
Defines functions explore_field_2d

Documented in explore_field_2d

#' @title Explore 2-dimensional FVCOM fields
#' @description For multiple variables, days and locations, this function extracts model predictions and computes summary statistics and/or creates maps of environmental conditions. The user passes the function a dataframe specifying the variables to be included and their properties alongside various other arguments for data extraction and to customise the summary statistics and plots that are produced. For each variable, the function loads in the FVCOM arrays for each date in turn, computes summary statistics and/or plots a map for the hours specified. Iterative loading in of the files is necessary given the size/memory requirements of FVCOM arrays.
#' @param field2d A dataframe that defines the variables for which model outputs will be explored. This must contain the following columns: 'cov2d', a character vector of variable names; 'mesh_type', a character vector of the mesh type ("element" or "node") across which each variable is structured; 'extension', a character vector which defines the extension of the FVCOM arrays for that variable (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}); and 'vector_field', a logical vector defining whether or not that variable is a scalar (FALSE) or vector field (TRUE). To save plots directly to file (see \code{make_plot} and \code{png_param}, below), the dataframe should contain a column 'dir2save' which specifies the folder in which all the plots for each variable will be saved.
#' @param dat_ls A named list of dataframes, with one element for each \code{field2d$cov2d}. Each element should comprise a dataframe which defines the FVCOM file date names, hours, and mesh (node or element) IDs for model predictions will be extracted (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}).
#' @param match_hour A dataframe with two integer columns named 'hour' and 'index' which defines the index in FVCOM arrays (i.e. the row) which corresponds to each hour (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}).
#' @param match_layer A dataframe with two integer columns named 'layer' and 'index' which defines the index in FVCOM arrays (i.e. the column) which corresponds to each layer (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}).
#' @param match_mesh_around_nodes A dataframe with two columns named 'mesh' and 'index' which defines the index in FVCOM arrays (columns or sheets for 2- and 3-dimensional arrays respectively) which corresponds to each node cell (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}). This may be required if \code{field2d} contains variables that are resolved at nodes.
#' @param match_mesh_around_elements A dataframe with two columns named 'mesh' and 'index' which defines the index in FVCOM arrays (columns or sheets for 2- and 3-dimensional arrays respectively) which corresponds to each element cell (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}). This is may be required if \code{field2d} contains variables that are resolved at elements.
#' @param corrupt A vector of numbers, representing WeStCOMS date names, which define corrupt files (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}).
#' @param read_fvcom_ls A named list of functions, with one element for each \code{field2d$cov2d}. Each element should contain a function that is used to load files for that variable (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}).
#' @param dir2load_ls A named list of directories, with one element for each \code{field2d$cov2d}. Each element should be a string (for scalar fields) or a vector of strings (for vector fields) that defines the directory from which to load model files (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}, which is used to load files). For vector fields, the first string should specify the directory of the u component files and the second string should specify the directory of the v component files.
#' @param mesh_around_nodes A mesh, created by \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{build_mesh}}, that surrounds nodes. This is required for plotting variables that are resolved at nodes.
