
Defines functions get_col get_row get_tag get_layout assign_tags ggplot_gtable.ggplot_build_ggtagged add_class ggplot_build.ggtagged as.element_rect as.element_text `%||%` ggplot_add.tagger tag_facets

Documented in get_col get_layout get_row get_tag tag_facets

#' Adds tags to facets
#' @param tag Character indicating the element to tag. Possible values are
#' * "panel": each single panels is individually tag.
#' * "rc": facets are tagged by row and then column.
#' * "cr": factes are tagged by columns and then row.
#' @param position Character indicating the position of the tag. Options are "tl"
#'  (top-left), "tr" (top-right), "br" (bottom-right) and "bl" (bottom-left).
#'  Alternatively, for finer control, it can be a list of elements "x", "u",
#'  "hjust" and "vjust" that define the position of the tag within each panel.
#' @inheritParams patchwork::plot_annotation
#' @param tag_pool An optional character vector of user-defined "pool" of tags.
#' If not `NULL`, it will be used instead of `tag_levels`. Should be at least
#' as long as the total number of panels.
#' @details
#' Tags inherit aesthetic properties (size, font, colour, etc...) from strip.text and
#' strip.background defined by [ggplot2::theme()]. For fine-grained detail, these can be
#' overriden by setting tagger.panel.tag.text and tagger.panel.tag.background.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # Base plot
#' g <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_grid(cyl ~ vs)
#' g + tag_facets()
#' g + tag_facets("rc")
#' g + tag_facets("cr")
#' g + tag_facets(position = "br")
#' g + tag_facets("rc", tag_levels  = c("A", "I"))
#' # You can get finer control over position.
#' g + tag_facets(position = list(x = 0.5, y = 0.5))
#' g + tag_facets(tag_pool = c("one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"), tag_suffix = "")
#' # Thanks to theme inheritance, tags should look aceptable
#' # out of the box in any theme.
#' g + tag_facets() +
#'    theme_dark()
#' # But you can control their appearance and create your own atrocities
#' g + tag_facets() +
#'    theme_dark() +
#'    theme(tagger.panel.tag.text = element_text(color = "red", size = 16),
#'          tagger.panel.tag.background = element_rect(fill = "purple"))
#' @export
#' @import checkmate
tag_facets <- function(tag = c("panel", "rc", "cr"), position = "tl",
                       tag_levels = c("a", "1"), tag_pool = NULL, tag_prefix = "",
                       tag_suffix = ")", tag_sep = ".") {

   if (!is.list(position)) {
      assert_choice(position, c("tl", "tr", "bl", "br"))

      position <- switch(position,
                         tl = list(x = 0, y = 1, hjust = 0, vjust = 1),
                         tr = list(x = 1, y = 1, hjust = 1, vjust = 1),
                         bl = list(x = 0, y = 0, hjust = 0, vjust = 0),
                         br = list(x = 1, y = 0, hjust = 1, vjust = 0),

   position$hjust <- if (!is.null(position$hjust)) position$hjust else 0.5
   position$vjust <- if (!is.null(position$vjust)) position$vjust else 0.5

   checks <- makeAssertCollection()

   assert_list(position, types = "numeric", len = 4, add = checks)
   assert_names(names(position), must.include = c("x", "y", "hjust", "vjust"),
                .var.name = "position", add = checks)

   assert_choice(tag[1], c("panel", "rc", "cr"), add = checks)
   assert_character(tag_prefix, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1, add = checks)
   assert_character(tag_suffix, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1, add = checks)
   assert_character(tag_sep, any.missing = FALSE, len = 1, add = checks)

   tag <- switch(tag[1],
                 rc = c("ROW", "COL"),
                 cr = c("COL", "ROW"),
                 panel = "PANEL")

   assert_character(tag_levels, any.missing = FALSE, min.len = length(tag), add = checks)

   structure(list(tag = tag, tag_pool = tag_pool, tag_levels = tag_levels, open = tag_prefix,
                  close = tag_suffix, tag_sep = tag_sep, position = position),
             class = "tagger")

