
Defines functions score.forecast_nominal score.forecast_binary score.default score

Documented in score score.forecast_binary score.forecast_nominal

#' @title Evaluate forecasts
#' @description `score()` applies a selection of scoring metrics to a forecast
#' object (a data.table with forecasts and observations) (see [as_forecast()]).
#' `score()` is a generic that dispatches to different methods depending on the
#' class of the input data.
#' See the *Forecast types and input formats* section for more information on
#' forecast types and input formats.
#' For additional help and examples, check out the [Getting Started
#' Vignette](https://epiforecasts.io/scoringutils/articles/scoringutils.html) as
#' well as the paper [Evaluating Forecasts with scoringutils in
#' R](https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07090).
#' @inheritSection forecast_types Forecast types and input formats
#' @inheritSection forecast_types Forecast unit
#' @param forecast A forecast object (a validated data.table with predicted and
#'   observed values, see [as_forecast()])
#' @param metrics A named list of scoring functions. Names will be used as
#'   column names in the output. See [metrics_point()], [metrics_binary()],
#'   [metrics_quantile()], and [metrics_sample()] for more information on the
#'   default metrics used. See the *Customising metrics* section below for
#'   information on how to pass custom arguments to scoring functions.
#' @param ... Currently unused. You *cannot* pass additional arguments to scoring
#'   functions via `...`. See the *Customising metrics* section below for
#'   details on how to use [purrr::partial()] to pass arguments to individual
#'   metrics.
#' @details
#' **Customising metrics**
#' If you want to pass arguments to a scoring function, you need change the
#' scoring function itself via e.g. [purrr::partial()] and pass an updated list
#' of functions with your custom metric to the `metrics` argument in `score()`.
#' For example, to use [interval_coverage()] with `interval_range = 90`, you
#' would define a new function, e.g.
#' `interval_coverage_90 <- purrr::partial(interval_coverage, interval_range = 90)`
#' and pass this new function to `metrics` in `score()`.
#' Note that if you want to pass a variable as an argument, you can
#' unquote it with `!!` to make sure the value is evaluated only once when the
#' function is created. Consider the following example:
#' ```
#' custom_arg <- "foo"
#' print1 <- purrr::partial(print, x = custom_arg)
#' print2 <- purrr::partial(print, x = !!custom_arg)
#' custom_arg <- "bar"
#' print1() # prints 'bar'
#' print2() # prints 'foo'
#' ```
#' @return
#' An object of class `scores`. This object is a data.table with
#' unsummarised scores (one score per forecast) and has an additional attribute
#' `metrics` with the names of the metrics used for scoring. See
#' [summarise_scores()]) for information on how to summarise
#' scores.
#' @importFrom data.table ':=' as.data.table
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @keywords scoring
#' @examples
#' library(magrittr) # pipe operator
#' \dontshow{
#'   data.table::setDTthreads(2) # restricts number of cores used on CRAN
#' }
#' validated <- as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile)
#' score(validated) %>%
#'   summarise_scores(by = c("model", "target_type"))
#' # set forecast unit manually (to avoid issues with scoringutils trying to
#' # determine the forecast unit automatically)
#' example_quantile %>%
#'   as_forecast_quantile(
#'     forecast_unit = c(
#'       "location", "target_end_date", "target_type", "horizon", "model"
#'     )
#'   ) %>%
#'   score()
#' # forecast formats with different metrics
#' \dontrun{
#' score(as_forecast_binary(example_binary))
#' score(as_forecast_quantile(example_quantile))
#' score(as_forecast_point(example_point))
#' score(as_forecast_sample(example_sample_discrete))
#' score(as_forecast_sample(example_sample_continuous))
#' }
#' @author Nikos Bosse \email{nikosbosse@@gmail.com}
#' @references
#' Bosse NI, Gruson H, Cori A, van Leeuwen E, Funk S, Abbott S
#' (2022) Evaluating Forecasts with scoringutils in R.
#' \doi{10.48550/arXiv.2205.07090}
#' @export

score <- function(forecast, metrics, ...) {

#' @importFrom cli cli_abort
#' @export
score.default <- function(forecast, metrics, ...) {
      "!" = "The input needs to be a valid forecast object.",
      "i" = "Please convert to `forecast` object first (see {.fn as_forecast})." # nolint

