
Defines functions blav_fit_measures

setMethod("fitMeasures", signature(object = "blavaan"),
function(object, fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL) {
    blav_fit_measures(object = object, fit.measures = fit.measures,
                     baseline.model = baseline.model)

# lowercase 'm'
setMethod("fitmeasures", signature(object = "blavaan"),
function(object, fit.measures = "all", baseline.model = NULL) {
    blav_fit_measures(object = object, fit.measures = fit.measures,
                     baseline.model = baseline.model)

blav_fit_measures <- function(object, fit.measures = "all", 
                              baseline.model = NULL) {

    # has the model converged?
    if(object@Fit@npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged &&
       !inherits(object@external$mcmcout, "NULL")) {
        warning("blavaan WARNING: the chains may not have converged.", call. = FALSE)

    # do we have a test statistic?
    bopts <- blavInspect(object, "options")
    if(bopts$test == "none") {
        if(bopts$target != "stan") {
            stop("blavaan ERROR: fit measures cannot be obtained when test=\"none\"")
        } else {
            cat("blavaan NOTE: not all fit measures are available when test='none'\n")

    if('prisamp' %in% names(bopts)) {
      if(bopts$prisamp) {
        warning("blavaan WARNING: These metrics are based on prior samples so may be meaningless.",
                call. = FALSE)
    if("all" %in% fit.measures) {
        class.flag <- TRUE
    } else {
        class.flag <- FALSE

    # collect info from the lavaan slots
    GLIST <- object@Model@GLIST

    # N versus N-1
    # this affects BIC, RMSEA, cn_01/05, MFI and ECVI
    # Changed 0.5-15: suggestion by Mark Seeto
    if(object@Options$estimator %in% c("ML","PML","FML") && 
       object@Options$likelihood == "normal") {
        N <- object@SampleStats@ntotal
    } else {
        N <- object@SampleStats@ntotal - object@SampleStats@ngroups

    # Change 0.5-13: take into account explicit equality constraints!!
    # reported by Mark L. Taper (affects AIC and BIC)
    npar <- object@Fit@npar
    if(nrow(object@Model@con.jac) > 0L) {
        ceq.idx <- attr(object@Model@con.jac, "ceq.idx")
        if(length(ceq.idx) > 0L) {
            neq <- qr(object@Model@con.jac[ceq.idx,,drop=FALSE])$rank
            npar <- npar - neq

    fx <- object@Fit@fx
    fx.group <- object@Fit@fx.group
    meanstructure <- object@Model@meanstructure
    categorical   <- lavInspect(object, "categorical")
    multigroup    <- object@Data@ngroups > 1L
    estimator     <- "ML" #object@Options$estimator
    test          <- object@Options$test
    G <- object@Data@ngroups  # number of groups
    ## TODO get these from something like get_ll
    ##X2 <- object@Fit@test[[1]]$stat
    ##df <- object@Fit@test[[1]]$df

    # define 'sets' of fit measures:
    fit.always <- c("npar")

    # logl at posterior means
    fit.logl <- "logl"
    # posterior predictive p
    fit.chisq <- "ppp" #, "chisq.pi.lower", "chisq.pi.upper")

    # information criteria
    fit.ic <- c("bic", "dic", "p_dic")
    if("sampkls" %in% names(object@external)){
        fit.ic <- c(fit.ic, "dic_jags", "p_dic_jags")
    if("csamplls" %in% names(object@external)){
        fit.ic <- c(fit.ic, "dic_cond", "p_dic_cond")
    if("csampkls" %in% names(object@external)){
        fit.ic <- c(fit.ic, "dic_cond_j", "p_dic_cond_j")
    if(object@Data@data.type != "moment"){
        ## if no data, we can't compute lppd for these metrics
        fit.ic <- c(fit.ic, "waic", "p_waic", "se_waic",
                    "looic", "p_loo", "se_loo")
    if("csamplls" %in% names(object@external)){
        fit.ic <- c(fit.ic, "waic_cond", "p_waic_cond", "se_waic_cond",
                    "looic_cond", "p_loo_cond", "se_loo_cond")
    fit.rmsea <- "rmsea"
    # marginal logl
    fit.mll <- "margloglik"

    # lower case
    fit.measures <- tolower(fit.measures)

    # select 'default' fit measures
    if(length(fit.measures) == 1L) {
        if(fit.measures == "default" | fit.measures == "all") {
            if(estimator == "ML") {
                fit.measures <- c(fit.always, fit.logl, fit.chisq, fit.ic, 
                                  fit.rmsea, fit.mll)
            } else {
                stop("blavaan ERROR: Invalid estimator.")