#' @param mesh_around_elements A mesh, created by \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{build_mesh}}, that surrounds elements. This is required for plotting variables that are resolved at elements.
#' @param make_plot A logical input defining whether or not to make plots. Plots are either displayed or saved to file (if \code{field2d} contains a column named 'dir2save').
#' @param plot_param A list of parameters required to make plots. These parameters either wrap around, or are passed as arguments, to \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{plot_field_2d}}. The list needs to contain elements with the following names: 'hours4plots', 'par_op', 'coastline', 'zlab', 'zlab_line' and 'vector_scale'. 'hours4plots' is a numeric vector of all the hours for which to create plots on a given day. 'par_op' is an output from \code{\link[graphics]{par}}. 'coastline' is an object used to plot coastline (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{plot_field_2d}}); and 'zlab', 'zlab_line' and 'vector_scale' are vectors that define the labels on the z axis, their distance from the z axis and the scale of the arrows used to plot vectors, for each inputted variable. Other graphical parameters are not variable specific and passed as additional arguments outside of this list (see \code{...}).
#' @param png_param A named list of parameters passed to \code{\link[grDevices]{png}} to customise plots saved as .png files.
#' @param compute_summary_stats A logical input defining whether or not summary statistics should be calculated.
#' @param summary_stats_param A list of parameters necessary to calculate summary statistics. This list should contain elements with the following names: 'hours4stats', 'row_specific' and 'funs' (see \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{summarise_field_2d}}).
#' @param parallelise A character specifying whether or not to parallelise the algorithm over variables (\code{"vars"}) or dates (\code{"date_name"}). This is only applicable if a cluster is supplied (see below).
#' @param cl (optional) A cluster objected created by the parallel package. If supplied, the algorithm is implemented in parallel. Note that the connection with the cluster is stopped within the function.
#' @param pass2varlist A list containing the names of exported objects. This may be required if \code{cl} is supplied. This is passed to the \code{varlist} argument of \code{\link[parallel]{clusterExport}}. Exported objects must be located in the global environment.
#' @param verbose A logical input which defines whether or not to display messages to the console detailing function progress.
#' @param ... Additional graphical parameters that can be passed to \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{plot_field_2d}}. These affect all plots.
#' @return If \code{make_plot = TRUE}, the function will produce plots, which are either saved to file or displayed (the latter is only possible if \code{cl = NULL}). To save plots, \code{field2d} must contain a column named 'dir2save'. Plots are saved in this directory with pre-defined file names pertaining to the date and hour that they represent. The list \code{png_param} can be used to customise the saved images. If \code{compute_summary_stats = TRUE}, the function will also return a list of dataframes, with one element for each environmental variable. Each dataframe the following columns: a date, hour and a column for each summary statistic specified. This list is returned to the environment.
#' @seealso \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{build_mesh}}, \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{extract}}, \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{summarise_field_2d}}, \code{\link[fvcom.tbx]{plot_field_2d}}
#' @examples
#' ############################
#' ############################
#' #### Example (1): Implement explore_field_2d() with a single variable
#' #### Define field2d, a dataframe which defines variables and details
#' # ... needed for extraction.
#' field2d <- data.frame(cov2d = "temp",
#'                       mesh_type = "element",
#'                       extension = ".mat",
#'                       vector_field = FALSE)
#' #### Define dat_ls, a list of dataframes which defines
#' # ... the specific FVCOM outputs we'll extract.