#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_add
ggplot_add.tagger <- function(object, plot, object_name) {
   class(plot) <- c("ggtagged", class(plot))
   plot$tag_options <- object

`%||%` <- function(a, b) {
   if (length(a) == 0) return(a)
   nulls <- lengths(a) == 0
   if (all(nulls[-length(nulls)])) return(b)
   a[nulls] <- b[nulls]

as.element_text <- function(x) {
   if (length(x) == 0) return(ggplot2::element_text())

as.element_rect <- function(x) {
   if (length(x) == 0) return(ggplot2::element_rect())

#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_build
ggplot_build.ggtagged <- function(plot) {
   gb <- NextMethod("ggplot_build")
   gb <- add_class(gb, "ggplot_build_ggtagged")

add_class <- function(object, class) {
   class(object) <- c(class, setdiff(class(object), class))

#' @export
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot_gtable
ggplot_gtable.ggplot_build_ggtagged <- function(data) {
   gt <- NextMethod("ggplot_gtable")
   lay <- assign_tags(data)
   facet_tags <- lay$TAG_PANEL

   tag_options <- data$plot$tag_options

   facet_tags <- paste0(tag_options$open, facet_tags, tag_options$close)

   theme <- ggplot2:::plot_theme(data$plot)

   tag_style <- ggplot2::calc_element("tagger.panel.tag.text", theme, verbose = FALSE, skip_blank = FALSE)
   tag_gpar <- list(col = tag_style$colour,
                    family = tag_style$family,
                    fontface = tag_style$face,
                    fontsize = tag_style$size,
                    lineheight = tag_style$lineheight)
   tag_gpar <- tag_gpar[lengths(tag_gpar) != 0]
   tag_gpar <- do.call(grid::gpar, tag_gpar)

   box <- ggplot2::calc_element("tagger.panel.tag.background", theme, verbose = FALSE, skip_blank = FALSE)
   box_gp <-  grid::gpar(col = box$colour, fill = box$fill, lty = box$linetype, lwd = box$size)

   x <-  tag_options$position$x
   y <-  tag_options$position$y

   hjust <- tag_options$position$hjust
   vjust <- tag_options$position$vjust

   panels <- which(startsWith(gt$layout$name, "panel"))

   # Panels are sorted top to bottom, left to right
   panels <- c(matrix(panels, ncol = max(lay$ROW), nrow = max(lay$COL), byrow = TRUE))

   # Remove empty panels
   empty <- vapply(panels, function(p) inherits(gt$grobs[p][[1]], "zeroGrob"),
                   FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
   panels <- panels[!empty]

   grob_args <- list(x = x, y = y, hjust = hjust, vjust = vjust,
                     rot = tag_style$angle,
                     gp = tag_gpar,
                     box_gp = box_gp,
                     # r = grid::unit(c(0.1, .1, .1, .1), "lines"),
                     padding = grid::unit(c(0.2, .2, .2, .2), "lines"),
                     use_markdown = FALSE)
   grob_args <- grob_args[lengths(grob_args) != 0]
   grob <- gridtext::richtext_grob

   for (p in seq_along(facet_tags)) {
      grob_args$text <- facet_tags[p]
      tagGrob <- do.call(grob, grob_args)
      this_panel <- gt$layout[panels[p], ]
      gt <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(gt, tagGrob, t = this_panel$t, l = this_panel$l, clip = "on", z = 2)


assign_tags <- function(plot) {
   tag_options <- plot$plot$tag_options

   lay <- plot$layout$layout
   o <- order(lay$ROW, lay$COL)
   lay <- lay[o, ]
   facet_vars <- lay[toupper(tag_options$tag)]
   facet_vars <- lapply(facet_vars, function(x) as.numeric(as.factor(x)))
   tag_options$tag_levels <- rep_len(tag_options$tag_levels, length.out = length(facet_vars))
   facet_tags <- lapply(seq_along(facet_vars), function(i) {
      i_panels <- facet_vars[[i]]
      if (is.null(tag_options$tag_pool[[i]])) {
         tag_pool <- switch(tag_options$tag_levels[i],
                            a = letters[i_panels],
                            A = LETTERS[i_panels],
                            "1" = i_panels,
                            "i" = tolower(utils::as.roman(i_panels)),
                            "I" = utils::as.roman(i_panels),
                            stop("tag_levels is not valid")