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom data.table setattr copy
#' @rdname score
#' @export
score.forecast_binary <- function(forecast, metrics = metrics_binary(), ...) {
  forecast <- clean_forecast(forecast, copy = TRUE, na.omit = TRUE)
  metrics <- validate_metrics(metrics)
  forecast <- as.data.table(forecast)

  scores <- apply_metrics(
    forecast, metrics,
    forecast$observed, forecast$predicted

  scores <- as_scores(scores, metrics = names(metrics))

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom data.table setattr
#' @rdname score
#' @export
score.forecast_nominal <- function(forecast, metrics = metrics_nominal(), ...) {
  forecast <- clean_forecast(forecast, copy = TRUE, na.omit = TRUE)
  forecast_unit <- get_forecast_unit(forecast)
  metrics <- validate_metrics(metrics)
  forecast <- as.data.table(forecast)

  # transpose the forecasts that belong to the same forecast unit
  # make sure the labels and predictions are ordered in the same way
  f_transposed <- forecast[, .(
    predicted = list(predicted[order(predicted_label)]),
    observed = unique(observed)
  ), by = forecast_unit]

  observed <- f_transposed$observed
  predicted <- do.call(rbind, f_transposed$predicted)
  predicted_label <- sort(unique(forecast$predicted_label, na.last = TRUE))
  f_transposed[, c("observed", "predicted") := NULL]

  scores <- apply_metrics(
    f_transposed, metrics,
    observed, predicted, predicted_label, ...
  scores <- as_scores(scores, metrics = names(metrics))

#' @importFrom Metrics se ae ape
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom data.table setattr copy
#' @rdname score
#' @export
score.forecast_point <- function(forecast, metrics = metrics_point(), ...) {
  forecast <- clean_forecast(forecast, copy = TRUE, na.omit = TRUE)
  metrics <- validate_metrics(metrics)
  forecast <- as.data.table(forecast)

  scores <- apply_metrics(
    forecast, metrics,
    forecast$observed, forecast$predicted

  scores <- as_scores(scores, metrics = names(metrics))

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom data.table setattr copy
#' @rdname score
#' @export
score.forecast_sample <- function(forecast, metrics = metrics_sample(), ...) {
  forecast <- clean_forecast(forecast, copy = TRUE, na.omit = TRUE)
  forecast_unit <- get_forecast_unit(forecast)
  metrics <- validate_metrics(metrics)
  forecast <- as.data.table(forecast)

  # transpose the forecasts that belong to the same forecast unit
  f_transposed <- forecast[, .(predicted = list(predicted),
                               observed = unique(observed),
                               scoringutils_N = length(list(sample_id))),
                           by = forecast_unit]

  # split according to number of samples and do calculations for different
  # sample lengths separately
  f_split <- split(f_transposed, f_transposed$scoringutils_N)

  split_result <- lapply(f_split, function(forecast) {
    # create a matrix
    observed <- forecast$observed
    predicted <- do.call(rbind, forecast$predicted)
    forecast[, c("observed", "predicted", "scoringutils_N") := NULL]

    forecast <- apply_metrics(
      forecast, metrics,
      observed, predicted
  scores <- rbindlist(split_result, fill = TRUE)
  scores <- as_scores(scores, metrics = names(metrics))

#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @importFrom data.table `:=` as.data.table rbindlist %like% setattr copy
#' @rdname score
#' @export
score.forecast_quantile <- function(forecast, metrics = metrics_quantile(), ...) {
  forecast <- clean_forecast(forecast, copy = TRUE, na.omit = TRUE)
  forecast_unit <- get_forecast_unit(forecast)
  metrics <- validate_metrics(metrics)
  forecast <- as.data.table(forecast)