#' # We'll extract all predictions for two days from example files for the top layer:
#' timestamp <- as.POSIXct(c("2016-03-01", "2016-03-02"), tz = "UTC")
#' dat <- expand.grid(timestamp = timestamp, mesh_ID = dat_nodexy$node_id)
#' dat$date_name <- date_name(dat$timestamp)
#' dat$hour <- lubridate::hour(dat$timestamp)
#' dat$layer <- 1
#' dat <- dat[, c("date_name", "hour", "layer", "mesh_ID")]
#' dat_ls <- list(temp = dat)
#' #### Define other general parameters for extract()
#' match_hour <- data.frame(hour = 0:1, index = 1:2)
#' # match_layer <- NULL # not needed in this example
#' match_mesh <-
#'   data.frame(mesh = dat_nodexy$node_id, index = 1:length(dat_nodexy$node_id))
#' match_mesh_around_nodes <-
#'   data.frame(mesh = dat_nodexy$node_id, index = 1:length(dat_nodexy$node_id))
#' match_mesh_around_elements <- NULL # not needed in this example
#' # corrupt <- NULL # not needed in this example
#' #### Define a NAMED list of functions to load files
#' read_fvcom_ls <- list(temp = function(con) R.matlab::readMat(con)$data)
#' #### Define a NAMED list of directories used to load files
#' root <- system.file("WeStCOMS_files",
#'                      package = "fvcom.tbx", mustWork = TRUE)
#' root <- paste0(root, "/")
#' dir2load_ls <- list(temp = paste0(root, "temp/"))
#' #### Define mesh(es)
#' # We'll use the example data files.
#' mesh_around_nodes <- dat_mesh_around_nodes
#' # mesh_around_elements <- NULL
#' #### Define plot parameters
#' make_plot <- TRUE
#' plot_param = list(hours4plots = unique(dat$hour)[1],
#'                   par_op = par(oma = c(3, 3, 3, 7)),
#'                   coastline = dat_coast_around_oban,
#'                   zlab = expression(paste("Temperature (", degree, ")")),
#'                   zlab_line = 3,
#'                   vector_scale = NA
#' )
#' # png_param <- list() # not needed in this example
#' #### Define compute stats parameters
#' compute_summary_stats <- TRUE
#' summary_stats_param <-
#'   list(row_specific = TRUE,
#'        funs = list(mean = function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE),
#'                    min = function(x) min(x, na.rm = TRUE))
#'   )
#' #### Parallelise param
#' # We'll set inside the function.
#' # cl <- NULL
#' # pass2varlist = list()
#' # parallelise <- "vars"
#' # verbose <- TRUE
#' #### Implement explore_field_2d() for a single variable
#' explore_field_2d(
#'   field2d = field2d,
#'   dat_ls = dat_ls,
#'   match_hour = data.frame(hour = 0:23, index = 1:24),
#'   match_layer = NULL,
#'   match_mesh_around_nodes = match_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   match_mesh_around_elements = NULL,
#'   corrupt = NULL,
#'   read_fvcom_ls = read_fvcom_ls,
#'   dir2load_ls = dir2load_ls,
#'   mesh_around_nodes = dat_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   mesh_around_elements = NULL,
#'   make_plot = TRUE,
#'   plot_param = plot_param,
#'   png_param = list(),
#'   compute_summary_stats = TRUE,
#'   summary_stats_param = summary_stats_param,
#'   parallelise = "vars",
#'   cl = NULL,
#'   pass2varlist = NULL,
#'   verbose = TRUE,
#'   ncols = 50
#' )
#' ############################
#' ############################
#' #### Example (2): Implement explore_field_2d() for multiple variables
#' #### Redefine field2d, a dataframe which defines variables and details needed for extraction.
#' field2d <- data.frame(cov2d = c("temp", "tidal_elevation", "wind_velocity"),
#'                       mesh_type = c("element", "element", "node"),
#'                       extension = c(".mat", ".mat", ".mat"),
#'                       vector_field = c(FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)
#' )
#' #### Redefine dat_ls to include appropriate mesh cells
#' dat_element <- expand.grid(timestamp = timestamp, mesh_ID = dat_trinodes$element_id)
#' dat_element$date_name <- date_name(dat_element$timestamp)
#' dat_element$hour <- lubridate::hour(dat_element$timestamp)
#' dat_ls <- list(temp = dat,
#'                tidal_elevation = dat,
#'                wind_velocity = dat_element)
#' #### Update dir2load_ls and read_fvcom_ls arguments
#' dir2load_ls <- list(temp = paste0(root, "temp/"),
#'                     tidal_elevation = paste0(root, "tidal_elevation/"),
