
#' @title Robust Sparse Principal Component Analysis (robspca).
#' @description Implementation of robust SPCA, using variable projection as an optimization strategy.
#' @details
#' Sparse principal component analysis is a modern variant of PCA. Specifically, SPCA attempts to find sparse
#' weight vectors (loadings), i.e., a weight vector with only a few 'active' (nonzero) values. This approach
#' leads to an improved interpretability of the model, because the principal components are formed as a
#' linear combination of only a few of the original variables. Further, SPCA avoids overfitting in a
#' high-dimensional data setting where the number of variables \eqn{p} is greater than the number of
#' observations \eqn{n}.
#' Such a parsimonious model is obtained by introducing prior information like sparsity promoting regularizers.
#' More concreatly, given an \eqn{(n,p)} data matrix \eqn{X}, robust SPCA attemps to minimize the following
#' objective function:
#' \deqn{ f(A,B) = \frac{1}{2} \| X - X B A^\top - S \|^2_F + \psi(B) + \gamma \|S\|_1 }
#' where \eqn{B} is the sparse weight matrix (loadings) and \eqn{A} is an orthonormal matrix.
#' \eqn{\psi} denotes a sparsity inducing regularizer such as the LASSO (\eqn{\ell_1}{l1} norm) or the elastic net
#' (a combination of the \eqn{\ell_1}{l1} and \eqn{\ell_2}{l2} norm). The matrix \eqn{S} captures grossly corrupted outliers in the data.
#' The principal components \eqn{Z} are formed as
#' \deqn{ Z = X B }{Z = X  B}
#' and the data can be approximately rotated back as
#' \deqn{ \tilde{X} = Z A^\top }{Xtilde = Z t(A)}
#' The print and summary method can be used to present the results in a nice format.
#' @param X       array_like; \cr
#'                a real \eqn{(n, p)} input matrix (or data frame) to be decomposed.
#' @param k       integer; \cr
#'                specifies the target rank, i.e., the number of components to be computed.
#' @param alpha   float; \cr
#'                Sparsity controlling parameter. Higher values lead to sparser components.
#' @param beta    float; \cr
#'                Amount of ridge shrinkage to apply in order to improve conditioning.
#' @param gamma   float; \cr
#'                Sparsity controlling parameter for the error matrix S.
#'                Smaller values lead to a larger amount of noise removeal.
#' @param center  bool; \cr
#'                logical value which indicates whether the variables should be
#'                shifted to be zero centered (TRUE by default).
#' @param scale   bool; \cr
#'                logical value which indicates whether the variables should
#'                be scaled to have unit variance (FALSE by default).
#' @param max_iter integer; \cr
#'                 maximum number of iterations to perform before exiting.
#' @param tol float; \cr
#'            stopping tolerance for the convergence criterion.
#' @param verbose bool; \cr
#'                logical value which indicates whether progress is printed.
#'@return \code{spca} returns a list containing the following three components:
#'\item{loadings}{  array_like; \cr
#'           sparse loadings (weight) vector;  \eqn{(p, k)} dimensional array.
#'\item{transform}{  array_like; \cr
#'           the approximated inverse transform; \eqn{(p, k)} dimensional array.
#'\item{scores}{  array_like; \cr
#'           the principal component scores; \eqn{(n, k)} dimensional array.
#'\item{sparse}{  array_like; \cr
#'           sparse matrix capturing outliers in the data; \eqn{(n, p)} dimensional array.
#'\item{eigenvalues}{  array_like; \cr
#'          the approximated eigenvalues; \eqn{(k)} dimensional array.
#'\item{center, scale}{  array_like; \cr
#'                     the centering and scaling used.
#' @references
#' \itemize{
#'  \item [1] N. B. Erichson, P. Zheng, K. Manohar, S. Brunton, J. N. Kutz, A. Y. Aravkin.
#'  "Sparse Principal Component Analysis via Variable Projection."
#'  Submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Signal Processing (2018).
#'  (available at `arXiv \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.00341}).
#' }
#' @author N. Benjamin Erichson, Peng Zheng, and Sasha Aravkin
#' @seealso \code{\link{rspca}}, \code{\link{spca}}
#' @examples
#' # Create artifical data
#' m <- 10000
#' V1 <- rnorm(m, 0, 290)
#' V2 <- rnorm(m, 0, 300)
#' V3 <- -0.1*V1 + 0.1*V2 + rnorm(m,0,100)
#' X <- cbind(V1,V1,V1,V1, V2,V2,V2,V2, V3,V3)
#' X <- X + matrix(rnorm(length(X),0,1), ncol = ncol(X), nrow = nrow(X))
#' # Compute SPCA
#' out <- robspca(X, k=3, alpha=1e-3, beta=1e-5, gamma=5, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE, verbose=0)
#' print(out)
#' summary(out)

#' @export
robspca <- function(X, k=NULL, alpha=1e-4, beta=1e-4, gamma=100, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-5, verbose=TRUE) UseMethod("robspca")

#' @export
robspca.default <- function(X, k=NULL, alpha=1e-4, beta=1e-4, gamma=100, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE, max_iter=1000, tol=1e-5, verbose=TRUE) {

  X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Checks
  if (any(is.na(X))) {
    warning("Missing values are omitted: na.omit(X).")
    X <- stats::na.omit(X)

  # Init rpca object
  robspcaObj = list(loadings = NULL,
                 transform = NULL,
                 scores = NULL,
                 eigenvalues = NULL,
                 center = center,
                 scale = scale)

  n <- nrow(X)
  p <- ncol(X)

  # Set target rank
  if(is.null(k)) k <- min(n,p)
  if(k > min(n,p)) k <- min(n,p)
  if(k<1) stop("Target rank is not valid!")

