
Defines functions read_flex_report

Documented in read_flex_report

read_flex_report <-
         date.format = "yyyy-MM-dd",
         time.format = "HH:mm:ss",
         date.time.separator = ",",
         fill = FALSE) {

    txt <- readLines(file, warn = FALSE)
    bof <- grep("^.?BOF", txt)
    eof <- grep("^.?EOF", txt)
    if (length(txt) != eof)
        warning("eof does not match actual file length")

    ## BOS = Beginning Of Section
    ## ==> the three fields: BOS, abbrev, name
    sections <- grep("^.?BOS", txt)
    sections <- read.table(text = unique(txt[sections]),
                           sep = ",", quote= "\"")

    accounts <- grep("^.?BOA", txt)
    accounts <- read.table(text = unique(txt[accounts]),
                           sep = ",", quote= "\"")

    ## ans <- vector("list", nrow(accounts))
    ## for (section in sections) {

    ## }

    ans <- vector("list", nrow(sections))
    names(ans) <- sections[[3]]
    for (i in seq_along(ans)) {
        h <- grep(paste0("HEADER.,.", sections[i, 2]), txt)
        header <- unlist(read.table(text = txt[h[1L]],
                                    sep = ",", quote = "\""))
        ii <- grep(paste0("DATA.,.", sections[i, 2]), txt)
        if (length(ii)) {
            tb <- read.table(text = txt[ii], sep = ",", quote= "\"",
                             fill = fill)
            colnames(tb) <- header
            ans[[i]] <- tb
enricoschumann/IButils documentation built on June 2, 2024, 4:52 p.m.