#'                     wind_velocity = c(paste0(root, "uwind_speed/"), paste0(root, "vwind_speed/")))
#' read_fvcom_ls <- list(temp = function(con) R.matlab::readMat(con)$data,
#'                       tidal_elevation = function(con) R.matlab::readMat(con)$data,
#'                       wind_velocity = function(con) R.matlab::readMat(con)$data)
#' #### Additional arguments required for vector field
#' match_mesh_around_elements <-
#'   data.frame(mesh = dat_trinodes$element_id,
#'              index = 1:length(dat_trinodes$element_id))
#' #### Update plot_param
#' plot_param = list(hours4plots = unique(dat$hour)[1],
#'                   par_op = par(oma = c(3, 3, 3, 7)),
#'                   coastline = dat_coast_around_oban,
#'                   zlab = c(expression(paste("Temperature (", degree, ")")),
#'                            "Tidal elevation (m)",
#'                            expression(paste("Wind Velocity (m", s^-1, ")"))
#'                   ),
#'                   zlab_line = c(3, 3, 3),
#'                   vector_scale = c(NA, NA, 20)
#' )
#' explore_field_2d(
#'   field2d = field2d,
#'   dat_ls = dat_ls,
#'   match_hour = data.frame(hour = 0:23, index = 1:24),
#'   match_layer = NULL,
#'   match_mesh_around_nodes = match_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   match_mesh_around_elements = match_mesh_around_elements,
#'   corrupt = NULL,
#'   read_fvcom_ls = read_fvcom_ls,
#'   dir2load_ls = dir2load_ls,
#'   mesh_around_nodes = dat_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   mesh_around_elements = dat_mesh_around_elements,
#'   make_plot = TRUE,
#'   plot_param = plot_param,
#'   png_param = list(),
#'   compute_summary_stats = TRUE,
#'   summary_stats_param = summary_stats_param,
#'   cl = NULL,
#'   verbose = TRUE,
#'   ncols = 50)
#' ############################
#' ############################
#' #### Example (3): Parallelise Example (2) over variables:
#' #### These examples take a bit longer to run (a few seconds)
#' \dontrun{
#' #### Define 'dir2save' to save figures
#' # ... which cannot be displayed in parallel.
#' field2d$dir2save <- paste0(tempdir(), "/")
#' #### Implement algorithm
#' explore_field_2d(
#'   field2d = field2d,
#'   dat_ls = dat_ls,
#'   match_hour = data.frame(hour = 0:23, index = 1:24),
#'   match_layer = NULL,
#'   match_mesh_around_nodes = match_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   match_mesh_around_elements = match_mesh_around_elements,
#'   corrupt = NULL,
#'   read_fvcom_ls = read_fvcom_ls,
#'   dir2load_ls = dir2load_ls,
#'   mesh_around_nodes = dat_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   mesh_around_elements = dat_mesh_around_elements,
#'   make_plot = TRUE,
#'   plot_param = plot_param,
#'   png_param = list(),
#'   compute_summary_stats = TRUE,
#'   summary_stats_param = summary_stats_param,
#'   verbose = TRUE,
#'   # Add parallelisation arguments:
#'   parallelise = "vars",
#'   cl = parallel::makeCluster(2L),
#'   pass2varlist = list("dat_mesh_around_nodes",
#'                       "dat_mesh_around_elements",
#'                       "match_mesh_around_nodes",
#'                       "match_mesh_around_elements")
#' )
#' #### Examine .png files saved by function
#' list.files(field2d$dir2save, "*.png")
#' }
#' ############################
#' ############################
#' #### Example (4): Parallelise example (3) over dates:
#' \dontrun{
#' explore_field_2d(
#'   field2d = field2d,
#'   dat_ls = dat_ls,
#'   match_hour = data.frame(hour = 0:23, index = 1:24),
#'   match_layer = NULL,
#'   match_mesh_around_nodes = match_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   match_mesh_around_elements = match_mesh_around_elements,
#'   corrupt = NULL,
#'   read_fvcom_ls = read_fvcom_ls,
#'   dir2load_ls = dir2load_ls,
#'   mesh_around_nodes = dat_mesh_around_nodes,
#'   mesh_around_elements = dat_mesh_around_elements,
#'   make_plot = TRUE,
#'   plot_param = plot_param,
#'   png_param = list(),
#'   compute_summary_stats = TRUE,
#'   summary_stats_param = summary_stats_param,
#'   verbose = TRUE,
#'   # Add parallelisation arguments:
#'   parallelise = "date_name",
#'   cl = parallel::makeCluster(2L),
#'   pass2varlist = list()
#' )
#' }
#' @author Edward Lavender
#' @export

