#' Spatial clustering based on correlation or other metrics.
#' @param x `data.frame` (merra subset) with location and time identifiers, and a time-series variable to cluster.
#' @param varname name of column with data to be used to cluster locations.
#' @param locid name of column of location identifiers.
#' @param time name of column with time dimension
#' @param locid_info (optional) `data.frame` or `sf` object with weights and/or spatial groups (regions) of location identifiers.
#' @param weight (optional) name of column with (positive) weights in `locid_info`, used in calculating weighted `mean` and `sd` metrics.
#' @param group (optional) name of column with group-names of locations (such as regions). If provided, clustering will be made for each group separately.
#' @param k (optional) integer vector of number of clusters to test. By default (`NULL`) clustering process start from `1` to the number of locations and terminates when `max_loss` condition is met.
#' @param max_loss maximum loss of variation (standard deviation) of clustered variable, measured as `1 - sd(clustered_variable) / sd(original_variable)`. Default value is `0.05`, meaning up to `5` percent of variability of original, non-clustered variable is allowed to be lost by clustering.
#' @param verbose logical, should the clustering process be reported, TRUE by default.
#' @param distance character name of a selected distance measure to use `TSdist::KMedoids`. Default metrics is `cor` - Pearson's correlation between the time series variable in different locations. Alternative, allowed methasures: `"euclidean", "manhattan", "minkowski", "infnorm", "ccor", "sts", "dtw", "keogh_lb", "edr", "erp", "lcss", "fourier", "tquest", "dissimfull", "dissimapprox", "acf", "pacf", "ar.lpc.ceps", "ar.mah", "ar.mah.statistic", "ar.mah.pvalue", "ar.pic", "cdm", "cid", "cor", "cort", "wav", "int.per", "per", "mindist.sax", "ncd", "pred", "spec.glk", "spec.isd", "spec.llr", "pdc", "frechet"`.
#' @param ... additional parameters to pass to `TSdist::KMedoids`, might be required for some distance measures.
#' @param cores integer number of processor cores to use, currently ignored.
#' @return `data.frame` with alternative number of clusters with columns:
#' \describe{
#' \item{k}{Number of clusters}
#' \item{N}{Total number of time series}
#' \item{locid}{location identifier in `merra2ools` datasets}
#' \item{"group"}{(if provided) column with locid-groups}
#' \item{cluster}{cluster number in every `k`-group}
#' \item{weight}{weight of the cluster in the `k`-group}
#' \item{sd_N}{standard deviation of the whole sample of (N) time-series}
#' \item{sd_k}{standard deviation of clustered time series with `k` clusters}
#' \item{sd_loss}{loss of standard deviation as result of clusterisation, for each `k`}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # see "Cluster locations" in "Get started"
cluster_locid <- function(
x, varname, locid = "locid", time = "UTC",
locid_info = NULL, weight = NULL, group = NULL,
k = c(1:20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 1e4),
max_loss = .05,
distance = "cor",
cores = 1,
plot = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
# browser()
require("TSdist", quietly = T)