      } else {
         tag_pool <- tag_options$tag_pool[i_panels]

   if (!identical(tag_options$tag, "PANEL")) {
      lay[paste0("TAG_", tag_options$tag)] <- facet_tags

   facet_tags <- Reduce(function(a, b) paste(a, b, sep = tag_options$tag_sep), facet_tags)

   lay[["TAG_PANEL"]] <- facet_tags

   lay[order(o), ]

#' Get labels asigned to each panel of a tagged plot
#' @param filter an expression that, evaluated within the data used
#' to generate the facets of the plot, evaluates to a logical vector
#' or a sequence of rows.
#' @param plot a plot object
#' @param n number of expected panels.
#' @return
#' `get_tags()`, `get_row()` and `get_col()` return a character vector
#' of length `n` with the tags, unique rows or unique columns that meet
#' the `filter` condition.
#' `get_layout()` returns the full data.frame describing the panel layout.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' g <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp, mpg)) +
#'   geom_point() +
#'   facet_grid(cyl ~ vs) +
#'   tag_facets("rc")
#' # By default these functions retrieve tags from
#' # the result of ggplo2::last_plot().
#' # Get all tags
#' get_layout()
#' # Get one tag
#' get_tag(cyl == 4 & vs == 0)
#' # Get more than one tag
#' get_tag(cyl == 4, n = 2)
#' get_row(cyl == 4)
#' get_col(vs == 0)
#' # Use it with inline markdown to refer always to the correct panel:
#' # "As you can see in panel `r get_tag(cyl == 4 & vs == 0)` ..."
#' @export
get_layout <- function(plot = ggplot2::last_plot()) {
   if (!inherits(plot, "ggtagged")) {
      stop("The plot has no tags.")
   plot <- ggplot_build_memoised(plot)
   lay <- assign_tags(plot)
   lay <- lay[, setdiff(colnames(lay), c("SCALE_X", "SCALE_Y"))]


#' @export
#' @rdname get_layout
get_tag <- function(filter = TRUE, plot = ggplot2::last_plot(), n = 1) {
   lay <- get_layout(plot = plot)
   filter <- eval(substitute(filter), envir  = lay)
   lay <- lay[filter, ]

   if (nrow(lay) != n) {
      stop("Returned ", nrow(lay),  ifelse(n == 1, " panel", " panels"),
           " (expected ", n, ").")

if (requireNamespace("memoise", quietly = TRUE)) {
   ggplot_build_memoised <- memoise::memoise(ggplot2::ggplot_build)
} else {
   ggplot_build_memoised <- ggplot2::ggplot_build

#' @export
#' @rdname get_layout
get_row <- function(filter = TRUE, plot = ggplot2::last_plot(), n = 1) {
   lay <- get_layout(plot = plot)
   filter <- eval(substitute(filter), envir  = lay)
   lay <- lay[filter, ]

   row <- unique(lay$TAG_ROW)
   if (length(row) != n) {
      stop("Returned ", length(row), ifelse(n == 1, " panel", " panels"),
           " (expected ", n, ").")

#' @export
#' @rdname get_layout
get_col <- function(filter = TRUE, plot = ggplot2::last_plot(), n = 1) {
   lay <- get_layout(plot = plot)
   filter <- eval(substitute(filter), envir  = lay)
   lay <- lay[filter, ]

   col <- unique(lay$TAG_COL)
   if (length(col) != n) {
      stop("Returned ", length(col), ifelse(n == 1, " panel", " panels"),
           " (expected ", n, ").")
eliocamp/tagger documentation built on Jan. 4, 2024, 9:50 a.m.