
Defines functions authors_clean

Documented in authors_clean

#' Seperates author information in references files from \code{references_read}
#' \code{authors_clean} This function takes the output from
#'  \code{references_read} and cleans the author information.
#' Information on addresses, emails, ORCIDs, etc are matched.
#' It then attempts to match same author entries together into likely author 
#' groups based on common full names, addresses, emails, ORCIDs etc.
#' Records that are not matched this way have a Jaro-Winkler similiarty 
#' analysis metric calculated for all possible matching author names.
#' This calculates the amount of character similarities 
#' based on distance of similar character.
#' @param references output from \code{references_read}
#' @importFrom stringdist stringsim
#' @examples 
#' ## Load the refsplitr sample dataset "BITR" 
#' data(BITR) 
#' BITR_clean <- authors_clean(BITR)
#' ## The output of authors_clean is a list with two elements, 
#' ## which can be assigend to dataframes.
#' BITR_review_df <- BITR_clean$review
#' BITR_prelim_df <- BITR_clean$prelim
#' ## Users can save the these dataframes outside of R as .csv files.
#' ## The "review_df.csv" is then used to review the groupID or authorID 
#' ## assignments and make any necessary corrections. 
#' ## The function "authors_refine" is used to load and merge the changes 
#' ## into R and create a dataframe used for analyses. 
#' @export authors_clean
authors_clean <- function(references) {
  # If there are NAs in AU and AF, authors_clean() throws an error, so the 
  # first thing we have to do is confirm that there are no NAs in 
  # the AU and AF fields. If there are, this most often when papers are written
  # by groups (="Cosortia", field = CA); in these cases WOS does not include 
  # the AU and AF fields. However, there are cases where there is a Consortium 
  # listed in CA, but there are also the names of individuals in AF and AU. 
  # Rather than make decisions for users about who the authors are
  # (e.g., replace AU and AF with CA), we instead stop this function and give 
  # an error message to the users to replace the NAs in AU and AF. 
  refID_missingAU<-which(is.na(references$AU)==TRUE)  # finds NAs in AU
  # calculate the sum of the refIDs sum (trigger for error message below)
  # Stop condition and message
  if( any(refid_sum>0) )if( any(refid_sum > 0) ) stop('The following references
  have no authors (i.e., there are NAs in the AU and AF fields):\n\n',
    'refID = ',paste(refID_missingAU, collapse=", "),
    '\n\nBefore using authors_clean() you MUST:
\n(1) remove these references from the dataframe.
(2) Correct the NAs in the AU and AF fields for these references.
They do not have an author, in which case you can use "None", "Anonymous", 
"Unknown", etc. They may have been written by an Author Consortium 
(see Column "CA"). If so, you can replace the NAs in AU and AF 
with the contents of column CA.', sep=" ")
  # Separate authors and attempt to match author info
  #requireNamespace(dplyr, quietly = TRUE)
  final <- authors_parse(references)

  # Split address information into relevant fields

  address_df <- authors_address(final$address, final$authorID)

  final <- merge(final, address_df[, c("university", "country", "state",
    "postal_code", "city", "department", "adID")],
    by.x = "authorID", by.y = "adID", all.x = TRUE)

  # Now start Author Matching

  novel_names <- authors_match(final)

  cols <-  c("ID", "groupID", "match_name", "matchID",
    "similarity", "confidence", "flagged")

  final <- merge(final, novel_names[, cols],
    by.x = "authorID", by.y = "ID", all.x = TRUE)
  cols <-  c("authorID", "groupID", "match_name", "matchID",
    "similarity", "confidence", "flagged")
  final <- final[, c(cols,
    colnames(final)[!colnames(final) %in% cols])]

  # sub_authors <- final %>%
  #   filter(
  #     groupID %in% final$groupID[!is.na(similarity) | flagged == 1]
  #   ) %>%
  #   select(authorID, AU, AF, groupID, match_name, matchID,
  #     similarity, confidence, university, department,
  #     postal_code, country, address, RP_address, RI,
  #     OI, EM, UT, author_order, refID, PT, PY, PU) %>%
  #   arrange(groupID, similarity, authorID)
  sub_authors <- subset(final,
    groupID %in% groupID[!is.na(similarity) | flagged == 1],
    select = c(
      authorID, AU, AF, groupID, match_name, matchID,
      similarity, confidence, university, department,
      postal_code, country, address, RP_address, RI,
      OI, EM, UT, author_order, refID, PT, PY, PU

  sub_authors <- sub_authors[

  return(list(prelim = final, review = sub_authors))

embruna/refsplitr documentation built on Aug. 16, 2024, 2:38 a.m.