                #if(estimator == "MML") {
                #  fit.measures <- c(fit.always, fit.logl)


    # main container
    indices <- list()

    if("npar" %in% fit.measures) {
        indices["npar"] <- npar

    if("logl" %in% fit.measures) {
        indices["logl"] <- object@Fit@fx
    # posterior predictive p
    if("ppp" %in% fit.measures && bopts$test != "none") {
        indices["ppp"] <- object@Fit@test[[2]]$stat
    if(any(c("waic", "p_waic", "looic", "p_loo") %in% fit.measures)) {
        lavopt <- object@Options
        catmod <- lavInspect(object, "categorical")
        lavopt$estimator <- "ML"
        if(lavopt$target == "stan" && !catmod && lavInspect(object, "meanstructure")){
          casells <- loo::extract_log_lik(object@external$mcmcout)
        } else {
          if(catmod & lavopt$test != "none"){
            if(catmod && compareVersion(packageDescription('lavaan')$Version, '0.6-10') < 0) stop("blavaan ERROR: lavaan 0.6-10 or higher is needed (you may need to install from github)")

            if("llnsamp" %in% names(lavopt)){
              cat("blavaan NOTE: These criteria involve likelihood approximations that may be imprecise.\n",
                  "You could try running the model again to see how much the criteria fluctuate.\n",
                  "You can also manually set llnsamp for greater accuracy (but also greater runtime).\n\n")
            casells <- object@external$casells
          } else {
            casells <- case_lls(object@external$mcmcout, make_mcmc(object@external$mcmcout), object)

        fitres <- waic(casells)
        fitse <- fitres$estimates[,'SE']
        fitres <- fitres$estimates[,'Estimate']
        indices["waic"] <- fitres[["waic"]]
        indices["p_waic"] <- fitres[["p_waic"]]
        indices["se_waic"] <- fitse[["waic"]]
        nchain <- blavInspect(object, "n.chains")
        ref <- relative_eff(casells, chain_id = rep(1:nchain, each = nrow(casells)/nchain))
        if (
          "mcmcdata" %in% names(object@external) &
          "moment_match_k_threshold" %in% names(object@external$mcmcdata) & 
          bopts$target == "stan"
          ) {
          k_threshold <- object@external$mcmcdata$moment_match_k_threshold
          fitres <- loo::loo(
            moment_match = TRUE,
            k_threshold = k_threshold
        } else {
          fitres <- loo(casells, r_eff = ref)
        fitse <- fitres$estimates[,'SE']
        fitres <- fitres$estimates[,'Estimate']
        indices["looic"] <- fitres[["looic"]]
        indices["p_loo"] <- fitres[["p_loo"]]
        indices["se_loo"] <- fitse[["looic"]]

        if("csamplls" %in% names(object@external) & bopts$target != "stan"){
            if("stanlvs" %in% names(object@external)){
                samps <- make_mcmc(object@external$mcmcout, object@external$stanlvs)
            } else {
                samps <- make_mcmc(object@external$mcmcout)
            casells <- case_lls(object@external$mcmcout, samps,
                                lavobject = object, conditional = TRUE)

            fitres <- waic(casells)
            fitse <- fitres$estimates[,'SE']
            fitres <- fitres$estimates[,'Estimate']
            indices["waic_cond"] <- fitres[["waic"]]
            indices["p_waic_cond"] <- fitres[["p_waic"]]
            indices["se_waic_cond"] <- fitse[["waic"]]
            ref <- relative_eff(casells, chain_id =
                                rep(1:nchain, each = nrow(casells)/nchain))
            fitres <- loo(casells, r_eff = ref)
            fitse <- fitres$estimates[,'SE']
            fitres <- fitres$estimates[,'Estimate']
            indices["looic_cond"] <- fitres[["looic"]]
            indices["p_loo_cond"] <- fitres[["p_loo"]]
            indices["se_loo_cond"] <- fitse[["looic"]]
    if(any(c("bic", "dic", "p_dic") %in% fit.measures)) {
        if(lavInspect(object, "categorical") && compareVersion(packageDescription('lavaan')$Version, '0.6-10') < 0) stop("blavaan ERROR: lavaan 0.6-10 or higher is needed (you may need to install from github)")
        if(is.null(dim(object@external$samplls))) {
            samplls <- rowSums(casells)
            df <- 2*(object@Fit@fx - mean(samplls))
        } else {
            samplls <- object@external$samplls
            df <- 2*(object@Fit@fx - mean(as.numeric(samplls[,,1])))

        indices["bic"] <- -2*object@Fit@fx + npar*log(N)
        indices["dic"] <- -2*object@Fit@fx + 2*df
        indices["p_dic"] <- df

        if("sampkls" %in% names(object@external)){
          dfj <- mean(object@external$sampkls)/2
          indices["dic_jags"] <- -2*object@Fit@fx + 2*dfj
          indices["p_dic_jags"] <- dfj

        if("csamplls" %in% names(object@external)){
            cllmn <- mean(as.numeric(object@external$csamplls[,,1]))
          } else {
            cllmn <- NA
          dfc <- 2*(object@external$cfx - cllmn)
          indices["dic_cond"] <- -2*object@external$cfx + 2*dfc
          indices["p_dic_cond"] <- dfc

        if("csampkls" %in% names(object@external)){
          dfjc <- mean(object@external$csampkls)/2
          indices["dic_cond_j"] <- -2*object@external$cfx + 2*dfjc
          indices["p_dic_cond_j"] <- dfjc
    if("margloglik" %in% fit.measures & test != "none") {
        indices["margloglik"] <- object@test[[1]]$stat
    out <- unlist(indices[fit.measures])

    ## warn for p_D computations < 0
    pds <- names(out) %in% paste0('p_', c('dic', 'waic', 'loo'))
    if(any(out[pds] < 0, na.rm = TRUE)) warning("blavaan WARNING: some effective number of parameter computations are < 0. This may indicate prior-data conflict or other model problems.", call. = FALSE)
    if(length(out) > 0L) {
        class(out) <- c("lavaan.vector", "numeric")
    } else {
        return( invisible(numeric(0)) )

ecmerkle/blavaan documentation built on April 18, 2024, 2:30 p.m.