
# testthat for gg_variable function
context("gg_variable tests")

test_that("gg_variable classifications",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_iris, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_iris, "rfsrc")
  # Test the forest family
  expect_equal(rfsrc_iris$family, "class")
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_iris)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_variable")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar = "Petal.Width")
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar = rfsrc_iris$xvar.names )
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "list")
  expect_equal(length(gg_plt), length(rfsrc_iris$xvar.names))
  for(ind in 1:length(rfsrc_iris$xvar.names))
    expect_is(gg_plt[[ind]], "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar = rfsrc_iris$xvar.names,
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

test_that("gg_variable survival",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_pbc, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_pbc, "rfsrc")
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_pbc, time=.25)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_variable")
  ## Test plotting the gg_variable object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar="age")
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_variable object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar=rfsrc_pbc$xvar.names)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "list")
  expect_equal(length(gg_plt), length(rfsrc_pbc$xvar.names))
  for(ind in 1:length(rfsrc_pbc$xvar.names))
    expect_is(gg_plt[[ind]], "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  expect_warning(gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, xvar = rfsrc_pbc$xvar.names,
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")

test_that("gg_variable regression",{
  ## Load the cached forest
  data(rfsrc_Boston, package="ggRandomForests")
  # Test the cached forest type
  expect_is(rfsrc_Boston, "rfsrc")
  ## Create the correct gg_error object
  gg_dta <- gg_variable(rfsrc_Boston)
  # Test object type
  expect_is(gg_dta, "gg_variable")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta)
  # Test return is s ggplot object
  expect_is(gg_plt, "list")
  expect_equal(length(gg_plt), length(rfsrc_Boston$xvar.names))
  for(ind in 1:length(rfsrc_Boston$xvar.names))
    expect_is(gg_plt[[ind]], "ggplot")
  ## Test plotting the gg_error object
  expect_warning(gg_plt <- plot.gg_variable(gg_dta, panel=TRUE))
  expect_is(gg_plt, "ggplot")
ehrlinger/ggRFVignette documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.