
Defines functions tidy.fa_exploratory glance.fa_exploratory exp_factanal preprocess_factanal_data_before_sample

# Simplified preprocess_regression_data_before_sample for factor analysis (exp_factanal) PCA (do_prcomp). TODO: Consider using it for k-means too.
preprocess_factanal_data_before_sample <- function(df, predictor_cols) {
  # Remove all-NA-or-Inf columns.
  # NOTE: This has to be done bofore filtering predictor numeric NAs. Otherwise, all the rows could be filtered out.
  cols <- predictor_cols
  for (col in predictor_cols) {
    if(all(is.na(df[[col]]) | is.infinite(df[[col]]))){
      # remove columns if they are all NA or Inf
      cols <- setdiff(cols, col)
      df[[col]] <- NULL # drop the column so that SMOTE will not see it. 
  if (length(cols) == 0) {
    stop("No column is left after removing columns with only NA or Inf values.")

  # To avoid unused factor level that causes margins::marginal_effects() to fail, filtering operation has
  # to be done before factor level adjustments.
  # This is done before sampling so that we will end up with more valid rows in the end.
  for (col in cols) {
    df <- df %>% dplyr::filter(!is.na(!!rlang::sym(col)) & !is.infinite(!!rlang::sym(col)))
  if (nrow(df) == 0) {
    stop("No row is left after removing rows with NA/Inf.")
  attr(df, 'predictors') <- cols

#' Function for Factor Analysis Analytics View
#' @export
exp_factanal <- function(df, ..., nfactors = 2, fm = "minres", scores = "regression", rotate = "none", max_nrow = NULL, seed = 1) {
  # this evaluates select arguments like starts_with
  selected_cols <- tidyselect::vars_select(names(df), !!! rlang::quos(...))
  if (length(selected_cols) < nfactors) {
    stop("EXP-ANA-5 :: [] :: You need to set the number of factors to be less than or equal to the number of variables.")

  grouped_cols <- grouped_by(df)

  # remove grouped col or target col
  selected_cols <- setdiff(selected_cols, grouped_cols)

  if (any(selected_cols %in% grouped_cols)) {
    stop("Repeat-By column cannot be used as a variable column.")

  # list and difftime etc. causes error in tidy_rowwise(model, type="biplot").
  # For now, we are removing them upfront.
  df <- df %>% dplyr::select(-where(is.list),

  if(!is.null(seed)) { # Set seed before starting to call sample_n.

  each_func <- function(df) {
    # sample the data for quicker turn around on UI,
    # if data size is larger than specified max_nrow.
    sampled_nrow <- NULL
    if (!is.null(max_nrow) && nrow(df) > max_nrow) {
      # Record that sampling happened.
      sampled_nrow <- max_nrow
      df <- df %>% sample_rows(max_nrow)

    # As the name suggests, this preprocessing function was originally designed to be done
    # before sampling, but we found that for this factor analysis function, that makes the
    # process as a whole slower in the cases we tried. So, we are doing this after sampling.
    filtered_df <- preprocess_factanal_data_before_sample(df, selected_cols)
    selected_cols <- attr(filtered_df, 'predictors') # predictors are updated (removed) in preprocess_factanal_data_before_sample. Sync with it.

    # select_ was not able to handle space in target_col. let's do it in base R way.
    cleaned_df <- filtered_df[,colnames(filtered_df) %in% selected_cols, drop=FALSE]

