
Defines functions kurtosis .kurtosisPhaseRot optPhaseRotation

Documented in optPhaseRotation

# setGenericVerif("rmsScaling", function(x) standardGeneric("rmsScaling"))
#' Optimum Phase Rotation
#' @param x any data that can be converted into a numeric vector with 
#'          as.vector.
#' @param rot The phase rotation increment.
#' @param plot A lenth-one boolean vector. If TRUE, the kurtosis as a function
#'             of phase angle is plotet.
#' @name optPhaseRotation
#' @rdname optPhaseRotation
#' @export
optPhaseRotation <- function(x, rot = 0.01, plot = TRUE){
  # x_dec <- as.vector(gpr/apply(as.matrix(gpr),2,RMS))
  # x_dec <- as.vector(x)
  # pi_seq <- seq(0, pi, by = rot)
  # kurt <- numeric(length(pi_seq))
  # nx <- length(x_dec)
  # for(i in seq_along(pi_seq)){
  #   xrot <- phaseRotation(x_dec, pi_seq[i])
  #   # xrot_scaled2 <- (xrot -   mean(xrot))^2
  #   # kurt[i] <- ((1/nx) * sum( xrot_scaled2^2)) / 
  #   # ( (1/nx) *sum( xrot_scaled2))^2 
  #   kurt[i] <- kurtosis( xrot)
  # }
  # phi_max <- pi_seq[which.max(kurt)]
  phi_max <- optimize(.kurtosisPhaseRot, 
                      interval = c(0, pi), 
                      x_dec = as.vector(x),  
                      maximum =TRUE )$maximum

  message("rotation angle = ", phi_max/pi*180, " degree")
  # dev.off(); windows()
  # if(plot==TRUE){
  #   plot(pi_seq/pi*180,kurt,type="l")
  #   abline(v=phi_max/pi*180,col="red")
  # }
  # x_dec <- phaseRotation(x_dec, phi_max)

.kurtosisPhaseRot <- function(theta, x_dec){
  xrot <- phaseRotation(x_dec, theta)
  kurtosis( xrot)
# excess kurtosis
kurtosis <- function(x){
  # x <- x[!is.na(x)]
  x2 <- (x - mean(x))^2
  n <- length(x)
  sum( x2^2/n)/ (sum(x2)/(n- 1))^2 - 3
emanuelhuber/RGPR documentation built on May 13, 2024, 9:31 p.m.