if (is.null(locid_info)) {
lid <- unique(x[[locid]]) %>% sort()
locid_info <- data.table(
lid = lid
locid_info[[locid]] <- locid_info$lid
locid_info$lid <- NULL
if (is.null(group)) {
.regs <- "ALL"
} else {
.regs <- unique(locid_info[[group]]) %>% sort()
# return(.regs)
id_class <- class(x[[locid]])
ii <- x[[locid]] %in% locid_info[[locid]]
d <- x %>%
select(any_of(c(group, locid, time, varname))) %>%
# filter_at(vars(locid), any_vars(. %in% locid_info[[locid]]))
# d <- d[,]
ll <- list() # list by region
for (r in .regs) {
cc <- list() # list of alternative clusters of r - region
# browser()
if (is.null(group)) {
id_r <- locid_info
dd <- d
} else {
id_r <- locid_info[locid_info[[group]] %in% r, ]
ii <- d[[locid]] %in% id_r[[locid]]
dd <- filter(d, ii)
# browser()
dd <- dd %>%
names_from = all_of(locid),
names_prefix = "id_",
values_from = all_of(varname)
) %>%
as.data.table() %>%
if (verbose) {
"group (", paste0(group, " (")
which(.regs == r), "/", length(.regs), "): ", r,
", locations: ", ncol(dd), ", obs.: ", nrow(dd)
if (nrow(dd) == 0) next
# aggregate `id_r` by `locid`
# browser()
if (!is.null(locid_info)) {
w <- id_r %>%
sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
select(any_of(c(locid, weight))) %>%
} else {
w <- data.table(id = unique(d[[locid]]))
names(w) <- locid
# browser()
if (!is.null(weight)) {
w <- w %>%
rename(w = all_of(weight)) %>%
group_by(across(any_of(c(locid, group)))) %>%
w = sum(as.numeric(w), na.rm = T),
.groups = "drop"
} else {
w$w <- 1L
stopifnot(!any(w$w < 0)) # check weights
w <- filter(w, w > 0) # weighted_* methods don't take zeros
if (nrow(w) == 0) {
if (verbose) cat("No observations (zero-weights for all locations in the group)\n")
# browser()
sd_N <- d %>%
right_join(sf::st_drop_geometry(w), by = locid)
# nobs <- sd_N[[varname]] * sd_N$w
sd_N <- datawizard::weighted_sd(sd_N[[varname]], sd_N$w,
remove_na = T
if (is.na(sd_N)) {
if (verbose) cat("The data with applied weight has zero observations\n")
# browser()
K <- 1:ncol(dd)
if (!is.null(k)) K <- unique(c(K[K %in% k], ncol(dd)))
K <- K[K <= nrow(d)]
# K[K >= max(1, min(k)) & K <= min(ncol(dd), max(k))]
for (i in K) {
# browser()
if (verbose) cat("k-clusters (k-max): ", i, " (", max(K), ")", sep = "")
if (i < ncol(dd)) {
k_i <- TSdist::KMedoids(dd, i, distance = distance, ...)
} else {
k_i <- factor(names(dd)) %>% as.integer()
cl <- data.table(
group = r,
k = i,
N = ncol(dd), # number of locations (max possible k)
locid = as(str_replace(names(dd), "^id_", ""), id_class),
cluster = k_i
) %>%
dplyr::right_join(w, by = locid) %>%
if (!is.null(group)) {
nms <- names(cl)
nms[nms == "group"] <- group
names(cl) <- nms
d_i <- d %>%
right_join(sf::st_drop_geometry(cl), by = locid) %>%
group_by(across(all_of(c(time, group, "cluster")))) %>%
rename(value = all_of(varname)) %>%
value = datawizard::weighted_mean(value, as.numeric(w), remove_na = T),
# value = weighted.mean(value, w, na.rm = T),
w = sum(as.numeric(w), na.rm = T),
.groups = "drop"
sd_i <- datawizard::weighted_sd(d_i[["value"]], as.numeric(d_i[["w"]]),
remove_na = T
# cat(", sd_k:", sd_N, sd_i, nrow(d_i), 1 - sd_i/sd_N, "\n")
if (verbose) {
cat(", sd_k: ", sd_i, ", sd_loss: ",
100 * round(1 - sd_i / sd_N, 5), "%\n",