    # remove columns with only one unique value
    cols_copy <- colnames(cleaned_df)
    for (col in cols_copy) {
      unique_val <- unique(cleaned_df[[col]])
      if (length(unique_val) == 1) {
        cleaned_df <- cleaned_df[colnames(cleaned_df) != col]
    min_ncol <- 2
    if (length(colnames(cleaned_df)) < min_ncol) {
      if (length(grouped_cols) < 1) {
        # If without group_by, throw error to display message.
        stop("There are not enough columns after removing the columns with only NA or a single value.")
      else {
        # skip this group if less than 2 column is left. (We can't handle single column for now.)
    fit <- psych::fa(cleaned_df, nfactors = nfactors, fm = fm, scores = scores, rotate = rotate)

    fit$correlation <- cor(cleaned_df) # For creating scree plot later.
    fit$df <- filtered_df # add filtered df to model so that we can bind_col it for output. It needs to be the filtered one to match row number.
    fit$grouped_cols <- grouped_cols
    fit$sampled_nrow <- sampled_nrow
    class(fit) <- c("fa_exploratory", class(fit))

  do_on_each_group(df, each_func, name = "model", with_unnest = FALSE)

glance.fa_exploratory <- function(x, pretty.name = FALSE, ...) {
  # glance.factanal works on psych::fa due to compatibility kept to some degree. TODO: Extract and output more info from psych::fa
  res <- broom:::glance.factanal(x) %>% dplyr::select(-n, -converged, -method) # But converged is NULL.
  res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(variance=total.variance*length(x$communality), ratio_variance=total.variance)
  res <- res %>% dplyr::select(`Factors`=n.factors, `Variance Explained (Ratio)`=ratio_variance, `Variance Explained`=variance, `Chi-Square`=statistic, `P Value`=p.value, `DF`=df, `Rows`=nobs)

#' extracts results from psych::fa object as a dataframe
#' @export
#' @param n_sample Sample number for biplot. Default 5000, which is the default of our scatter plot.
#'        we use it for gathered_data for parallel coordinates too. sampling is applied before gather.
tidy.fa_exploratory <- function(x, type="loadings", n_sample=NULL, pretty.name=FALSE, ...) {
  # Mapping from factorization method and prefix of loading output column name, e.g. MR1, MR2...
  factor_loading_prefix_mapping <- c(minres="MR",
  factor_loading_prefix <- factor_loading_prefix_mapping[x$fm]
  names(factor_loading_prefix) <- NULL

  # Mapping from factorization method and prefix of score output column name, e.g. MR1, MR2...
  # Only difference from factor_loading_prefix is the ols case.
  factor_score_prefix_mapping <- c(minres="MR",
  factor_score_prefix <- factor_score_prefix_mapping[x$fm]
  names(factor_score_prefix) <- NULL

  # Mapping from factorization method and prefix of the first factor of inter-factor correlation result.
  # The prefix for the second factor of inter-factor correlation result is the same as factor_score_prefix.
  # Only difference from factor_loading_prefix is the ols case.
  factor_correlation_prefix_mapping <- c(minres="MR",
  factor_correlation_prefix <- factor_correlation_prefix_mapping[x$fm]
  names(factor_correlation_prefix) <- NULL

  n_factor <- x$factors # Number of factors.

