
Defines functions mplot3_adsr

Documented in mplot3_adsr

# mplot3_adsr.R
# ::rtemis::
# 2017 E.D. Gennatas www.lambdamd.org

#' `mplot3`: ADSR Plot
#' Plot Attack Decay Sustain Release Envelope Generator using [mplot3_xy]
#' Learn more:
#' (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthesizer#Attack_Decay_Sustain_Release_.28ADSR.29_envelope "ADSR Wikipedia")
#' @inheritParams mplot3_xy
#' @param Attack Numeric: Attack time (in milliseconds)
#' @param Decay Numeric: Decay time (in milliseconds)
#' @param Sustain Numeric: Sustain Level (percent)
#' @param Release Numeric: Release time (in milliseconds)
#' @param Value Numeric: Value (percent)
#' @param I Numeric: Note on time (in milliseconds)
#' @param O Numeric: Note off time (in milliseconds)
#' @param lty Integer: Line type
#' @param lwd Numeric: Line width
#' @param main Character: Main title
#' @param main.line Numeric: Main title line height
#' @param main.col Main title color
#' @param Attack.col Attack color
#' @param Decay.col Decay color
#' @param Sustain.col Sustain color
#' @param Release.col Release color
#' @param draw.poly Logical: If TRUE, draw polygons for each segment
#' @param poly.alpha Numeric: Polygon alpha
#' @param draw.verticals Logical: If TRUE, draw vertical lines
#' @param v.lty Integer: Vertical line type
#' @param v.lwd Numeric: Vertical line width
#' @param arrow.code Integer: Arrow code
#' @param arrow.length Numeric: Arrow length
#' @param grid Logical: If TRUE, draw grid
#' @param grid.lty Integer: Grid line type
#' @param grid.lwd Numeric: Grid line width
#' @param grid.col Grid line color
#' @param zerolines.col Color for zero lines
#' @param labs.col Color for axis labels
#' @param tick.col Color for axis ticks
#' @param on.col Color for "on" line
#' @param off.col Color for "off" line
#' @param theme Character: "light" or "dark" (Default)
#' @param ... Additional arguments to pass to [mplot3_xy]
#' @author E.D. Gennatas
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mplot3_adsr()
#' }
mplot3_adsr <- function(Attack = 300,
                        Decay = 160,
                        Sustain = 40,
                        Release = 500,
                        Value = 80,
                        I = 200,
                        O = 1800,
                        lty = 1,
                        lwd = 4,
                        main = "ADSR Envelope",
                        main.line = 1.6,
                        main.col = "white",
                        Attack.col = "#44A6AC",
                        Decay.col = "#F4A362",
                        Sustain.col = "#3574A7",
                        Release.col = "#C23A70",
                        # Decay.nl = FALSE,
                        draw.poly = FALSE,
                        poly.alpha = .15,
                        draw.verticals = TRUE,
                        v.lty = 1,
                        v.lwd = .8,
                        arrow.code = 2,
                        arrow.length = .09,
                        grid = FALSE,
                        grid.lty = 1,
                        grid.lwd = .4,
                        grid.col = NULL,
                        zerolines.col = "gray50",
                        theme = "darkgray",
                        labs.col = "gray70",
                        # axes.col = "",
                        tick.col = "gray70",
                        # on.lty = 2,
                        # on.lwd = 7,
                        # on.alpha = .4,
                        on.col = "gray70",
                        off.col = "gray70",
                        pty = "m",
                        mar = c(3, 3, 3.2, .5),
                        xaxs = "i",
                        yaxs = "i",
                        par.reset = TRUE, ...) {
  # Envelope ----
  A <- Attack
  D <- Decay
  S <- Sustain
  R <- Release
  V <- Value
  x <- c(0, I, I + A, I + A + D, O, O + R)
  y <- c(0, 0, V, S, S, 0)

  # Plot ----
  par.orig <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  if (par.reset) on.exit(suppressWarnings(par(par.orig)))
  mplot3_xy(x, y,
    type = "l", theme = theme,
    xaxs = xaxs, yaxs = yaxs,
    scatter = FALSE, zerolines = FALSE,
    xlab = "Time (ms)", ylab = "% Value",
    xlim = c(0, O + R + 300),
    ylim = c(0, 100),
    line.col = "#00000000",
    lwd = 4,
    par.reset = FALSE, labs.col = labs.col,
    tck = -.02, tick.col = tick.col,
    grid = grid, grid.lty = grid.lty, grid.lwd = grid.lwd, grid.col = grid.col,
    zerolines.col = zerolines.col,
    pty = pty,
    mar = mar,
    main = main, main.col = main.col, main.line = main.line, ...