  # transpose the forecasts that belong to the same forecast unit
  # make sure the quantiles and predictions are ordered in the same way
  f_transposed <- forecast[, .(
    predicted = list(predicted[order(quantile_level)]),
    observed = unique(observed),
    quantile_level = list(sort(quantile_level, na.last = TRUE)),
    scoringutils_quantile_level = toString(sort(quantile_level, na.last = TRUE))
  ), by = forecast_unit]

  # split according to quantile_level lengths and do calculations for different
  # quantile_level lengths separately. The function `wis()` assumes that all
  # forecasts have the same quantile_levels
  f_split <- split(f_transposed, f_transposed$scoringutils_quantile_level)

  split_result <- lapply(f_split, function(forecast) {
    # create a matrix out of the list of predicted values and quantile_levels
    observed <- forecast$observed
    predicted <- do.call(rbind, forecast$predicted)
    quantile_level <- unlist(unique(forecast$quantile_level))
    forecast[, c(
      "observed", "predicted", "quantile_level", "scoringutils_quantile_level"
    ) := NULL]

    forecast <- apply_metrics(
      forecast, metrics,
      observed, predicted, quantile_level
  scores <- rbindlist(split_result, fill = TRUE)

  scores <- as_scores(scores, metrics = names(metrics))


#' @title Apply a list of functions to a data table of forecasts
#' @description
#' This helper function applies scoring rules (stored as a list of
#' functions) to a data table of forecasts. `apply_metrics` is used within
#' `score()` to apply all scoring rules to the data.
#' Scoring rules are wrapped in [run_safely()] to catch errors and to make
#' sure that only arguments are passed to the scoring rule that are actually
#' accepted by it.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the scoring rules. Note that
#'   this is currently not used, as all calls to `apply_scores` currently
#'   avoid passing arguments via `...` and instead expect that the metrics
#'   directly be modified using [purrr::partial()].
#' @inheritParams score
#' @return A data table with the forecasts and the calculated metrics.
#' @keywords internal
apply_metrics <- function(forecast, metrics, ...) {
  lapply(names(metrics), function(metric_name) {
    result <- do.call(
      list(..., fun = metrics[[metric_name]], metric_name = metric_name)
    if (!is.null(result)) {
      forecast[, (metric_name) := result]

#' Construct an object of class `scores`
#' @description
#' This function creates an object of class `scores` based on a
#' data.table or similar.
#' @param scores A data.table or similar with scores as produced by [score()].
#' @param metrics A character vector with the names of the scores
#'   (i.e. the names of the scoring rules used for scoring).
#' @param ... Additional arguments to [data.table::as.data.table()]
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table setattr
#' @return An object of class `scores`
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' df <- data.frame(
#'   model = "A",
#'   wis = "0.1"
#' )
#' new_scores(df, "wis")
#' }
new_scores <- function(scores, metrics, ...) {
  scores <- as.data.table(scores, ...)
  class(scores) <- c("scores", class(scores))
  setattr(scores, "metrics", metrics)

#' Create an object of class `scores` from data
#' @description This convenience function wraps [new_scores()] and validates
#'   the `scores` object.
#' @inherit new_scores params return
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_data_frame
#' @keywords internal
as_scores <- function(scores, metrics) {
  present_metrics <- metrics[metrics %in% colnames(scores)]
  scores <- new_scores(scores, present_metrics)

#' Validate an object of class `scores`
#' @description
#' This function validates an object of class `scores`, checking
#' that it has the correct class and that it has a `metrics` attribute.
#' @inheritParams new_scores
#' @returns Returns `NULL` invisibly
#' @importFrom checkmate assert_class assert_data_frame
#' @keywords internal
validate_scores <- function(scores) {
  assert_class(scores, "scores")
  # error if no metrics exists +
  # throw warning if any of the metrics is not in the data
  get_metrics(scores, error = TRUE)

##' @method `[` scores
##' @export
`[.scores` <- function(x, ...) {
  ret <- NextMethod()
  if (is.data.frame(ret)) {
    attr(ret, "metrics") <- attr(x, "metrics")
epiforecasts/scoringutils documentation built on Aug. 20, 2024, 9:58 p.m.