
Defines functions smet

Documented in smet


#' Function to read a  a SMET file
#' @param file  SMET file name
#' @param numeric logical value
#' @param timezone.offset.sign It can be \code{"negative"} or \code{"positive"}. Many systems support timezones of the form GMT+n and GMT-n, which are at a fixed offset from UTC (hence no DST). Contrary to some usage (but consistent with names such as PST8PDT), negative offsets are times ahead of (east of) UTC, positive offsets are times behind (west of) UTC.
#' @param date.field field neme used for date and time. Default is \code{"timestamp"}.
#' @param date.format format used for date and time. Default is \code{"\%Y-\%m-\%dT\%H:\%M:\%S"}.
#' @param non_numeric_fields fields, except \code{date.fiels}, that contain non-numeric values
#' @param comment character symbol used to comment lines or part of lines. Default is \code{"#"}. See \code{\link{str_locate}}
#' @param station.field field name used for station ID. Default is \code{"station_id"}, as used for \code{SMET} format.
#' @param ... further arguments
#' @export
#' @import stringr
#' @return a \code{\link{smet-class}} object
#' @details To better understand the use of timezones in R (\code{tz} attribute) see the following link: 
#' \url{http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11927433/timezones-in-r-how-to-avoid-ambiguous-terms-such-as-est}
#' @seealso \code{\link{smet-class}}
#' @examples 
#' file <- system.file("examples/test.smet",package="RSMET")
#' sm <- smet(file)

smet <- function(file=NULL,numeric=TRUE,non_numeric_fields=NULL,
		...) {
	file_default <- system.file("examples/test.smet",package="RSMET")
	if (is.null(file)) file <- NA
	if (is.na(file)){
		file <- file_default
		warning("file is missing, and automatically set by default!")
	string <- readLines(file,encoding="US-ASCII")
	sl <- stringr::str_length(string)
	sla <- stringr::str_locate(string,comment)[,"start"]-1
	sla[is.na(sla)] <- sl[is.na(sla)]
	string <- stringr::str_sub(string,0,sla)
	string <- string[string!=""]
	iheader <- which(stringr::str_trim(string)=="[HEADER]")
	idata <- which(stringr::str_trim(string)=="[DATA]")
	signature <- paste(string[1:(iheader-1)],collapse=";")
	outdata <- stringr::str_split(string[-(1:idata)]," ")
	outdata <- lapply(X=outdata,FUN=function(x){ x[x!=""]}) ## ec 20151118
	outdata <- t(as.data.frame(outdata,stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
	data <- as.data.frame(outdata,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
	rownames(data) <- NULL
	#### Create a list for the header
    outheader <- stringr::str_split(string[(iheader+1):(idata-1)],"=",n=2)                                                             
	header <- lapply(X=outheader,FUN=function(x){x[2]})
	names(header) <- sapply(X=outheader,FUN=function(x){x[1]})
	names(header) <- stringr::str_replace_all(names(header)," ","")
	#### Data and Header Processing
    numerickeys <- c("nodata","altitude","latitude","longitude","easting","northing")	

