
Defines functions add_unit_id

Documented in add_unit_id

#' @title Add unique unit IDs to time series
#' @description This function extracts unique unit (e.g., electronic tag) IDs from a dataframe containing unit attributes, termed \code{dat_units}, that correspond to units listed in a time series, termed \code{dat_ts}. This is useful when the same unit (e.g., an electronic tag) is deployed multiple times so that each 'unit' code (i.e., the code of a particular tag) does not correspond to a unique deployment. In this scenario, both the unit code and the time of deployment need to be included in the matching procedure to add unique unit IDs to the time series.
#' @param dat_ts A dataframe comprising time series collected from 'units'. This must contain two named columns: 'timestamp', a  vector which defines the time of each observation (in \code{\link[base]{Date}} or \code{\link[base]{DateTimeClasses}} format); and 'unit', a vector which defines the unit code (which may be non unique). The column 'unit' should also be found in \code{dat_units} (see below).
#' @param dat_units A dataframe which contains unit metadata. This must contain four named columns: 'unit', as above for \code{dat_ts}; 'unit_id', a unique identifier for unit; 'start_time', a vector which defines the time of each unit's deployment; and 'end_time', a vector which defines the end of each unit's deployment. 'start_time' and 'end_time' should be of the same object type, and the same type as 'timestamp' in \code{dat_ts}.
#' @return The function returns a vector of unit IDs, as defined in the \code{dat_units$unit_id} column, which correspond to each observation in the \code{dat_ts} dataframe.
#' @examples
#' #### Define example data
#' # In this example, we have two units, but one has been re-deployed:
#' dat_units <- data.frame(unit = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                         unit_id = c(1, 2, 3),
#'                         start_time = as.POSIXct(c("2016-01-01", "2016-01-02", "2016-01-01")),
#'                         end_time = as.POSIXct(c("2016-01-02", "2016-01-03", "2016-01-02"))
#'                         )
#' # Our observational dataframe contains units but not unique unit IDs:
#' dat_ts <- data.frame(unit = c(1, 1, 2),
#'                      timestamp = as.POSIXct(c("2016-01-01 00:30:00",
#'                      "2016-01-02 00:30:00",
#'                      "2016-01-01 00:30:00"))
#'                      )
#' #### Example (1): Add unit IDs to the observational dataframe
#' # The first observation corresponds to unit_id 1;
#' # The second observation corresponds to the same unit
#' # ... but a different deployment, and has unit_id = 2
#' # The third observation corresponds to unit id 3;
#' dat_ts$unit_id <- add_unit_id(dat_ts, dat_units)
#' dat_ts
#' @author Edward Lavender
#' @export

#### add_receiver_id()

add_unit_id <-
  function(dat_ts, dat_units){

    #### Checks
    # Check that dat_ts and dat_units contain required columns
    if(!all(c("unit_id", "unit", "start_time", "end_time") %in% colnames(dat_units))) stop("dat_units does not contain all required column names.")
    if(!all(c("unit", "timestamp") %in% colnames(dat_ts))) stop("dat_ts does not contain all required column names.")

    #### If some units were deployed, we need to
    # ... account for the unit code and the time of deployment when we add units to dat_ts

      #### Check dat_ts/dat_units dataframes contain required information in correct format
      if(!all(class(dat_units$start_time) %in% class(dat_units$end_time))){
        stop("class(dat_units$start_time) and class(dat_units$end_time) must be equal.")
      if(!any(class(dat_units$start_time) %in% class(dat_ts$timestamp))){
        stop("class(dat_units$start_time) must be the same as class(dat_ts$timestamp)")
      if(class(dat_units$unit)[1] != class(dat_ts$unit)[1]){
        warning("class(dat_units$unit)[1] != class(dat_ts$unit)[1]; both coerced to character vectors.")
        dat_units$unit <- as.character(dat_units$unit)
        dat_ts$unit <- as.character(dat_ts$unit)

      #### Define data.tables
      dat_ts$start_time <- dat_ts$timestamp
      dat_ts$end_time   <- dat_ts$timestamp
      dat_ts <- data.table::data.table(dat_ts)
      dat_units <- data.table::data.table(dat_units)
      unit <- NULL; start_time <- NULL; end_time <- NULL
      data.table::setkey(dat_units, unit, start_time, end_time)

      #### Implement data.table::foverlaps()
      order <- data.table::foverlaps(dat_ts, dat_units, type = "within", nomatch = NA, which = TRUE)

      #### Define dat_ts$receiver_id
      dat_ts$unit_id <- dat_units$unit_id[order$yid]

      #### If there are no redeployed units, we can simply use match()
      # ... to obtain the unit IDs for the dat_ts dataframe.
    } else{
      dat_ts$unit_id <- dat_units$unit_id[match(dat_ts$unit, dat_units$unit)]

    #### Return the unit IDs
    lna <- length(which(is.na(dat_ts$unit_id)))
    if(lna > 0) warning(paste("unit IDs returned contain,", lna, "NAs (e.g. possibly due to incorrect start/end times)."))

#### End of code.
edwardlavender/Tools4ETS documentation built on Nov. 29, 2022, 7:41 a.m.