#### explore_field_2d

explore_field_2d <-
    match_hour = data.frame(hour = 0:23, index = 1:24),
    match_layer = NULL,
    match_mesh_around_nodes = NULL,
    match_mesh_around_elements = NULL,
    corrupt = NULL,
    read_fvcom_ls = list(),
    dir2load_ls = list(),
    mesh_around_nodes = NULL,
    mesh_around_elements = NULL,
    make_plot = TRUE,
    plot_param = list(),
    png_param = list(),
    compute_summary_stats = TRUE,
    summary_stats_param = list(),
    parallelise = "vars",
    cl = NULL,
    pass2varlist = NULL,
    verbose = TRUE,...

    #### Set up

    #### Initialisation
    if(verbose) {
      t1 <- Sys.time()
      cat("fvcom.tbx::explore_field_2d() called...\n")
      cat("Step 1: Set up...\n")

    #### Check field2d
    ## Check object classes and values in field2d
    check_names(arg = "field2d",
                input = field2d,
                req = c("cov2d", "mesh_type", "extension", "vector_field"),
                extract_names = colnames,
                type = all
    if(!all(field2d$mesh_type %in% c("node", "element"))){
      stop("field2d$mesh_type contains unsupported inputs. Only these inputs are allowed: 'node', 'element'.")

    #### Check dat_ls
    check_class(arg = "dat_ls",
                input = dat_ls,
                to_class = "list",
                type = "stop")
    check_named_list(arg = "dat_ls", input = dat_ls, ignore_empty = FALSE)
    check_names(arg = "dat_ls", input = dat_ls, req = field2d$cov2d, extract_names = names, type = all)

    #### Check directories
    # Check dir2load_ls is named list
    check_class(arg = "dir2load_ls", input = dir2load_ls, to_class = "list", type = "stop")
    check_named_list(arg = "dir2load_ls", input = dir2load_ls, ignore_empty = FALSE)
    # Check dir2load_ls includes required names
    check_names(arg = "dir2load_ls", input = dir2load_ls, req = field2d$cov2d, extract_names = names, type = all)
    # Check dir2load_ls is correctly supplied
    dir2load_ls_names <- names(dir2load_ls)
    dir2load_ls <- lapply(1:length(dir2load_ls), function(i){
      ev_dirs <- sapply(1:length(dir2load_ls[[i]]), function(j){
        chk <- check_dir(arg = paste0("dir2load_ls[['", names(dir2load_ls)[[i]], "']][", j, "]"),
                         input = dir2load_ls[[i]][j],
                         check_slash = TRUE)
    names(dir2load_ls) <- dir2load_ls_names
    # Check dir2save is correctly supplied
    if(make_plot & rlang::has_name(field2d, "dir2save")){
      for(i in 1:nrow(field2d)){
        field2d$dir2save[i] <- check_dir(arg = paste0("field2d$dir2save[", i, "]"),
                                         input = field2d$dir2save[i],
                                         check_slash = TRUE)

    #### Check read_fvcom_ls list
    check_class(input = read_fvcom_ls, to_class = "list", type = "stop")
    check_named_list(input = read_fvcom_ls, ignore_empty = FALSE)

    #### Check plot_param list
      check_class(input = plot_param, to_class = "list", type = "stop")
      check_named_list(input = plot_param, ignore_empty = FALSE)
      check_names(arg = "plot_param",
                  input = plot_param,
                  req = c("hours4plots", "par_op", "coastline", "zlab", "zlab_line", "vector_scale"),
                  extract_names = names,
                  type = all
      for(i in 1:length(dat_ls)){
        if(!all(plot_param$hours4plots %in% dat_ls[[i]]$hour)){
          stop(paste0("All plot_param$hours4plots values should be within dat_ls[[", i, "]]$hour."))
      check_class(input = png_param, to_class = "list", type = "stop")
      check_named_list(input = png_param, ignore_empty = TRUE)

    #### Check compute_summary_stats list
      check_class(input = summary_stats_param, to_class = "list", type = "stop")
      check_named_list(input = summary_stats_param, ignore_empty = FALSE)
      check_names(arg = "summary_stats_param",
                  input = summary_stats_param,
                  req = c("row_specific", "funs"),
                  extract_names = names,
                  type = all)
      check_named_list(input = summary_stats_param$funs)

    #### Check parallelise
    if(!is.null(cl)) check_value(arg = "parallelise", input = parallelise, supp = c("date_name", "vars"), warn = TRUE)

    #### Define cluster appropriately
    if(parallelise == "vars"){
      cl1 <- cl
      cl2 <- NULL
    } else if(parallelise == "date_name"){
      cl1 <- NULL
      cl2 <- cl
    } else{
      cl1 <- NULL
      cl2 <- NULL

