Man pages for eriqande/CKMRsim
Inference of Pairwise Relationships Using Likelihood Ratios

afreq_strprints out the integer allele names and their freqs into...
brook_trout_genosMicrosatellite data from brook trout
ckmr2colonymake a rudimentary colony input file
ckmr_classconstructor function for the ckmr class
ckmr_relatsreturn a vector of the relationships in a ckmr_class object
CKMRsimMy package documentation
combine_miscalls_and_dropoutsimplements the generalized miscall + dropout model
comp_ind_pairwiseCompute pairwise relationship measures between all...
create_ckmrprepare to simulate pairwise relationships from locus data
create_integer_genotype_matrixturns long format genotypes into a matrix of integer-code...
example_L_biallelicAn example biallelic locus
example_L_microhapAn example microhaplotype locus
example_L_microsatAn example microsatellite locus
extract_loglsExtract log-likelihood ratios and associated values from a...
find_close_matching_genotypesReturn every pair of individuals that mismatch at no more...
flatten_ckmrflatten a from/to pair from a ckmr object (see...
format.ckmrformat method for ckmr class (to print)
format.Qijformat method for Qij class (to print)
ge_model_microhap1create matrix C for probability of observed genotypes from...
ge_model_microsat1a simple "length-aware" genotyping error model for...
ge_model_TGIEimplements a simple true-genotype-independent genotyping...
general_allele_based_geno_err_modelimplements the generalized Allele-Based genotyping error...
geometric_chromo_lengthssimulate a distribution of fake chromosome lengths
hap_obs_proba simple helper function
id_prependprepend an ID to a mendel input or output file
index_aba function to compute the genotype index from alleles a and b
insert_C_l_matricesinsert the matrix C_l into each element of the list of X_l...
insert_Y_l_matricescompute the Y_l matrices for each locus in a list
install_mendelDownload the mendel binary and install it where CKMRpop...
kappasA matrix of Cotterman coefficients for a variety of pairwise...
labrador_salar_ngs_msatsNext-generation-sequencing-genotyped microsatellites from...
linked_mhapsMicrohaplotype data from kelp rockfish _Sebastes atrovirens_...
locus_specific_pairwiseReturn locus-specific pairwise relationship measures between...
loggy_reweightreweight logs without underflow
long_markersA long format way of specifying markers.
long_markers_to_X_l_listconvert a long data frame of marker allele frequencies to a...
make_matrix_X_lcompute the matrix X_l given allele frequencies and kappa
markers2mendel_def_linesconvert a long-format data frame of loci into a vector of...
markers2mendel_map_linescreate a vector of Mendel formatted map file strings
markers4040 dinucleotide markers for a quick test data set
markers_on_mapAn example of how to specify markers mapped onto chromosomes
mc_sample_simplesample Q values to get and analyze a sample of Lambdas with...
mendelBinGiven the operating system, check for mendel program in the...
mendel_control_listreturn a list of values for a Mendel definitions file for...
microhaplotype_geno_err_matrixcreate matrix C for probability of observed genotypes from...
microhaps100 microhaplotype markers for a quick test data set
pairwise_geno_idReturn every pair of individuals that mismatch at no more...
pairwise_kin_logl_ratioscompute pairwise log likelihood ratios between two sets of...
pedigree2mendel_ped_filefor making a pedigree file with no observed genotypes on it
pedigreesA list of pedigrees specifying different pairwise...
pipePipe operator
print.ckmrprint method for ckmr class
print.Qijprint a Qij object nicely
Qij_classConstructor function for the class Qij
read_mendel_outpedpick the genotypes out of the Mendel output pedigree file to...
reindex_markersre-index loci and or alleles given a data frame of markers
run_mendelRun the mendel binary in directory Dir using control file...
samp_from_matSample 1 observation from cell probabilities that are columns...
sample_linked_genotype_pairssimulate genotype-pairs from linked markers using Mendel
sebastesMicrohaplotype data from kelp rockfish _Sebastes atrovirens_
simulate_and_calc_Qcompute all-locus genotype pair probs for pairs simulated...
simulate_Qijcompute the all-locus genotype pair probs for pairs simulated...
sprinkle_markers_into_genomeRandomly distribute markers along the chromosomes of a genome
tag_mendelian_incompatibilitiesIdentify loci in PO pairs that are Mendelian incompatible
top_indexreturn indices of the top n elements of a large vector
write_all_mendel_filesWrite all necessary files for Mendel to do a gene-dropping...
eriqande/CKMRsim documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 7:23 a.m.