
#' Simulate observations from a pdTMVN distribution
#' @param n integer number of samples
#' @param x_fixed Vector or matrix of quantiles for variables to condition on.
#'   If x_fixed is a matrix, it should have one row.
#' @param mean Mean vector, default is rep(0, nrow(sigma)).
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix, default is diag(length(mean)).
#' @param precision Precision (inverse covariance) matrix.
#' @param lower Vector of lower truncation points, default is
#'   rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param upper Vector of upper truncation points, default is 
#'   rep(Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param sigma_continuous Matrix containing the marginal
#'   covariance matrix for the continuous variables.  Providing this saves a
#'   small amount of computation time if precision is provided but sigma isn't.
#' @param conditional_sigma_discrete Matrix containing the conditional covariance
#'   of the discrete variables given the continuous variables.  Providing this
#'   saves a small amount of computation time if sigma is provided but precision
#'   isn't.
#' @param conditional_mean_discrete_offset_multiplier Matrix containing
#'   Sigma_dc Sigma_c^{-1}.  This is used in computing the mean of the underlying
#'   multivariate normal distribution for the discrete variables conditioning on
#'   the continuous variables.  Providing this saves a small amount of
#'   computation time.
#' @param continuous_vars Vector containing either column names or column
#'   indices for continuous variables.
#' @param discrete_vars Vector containing either column names or column indices
#'   for discrete variables.
#' @param discrete_var_range_fns a list with one entry for each element
#'   of discrete_vars.  Each entry is a named list of length 4: the element
#'   named "a" is a character string with the name of a function that returns
#'   a(x) for any real x; the element named "b" is a character string with the
#'   name of a function that returns b(x) for any real x; the element named
#'   "in_range" is a character string with the name of a function that returns a
#'   logical, TRUE if x is in the support of the corresponding discrete variable
#'   and FALSE otherwise; and the element named "discretizer" is a function that
#'   takes continuous values and returns the corresponding discretized values.
#' @param validate_in_support Logical; if TRUE, calculate whether x_fixed
#'   is in the support specified by the corresponding entry in
#'   discrete_var_range_fns.  If FALSE (risky!) this check is not performed.
#' @param validate_level Numeric; if 0, no validation is performed (risky!).
#'   If 1, parameters are validated but warnings about checks not performed are
#'   not issued.  If 2, parameters are validated and warnings about checks not
#'   performed are issued.
#' @return matrix of values simulated from the pdTMVN distribution
rpdtmvn <- function(n,
		lower = rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)),
		upper = rep(Inf, length = length(mean)),
		discrete_var_range_fns = lapply(seq_along(discrete_vars), function(dv) {
			list(a = "floor_x_minus_1", b = "floor", in_range = "equals_integer", discretize = "ceiling")
        validate_in_support = TRUE,
		validate_level = 1L) {
	## Convert x_fixed to matrix if a vector or data frame was passed in
    if(!missing(x_fixed) && !is.null(x_fixed)) {
        if(length(dim(x_fixed)) == 1L) {
            x_fixed_names <- names(x_fixed)
            dim(x_fixed) <- c(1, length(x_fixed))
            colnames(x_fixed) <- x_fixed_names
        } else if(is.data.frame(x_fixed)) {
            x_fixed <- as.matrix(x_fixed)
    } else {
        x_fixed <- NULL
    ## Ensure that mean and sigma/precision have row and/or column names
    var_names <- NA
    if(!identical(colnames(mean), NULL)) {
        var_names <- colnames(mean)
    if(any(is.na(var_names)) && !missing(sigma)) {
        if(!identical(colnames(sigma), NULL)) {
            var_names <- colnames(sigma)
        } else if(!identical(rownames(sigma), NULL)) {
            var_names <- rownames(sigma)
    if(any(is.na(var_names)) && !missing(precision)) {
        if(!identical(colnames(precision), NULL)) {
            var_names <- colnames(precision)
        } else if(!identical(rownames(precision), NULL)) {
            var_names <- rownames(precision)
    if(any(is.na(var_names))) {
        stop("at least one of mean, sigma, and/or precision must include names, row names, or column names")
    mean <- as.numeric(mean)
    names(mean) <- var_names
    if(!missing(sigma) && !is.null(sigma)) {
        rownames(sigma) <- var_names
        colnames(sigma) <- var_names
    if(!missing(precision) && !is.null(precision)) {
        rownames(precision) <- var_names
        colnames(precision) <- var_names
    if(!missing(x_fixed) && !is.null(x_fixed)) {
        fixed_vars <- which(var_names %in% colnames(x_fixed))
        free_vars <- which(!(var_names %in% colnames(x_fixed)))
    } else {
        fixed_vars <- NULL
        free_vars <- seq_along(mean)