  if (type == "screeplot") {
    eigen_res <- eigen(x$correlation, only.values = TRUE) # Cattell's scree plot is eigenvalues of correlation/covariance matrix.
    res <- tibble::tibble(factor=1:length(eigen_res$values), eigenvalue=eigen_res$values)
  else if (type == "variances") {
    res <- tibble::as_tibble(t(x$Vaccounted)) %>% dplyr::mutate(Factor=as.factor(1:n()), `% Variance`=100*`Proportion Var`, `Cummulated % Variance`=100*`Cumulative Var`)
  else if (type == "loadings") {
    res <- broom:::tidy.factanal(x) # TODO: This just happens to work. Revisit.
    # Column order of tidy.factanal() is in the order of importance, and not necessarily same as the order of the IDs, like this.
    # variable    uniqueness     MR1     MR2     MR5      MR3      MR4
    # Here we are renaming the IDs of the factors so that IDs correspond with the order of importance.
    colnames(res) <-c("variable","uniqueness",stringr::str_c(factor_loading_prefix,1:n_factor))
    # Reorder columns so that the result of pivot_longer is in the order we want.
    res <- res %>% dplyr::relocate(variable, uniqueness, .after = everything())
    # With the way psych::fa code is, x$communalities can have different value, but x$communality should always have this relationship with x$uniqueness,
    # which is the source of uniqueness in the output from tidy.factanal.
    res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(communality=1-uniqueness)
    res <- res %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=c(starts_with(factor_loading_prefix), "communality", "uniqueness"), names_to="factor", values_to="value")
    res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(factor = dplyr::case_when(factor=="communality"~"Communality", factor=="uniqueness"~"Uniqueness", TRUE~stringr::str_replace(factor,paste0("^", !!factor_loading_prefix),"Factor "))) # e.g. replaces "MR2" with "Factor 2"
    res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(factor = forcats::fct_inorder(factor)) # fct_inorder is to make order on chart right, e.g. Factor 2 before Factor 10
    # Set factor level to the variable column based on the top factor and value within the variables with the same top factor.
    res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(factor = forcats::fct_drop(factor), variable=forcats::fct_reorder2(variable, factor, value, .fun=function(x,y) {
      df=(tibble::tibble(factor=x,value=abs(y)) %>% dplyr::filter(factor %nin% c('Communality','Uniqueness')) %>% dplyr::arrange(factor)); max(df$value) - 10*which.max(df$value)
    }, .desc=TRUE))
  else if (type == "biplot") {
    factor_1_loading_col <- paste0(factor_loading_prefix, "1")
    factor_2_loading_col <- paste0(factor_loading_prefix, "2")
    factor_1_score_col <- paste0(factor_score_prefix, "1")
    factor_2_score_col <- paste0(factor_score_prefix, "2")
    scores_df <- broom:::augment.factanal(x)
    scores_df <- scores_df %>% select(-.rownames) # augment.factanal seems to always return row names in .rownames column.
    # Rename the IDs of the factors so that IDs correspond with the order of importance, which is the order in the augment.factanal output.
    colnames(scores_df) <- stringr::str_c(factor_score_prefix, 1:n_factor)
    loadings_df <- broom:::tidy.factanal(x)
    # Rename the IDs of the factors so that IDs correspond with the order of importance, which is the order in the tidy.factanal output.
    colnames(loadings_df) <-c("variable", "uniqueness", stringr::str_c(factor_loading_prefix, 1:n_factor))

    if (is.null(n_sample)) { # set default of 5000 for biplot case.
      n_sample = 5000
    # sum of number of loading rows times 2 (because it is line between 2 points) and number of score rows should fit in n_sample.
    score_n_sample <- n_sample - nrow(loadings_df)*2

    # table of observations. bind original data so that color can be used later.
    res <- x$df

    # Adjust types of other columns that can be used for color or label.
    orig_cols <- colnames(res)
    for (orig_col in orig_cols) {
      if (!is.numeric(res[[orig_col]])) {
        if (!is.logical(res[[orig_col]])) {
          # make categorical columns into factor with NA level, so that legend will show NA.
          # if we leave them as real NA, legend for NA would not be shown on biplot chart,
          # since we supress it not to show NAs from the lines for measures.
          res[[orig_col]] <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(as.factor(res[[orig_col]]), na_level="(NA)")
        else {
          # make logical columns into factor with NA level, so that legend will show NA.
          res[[orig_col]] <- forcats::fct_explicit_na(factor(res[[orig_col]], levels = c("TRUE","FALSE")), na_level="(NA)")

    res <- res %>% dplyr::bind_cols(scores_df)
    res <- res %>% sample_rows(score_n_sample)

    # calculate scale ratio for displaying loadings on the same chart as scores.
    loadings_matrix <- as.matrix(loadings_df %>% dplyr::select(!!rlang::sym(factor_1_loading_col), !!rlang::sym(factor_2_loading_col)))
    max_abs_loading <- max(abs(loadings_matrix))
    max_abs_score <- max(abs(c(res[[factor_1_score_col]], res[[factor_2_score_col]])))
    scale_ratio <- max_abs_score/max_abs_loading

    res <- res %>% dplyr::rename(.factor_2=!!factor_2_score_col, .factor_1=!!factor_1_score_col) # name to appear at legend for dots in scatter plot.

