
Defines functions get_parameters.cl_svm get_predictions.cl_svm cl_svm

Documented in cl_svm

#' A support vector machine classifier (CL)
#' This classifier uses the e1071 package to implement a support vector machine.
#' @details
#' A support vector machine (SVM) is a classifier that learns a function *f* that
#' minimizes the hinge loss between predictions made on the training data, while
#' also applying a penalty for more complex *f* (the penalty is based on the norm
#' of *f* in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space). The SVM has a parameter *C* that
#' controls the trade off between the empirical loss (i.e., a smaller prediction
#' error on the training set), and the complexity of the *f*. SVMs can use
#' different kernels to create nonlinear decision boundaries.
#' SVMs are work on binary classification problems, so to do
#' multi-class classification, an *all-pairs* classification scheme (which is
#' the default for the e1071 package). In the all-pairs scheme,training separate
#' classifiers for all pairs of labels (i.e., if there are 100 different classes
#' then nchoosek(100, 2) = 4950 different classifiers are trained). Testing the
#' classifier in all-pairs involves having all classifiers classify the test
#' point, and then the class label is given to the class the was chosen most
#' often by the binary classifiers (in the case of a tie in the number of
#' classes that won a contest the class label is randomly chosen). The decision
#' values for all-pairs are the number of contests won by each class (for each
#' test point).
#' @param ... All parameters that are available in the e1071 package svm()
#'   object should work with this CL object.
#' @examples
#' # using the default e1071 parameters
#' cl <- cl_svm()
#' # using a linear kernel
#' cl <- cl_svm(kernel = "linear")
#' @seealso e1071
#' @family classifier

# the constructor
#' @export
cl_svm <- function(...) {
  options <- list(...)
  the_classifier <- list(svm_options = options)
  attr(the_classifier, "class") <- "cl_svm"

#' @export
get_predictions.cl_svm <- function(cl_obj, training_set, test_set) {

  ### Train the classifier  ---------------------------------------------------
  # trained_svm <- svm(train_labels ~ ., data = training_set)
  # trained_svm <- svm(x = select(training_set, -train_labels), y = training_set$train_labels)

  # if arguments to the svm have been supplied, use them
  if (length(cl_obj$svm_options) == 0) {
    all_arguments <- list(x = select(training_set, -.data$train_labels), y = training_set$train_labels)

  } else {

    all_arguments <- list(
      x = select(training_set, -.data$train_labels),
      y = training_set$train_labels,

    names(all_arguments) <- c("x", "y", names(cl_obj$svm_options))

  trained_svm <- do.call(e1071::svm, all_arguments)

  ### Test the classifier  ---------------------------------------------------

  predicted_labels <- predict(trained_svm, select(test_set, starts_with("site")), 
                              decision.values = TRUE)
  results <- data.frame(
    test_time = test_set$time_bin,
    actual_labels = test_set$test_labels,
    predicted_labels = predicted_labels)

  # Parse the all-pairs decision values ---------------------------------------
  all_pairs_results <- data.frame(attr(predicted_labels, "decision.values"))
  names(all_pairs_results) <- colnames(attr(predicted_labels, "decision.values"))

  all_pairs_results <- cbind(test_point_num = 1:dim(results)[1], all_pairs_results) %>%
    tidyr::gather("class_pair", "val", -.data$test_point_num) %>%
    mutate(sign_prediction = sign(.data$val)) %>%
    tidyr::separate(.data$class_pair, c("pos_class", "neg_class"), sep = "/")

  pos_wins <- all_pairs_results %>%
    group_by(.data$pos_class, .data$test_point_num) %>%
    summarize(pos_wins = sum(.data$sign_prediction))

  neg_wins <- all_pairs_results %>%
    group_by(.data$neg_class, .data$test_point_num) %>%
    summarize(neg_wins = sum(-1 * .data$sign_prediction))

  decision_val_df <- full_join(pos_wins, neg_wins,
    by = c(
      "pos_class" = "neg_class",
      "test_point_num" = "test_point_num")) %>%
    tidyr::replace_na(list(pos_wins = 0, neg_wins = 0)) %>%
    mutate(tot_wins = pos_wins + neg_wins) %>%
    select(.data$pos_class, .data$tot_wins, .data$test_point_num) %>%
    tidyr::spread(.data$pos_class, .data$tot_wins) %>%
    arrange(.data$test_point_num) %>%

  names(decision_val_df) <- paste0("decision_vals.", names(decision_val_df))

  results <- cbind(results, decision_val_df)


# Get the parameters that were used in the svm
#' @export
get_parameters.cl_svm <- function(ndtr_obj) {

  if (length(ndtr_obj$svm_options) == 0) {

    parameter_df <- data.frame(cl_svm.cl_svm = "default svm parameters")

  } else {

    parameter_df <- data.frame(val = unlist(ndtr_obj$svm_options)) %>%
      tibble::rownames_to_column("key") %>%
      tidyr::spread("key", "val") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.character))

    names(parameter_df) <- paste0("cl_svm.", names(parameter_df))

emeyers/NDTr documentation built on Aug. 8, 2020, 3:41 p.m.