sep = ""
# browser()
# cc[[i]] <- list(
# cl = cl,
# sd_k = sd_i,
# sd_loss = 1 - sd_i / sd_N
# )
cl[, sd_N := sd_N][, sd_k := sd_i][, sd_loss := 1 - sd_i / sd_N]
if (plot && inherits(locid_info, "sf")) {
# if (r == "...") browser()
rf_cl_sf <- locid_info |>
filter(get(group) %in% {{r}}) |>
left_join(cl, by = c(locid, group)) |>
st_make_valid() |>
# (optional) merge geometries for the plot
# %>%
# group_by(across(any_of(c(group, "cluster")))) |>
# summarise(geometry = st_union(geometry), .groups = "drop") |>
# st_make_valid() |>
# filter(!is.na(st_dimension(geometry)))
# use discrete palette for smaller number of clusters
if (i <= 12) rf_cl_sf <- mutate(rf_cl_sf, cluster = as.factor(cluster))
main = paste0("group: ", r, "; clusters: ", i, " (", cl$N[1],
"); sd_loss: ", round(100 * cl$sd_loss[1], 3), "%"),
nbreaks = i)
# cl[, sd_N := sd_N][, sd_k := sd_i][, sd_loss := 1 - sd_i / sd_N]
# cl[, max_loss := max_loss]
cc[[i]] <- cl; rm(cl)
if (1 - sd_i / sd_N <= max_loss) {
} # K (cluster) loop
# browser()
cc <- rbindlist(cc)
if (F) { # sort clusters
d_cl <- group_by(d_i, cluster, across(any_of(group))) %>%
value = datawizard::weighted_mean(value, as.numeric(w), remove_na = TRUE),
.groups = "drop"
) %>%
arrange(desc(value)) %>%
mutate(sorted = 1:n()) %>%
cl <- left_join(cl, d_cl, by = c("cluster", group)) %>%
mutate(cluster = as.integer(sorted)) %>%
# browser()
ll[[r]] <- as.data.table(cc)
# ll[[r]] <- list(
# cl = cc,
# sd_N = sd_N,
# sd_min = min(sapply(cc, function(x) x$sd_k), na.rm = T),
# max_loss = max_loss
# )
} # .regs loop
# browser()
tb <- data.table::rbindlist(ll, use.names = T)
nms <- colnames(tb)
if (is.null(group)) {
tb[["group"]] <- NULL
nms <- colnames(tb)
# } else {
# nms[nms == "group"] <- group
if (!is.null(weight)) nms[nms == "w"] <- weight else nms[nms == "w"] <- "weight"
colnames(tb) <- nms
# cluster_locid_old <- function(x, varname, locid = "locid", time = "UTC",
# locid_info = NULL, weight = NULL, group = NULL,
# k = NULL, max_loss = .05, verbose = TRUE,
# distance = "cor", ...) {
# # browser()
# require("TSdist", quietly = T)
# if (is.null(locid_info)) {
# lid <- unique(x[[locid]]) %>% sort()
# stopifnot(is.null(group))
# stopifnot(is.null(weight))
# locid_info <- tibble(
# lid = lid
# )
# locid_info[[locid]] <- locid_info$lid; locid_info$lid <- NULL
# }
# if (is.null(group)) {
# .regs <- "ALL"
# } else {
# .regs <- unique(locid_info[[group]]) %>% sort()
# }
# # return(.regs)
# id_class <- class(x[[locid]])
# ii <- x[[locid]] %in% locid_info[[locid]]
# d <- x %>%
# select(any_of(c(group, locid, time, varname))) %>%
# filter(ii)
# rm(ii)
# # filter_at(vars(locid), any_vars(. %in% locid_info[[locid]]))
# # d <- d[,]
# ll <- list()
# for (r in .regs) {
# # browser()
# if (is.null(group)) {
# id_r <- locid_info
# dd <- d
# } else {
# id_r <- locid_info[locid_info[[group]] %in% r,]
# ii <- d[[locid]] %in% id_r[[locid]]
# dd <- filter(d, ii); rm(ii)
# }
# # browser()
# dd <- dd %>%
# pivot_wider(names_from = all_of(locid),
# names_prefix = "id_",
# values_from = all_of(varname)) %>%
# as.data.table() %>%
# data.table::as.xts.data.table()
# if (verbose) message(if_else(is.null(group),
# "group (", paste0(group, " (")),
# which(.regs == r), "/", length(.regs), "): ", r,
# ", locations: ", ncol(dd), ", obs.: ", nrow(dd))
# if (nrow(dd) == 0) next
# # aggregate `id_r` by `locid`
# # browser()
# if (!is.null(locid_info)) {
# w <- id_r %>%
# sf::st_drop_geometry() %>%
# select(any_of(c(locid, weight))) %>%
# unique()
# } else {
# w = data.table(id = unique(d[[locid]]))
# names(w) <- locid
# }
# # browser()
# if (!is.null(weight)) {
# w <- w %>%
# rename(w = all_of(weight)) %>%
# group_by(across(any_of(c(locid, group)))) %>%
# summarise(
# w = sum(as.numeric(w), na.rm = T),
# .groups = "drop"
# )
# } else {
# w$w <- 1L
# }
# stopifnot(!any(w$w < 0)) # check weights
# w <- filter(w, w > 0) # weighted_* methods don't take zeros
# if (nrow(w) == 0) {
# if (verbose) cat("No observations (zero-weights for all locations in the group)\n")
# next
# }
# # browser()
# sd_N <- d %>%
# right_join(sf::st_drop_geometry(w), by = locid)
# # nobs <- sd_N[[varname]] * sd_N$w
# sd_N <- datawizard::weighted_sd(sd_N[[varname]], sd_N$w,
# remove_na = T)
# if (is.na(sd_N)) {
# if (verbose) cat("The data with applied weight has zero observations\n")
# next
# }
# K <- 1:ncol(dd)
# if (!is.null(k)) K <- K[K %in% k]
# K <- K[K <= nrow(d)]
# # K[K >= max(1, min(k)) & K <= min(ncol(dd), max(k))]
# for (i in K) {
# # browser()
# if (verbose) cat("N clusters: ", i, " (", max(K),")", sep = "")
# if (i < ncol(dd)) {
# k_i <- TSdist::KMedoids(dd, i, distance = distance, ...)
# } else {
# k_i <- factor(names(dd)) %>% as.integer()
# }
# cl = tibble(
# group = r,
# locid = as(str_replace(names(dd), "^id_", ""), id_class),
# cluster = k_i
# ) %>%
# right_join(w, by = locid)
# if (!is.null(group)) {
# nms <- names(cl)
# nms[nms == "group"] <- group
# names(cl) <- nms; rm(nms)
# }
# d_i <- d %>%
# right_join(sf::st_drop_geometry(cl), by = locid) %>%
# group_by(across(all_of(c(time, group, "cluster")))) %>%
# rename(value = all_of(varname)) %>%
# summarise(
# value = datawizard::weighted_mean(value, as.numeric(w), remove_na = T),
# # value = weighted.mean(value, w, na.rm = T),
# w = sum(as.numeric(w), na.rm = T),
# .groups = "drop"
# )
# sd_i <- datawizard::weighted_sd(d_i[["value"]], as.numeric(d_i[["w"]]),
# remove_na = T)
# # cat(", sd_k:", sd_N, sd_i, nrow(d_i), 1 - sd_i/sd_N, "\n")
# if (verbose) cat(", sd_k: ", sd_i, ", sd_loss: " ,
# 100 * round(1 - sd_i/sd_N, 5), "%\n", sep = "")
# # browser()
# if (1 - sd_i/sd_N <= max_loss) {break}
# }
# # browser()
# d_cl <- group_by(d_i, cluster, across(any_of(group))) %>%
# summarise(
# value = datawizard::weighted_mean(value, as.numeric(w), remove_na = TRUE),
# .groups = "drop"
# ) %>%
# arrange(desc(value)) %>%
# mutate(sorted = 1:n()) %>%
# select(-value)
# cl <- left_join(cl, d_cl, by = c("cluster", group)) %>%
# mutate(cluster = as.integer(sorted)) %>%
# select(-sorted)
# # browser()
# ll[[r]] <- as.data.table(cl)
# }
# ll <- data.table::rbindlist(ll, use.names = T)
# nms <- colnames(ll)
# if (is.null(group)) {
# ll[["group"]] <- NULL
# nms <- colnames(ll)
# # } else {
# # nms[nms == "group"] <- group
# }
# if (!is.null(weight)) nms[nms == "w"] <- weight else nms[nms == "w"] <- "weight"
# colnames(ll) <- nms
# return(ll)
# }
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