    ## set names of lower and upper if they are NULL
    if(is.null(names(lower))) {
        names(lower) <- var_names
    if(is.null(names(upper))) {
        names(upper) <- var_names
	## Validate parameters
	if(validate_level > 0) {
        ## validate n
        n <- as.integer(n)
        if(length(n) > 1L) {
            warning("n should have length 1; using first element")
            n <- n[1]
        if(n < 1) {
            stop("n must be a positive integer")
        ## validate data type of x_fixed
        if(!missing(x_fixed) && !is.null(x_fixed) && !identical(nrow(x_fixed), 1L)) {
            stop("If supplied, x_fixed must be a vector or a matrix or data frame with one row")
        validated_params <- validate_params_pdtmvn(x = matrix(mean, nrow = 1),
			mean = as.vector(mean),
			sigma = sigma,
			precision = precision,
			lower = lower,
			upper = upper,
			sigma_continuous = sigma_continuous,
			conditional_sigma_discrete = conditional_sigma_discrete,
			conditional_mean_discrete_offset_multiplier = 
			continuous_vars = continuous_vars,
			discrete_vars = discrete_vars,
			validate_level = validate_level)
		## validate_params_pdtmvn may update some values that were passed in.
		## Assign those updated values to the corresponding variables in the
		## current environment.
		for(var_name in names(validated_params)) {
			assign(var_name, validated_params[[var_name]])
    ## in_support are row indices for observations in x_fixed in support
    if(!missing(x_fixed) && !is.null(x_fixed) && validate_in_support) {
        x_fixed_continuous_vars <- which(
            which(var_names %in% colnames(x_fixed)) # inds for var_names that are in names(x_fixed)
            continuous_vars # inds for var_names that are discrete
        ) # inds of x_fixed that correspond to continuous vars
        x_fixed_discrete_vars <- which(
            which(var_names %in% colnames(x_fixed)) # inds for var_names that are in names(x_fixed)
            discrete_vars # inds for var_names that are discrete
        ) # inds of x_fixed that correspond to discrete vars
        discrete_vars_in_x_fixed <- which(
            discrete_vars # inds for var_names that are discrete
            which(var_names %in% colnames(x_fixed)) # inds for var_names that are in names(x_fixed)
        ) # inds of discrete vars that are also in x_fixed that correspond to discrete vars
        x_fixed_discrete_var_range_fns <- discrete_var_range_fns[
        in_support <- in_pdtmvn_support(x_fixed,
            lower = lower[colnames(x_fixed)],
            upper = upper[colnames(x_fixed)],
            continuous_vars = x_fixed_continuous_vars,
            discrete_vars = x_fixed_discrete_vars,
            discrete_var_range_fns = x_fixed_discrete_var_range_fns)
        if(length(in_support) == 0) {
            stop("provided value for x_fixed was not in the support of the distribution")
    ## simulate values to return.  There are 3 main steps:
    ## 1) Obtain a latent variable value w_fixed corresponding to x_fixed
    ##   (a) For continuous variables, w_fixed[i] = x_fixed[i]
    ##   (b) For discrete variables, w_fixed[i] are drawn from the joint
    ##     truncated multivariate normal distribution for the fixed discrete
    ##     variables given the fixed continuous variables.  Truncation points
    ##     are determined by lower/upper bounds for the distribution overall
    ##     and lower/upper bounds for the region corresponding to the
    ##     observed values in x_fixed
    ##  2) Simulate the corresponding values for the latent variable w_free
    ##    from the truncated multivariate normal conditional on w_fixed
    ##  3) Censor the values in w_free corresponding to discrete variables
    w <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = length(mean))
    colnames(w) <- var_names
    ## Step 1) is only relevant if x_fixed was provided
    if(!missing(x_fixed) && !is.null(x_fixed) && nrow(x_fixed) > 0) {
        w <- rpdtmvn_sample_w_fixed(
            n = n,
            w = w,
            x_fixed = x_fixed,
            fixed_vars = fixed_vars,
            mean = mean,
            sigma = sigma,
            precision = precision,
            lower = lower,
            upper = upper,
            continuous_vars = continuous_vars,
            discrete_vars = discrete_vars,
            discrete_var_range_fns = discrete_var_range_fns,
            validate_level = validate_level)
    ## Step 2) -- sample latent w_free
    w <- rpdtmvn_sample_w_free(
        n = n,
        w = w,
        x_fixed = x_fixed,
        fixed_vars = fixed_vars,
        free_vars = free_vars,
        mean = mean,
        sigma = sigma,
        precision = precision,
        lower = lower,
        upper = upper,
        validate_level = validate_level)
    ## Step 3) -- censor columns of w corresponding to discrete variables
    w <- rpdtmvn_discretize_w(w = w,
        discrete_vars = discrete_vars,
        discrete_var_range_fns = discrete_var_range_fns)
	## Return

#' Simulate observations from the latent TMVN distribution corresponding to
#' observations from a pdTMVN distribution.
