#' Function to create a rule-action matrix
#' The function creates a rule-action matrix (i.e. an obfuscation design)
#' subject to a list of pre-programmed restrictions. These restrictions are in
#' place to ensure that no invalid designs are created. Some of these restrictions
#' can be changed by the user by appropriately specifying the
#' \code{design_opt_input}. Each matrix is a design for one period of the
#' the obfuscation game. This function is for internal use only. To create
#' an obfuscation design, the user should use \code{\link{generate_designs}}.
#' @param design_opt List of design options
#' @return A rules-action matrix
construct_design <- function(design_opt) {
rules <- design_opt$rules
actions <- design_opt$actions
c_rule <- sample(seq_len(rules), 1L)
# Create the full factorial of allowed and prohibited actions
action_list <- lapply(seq_len(actions), function(a){
c(-1, 0)
action_mat <- as.matrix(expand.grid(action_list))
# Check whether min or max number of rules have been specified
if (!is.na(design_opt$min)) {
excluded_rows <- which(matrixStats::rowCounts(action_mat, value = 0) < design_opt$min)
action_mat <- action_mat[-c(excluded_rows), ]
if (!is.na(design_opt$max)) {
excluded_rows <- which(matrixStats::rowCounts(action_mat, value = 0) > design_opt$max)
action_mat <- action_mat[-c(excluded_rows), ]
rows <- nrow(action_mat)
max_rules <- rows + actions
if (rows > max_rules) {
stop("The maximum allowed number of rules is: ", max_rules)
# Matrix of obligatory actions
obligatory_mat <- matrix(-1, nrow = actions, ncol = actions)
diag(obligatory_mat) <- 1
# Evaluate and update the matrix subject to a set of restrictions
design_conditions <- rep(FALSE, 7)
iter_counter <- 1
while (any(design_conditions == FALSE)) {
# Randomly generate a design matrix
design <- action_mat[sample(rows, size = rules - design_opt$obligatory,
replace = FALSE), ]
# Check if we are enforcing obligatory rules.
if (design_opt$obligatory > 0) {
design_oblig <- obligatory_mat[sample(actions,
size = design_opt$obligatory,
replace = FALSE), ]
design <- rbind(design, design_oblig)
design <- design[sample(nrow(design)), ]
# Condition 1 - The considered rule cannot have an obligated action
design_conditions[1L] <- ifelse(any(design[c_rule, ] == 1), FALSE, TRUE)
# Condition 2 - No action can be forbidden by every rule
tmp <- abs(Rfast::colsums(design)) == rules
design_conditions[2L] <- ifelse(any(tmp), FALSE, TRUE)
# Condition 3 - Allowable actions need to fit a min_fit rules
tmp <- which(design[c_rule, ] == 0)
if (length(tmp) == 0) {
design_conditions[3L] <- FALSE
} else {
# rules - forbidden = allowed < min_allowed
tmp <- (rules - Rfast::colsums(design[, tmp, drop = FALSE] == -1)) < design_opt$min_fit
design_conditions[3L] <- ifelse(any(tmp), FALSE, TRUE)
# Condition 4 - No duplicate actions allowed
design_conditions[4L] <- ifelse(anyDuplicated(design, MARGIN = 2),
# Conditions 5 - 7 iff Condition 2 holds
if (design_conditions[2L]) {
# Calculate the entropy
entropy <- calc_entropy(design)
i_max <- which(entropy == max(entropy))
# Cannot have more than one entropy max action
if (length(i_max) == 1) {
# Condition 5 - max(entropy) must be permitted by c_rule
design_conditions[5L] <- ifelse(design[c_rule, i_max] == -1,
# Condition 6 - the max entropy action has min pr_rk_aj
max_post <- Rfast::colMaxs(attr(entropy, "pr_rk_aj"), value = TRUE)
design_conditions[6L] <- ifelse(max_post[i_max] == min(max_post),
# Condition 7 - ensure spread of the entropy measure
if (!is.na(design_opt$sd_entropy)) {
design_conditions[7L] <- ifelse(stats::sd(entropy) < design_opt$sd_entropy,
} else {
design_conditions[7L] <- TRUE
} else {
design_conditions[5L] <- FALSE
design_conditions[6L] <- FALSE
# Check iterations and break if exceeds
iter_counter <- iter_counter + 1
if (iter_counter > design_opt$max_iter){
cat("No suitable design found in the number of iterations specified")
# Add row- and colnames prior to returning design
design <- structure(design,
dimnames = list(paste0("R", seq_len(rules)),
paste0("A", seq_len(actions))),
iter = iter_counter,
design_conditions = design_conditions,
c_rule = c_rule)
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