	numerickeys <- numerickeys[numerickeys %in% names(header)]
	for (it in numerickeys) {
		header[[it]] <- as.numeric(header[[it]])
	vars <- header$fields
	vars <- (stringr::str_split(vars," ")[[1]])
	vars <- vars[vars!=""]
	header$fields <- vars
	if ("units_offset" %in% names(header)) {
		offset <- header[["units_offset"]]
		offset <- (stringr::str_split(offset," ")[[1]])
		offset <- as.numeric(offset[offset!=""])
		header[["units_offset"]] <- offset
		names(header[["units_offset"]]) <- header$fields
	} else {
		header[["units_offset"]] <- array(0,ncol(data))
		names(header[["units_offset"]]) <- header$fields
	if ("units_multiplier" %in% names(header)) {
		mult <- header[["units_multiplier"]]
		mult <- (stringr::str_split(mult," ")[[1]])
		mult <- as.numeric(mult[mult!=""])
		header[["units_multiplier"]] <- mult
		names(header[["units_multiplier"]]) <- header$fields
	} else {
		header[["units_multiplier"]] <- array(1,ncol(data))
		names(header[["units_multiplier"]]) <- header$fields
	names(data) <- header$fields
	names(header$fields) <- header$fields
	#### END Data and Header Processing
	if (numeric==TRUE) {
		non_numeric_fields <- c(non_numeric_fields,date.field)
		numeric_fields <- names(data)[!(names(data) %in% non_numeric_fields)]
		for (it in numeric_fields) {
			data[,it] <- as.numeric(data[,it])
		timezone.offset.sign <- timezone.offset.sign[1]
		if (timezone.offset.sign %in% c("positive","+")) timezone.offset.sign <- 1
		if (timezone.offset.sign %in% c("negative","-")) timezone.offset.sign <- -1
		if (timezone.offset.sign!=0) timezone.offset.sign <- timezone.offset.sign/abs(timezone.offset.sign)
		tz <- header$tz
		if (is.null(tz)) {
			tz <- base::list(...)$tz
		if (is.null(tz)) {
			tz <- NA
		tzn <- as.numeric(tz)*timezone.offset.sign		
		if (!is.na(tzn)) {
			if (tzn>=0) {
				tz <- sprintf("Etc/GMT+%d",tzn)
			} else {
				tz <- sprintf("Etc/GMT-%d",-tzn)
		if (date.field %in% names(data)) {
			data <- data
			times <- data[,date.field]
			data$times_temp <- as.POSIXlt(times,format=date.format,tz=tz)
			data <- data[,names(data)!=date.field] ## EC 20160523
			names(data)[names(data)=="times_temp"] <- date.field
			data <- data[,header$fields]
	#		> (df$timestamp)
	#		[1] "2015-10-21 07:20:00 GMT" "2015-10-22 07:30:00 GMT"
	#		[3] "2015-10-22 11:00:00 GMT" "2015-10-23 11:00:00 GMT"
	#		[5] "2015-10-24 07:30:00 GMT" "2015-10-24 11:00:00 GMT"
	#		[7] "2015-10-25 07:30:00 GMT" "2015-10-27 08:00:00 GMT"
	#		[9] "2015-10-27 12:00:00 GMT" "2015-10-28 07:40:00 GMT"
	#		[11] "2015-10-29 12:00:00 GMT" "2015-10-29 08:30:00 GMT"
	#		[13] "2015-10-31 08:00:00 GMT" "2015-11-03 08:30:00 GMT"
	#		[15] "2015-11-04 08:30:00 GMT" "2015-11-04 12:00:00 GMT"
	#		> sort(df$timestamp)
	#		[1] "2015-10-21 07:20:00 GMT" "2015-10-22 07:30:00 GMT"
	#		[3] "2015-10-22 11:00:00 GMT" "2015-10-23 11:00:00 GMT"
	#		[5] "2015-10-24 07:30:00 GMT" "2015-10-24 11:00:00 GMT"
	#		[7] "2015-10-25 07:30:00 GMT" "2015-10-27 08:00:00 GMT"
	#		[9] "2015-10-27 12:00:00 GMT" "2015-10-28 07:40:00 GMT"
	#		[11] "2015-10-29 08:30:00 GMT" "2015-10-29 12:00:00 GMT"
	#		[13] "2015-10-31 08:00:00 GMT" "2015-11-03 08:30:00 GMT"
	#		[15] "2015-11-04 08:30:00 GMT" "2015-11-04 12:00:00 GMT"
	#		> help(sort,help_type="html")
			row.names(data) <- sprintf("%020d",1:nrow(data))
			times <- data[,date.field]
			names(times) <- row.names(data)
			data <- data[names(sort(times)),]
	if (is.null(file)) file <- NA
	if (identical(file,file_default)) file <- NA
	if (station.field %in% names(header)) {
		station_id <- header[[station.field]][1]
		station_id <- str_replace(station_id," ","")
		header[[station.field]] <- station_id
	out <- new("smet",signature=signature,header=header,data=data,file=as.character(file))
ecor/RSMET documentation built on Aug. 30, 2023, 2:04 a.m.