n_rows_one`) and
#'   presence of `.rule_sep` in all column names (`all_contain_sep`). Guesses
#'   are:
#'       - [Data pack][data-pack] if `n_rows_one == TRUE` and `all_contain_sep
#'       == FALSE`.
#'       - [Column pack][column-pack] if `n_rows_one == TRUE` and
#'       `all_contain_sep == TRUE`.
#'       - [Row pack][row-pack] if `n_rows_one == FALSE` and `all_contain_sep ==
#'       FALSE`. This works incorrectly if output has one row which is checked.
#'       In this case it will be guessed as data pack.
#'       - [Cell pack][cell-pack] if `n_rows_one == FALSE` and `all_contain_sep
#'       == TRUE`. This works incorrectly if output has one row in which cells
#'       are checked. In this case it will be guessed as column pack.
#' @return A `.tbl` with possibly added 'exposure' attribute containing the
#'   resulting [exposure]. If `.tbl` already contains 'exposure' attribute then
#'   the result is binded with it.
#' @examples
#' my_rule_pack <- . %>% dplyr::summarise(nrow_neg = nrow(.) < 0)
#' my_data_packs <- data_packs(my_data_pack_1 = my_rule_pack)
#' # These pipes give identical results
#' mtcars %>%
#'   expose(my_data_packs) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' mtcars %>%
#'   expose(my_data_pack_1 = my_rule_pack) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' # This throws an error because no pack type is specified for my_rule_pack
#' \dontrun{
#' mtcars %>% expose(my_data_pack_1 = my_rule_pack, .guess = FALSE)
#' }
#' # Edge cases against using 'guess = TRUE' for robust code
#' group_rule_pack <- . %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(vs_one = vs == 1) %>%
#'   dplyr::group_by(vs_one, am) %>%
#'   dplyr::summarise(n_low = dplyr::n() > 10)
#' group_rule_pack_dummy <- . %>%
#'   dplyr::mutate(vs_one = vs == 1) %>%
#'   dplyr::group_by(mpg, vs_one, wt) %>%
#'   dplyr::summarise(n_low = dplyr::n() > 10)
#' row_rule_pack <- . %>% dplyr::transmute(neg_row_sum = rowSums(.) < 0)
#' cell_rule_pack <- . %>% dplyr::transmute_all(rules(neg_value = . < 0))
#' # Only column 'am' is guessed as grouping which defines non-unique levels.
#' \dontrun{
#' mtcars %>%
#'   expose(group_rule_pack, .remove_obeyers = FALSE, .guess = TRUE) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' }
#' # Values in `var` should contain combination of three grouping columns but
#' # column 'vs_one' is guessed as rule. No error is thrown because the guessed
#' # grouping column define unique levels.
#' mtcars %>%
#'   expose(group_rule_pack_dummy, .remove_obeyers = FALSE, .guess = TRUE) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' # Results should have in column 'id' value 1 and not 0.
#' mtcars %>%
#'   dplyr::slice(1) %>%
#'   expose(row_rule_pack) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' mtcars %>%
#'   dplyr::slice(1) %>%
#'   expose(cell_rule_pack) %>%
#'   get_report()
#' @export
expose <- function(.tbl, ..., .rule_sep = inside_punct("\\._\\."),
                   .remove_obeyers = TRUE, .guess = TRUE) {
  present_exposure <- get_exposure(.tbl)

  tbl_keyed <- .tbl %>%
    unkey() %>%
  packs <- rlang::dots_list(...) %>%

  res_exposure <- lapply(
    packs, expose_single,
    .tbl = tbl_keyed, .rule_sep = .rule_sep,
    .remove_obeyers = .remove_obeyers, .guess = .guess
  ) %>%
    impute_exposure_pack_names(.exposure_ref = present_exposure) %>%
    add_pack_names() %>%

  output_exposure <- bind_exposures(
    .validate_output = TRUE

  set_exposure(.tbl, output_exposure)

#' Expose data to single rule pack
#' The workhorse generic function for doing exposure. The result is
#' [single_exposure].
#' @param .pack Rule pack function.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @inheritParams expose
#' @keywords internal
expose_single <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                          .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  UseMethod("expose_single", .pack)

#' @export
expose_single.default <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                  .remove_obeyers, .guess, ...) {
  if (!.guess) {
    stop("There is unsupported class of rule pack.")

  pack_out <- .pack(.tbl)
  pack_out_type <- guess_pack_type(.pack_out = pack_out, .rule_sep = .rule_sep)

  pack_with_class <- .pack %>%
    add_class_cond("rule_pack") %>%

  if (pack_out_type == "group_pack") {
    # Grouping variables are guessed as being the only non-logical
    pack_group_vars <- colnames(pack_out)[!vapply(pack_out, is.logical, TRUE)]
      "Pack group variables during guessing"

    pack_group_sep <- "."

