
Defines functions ejscreen.download

Documented in ejscreen.download

#' @title Download the EJSCREEN Dataset csv for use in R and rename variables
#' @description Download EJSCREEN dataset from FTP site, unzip if necessary,
#'   import to R as data.table,
#'   renaming fields with friendly colnames,
#'   optionally adding a flag field (see parameter called \code{addflag}).
#'   Note that since 2020v, State percentiles are also available in 
#'   a separate zipped csv.
#' @details Not fully tested. \cr
#'   \preformatted{
#'   Each version of EJSCREEN uses updated environmental data and updated 5-year 
#'   summary file estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS).
#'   The 2017-2021 American Community Survey 5-year estimates are scheduled to 
#'   be released on Thursday, December 8, 2022.
#'   The 2016-2020 ACS 5-year estimates were released Dec 2021.
#'   EJScreen 2.0 (released February 2022),
#'     actually uses ACS2019 5-year summary file data, which is from 2015-2019
#'      (released Dec 2020).
#'     It is avail as data in \link{bg21}
#'   (EJScreen 2.0 would have been called the 2021 version in old naming scheme).
#'  Note the 2020 version of EJSCREEN 
#'  (confusingly released early/mid 2021 not late 2020)
#'     actually used ACS2018, which is from 2014-2018 (released late 2019).
#'     It had been called bg20
#'       May recode ejscreen.download to split out just the part that 
#'        downloads, unzips, reads into R verbatim.
#'  x <- readr::read_csv('~/Downloads/EJSCREEN_2020_USPR.csv', na = 'None')
#'  x <- data.frame(x, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) #if want data.frame not data.table
#'        names(x) <- ejscreen::change.fieldnames.ejscreen.csv(names(x))
#'        TO JUST ADD SOME USEFUL COLUMNS (FIPS, countyname, statename, etc.):
#'        x <- ejanalysis::addFIPScomponents(x)
#'        # and could add attribute to indicate vintage
#'   }
#' @param folder Optional path to folder (directory) where the file will be downloaded and unzipped. Default is current working directory.
#' @param yr Default is latest available year found as a folder on the FTP site.
#'   Optional numeric year designating EJSCREEN version such as 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, etc.
#' @param ftpurlbase Optional. where to find the zipped data.
#' @param addflag Optional. Default is FALSE. If TRUE, it adds a field called flagged, which is TRUE if 1 or more of the EJ Indexes is at/above the threshold US percentile.
#' @param threshold Optional. Default is 80. See addflag parameter.
#' @param or.tied Optional. Default is TRUE, meaning at or above the threshold FALSE means above only. See addflag parameter.
#' @param justreadname Optional character file name - if specified, skips downloading and just tries to read previously-downloaded csv found in \code{folder}.
#' @param statepctiles Optional, default FALSE. If TRUE, gets State Percentiles csv instead of the USPR file.
#' @return Returns a data.frame with ejscreen dataset of environmental and demographics indicators, and EJ Indexes,
#'   as raw values, US percentiles, text for popups. Output has one row per block group, sorted by FIPS.
#' @source See \url{http://www.epa.gov/ejscreen} for more information, and see \url{http://www.epa.gov/ejscreen/download-ejscreen-data}
#' @seealso \code{\link{ejscreen.create}}  \code{\link{change.fieldnames.ejscreen.csv}}
#' @examples
#'    # bg <- ejscreen.download('~')
#'    ## bg <- ejscreen.download('~',
#'    #  justreadname = 'EJSCREEN_Full_USPR_2020.csv')
#'    # bg <- bg[ , !grepl(pattern = 'pctile\\.text', x = names(bg))]
#'    # bg <- bg[ , !grepl(pattern = 'svi6', x = names(bg))]
#'    # setwd('~')
#'    # save(bg, file = 'bgYEAR20XX.rdata')
#' @export
ejscreen.download <-
  function(folder = getwd(),
           yr = NULL,
           ftpurlbase = 'https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/',
           # ftpurlbase = 'ftp://newftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/', # was the older URL, until about 2020
           justreadname = NULL,
           statepctiles = FALSE,
           addflag = FALSE,
           threshold = 80,
           or.tied = TRUE) {

    ######################################################################################## #
    # A way to get the 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, etc. version of EJSCREEN dataset into memory, using the friendly Rfieldnames
    ######################################################################################## #