  # Center/Scale data
  if(center == TRUE) {
    robspcaObj$center <- colMeans(X)
    X <- sweep(X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = robspcaObj$center, FUN = "-", check.margin = TRUE)
  } else { robspcaObj$center <- FALSE }

  if(scale == TRUE) {
    robspcaObj$scale <- sqrt(colSums(X**2) / (n-1))
    if(is.complex(robspcaObj$scale)) { robspcaObj$scale[Re(robspcaObj$scale) < 1e-8 ] <- 1+0i
    } else {robspcaObj$scale[robspcaObj$scale < 1e-8] <- 1}
    X <- sweep(X, MARGIN = 2, STATS = robspcaObj$scale, FUN = "/", check.margin = TRUE)
  } else { robspcaObj$scale <- FALSE }

  # Compute SVD for initialization of the Variable Projection Solver
  svd_init <- svd(X, nu = k, nv = k)

  Dmax <- svd_init$d[1] # l2 norm

  A <- svd_init$v[,1:k]
  B <- svd_init$v[,1:k]

  S = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X))

  #   Set Tuning Parameters
  alpha <- alpha *  Dmax**2
  beta <- beta * Dmax**2

  nu <- 1.0 / (Dmax**2 + beta)
  kappa <- nu * alpha

  obj <- c()
  improvement <- Inf

  #   Apply Variable Projection Solver
  noi <- 1
  while (noi <= max_iter && improvement > tol) {

        # Update A:  (X-S)'XB = UDV'
        XS <- X - S
        XB <- X %*% B
        Z <- t(X - S) %*% (X %*% B)
        svd_update <- svd(Z)
        A <- svd_update$u %*% t(svd_update$v)

        # Proximal Gradient Descent to Update B:
        R = XS - XB %*% t(A)
        grad <- t(X) %*% (R %*% A ) - beta * B
        B_temp <- B + nu * grad

        # l1 soft-threshold
        idxH <- which(B_temp > kappa)
        idxL <- which(B_temp <= -kappa)

        B = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(B_temp), ncol = ncol(B_temp))
        B[idxH] <- B_temp[idxH] - kappa
        B[idxL] <- B_temp[idxL] + kappa

      # compute residual
      R <- X - (X %*% B) %*% t(A)

      # l1 soft-threshold
      idxH <- which(R > gamma)
      idxL <- which(R <= -gamma)

      S = matrix(0, nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X))
      S[idxH] <- R[idxH] - gamma
      S[idxL] <- R[idxL] + gamma

      # compute objective function
      obj <- c(obj, 0.5 * sum(R**2) + alpha * sum(abs(B)) + 0.5 * beta * sum(B**2) +
                 gamma * sum(abs(S)) )

      # Break if obj is not improving anymore
      if(noi > 1){
        improvement <- (obj[noi-1] - obj[noi]) / obj[noi]

      # Trace
      if(verbose > 0 && noi > 1) {
        print(sprintf("Iteration: %4d, Objective: %1.5e, Relative improvement %1.5e", noi, obj[noi], improvement))

      # Next iter
      noi <- noi + 1


  # Update spca object
  robspcaObj$loadings <- B
  robspcaObj$transform <- A
  robspcaObj$scores <- X %*% B
  robspcaObj$eigenvalues <- svd_update$d / (n - 1)
  robspcaObj$sparse <- S
  robspcaObj$objective <- obj

  # Explained variance and explained variance ratio
  robspcaObj$sdev <-  sqrt( robspcaObj$eigenvalues )
  robspcaObj$var <- sum( apply( Re(X) , 2, stats::var ) )
  if(is.complex(X)) robspcaObj$var <- Re(robspcaObj$var + sum( apply( Im(X) , 2, stats::var ) ))

  class(robspcaObj) <- "robspca"
  return( robspcaObj )


#' @export
print.robspca <- function(x , ...) {
  # Print rpca
  cat("Standard deviations:\n")
  print(round(x$sdev, 3))
  print(round(x$eigenvalues, 3))
  cat("\nSparse loadings:\n")
  print(round(x$loadings, 3))

#' @export
summary.robspca <- function( object , ... )
  # Summary robspca
  variance = object$sdev**2
  explained_variance_ratio = variance / object$var
  cum_explained_variance_ratio = cumsum( explained_variance_ratio )

  x <- t(data.frame( var = round(variance, 3),
                     sdev = round(object$sdev, 3),
                     prob = round(explained_variance_ratio, 3),
                     cum = round(cum_explained_variance_ratio, 3)))

  rownames( x ) <- c( 'Explained variance',
                      'Standard deviations',
                      'Proportion of variance',
                      'Cumulative proportion')

  colnames( x ) <- paste(rep('PC', length(object$sdev)), 1:length(object$sdev), sep = "")

  x <- as.matrix(x)

  return( x )
erichson/spca documentation built on May 17, 2019, 7:05 p.m.