#' @param n integer number of samples
#' @param w matrix with column names specified; the values are ignored.
#' @param x_fixed Vector or matrix of quantiles for variables to condition on.
#'   If x_fixed is a matrix, it should have one row.
#' @param fixed_vars Vector containing column indices for fixed variables.
#' @param mean Mean vector, default is rep(0, nrow(sigma)).
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix, default is diag(length(mean)).
#' @param precision Precision (inverse covariance) matrix.
#' @param lower Vector of lower truncation points, default is
#'   rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param upper Vector of upper truncation points, default is 
#'   rep(Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param continuous_vars Vector containing either column names or column
#'   indices for continuous variables.
#' @param discrete_vars Vector containing either column names or column indices
#'   for discrete variables.
#' @param discrete_var_range_fns a list with one entry for each element
#'   of discrete_vars.  Each entry is a named list with at least two elements:
#'   the element named "a" is a function that returns a(x) for any real x; the
#'   element named "b" is a function that returns b(x) for any real x.
#' @param validate_level Numeric; if 0, no validation is performed (risky!).
#'   If 1, parameters are validated but warnings about checks not performed are
#'   not issued.  If 2, parameters are validated and warnings about checks not
#'   performed are issued.
#' @return matrix of values where columns corresponding to variables included in
#'   x_fixed are filled in with samples from the joint distribution of the
#'   corresponding latent TMVN distribution.  For continuous variables, these
#'   are the same as the values in x_fixed.  For discrete variables, these are
#'   samples from the regions that are integrated over to discretize those
#'   variables.
rpdtmvn_sample_w_fixed <- function(
    validate_level) {
    ## Two steps:
    ##   (a) For continuous variables, w_fixed[i] = x_fixed[i]
    ##   (b) For discrete variables, w_fixed[i] are drawn from the joint
    ##     truncated multivariate normal distribution for the fixed discrete
    ##     variables given the fixed continuous variables.  Truncation points
    ##     are determined by lower/upper bounds for the distribution overall
    ##     and lower/upper bounds for the region corresponding to the
    ##     observed values in x_fixed
    fixed_continuous_vars <- fixed_vars[fixed_vars %in% continuous_vars]
    fixed_discrete_vars <- fixed_vars[fixed_vars %in% discrete_vars]
    fixed_continuous_var_names <- colnames(w)[fixed_continuous_vars]
    fixed_discrete_var_names <- colnames(w)[fixed_discrete_vars]
    ## Step (a)
    if(length(fixed_continuous_vars) > 0) {
        w[, fixed_continuous_var_names] <- rep(x_fixed[1, fixed_continuous_var_names],
            each = n)
    ## Step (b)
    if(length(fixed_discrete_vars) > 0) {
        lower_gen_w_fixed_disc <- sapply(
            function(discrete_var_ind) {
                discrete_var_name <- colnames(w)[discrete_var_ind]
                    list(x=x_fixed[1, discrete_var_name])
        lower_gen_w_fixed_disc <- apply(rbind(lower[fixed_continuous_var_names], lower_gen_w_fixed_disc),
        upper_gen_w_fixed_disc <- sapply(
            function(discrete_var_ind) {
                discrete_var_name <- colnames(w)[discrete_var_ind]
                    list(x=x_fixed[1, discrete_var_name])
        upper_gen_w_fixed_disc <- apply(rbind(upper[fixed_continuous_var_names], upper_gen_w_fixed_disc),
        temp <- get_conditional_mvn_params(x_fixed = x_fixed[, fixed_continuous_var_names, drop = FALSE],
            mean = mean[fixed_vars],
            sigma = sigma[fixed_vars, fixed_vars, drop = FALSE],
            fixed_vars = which(fixed_vars %in% fixed_continuous_vars),
            free_vars = which(fixed_vars %in% fixed_discrete_vars),
            validate_level = validate_level)
        mean_gen_w_fixed_disc <- as.vector(temp$conditional_mean)
        sigma_gen_w_fixed_disc <- temp$conditional_sigma
        w[, fixed_discrete_var_names] <- tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n = n,
            mean = mean_gen_w_fixed_disc,
            sigma = sigma_gen_w_fixed_disc,
            lower = lower_gen_w_fixed_disc,
            upper = upper_gen_w_fixed_disc,
            algorithm = "gibbs")
