#' The main function of mSIM package
#' @import mgcv
#' @import MASS
#' @import glmnet
#' @import Matrix
#' @import splines
#' @import lbfgs
#' @export get_B_ADMM
#' @param Y The index matrix
#' @param X The covariate matrix
#' @param B The initial coefficient matrix
#' @param lambda The regualrize coefficient
#' @param rank The rank of B matrix
#' @param alpha The step in the optimization process
#' @param control1 A list that contains parameters for minimize loss function
#' @param control2 A list that contains parameters for regularize
#' @param select.method link funtion selection method
#' @param descend.method optimization method
#' @param plot whether or not plot the error during the iteration
#' @return A list that contains information such as the final B matrix, the training error.
#' @examples
#' X <- scale(X_train)
#' Y <- scale(Y_train)
#' test = get_B_ADMM(Y=Y, X=X, lambda=0.2, rank=3, alpha=1, control1 = list(max.iter=5e1, tol=1e-5),
#' control2=list(ele.sparse=FALSE, row.sparse=TRUE, low.rank=TRUE), select.method='linear', plot=FALSE)
get_B_ADMM <- function(Y, X, B = NULL, lambda, rank, alpha=1, control1=list(max.iter=1e2, tol=1e-2), control2=list(ele.sparse=FALSE, row.sparse=TRUE, low.rank=TRUE), select.method='linear', descent.method='bfgs', plot=FALSE){
# Y <- scale(Y)
# X <- scale(X)
# env_check()
if(control2$ele.sparse & control2$row.sparse)
stop('Only one sparse penalty is supported now')
n <- dim(Y)[1]
q <- dim(Y)[2]
p <- dim(X)[2]
if (is.null(B)){
B <- get.B.ridge(Y, X, lambda = lambda)
if(select.method == 'linear'){
ratio <- c()
for(P in 1:p){
temp <- 0
for(Q in 1:q){
temp <- temp + (cor(Y[,Q], X[,P]))^2
ratio <- c(ratio, temp)
fixed <- which.max(ratio)
if(select.method == 'nonlinear'){
ratio <- c()
for(P in 1:p){
temp <- 0
for(Q in 1:q){
SST <- (n-1)*var(Y[,Q])
nonlinear.fit <- pspline.gam(Y[,Q], X[,P])
temp <- temp + sum((Y[,Q] - nonlinear.fit$fitted.values)^2)/SST
ratio <- c(ratio, temp)
fixed <- which.min(ratio)
C = B
A = B
D = B
W1 <- matrix(0, p, q)
W2 <- matrix(0, p, q)
W3 <- matrix(0, p, q)
converge <- 0
n.iter <- 1
pri.err.save <- c()
dual.err.save <- c()
while(n.iter <= control1$max.iter){ ##2-step iteration
temp <- B
# update A
for(j in 1:q){
eta <- B[,j] - W1[,j] / alpha
eta <- eta / norm(eta, '2')
if(eta[fixed] != 0){
eta <- sign(eta[fixed]) * eta
A[,j] <- eta
# update C
newY <- B - W2 / alpha
C <- sign(newY)*pmax(abs(newY)- lambda / alpha, 0)
C[fixed,] <- newY[fixed,]
for(k in 1:p){
if(k != fixed){
C[k,] <- max(0, 1 - lambda/alpha/norm(newY[k,], '2')) * newY[k,]
C[k,] <- newY[k,]
C[k,] <- max(0, 1 - lambda/alpha/norm(newY[k,], '2')) * newY[k,]
if(k == fixed & max(0, 1 - lambda/alpha/norm(newY[k,], '2')) == 0){
C[k,] <- 1
# update D
D <- rank.norm(B - W3 / alpha, rank)
# update B
for(j in 1:q){
y <- Y[,j]
x <- X
fit0 <- si.smooth(y, x, C[,j])
h0 <- si.h(fit0)
if(descent.method == 'gd'){ # not very useful
b <- grad.descent(y, x, B[,j], alpha, control2, h0, W1[,j], W2[,j], W3[,j], A[,j], C[,j], D[,j])
}else if(descent.method == 'bfgs'){
b <- bfgs.descent(y, x, B[,j], alpha, h0, W1[,j], W2[,j], W3[,j], A[,j], C[,j], D[,j])
B[,j] <- b$beta
# update W's
W1 <- W1 + alpha*(A - B)
if(control2$ele.sparse | control2$row.sparse){
W2 <- W2 + alpha*(C - B)
W3 <- W3 + alpha*(D - B)
# error
pri.err <- (sum((A - B)^2) + sum((C - B)^2)*(control2$ele.sparse | control2$row.sparse) + sum((D - B)^2)*control2$low.rank) / (p*q)
dual.err <- (alpha * norm(temp-B, 'F'))^2 / (p*q)
pri.err.save <- c(pri.err.save, pri.err)
dual.err.save <- c(dual.err.save, dual.err)
error.control <- (max(pri.err, dual.err) <= control1$tol)
plot(pri.err.save, type='l')
plot(dual.err.save, type='l')
n.iter <- n.iter + 1
return(list(B.final=col.norm(rank.norm(C, rank)), B.sparse=C, B.proj=A, B.lowrank=D, converge=converge, iteration=n.iter, pri.err=pri.err.save, dual.err=dual.err.save, noPenIndex=fixed))
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