    # Note: if already exists as .RData locally, could just do load("bg 2015-04-22 Rnames plus subgroups.RData")


    # Prepare to obtain the zip or just csv file from the FTP site ------------

    ############################# #
    # Prepare to obtain the zip or just csv file from the FTP site, based on which yr
    # (takes a few minutes to download if you do it this way - you could do it manually using an FTP client instead)
    ############################# #
    url.exists_andcandownloadthisfile <- function(url='https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2021', file='') { # 2021_EJSCREEEN_columns-explained.xlsx
      'try-error' != class(suppressWarnings(try(download.file(file.path(url,file), tempfile(),quiet = TRUE), silent = TRUE)))

    if (is.null(justreadname)) {

      # Check ftp site for largest year of any folder, any use that as the year and folder

      latestavailableyear <- function(mypath='https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/') {
        # proxy makes RCurl::url.exists not work right.
        calendaryear <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y")) # just says, what year is it?
        yrschecked <- 2015:calendaryear # 2015 was the earliest, and the current calendar year is latest version possibly available
        # latestyr <- yrschecked[max(which(sapply(paste(mypath, yrschecked, '', sep = ''), RCurl::url.exists)))]
        latestyr <- yrschecked[max(which(sapply(paste(mypath, yrschecked, '', sep = ''), url.exists_andcandownloadthisfile)))]
        cat('\n', paste('checking ', mypath, yrschecked, '/', '\n', sep = ''), '\n')
        if (is.na(latestyr)) {stop('problem - none of those URLs were found ')}

      if (!exists('yr') | is.null(yr) ) {
        yr <- latestavailableyear(ftpurlbase)
      } else {
        yr <- as.numeric(yr) # in case entered as character, later want it as number
        if (!url.exists_andcandownloadthisfile(paste(ftpurlbase, yr, '', sep = ''))) {
        # if (!RCurl::url.exists(paste(ftpurlbase, yr, '/', sep = ''))) {
          calendaryear <- as.numeric(format(Sys.time(), "%Y"))
          # if (!(yr %in% 2015:calendaryear)) {stop('Invalid year')}
          if (yr == calendaryear) warning('This version might not be available yet. The 20xx version of EJSCREEN has typically been released around Sept/Oct of that year 20xx.')
          stop('folder for that year not found on FTP site')

      justftpurl <- function(yr) {
        return(paste(ftpurlbase, yr, sep = '')) # coerces yr to character. Hopefully will keep this format
      ftpurl <- justftpurl(yr)

      zipcsvnames <- function(yr) {
          zipnamestate <- '' # na for most years
          csvnamestate <- ''  # na for most years
        if (yr == 2015) {
          zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_20150505.csv.zip'
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_20150505.csv'
          warning('state percentiles not available for 2015 dataset')
        if (yr == 2016) {
          zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_V3_USPR_090216_CSV.zip'
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_V3_USPR_090216_CSV' # no extension ?
          warning('state percentiles not available for 2016 dataset')
        if (yr == 2017) {
          zipname <- '' # not zipped on ftp site for this year
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_2017_USPR_Public.csv'
          warning('state percentiles available only as gdb not csv for 2017 dataset')
        if (yr == 2018) {
          zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_2018_USPR_csv.zip'
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_Full_USPR_2018.csv'
          zipnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2018_StatePctile_csv.zip'
          csvnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_StatePctile_2018.csv'
        if (yr == 2019) {
          zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_2019_USPR.csv.zip'
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_2019_USPR.csv'
          zipnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2019_StatePctile.csv.zip'
          csvnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2019_StatePctiles.csv'
        if (yr == 2020) {
          # This is for the EJSREEN version released in 2021, delayed from 2020 original planned release timing
          zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_2020_USPR.csv.zip'   #
          csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_2020_USPR.csv'  #
          zipnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2020_StatePctile.csv.zip'
          csvnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2020_StatePctile.csv'
          # https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2020/EJSCREEN_2020_USPR.csv.zip
          # https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2020/EJSCREEN_2020_StatePctile.csv.zip
          if (yr == 2021) {
            # This is for the EJScreen 2.0 released February 2022, using ACS 2015-2019.
            zipname <- 'EJSCREEN_2021_USPR.csv.zip'   #https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2021
            csvname <- 'EJSCREEN_2021_USPR.csv'  #
            zipnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2021_StatePctile.csv.zip'
            csvnamestate <- 'EJSCREEN_2021_StatePctile.csv'
            # https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2021/EJSCREEN_2021_USPR.csv.zip #
            # https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2021/EJSCREEN_2021_StatePctile.csv.zip # or https://gaftp.epa.gov/EJSCREEN/2021/EJSCREEN_2021_StatePctile.gdb.zip
            # also see
            # EJSCREEN_2021_USPR_Tracts.csv.zip
            # EJSCREEN_2021_StatePctile_Tracts.csv.zip
            #   tract resolution files for US and State as csv and gdb also available there.

        if (yr > 2021) {
          zipname <- paste('EJSCREEN_', yr, '_USPR.csv.zip', sep = '') # hopefully will keep this format
          csvname <- paste('EJSCREEN_', yr, '_USPR.csv', sep = '') # hopefully will keep this format
          zipnamestate <- paste('EJSCREEN_', yr, '_StatePctile.csv.zip', sep = '') # hopefully will keep this format
          csvnamestate <- paste('EJSCREEN_', yr, '_StatePctile.csv', sep = '') # hopefully will keep this format
        return(c(zipname, csvname, zipnamestate, csvnamestate))
      x <- zipcsvnames(yr)
      if (statepctiles) {
        zipname <- x[3]
        csvname <- x[4]
      } else {
        zipname <- x[1]
        csvname <- x[2]