    # loadings_df is for the variable lines in biplot. It will be later merged (bind_rows) with res.
    # It shares x-axis column .factor_1 with res, and has separate y-axis column .factor_2_variable.
    # scale loading_matrix so that the scale of measures and data points matches in the scatter plot.
    loadings_df <- loadings_df %>% dplyr::select(-uniqueness) # uniqueness column is not necessary for biplot. Remove it to avoid name conflict as much as possible.
    loadings_df <- loadings_df %>% dplyr::rename(.factor_1=!!factor_1_loading_col, .factor_2_variable=!!factor_2_loading_col, .variable=variable) # use different column name for PC2 of measures.
    loadings_df <- loadings_df %>% dplyr::mutate(.factor_1=.factor_1*scale_ratio, .factor_2_variable=.factor_2_variable*scale_ratio)
    loadings_df0 <- loadings_df %>% dplyr::mutate(.factor_1=0, .factor_2_variable=0) # Create rows for origin of coordinates.
    loadings_df <- loadings_df0 %>% dplyr::bind_rows(loadings_df)

    res <- res %>% dplyr::bind_rows(loadings_df)
    # fill group_by column so that Repeat By on chart works fine. loadings_df does not have values for the group_by column.
    res <- res %>% tidyr::fill(x$grouped_cols)
  else if (type == "correlation") {
    if (!is.null(x$Phi)) {
      # If x$Phi is available, show its content in the pivot table.
      # TODO: print.psych.fa.R seems to have logic to calculate it even when x$Phi is not there. Should we do the same here?
      # But it seems x$Phi is there for most of the oblique rotations. #25435
      res <- as.data.frame(x$Phi) %>% dplyr::add_rownames("factor1") %>% tidyr::pivot_longer(cols=starts_with(factor_score_prefix), names_to="factor2", values_to="correlation")
      res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(factor1=stringr::str_replace(factor1, paste0("^", factor_correlation_prefix), "Factor "),
                                   factor2=stringr::str_replace(factor2, paste0("^", factor_score_prefix), "Factor "))
      # fct_relevel is to make order on chart right, e.g. Factor 2 before Factor 10
      # Since the factors does not appear in order in x$Phi in some cases with Promax and minch, simply applying fct_inorder is not enough, and fct_relevel is required.
      res <- res %>% dplyr::mutate(factor1=forcats::fct_relevel(factor1, stringr::str_c("Factor ",1:n_distinct(factor1))),
                                   factor2=forcats::fct_relevel(factor2, stringr::str_c("Factor ",1:n_distinct(factor2))))
    else {
      # Return an empty data frame.
      res <- tibble::tibble()
  else { # should be data
    scores_df <- broom:::augment.factanal(x) # This happens to work. Revisit.
    scores_df <- scores_df %>% select(-.rownames) # augment.factanal seems to always return row names in .rownames column.
    # Rename the IDs of the factors so that IDs correspond with the order of importance, which is the order in the augment.factanal output.
    colnames(scores_df) <-stringr::str_c(factor_score_prefix, 1:n_factor)
    scores_df <- scores_df %>% rename_with(function(x){stringr::str_replace(x,paste0("^", factor_score_prefix), "Factor ")}, starts_with(factor_score_prefix)) #TODO: Make string match condition stricter.

    # table of observations. bind original data so that color can be used later.
    res <- x$df
    res <- res %>% dplyr::bind_cols(scores_df)
exploratory-io/exploratory_func documentation built on April 23, 2024, 9:15 p.m.