
Defines functions newVARmultieventRealization

Documented in newVARmultieventRealization


#' Generates several realizations of a VAR model 
#' @author  Emanuele Cordano, Emanuele Eccel
#' @param var A VAR model represented by a \code{varest2} object as returned by \code{\link{getVARmodel}}
#' @param xprev previous status of the random variable
#' @param exogen matrix containing the values of the "exogen" variables (predictor) for the generation
#' @param nrealization number of realization (e.g. days to simulate). If \code{exogen} is not \code{NULL} and it is a matrix, it must be lower or equal to the number of rows of \code{exogen}
#' @param B matrix of coefficients for the vector white-noise component
#' @param extremes,type  see \code{\link{inv_GPCA}}
#' @param noise stochastic noise to add for variabile generation. Default is \code{NULL} and it is automatically randomly genereted accordind to matrix \code{B}. If  the VAR model (\code{var} argument) does not fit well the residuals (e.g. non-normality, non-serialty or heteroskesticity) and the white noise is manually inserted, in this case argument \code{B} is not taken into account. 
#' @export  
#' @return  a matrix of values


# B=t(chol(summary(var@VAR)$covres)) OLD DEfault  t(chol(cov(residuals(var))))
newVARmultieventRealization <-
function(var,xprev=rnorm(var@VAR$K*var@VAR$p),exogen=NULL,nrealization=10,B=t(chol(cov(residuals(var)))),extremes=TRUE,type=3,noise=NULL) {

	K <-var@VAR$K
	p <- var@VAR$p
	nexogen <- ncol(var@VAR$datamat)-K*(p+1)
	if (is.null(noise)) {
		noise <- array(rnorm(K*nrealization),c(nrealization,K))
		if (class(var)=="GPCAvarest2") {
		noise1 <- as.data.frame(t(B %*% t(as.matrix(noise)))) ## DA CORREGGERE QUI!!!
		noise <- inv_GPCA(x=noise1,GPCA_param=var@GPCA_residuals,type=type,extremes=extremes)
		B <- diag(1,ncol(B))
	}	else {
		B <- diag(1,ncol(B))
	if ((is.null(exogen)) & (nexogen!=0)) {
		print("Error exogen variables (predictors) are needed to new VAR multirealization") 
		print("Check VAR and exogen variables!!!")
	} else if (!is.null(exogen)) if (nexogen!=ncol(exogen)) {
			print("Error corrected exogen variables (predictors) are needed to new VAR multirealization") 
			print("Check VAR and exogen variables!!!")
		}#if (nexogen!=ncol(exogen)) names
	out <- array(NA,c(nrealization,K))
	x <-xprev[1:K]
	if (p>1) xprev <- xprev[(K+1):(K*p)]

	for(i in 1:nrow(out)) {
		if (p>1) xprev <- c(x,xprev[1:(K*(p-1))]) else xprev <- x
		if (is.null(exogen)) {
			exogen_data <- NULL
		} else {
			exogen_data <- as.vector(t(exogen[i,]))

		x <- NewVAReventRealization(var=var@VAR,xprev=xprev,exogen=exogen_data,noise=as.vector(t(noise[i,])),B=B)
		out[i,] <- x
	if (class(var)=="GPCAvarest2") {
		out <- inv_GPCA(x=out,GPCA_param=var@GPCA_data,type=type,extremes=extremes)
ecor/RMAWGEN documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 5:56 p.m.