      #setwd(folder) # should not need this
      if (zipname == '') {
        myfilename <- csvname
      } else {
        myfilename <- zipname

      # Download, Unzip, Read  ----------------------------------------------

      justdownload <- function(mypathfileRemote, mypathfileLocal) {
        ############################# #
        # DOWNLOAD from the FTP site
        ############################# #
        cat('Attempting to download dataset from ',
            'and saving as',
            ' \n')
        cat('This may take a few minutes. \n')
        x <- utils::download.file(url = mypathfileRemote, destfile = mypathfileLocal)
        if (x != 0) {
          stop('Download failed.')
        if (!(file.exists(mypathfileLocal))) {
          stop('download attempted but saved zip file not found locally')

      justdownload(mypathfileRemote = file.path(ftpurl, myfilename), mypathfileLocal = file.path(folder, myfilename))

      ############################# #
      # UNZIP IF WAS ZIPPED---------
      ############################# #
      if (zipname == '') {
      } else {
        cat('Attempting to unzip dataset from', file.path(folder, myfilename), 'to', file.path(folder), '\n')
        utils::unzip(zipfile = file.path(folder, myfilename), exdir = folder)

    justreadcsv <- function(fullpathcsvname) {
      # fullpathcsvname here should include full path unless used setwd()
      ############################# #
      # Read the csv file into R           # this could be split out into a function that is exported for finer control of steps in ejscreen.download
      ############################# #
      # Possibly even faster via readr package readr::read_csv() which I think can download and read all in one step
      # read.csv takes a couple of minutes, and much faster if you use data.table::fread()
      #   Read 217739 rows and 391 (of 391) columns from 0.653 GB file in 00:00:46  # fast via fread()
      # bg <- read.csv('EJSCREEN_20150505.csv', nrows = 220000) # as.is = TRUE, # too slow
      if (!(file.exists(fullpathcsvname))) {
        stop('csv file should have been downloaded but not found in folder where expected')
      cat('Attempting to import csv dataset to R \n')
      #bg <- data.table::fread(fullpathcsvname)
      # Handle 'None' as NA values this way:
      bg <- readr::read_csv(file = fullpathcsvname, na = 'None') # should check if 2020+ versions still have None for NA
      bg <- data.frame(bg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

    # fread had a PROBLEM that readr::read_csv fixes - Several 2017 columns have "None" as a value so the col is interpreted as character not numeric.
    # and ID column which is FIPS is interpreted as integer64 instead of character

    if (!missing(justreadname)) {csvname <- justreadname}
    bg <- justreadcsv(fullpathcsvname = file.path(folder, csvname))

    # change field names  -----------
    # -- rename the cols to preferred field names
    names(bg) <- change.fieldnames.ejscreen.csv(names(bg))

    # Add FIPS, countyname, statename, State etc --------
    # add the other FIPS components as individual columns
    # but note this relies on checking fips against list in proxistat::bg.pts, I think, so
    # the vintage would have to match or it will create NA values in FIPS.ST, statename, etc.
    bg <- ejanalysis::addFIPScomponents(bg)

    # # PROBLEM WITH A FEW COUNTY FIPS: ****** they are in FTP EPA dataset but not in downloaded ACS 2020 Census list of county fips.
    # > which(!(substr(bg$FIPS,1,5) %in% proxistat::countiesall$FIPS.COUNTY))
    # [1] 3948 3949 3950 3951 3952 3953 3954 3955 3956 3957 3958

    ############################# #
    # Add attributes to indicate version (vintage, year) --------
    ############################# #
    yearnow <- substr(Sys.Date(),1,4)
    attr(bg, 'year') <- paste0('EJScreen version based on ACS 5yrs through ', yr,' - downloaded in ', yearnow)

    # Add a flag column if needed ---------------------------------------------------------
    ############################# #
    # ADD FLAG COLUMN for EJ80th threshold approach
    ############################# #
    ## See which block groups are flagged as having one or more of 12 EJ indexes >= 80th US pctile
    ## Store result as a logical vector as long as the list of block groups:

    if (addflag) {
      warning('The flagged field may not work for state percentiles file yet')
      bg$flagged <- ejanalysis::flagged(bg[, names.ej.pctile], threshold = threshold, or.tied = or.tied)

    ############################# #
    # sort by FIPS ----------
    ############################# #
    bg <- bg[order(bg$FIPS), ]

    # to drop the popup text percentile info
    # bg <- bg[,!grepl('pctile.text', names(bg)) ]

    ############################# #
    cat('Done \n\n')
    ############################# #
ejanalysis/ejscreen documentation built on April 2, 2024, 10:15 a.m.