    #### Cluster export
    # Define varlist
    if(!is.null(cl1) | !is.null(cl2)){
      varlist_fns <- list("extract",
      varlist <- append(varlist_fns, pass2varlist)
    # Cluster export
      parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl1, varlist = varlist)
    } else if(!is.null(cl2)){
      parallel::clusterExport(cl = cl2, varlist = varlist)

    #### Loop over each environmental variable

    if(verbose) cat("Step 2: Looping over environmental variables...\n")
    sls <-
        cl = cl1,
        X = 1:nrow(field2d),
        FUN = function(i){

          #### Environmental-variable specific set up

          #### Testing
          # i <- 1

          #### Define variable, and associated properties
          if(verbose) cat(paste0("Step 2A: Isolating environmental variable '", field2d$cov2d[i], "'...\n"))
          # variable attributes
          ev <- field2d$cov2d[i]
          evl <- field2d$cov2dlayer[i]
          extension <- field2d$extension[i]
          vector_field <- field2d$vector_field[i]
          if(make_plot & rlang::has_name(field2d, "dir2save")) dir2save <- field2d$dir2save[i] else dir2save <- NULL

          #### Additional information for extract()
          dat <- dat_ls[[ev]]
          read_fvcom <- read_fvcom_ls[[ev]]
          ev_dir2load <- dir2load_ls[[ev]]

          #### Variable specific plot parameters

            ## Define mesh:
            # Define the appropriate mesh type for that variable
            # ... and the ids of the polygons in that mesh.
            if(field2d$mesh_type[i] == "element"){
              mesh <- mesh_around_nodes
              match_mesh <- match_mesh_around_nodes
            } else if(field2d$mesh_type[i] == "node"){
              mesh <- mesh_around_elements
              match_mesh <- match_mesh_around_elements

            ## Other param
            zlab <- plot_param$zlab[i]
            zlab_line <- plot_param$zlab_line[i]
            vector_scale <- plot_param$vector_scale[i]

          #### Loop over every day and implement three steps:
          # ... 1) Extract model outputs
          # ... 2) Compute summary statistics
          # ... 3) Make plots

          if(verbose) cat("Step 2A: Looping over each day to extract model predictions, compute summary statistics and/or make plots...\n")
          sdf <-
              cl = cl2,
              X = unique(dat$date_name),
              FUN = function(day){

                #### Testing
                # day <- dat$date_name[1]

                #### Extract model outputs using extract()

                #### Subset dat for specific day
                # Daily approach implemented to avoid running out of memory with large datasets.
                if(verbose) cat(paste0("On day ", day, "...\n"))
                dat_sbt <- dat[dat$date_name %in% day, ]

                #### load file and extract data
                # Implement extract()
                if(verbose) cat("Step 2B(i): Preparing to extract model predictions...\n")
                dat_ls <-
                  lapply(ev_dir2load, function(con){
                    ex <- extract(dat = dat_sbt,
                                  match_hour = match_hour,
                                  match_layer = match_layer,
                                  match_mesh = match_mesh,
                                  corrupt = corrupt,
                                  read_fvcom = read_fvcom,
                                  dir2load = con,
                                  extension = extension,
                                  cl = NULL,
                                  pass2varlist = NULL,
                                  verbose = verbose)
                if(length(dat_ls) == 1) {
                  dat_sbt <- dat_ls[[1]]
                } else{
                  udat_sbt <- dat_ls[[1]]
                  vdat_sbt <- dat_ls[[2]]

                #### Compute summary statistics

                #### If the user has selected to calculate summary statistics

                  if(verbose) cat("Step 2B(ii): Computing summary statistics ...\n")

                    message(paste0("Summary statistics not computed for vector field '", ev, "'."))