    pack_with_class <- pack_with_class %>%
      `attr<-`("group_vars", pack_group_vars) %>%
      `attr<-`("group_sep", pack_group_sep)

  pack_report <- switch(
    data_pack = interp_data_pack_out(pack_out),
    group_pack = interp_group_pack_out(
      .pack_out = pack_out,
      .group_vars = pack_group_vars,
      .group_sep = pack_group_sep
    col_pack = interp_col_pack_out(pack_out, .rule_sep),
    row_pack = interp_row_pack_out(pack_out),
    cell_pack = interp_cell_pack_out(pack_out, .rule_sep)
  ) %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(pack_with_class, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

#' @export
expose_single.data_pack <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                    .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  pack_report <- .tbl %>%
    .pack() %>%
    interp_data_pack_out() %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(.pack = .pack, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

#' @export
expose_single.group_pack <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                     .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  # Scrape attributes
  pack_group_vars <- attr(.pack, "group_vars")
  assert_character(pack_group_vars, "Group variables of group pack")
  assert_positive_length(pack_group_vars, "Group variables of group pack")

  pack_group_sep <- attr(.pack, "group_sep")
  assert_character(pack_group_sep, "Group separator of group pack")
  assert_length(pack_group_sep, 1L, "Group separator of group pack")

  # Expose single pack
  pack_report <- .tbl %>%
    .pack() %>%
      .group_vars = pack_group_vars,
      .group_sep = pack_group_sep,
      # '@_-_@' is used as hopefully not present in used data.
      .col_sep = "@_-_@"
    ) %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(.pack = .pack, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

#' @export
expose_single.col_pack <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                   .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  pack_report <- .tbl %>%
    .pack() %>%
    interp_col_pack_out(.rule_sep = .rule_sep) %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(.pack = .pack, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

#' @export
expose_single.row_pack <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                   .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  pack_report <- .tbl %>%
    .pack() %>%
    interp_row_pack_out() %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(.pack = .pack, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

#' @export
expose_single.cell_pack <- function(.tbl, .pack, .rule_sep,
                                    .remove_obeyers, ...) {
  pack_report <- .tbl %>%
    .pack() %>%
    interp_cell_pack_out(.rule_sep = .rule_sep) %>%
    remove_obeyers(.do_remove = .remove_obeyers)

  new_single_exposure(.pack = .pack, .remove_obeyers, pack_report)

# Interpretation ----------------------------------------------------------
interp_data_pack_out <- function(.pack_out) {
  assert_pack_out_all_logical(.pack_out, "data pack")
  assert_pack_out_one_row(.pack_out, "data pack")

  .pack_out %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      key = "rule", value = "value",
    ) %>%
    mutate(var = ".all", id = 0L) %>%
    select("rule", "var", "id", "value")

interp_group_pack_out <- function(.pack_out, .group_vars, .group_sep,
                                  .col_sep = "@_-_@") {
  .pack_out %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      .group_sep = .group_sep,
      .col_sep = .col_sep
    ) %>%
    interp_col_pack_out(.rule_sep = .col_sep)

interp_col_pack_out <- function(.pack_out, .rule_sep) {
  assert_pack_out_all_logical(.pack_out, "column pack")
  assert_pack_out_one_row(.pack_out, "column pack")
  assert_pack_out_all_have_separator(.pack_out, "column pack", .rule_sep)

  # First extracted group is "everything from beginning until the first
  # `.rule_sep` is found. Second - everything after `.rule_sep`.
  rule_sep_regex <- paste0("(^.*?)", .rule_sep, "(.*$)")
  .pack_out %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
      key = "var_rule", value = "value",
    ) %>%
      col = "var_rule", into = c("var", "rule"),
      regex = rule_sep_regex
    ) %>%
    mutate(id = 0L) %>%
    select("rule", "var", "id", "value")

interp_row_pack_out <- function(.pack_out) {
  assert_pack_out_all_logical(.pack_out, "row pack")

  .pack_out %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    rename_keys(id = ".id") %>%
    restore_keys_at(.vars = "id", .remove = TRUE, .unkey = TRUE) %>%
      key = "rule", value = "value",
    ) %>%
    mutate(var = ".all") %>%
    select("rule", "var", "id", "value")

interp_cell_pack_out <- function(.pack_out, .rule_sep) {
  assert_pack_out_all_logical(.pack_out, "row pack")
  assert_pack_out_all_have_separator(.pack_out, "column pack", .rule_sep)

  # First extracted group is "everything from beginning until the first
  # `.rule_sep` is found. Second - everything after `.rule_sep`.
  rule_sep_regex <- paste0("(^.*?)", .rule_sep, "(.*$)")
  .pack_out %>%
    tibble::as_tibble() %>%
    rename_keys(id = ".id") %>%
    restore_keys_at(.vars = "id", .remove = TRUE, .unkey = TRUE) %>%
      key = "var_rule", value = "value",
    ) %>%
      col = "var_rule", into = c("var", "rule"),
      regex = rule_sep_regex
    ) %>%
    select("rule", "var", "id", "value")
echasnovski/ruler documentation built on April 3, 2023, 4:17 p.m.