        ## The gibbs sampling algorithm in the tmvtnorm package works well and
        ## is fast most of the time, but there are numerical problems
        ## (very rarely) that I'm not going to debug.
        ## Identify rows of w with missing values or values outside of the
        ## range specified by lower_gen_w_fixed_disc and upper_gen_w_fixed_disc,
        ## then sample again using the slower but more reliable rejection algorithm
        rows_to_resample <- which(apply(
            w[, fixed_discrete_var_names, drop = FALSE],
            function(w_row) {
                any(is.na(w_row) |
                        w_row < lower_gen_w_fixed_disc |
                        w_row > upper_gen_w_fixed_disc)
        if(length(rows_to_resample) > 0) {
            w[rows_to_resample, fixed_discrete_var_names] <- tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(
                n = length(rows_to_resample),
                mean = mean_gen_w_fixed_disc,
                sigma = sigma_gen_w_fixed_disc,
                lower = lower_gen_w_fixed_disc,
                upper = upper_gen_w_fixed_disc,
                algorithm = "rejection")

#' Simulate observations from the conditional distribution of a subset of
#' variables in a random vector jointly following a TMVN distribution given
#' observations of the other variables.
#' @param n integer number of samples
#' @param w matrix with column names specified with observations of some of the
#'   variables from a tmvn distribution.
#' @param x_fixed Vector or matrix of quantiles for variables to condition on.
#'   If x_fixed is a matrix, it should have one row.
#' @param fixed_vars Vector containing column indices for fixed variables.
#' @param free_vars Vector containing column indices for free variables.
#' @param mean Mean vector, default is rep(0, nrow(sigma)).
#' @param sigma Covariance matrix, default is diag(length(mean)).
#' @param precision Precision (inverse covariance) matrix.
#' @param lower Vector of lower truncation points, default is
#'   rep(-Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param upper Vector of upper truncation points, default is 
#'   rep(Inf, length = length(mean)).
#' @param validate_level Numeric; if 0, no validation is performed (risky!).
#'   If 1, parameters are validated but warnings about checks not performed are
#'   not issued.  If 2, parameters are validated and warnings about checks not
#'   performed are issued.
#' @return matrix of values simulated from the TMVN distribution
rpdtmvn_sample_w_free <- function(
    validate_level) {
    if(missing(x_fixed) || is.null(x_fixed)) {
        mean_w_free <- mean
        sigma_w_free <- sigma
    } else {
        temp <- get_conditional_mvn_params(x_fixed = x_fixed,
            mean = mean,
            sigma = sigma,
            fixed_vars = fixed_vars,
            free_vars = free_vars,
            validate_level = validate_level)
        mean_w_free <- as.vector(temp$conditional_mean)
        sigma_w_free <- temp$conditional_sigma
    w[, free_vars] <- tmvtnorm::rtmvnorm(n = n,
        mean = mean_w_free,
        sigma = sigma_w_free,
        lower = lower[free_vars],
        upper = upper[free_vars],
        algorithm = "gibbs")

#' Discretize observations from a TMVN distribution to obtain observations from
#' a pdTMVN distribution
#' @param w matrix with column names specified with observations of latent
#'   variables from a tmvn distribution.
#' @param discrete_vars Vector containing column indices for discrete variables.
#' @param discrete_var_range_fns a list with one entry for each element
#'   of discrete_vars.  Each entry is a named list which must contain an element
#'   named "discretizer", which is a function that takes continuous values and
#'   returns the corresponding discretized values.
#' @return matrix of values where columns corresponding to discrete variables
#'   have been discretized.
rpdtmvn_discretize_w <- function(w,
    discrete_var_range_fns) {
    for(discrete_var in discrete_vars) {
        discrete_var_name <- colnames(w)[discrete_var]
        w[, discrete_var] <- do.call(
            list(x=w[, discrete_var])
elray1/pdtmvn documentation built on May 16, 2019, 3:57 a.m.