                  } else{

                    #### Compute summary statistics for every hour, if specified:

                      sry_ls <- lapply(1:length(summary_stats_param$funs), function(i){
                        f <- summary_stats_param$funs[[i]]
                        f_name <- names(summary_stats_param$funs)[i]
                        sry_tbl <- tapply(dat_sbt$wc, list(date_name = dat_sbt$date_name, hour = dat_sbt$hour), f)
                        sry_dat <- data.frame(date_name = rownames(sry_tbl), hour = colnames(sry_tbl), stat = as.numeric(sry_tbl))
                        sry_dat[, f_name] <- sry_dat$stat
                        sry_dat$stat <- NULL
                        sry_dat$hour = as.integer(sry_dat$hour)
                        if(i == 1) return(sry_dat) else return(sry_dat[, 3, drop = FALSE])

                      #### Compute summary statistics across all hours, if specified:
                    } else{

                      sry_ls <- lapply(1:length(summary_stats_param$funs), function(i){
                        f <- summary_stats_param$funs[[i]]
                        f_name <- names(summary_stats_param$funs)[i]
                        sry_tbl <- tapply(dat_sbt$wc, date_name, f)
                        sry_dat <- data.frame(date_name = rownames(sry_tbl), stat = as.numeric(sry_tbl))
                        sry_dat[, f_name] <- sry_dat$stat
                        sry_dat$stat <- NULL
                        sry_dat$hour = as.integer(sry_dat$hour)
                        if(i == 1) return(sry_dat) else return(sry_dat[, 2, drop = FALSE])

                    #### Bind all summary statistics (mean, min etc.) for the current day into one dataframe
                    sry <- dplyr::bind_cols(sry_ls)

                #### Make plots for each day/hour

                  if(verbose) cat("Step 2B(iii): Producing plots...\n")

                  #### Make plot for every hour specified
                  for(hour in plot_param$hours4plots){
                    if(verbose) cat(paste0("On hour ", hour, "...\n"))

                    #### Extract data required (i.e. for specific hour)
                    # ... and create 'data' object for plot_field_2d function.

                    # Note that we have already ensured that mesh ids and datsbt
                    # ... correspond to each other by using cols2extract
                      data <- data.frame(ID = dat_sbt$mesh_ID, fvcom = dat_sbt$wc)
                    } else{
                      data <- list(udata = data.frame(ID = udat_sbt$mesh_ID, fvcom = udat_sbt$wc),
                                   vdata = data.frame(ID = vdat_sbt$mesh_ID, fvcom = vdat_sbt$wc))

                    #### Set up plot to save (in appropriate directory)
                      filename <- paste0(dir2save, "/", day, "_", hour, ".png")
                      png_out <- list(filename = filename)
                      if(length(png_param) > 0) png_out <- rlist::list.merge(png_out, png_param)
                      do.call(grDevices::png, png_out)

                    #### Define plotting margins

                    # Plot graph
                    plot_field_2d(coastline = plot_param$coastline,
                                mesh = mesh,
                                vector_field = vector_field,
                                data = data,
                                zlab = zlab,
                                zlab_line = zlab_line,
                                arrow_scale = vector_scale,
                                main = paste0(day, " ", hour, ":00"),...)

                    #### Save figure
                    if(!is.null(dir2save)) grDevices::dev.off()

                #### Return list of summary statistics for that day.
                if(compute_summary_stats & !vector_field) return(sry) else return(NULL)

              }) # close loop over each day

          #### Outputs for each environmental variables

          #### Bind summary statistics computed for each day
          # sdf is a list of summary statistics, one for each dat

          if(compute_summary_stats & !vector_field){
            sry <- dplyr::bind_rows(sdf)
          } else{

        }) # close pblapply over environmental variables

    #### Close cluster
    } else if(!is.null(cl2)){

    #### Process summary statistics
      # Define names
      names(sls) <- as.character(field2d$cov2d)
      # Compact list
      sls <- sls[which(!sapply(sls, is.null))]

    #### Algorithm duration
      t2 <- Sys.time()
      tdiff <- round(difftime(t2, t1))
      cat(paste0("fvcom.tbx::explore_field_2d() algorithm duration approximately ", round(tdiff), " ",  methods::slot(tdiff, "units"), ".\n"))

    #### Return outputs
    if(compute_summary_stats) return(sls)


#### End of code.
edwardlavender/fvcom.tbx documentation built on Nov. 26, 2022, 10:28 p.m.