
## % Kalman Filter demonstration with sine signal.
## %
## % History:
## %    3.12.2002 SS  The first implementation
## %
## % Copyright (C) 2002 Simo S"arkk"a
## %
## % This software is distributed under the GNU General Public
## % Licence (version 2 or later); please refer to the file
## % Licence.txt, included with the software, for details.


kf_sine_demo <- function() {

    ## %
    ## % Create sine function
    ## %
    ## S1 = [0.2;1.0];
    ## S2 = [1.0;-0.2];
    ## sd = 0.1;
    ## dt = 0.1;
    ## w = 1;
    ## T = (0:dt:30);
    ## X = sin(w*T);
    ## Y = X + sd*randn(size(X));
    S1 <- c(0.2, 1.0)
    S2 <- c(1.0, -0.2)
    stdev <- 0.1
    dt <- 0.1
    w <- 1
    Tseq <- seq(0, 30, by=dt)
    X <- sin(w*Tseq)
    Y <- X + stdev * rnorm(length(X))

    ## %
    ## % Initialize KF to values
    ## %
    ## %   x = 0
    ## %   dx/dt = 0
    ## %
    ## % with great uncertainty in derivative
    ## %
    ## M = [0;0];
    ## P = diag([0.1 2]);
    ## R = sd^2;
    ## H = [1 0];
    ## q = 0.1;
    ## F = [0 1;
    ##      0 0];
    ## [A,Q] = lti_disc(F,[],diag([0 q]),dt);
    M <- c(0,0)
    P <- diag(c(0.1, 2))
    R <- matrix(stdev^2,1,1)
    H <- matrix(c(1, 0), 1, 2)
    q <- 0.1
    Qc <- diag(c(0, q))
    F <- matrix(0, 2, 2)
    F[1,2] <- 1
    L <- diag(2)
    rl <- ltiDisc(F, L, Qc, dt)
    A <- rl[["A"]]
    Q <- rl[["Q"]]

    ## %
    ## % Track and animate
    ## %
    ## MM = zeros(size(M,1),size(Y,2));
    ## PP = zeros(size(M,1),size(M,1),size(Y,2));
    ## clf;
    ## clc;
    ## disp('In this demonstration we estimate a stationary sine signal from noisy measurements by using the classical Kalman filter.');
    ## disp(' ');
    ## disp('The filtering results are now displayed sequantially for 10 time step at a time.');
    ## disp(' ');
    ## disp('<push any key to proceed to next time steps>');
    n <- length(M)
    p <- length(Y)
    MM <- matrix(0, n, p)
    PP <- array(0, dim=c(n, n, p))

    ## for k=1:size(Y,2)
    for (k in 1:p) {

        ## %
        ## % Track with KF
        ## %
        ## [M,P] = kf_predict(M,P,A,Q);
        ## [M,P] = kf_update(M,P,Y(k),H,R);

        B <- diag(n)
        u <- matrix(0, n, 1)
        rl <- kfPredict(M, P, A, Q, B, u)
        M <- rl[["x"]]
        P <- rl[["P"]]

        rl <- kfUpdate(M, P, Y[k], H, R)
        M <- rl[["x"]]
        P <- rl[["P"]]

        MM[,k] <- M
        PP[,,k] <- P

        ## %
        ## % Animate
        ## %
        ## if rem(k,10)==1
        ##   plot(T,X,'b--',...
        ##        T,Y,'ro',...
        ##        T(k),M(1),'k*',...
        ##        T(1:k),MM(1,1:k),'k-');
        ##   legend('Real signal','Measurements','Latest estimate','Filtered estimate')
        ##   title('Estimating a noisy sine signal with Kalman filter.');
        ##   drawnow;
        ##   pause;
        ## end
        ## end

    op <- par(mfcol=c(1,2), mar=c(3,3,1,1), oma=c(0,0,2,0))
    plot(Tseq, X, type='l', lty="dashed", col="blue", ylim=range(Y))
    points(Tseq, Y, col="red", pch="+")
    lines(Tseq[1:k], MM[1, 1:k], col="black")
    legend("topright", bty="n", lty=c("dashed", NA, "solid"), pch=c(NA, "+", NA),
           legend=c("Real signal", "Measurement", "Filtered estimate"),
           col=c("blue", "red", "black"))

    ## clc;
    ## disp('In this demonstration we estimate a stationary sine signal from noisy measurements by using the classical Kalman filter.');
    ## disp(' ');
    ## disp('The filtering results are now displayed sequantially for 10 time step at a time.');
    ## disp(' ');
    ## disp('<push any key to see the filtered and smoothed results together>')
    ## pause;
    ## %
    ## % Apply Kalman smoother
    ## %

    ## SM = rts_smooth(MM,PP,A,Q);
    rl <- rtsSmoother(MM, PP, A, Q)
    SM <- rl[["SM"]]

    ## plot(T,X,'b--',...
    ##      T,MM(1,:),'k-',...
    ##      T,SM(1,:),'r-');
    ## legend('Real signal','Filtered estimate','Smoothed estimate')
    ## title('Filtered and smoothed estimate of the original signal');
    plot(Tseq, X, type='l', lty="dashed", col="blue", ylim=range(Y))
    lines(Tseq, MM[1, ], col="black")
    lines(Tseq, SM[1, ], col="red")
    legend("topright", bty="n", lty=c("dashed", "solid", "solid"),
           legend=c("Real signal", "Filtered", "Smoothed"),
           col=c("blue", "black", "red"))
    title(main="Kalman Filter and Smoother: Sine Wave Example", outer=TRUE, line=0)

    ## clc;
    ## disp('The filtered and smoothed estimates of the signal are now displayed.')
    ## disp(' ');
    ## disp('RMS errors:');
    ## %
    ## % Errors
    ## %
    ## fprintf('KF = %.3f\nRTS = %.3f\n',...
    ##         sqrt(mean((MM(1,:)-X(1,:)).^2)),...
    ##         sqrt(mean((SM(1,:)-X(1,:)).^2)));
    cat("RMS errors for KF and RTS:\n")
    print(sqrt(mean( (MM[1,] - X)^2)))
    print(sqrt(mean( (SM[1,] - X)^2)))

eddelbuettel/rcppkalman documentation built on June 19, 2020, 4:28 a.m.