  # Shading ----
  if (draw.poly) {
    polygon(c(I, I + A, I + A, I), c(0, 0, V, V), col = colorAdjust(Attack.col, poly.alpha))
    polygon(c(I + A, I + A + D, I + A + D, I + A), c(0, 0, V, V), col = colorAdjust(Decay.col, poly.alpha))
    polygon(c(I + A + D, O, O, I + A + D), c(0, 0, S, S), col = colorAdjust(Sustain.col, poly.alpha))
    polygon(c(O, O + R, O + R, O), c(0, 0, S, S), col = colorAdjust(Release.col, poly.alpha))

  # Note ON
  # lines(c(I, O), c(-2, -2), col = adjustcolor(on.col, on.alpha),
  #       lwd = on.lwd, lty = on.lty)
  # Pre
  lines(c(0, I), c(0, 0), col = zerolines.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, xpd = TRUE)
  # Attack
  lines(c(I, I + A), c(0, V), col = Attack.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
  # Decay
  # if (!Decay.nl) {
  lines(c(I + A, I + A + D), c(V, S), col = Decay.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
  # } else {
  #     Dx <- seq(I + A, I + A + D, D / 100)
  #     Dy <- seq(V, S / 100 * V, diff(c(V, S)) / 100) + ((-50:50)^4 - 50^4) / 125
  #     lines(Dx, Dy, col = Decay.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
  # }
  # Sustain
  lines(c(I + A + D, O), c(S, S), col = Sustain.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
  # Release
  lines(c(O, O + R), c(S, 0), col = Release.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty)
  # Post
  lines(c(O + R, 2 * O + R), c(0, 0), col = zerolines.col, lwd = lwd, lty = lty, xpd = TRUE)

  # Vertical lines ----
  if (draw.verticals) {
    # Note ON
    abline(v = I, lwd = v.lwd, lty = v.lty, col = on.col)
    text(I, 102, "Note ON", col = on.col, xpd = TRUE, font = 2)
    # Peak Value
    abline(v = I + A, lwd = v.lwd, lty = v.lty, col = Attack.col)
    # Decay end
    abline(v = I + A + D, lwd = v.lwd, lty = v.lty, col = Decay.col)
    # Sustain end - Note OFF
    abline(v = O, lwd = v.lwd, lty = v.lty, col = Sustain.col)
    text(O, 102, "Note OFF", col = off.col, xpd = TRUE, font = 2)
    # Release end
    abline(v = O + R, lwd = v.lwd, lty = v.lty, col = Release.col)

  # Arrows ----
  # Attack Time
    x0 = I, y0 = V / 2, x1 = I + A, V / 2,
    code = arrow.code, length = arrow.length, lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = Attack.col
  # Decay Time
    x0 = I + A, y0 = S + (V - S) / 2, x1 = I + A + D, S + (V - S) / 2,
    code = arrow.code, length = arrow.length, lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = Decay.col
  # Sustain Level
    x0 = I + A + D + (O - I - A - D) / 2, y0 = 0, x1 = I + A + D + (O - I - A - D) / 2, y1 = S,
    code = arrow.code, length = arrow.length, lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = Sustain.col
  # Release Time
    x0 = O, y0 = S / 2, x1 = O + R, y1 = S / 2,
    code = arrow.code, length = arrow.length, lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = Release.col

  # Title ----
  # mtext(text = c("A", "D", "S", "R", "Envelope Generator"), side = 3,
  #       font = 2, cex = 1.2, adj = c(0, .03, .06, .09, .2), line = 1.5,
  #       col = c(Attack.col, Decay.col, Sustain.col, Release.col, "white"))

  # Legend ----
  # legend(O + R, 100, legend = c("Attack", "Decay", "Sustain", "Release"),
  #        col = c(Attack.col, Decay.col, Sustain.col, Release.col))
  # legend("topright",
  #        legend = c("Attack Time", "Decay Time", "Sustain Level", "Release Time"),
  #        text.col = c(Attack.col, Decay.col, Sustain.col, Release.col), bty = "n")
  step <- 1.9
  mtext(c("Attack Time", "Decay Time", "Sustain Level", "Release Time"),
    side = 3, font = 2,
    col = c(Attack.col, Decay.col, Sustain.col, Release.col),
    adj = .98, padj = seq(2, 2 + step * 3, by = step)
} # rtemis::adsr
egenn/rtemis documentation built on May 4, 2024, 7:40 p.m.