
Defines functions dplot3_varimp

Documented in dplot3_varimp

# dplot3_varimp.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2017 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' Interactive Variable Importance Plot
#' Plot variable importance using `plotly`
#' A simple `plotly` wrapper to plot horizontal barplots, sorted by value, 
#' which can be used to visualize variable importance, model coefficients, etc.
#' @inheritParams mplot3_varimp
#' @param names Vector, string: Names of features
#' @param main Character: main title
#' @param xlab Character: x-axis label
#' @param ylab Character: y-axis label
#' @param col Vector, colors: Single value, or multiple values to define bar 
#' (feature) color(s)
#' @param alpha Numeric: Transparency
#' @param palette Character: Name of \pkg{rtemis} palette to use.
#' @param mar Vector, numeric, length 4: Plot margins in pixels (NOT inches).
#' Default = c(50, 110, 50, 50)
#' @param font.size Integer: Overall font size to use (essentially for the 
#' title at this point).
#' Default = 14
#' @param axis.font.size Integer: Font size to use for axis labels and tick labels
#' (Seems not to be in same scale as `font.size` for some reason. 
#' Experiment!)
#' @param theme Output of an rtemis theme function (list of parameters) or theme
#' name. Use `themes()` to print available themes.
#' @param showlegend Logical: If TRUE, show legend
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to theme
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @examples
#' # made-up data
#' x <- rnorm(10)
#' names(x) <- paste0("Feature_", seq(x))
#' dplot3_varimp(x)
#' @export

dplot3_varimp <- function(x,
                          names = NULL,
                          main = NULL,
                          xlab = "Variable Importance",
                          ylab = "",
                          plot.top = 1, # 1 or less means plot this percent
                          labelify = TRUE,
                          col = NULL,
                          alpha = 1,
                          palette = NULL,
                          mar = NULL,
                          font.size = 16,
                          axis.font.size = 14,
                          theme = rtTheme,
                          showlegend = TRUE, ...) {

  # Dependencies ----

  # Arguments ----
  if (is.null(mar)) {
    mar <- if (is.null(main)) c(40, 0, 0, 20) else c(40, 0, 40, 20)

  # Theme ----
  extraargs <- list(...)
  if (is.character(theme)) {
    theme <- do.call(paste0("theme_", theme), extraargs)
  } else {
    for (i in seq(extraargs)) {
      theme[[names(extraargs)[i]]] <- extraargs[[i]]

  bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$bg)
  plot.bg <- plotly::toRGB(theme$plot.bg)
  grid.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$grid.col)
  tick.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$tick.col)
  labs.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$labs.col)
  main.col <- plotly::toRGB(theme$main.col)

  # '- Axis font ----
  f <- list(family = theme$font.family,
            size = font.size,
            color = labs.col)

  # '- Tick font ----
  tickfont <- list(family = theme$font.family,
                   size = font.size,
                   color = theme$tick.labels.col)

  # Data ----
  if (NCOL(x) > 1 && NROW(x) > 1) {
    stop("x must be a vector or single row or column")

  # '- Names ----
  if (is.null(names)) {
    if (is.null(names(x))) {
      .names <- if (NCOL(x) == 1) {
      } else {
    } else {
      .names <- labelify(names(x))
  } else {
    .names <- labelify(names)

  x <- as.numeric(x)
  if (length(.names) == 0) {
    .names <- paste("Feature", seq_along(x))

  # '- Index ----
  index <- if (plot.top <= 1) {
    order(abs(x))[(length(x) - plot.top * length(x)):length(x)]
  } else {
    if (plot.top > length(x)) plot.top <- length(x)
    order(abs(x))[(length(x) - plot.top + 1):length(x)]
  x <- x[index]
  .names <- .names[index]
  # reorder to arrange negative to positive
  index <- order(x)
  x <- x[index]
  y <- factor(.names[index], levels = .names[index])

  # Colors ----
  # Default to a fg to teal gradient
  if (is.null(col)) {
    if (is.null(palette)) palette <- c(theme$fg, "#18A3AC")
    col <- colorGrad.x(x, palette)
  col <- colorAdjust(col, alpha = alpha)

  # plotly ----
  plt <- plotly::plot_ly(x = x, y = y,
                         type = "bar",
                         orientation = "h",
                         marker = list(color = col),
                         showlegend = FALSE)

  # Layout ----
  plt <- plotly::layout(plt,
                        margin = list(l = mar[2],
                                      t = mar[3],
                                      r = mar[4],
                                      b = mar[1],
                                      pad = 0), # inner plot area padding
                        xaxis = list(title = list(text = xlab,
                                                  font = f),
                                     # showline = axes.visible,
                                     # mirror = axes.mirrored,
                                     showgrid = theme$grid,
                                     gridcolor = grid.col,
                                     gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
                                     tickcolor = tick.col,
                                     tickfont = tickfont,
                                     zeroline = FALSE),
                        yaxis = list(title = list(text = ylab,
                                                  font = f),
                                     # showline = axes.visible,
                                     # mirror = axes.mirrored,
                                     showgrid = FALSE,
                                     # gridcolor = grid.col,
                                     # gridwidth = theme$grid.lwd,
                                     tickcolor = tick.col,
                                     tickfont = tickfont,
                                     zeroline = FALSE),
                        title = list(text = main,
                                     font = list(family = theme$font.family,
                                                 size = font.size,
                                                 color = main.col),
                                     xref = "paper",
                                     x = theme$main.adj),
                        paper_bgcolor = bg,
                        plot_bgcolor = plot.bg)

  # Remove padding
  plt$sizingPolicy$padding <- 0

} # dplot3_varimp
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.