
# Test all applications under the `examples` folder.
# Gets the list of all applications by filtering those ending with `App`.
# Removes the extension `.R` from each app and starts looping to call each of the
# applications with ``.
# A list contains the `expected` results that are compared against the result
# coming out from the call to the R application.


# # this is where examples live
# examples_dir <- system.file("examples", package = "rODE")
# # get all the scripts that `App` in them
# examples <- list.files(path = examples_dir, pattern = "*App", all.files = FALSE,
#            full.names = FALSE, recursive = FALSE, = FALSE,
#            include.dirs = FALSE, no.. = FALSE)

expected <- list(AdaptiveStepApp = list(
                    rowVector = list(s1 = 9.910181, s2 = 2.697124, t=6.635591),
                    tolerance = 1e-7),

                 ComparisonRK45App = list(
                    rowVector = list(t=45.75203, s1=9.691675e-10, s2=45.75203,
                                  xs=1.6393e-21, rc=598, time=49.46946),
                    tolerance = 1e-7),

                 ComparisonRK45ODEApp = list(
                    rowVector = list(t=43.22881, ODE=1.108886e-07, s2=43.22881,
                      exact=5.249407e-21, rate.counts=280, time=48.30561),
                    tolerance = 1e-6),

                 FallingParticleODEApp = list(
                    rowVector = list(t=1.43, y=0.05006, vy=-14.014),
                    tolerance = 1e-12),

                 KeplerApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=9.971599,
                                    planet1.r=0.5303791, p1anet1.v=-1.339153,
                                    planet2.r=0.4781323, p1anet2.v=-0.2645141),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 KeplerDormandPrince45App = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=1.444831, x=-0.9404485, vx=-2.136978,
                          y=0.3400727, vx=-5.908522, energy=-19.73793),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 KeplerEnergyApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=1.19, x=0.3757742, vx=-5.817511,
                          y=0.927382, vy=2.363469, E=-19.73918),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 KeplerEulerApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=0.98, x=-0.6514722, vx=4.019233,
                                      y=-1.578873, vy=-2.069668, E=-12.89498),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 LogisticApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=10, s1=0.1001006, s2=-0.006313836),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 PendulumApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=39.9, theta=0.2066864, thetadot=-0.05442821),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 PendulumEulerApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=50, theta=-0.1246416, thetaDot=0.6912865),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 PendulumRK4App = list(
                     rowVector = list(state1=-0.1969044, state2=-0.06044034, state3=19.9),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 PlanetApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=89.95, x=0.5448977, vx=1.754475,
                                      y=-8.489961, vy=0.2846164),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 ProjectileApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=2.04, x=20.4, vx=10, y=0.00816, vy=-9.992),
                     tolerance = 1e-5),

                 ReactionApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=100, X=2.131958, Y=1.105316),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 RigidBodyNXFApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=12, y1=-0.7434223, y2=-0.7347173, y3=0.8655997),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 SHOApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(x=-1.007698, v=0.422443, t=499.905),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 SpringRK4App = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=21.9, y1=-0.009364557, y2=0.08782852),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 VanderpolApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=19.95867, y1=2.008232, y2=0.04026076),
                     tolerance = 1e-6),

                 VanderpolMuTimeControlApp = list(
                     rowVector = list(t=29.94172, y1=-1.910788, y2=0.07189794),
                     tolerance = 1e-7)

) # end of list for expected values

examples <- rODE:::get_list_examples(aPackage = "rODE")

loop_on_examples <- function(goDebug = FALSE) {
    examples <- rODE:::get_list_examples(aPackage = "rODE")
    # loop to open each file
    # goDebug <- FALSE
    nmax <- 0
    if (goDebug) {
        nmax <- 20
        examples <- examples[1:nmax]          # reduce the list for debugging
    i <- 1
    for (app in examples) {
        application <- sub("\\.R$", '', app)
        cat(sprintf("\n %3d testing ... %30s", i, app))
        source(paste(system.file("examples", package = "rODE"), app, sep ="/"))
        result  <-, list(FALSE))
        .result <- as.list(result[nrow(result),]);
        cat(sprintf("%30s", names(expected[application])))
        # if ((goDebug) && (names(expected[application]) == "VanderpolMuTimeControlApp")) {
        if (goDebug) {
        last_row <- expected[[application]]$rowVector
        expect_equal(.result, last_row, tolerance = expected[[application]]$tolerance)
        # cat(expected[[application]]$tolerance)
        cat("\t tested")
        i <- i + 1


loop_on_examples(goDebug = FALSE)

# # loop to open each file
# goDebug <- FALSE
# nmax <- 0
# if (goDebug) {
#     nmax <- 20
#     examples <- examples[1:nmax]          # reduce the list for debugging
# }
# i <- 1
# for (app in examples) {
#     application <- sub("\\.R$", '', app)
#     cat(sprintf("\n %3d testing ... %30s", i, app))
#     source(paste(system.file("examples", package = "rODE"), app, sep ="/"))
#     result  <-, list(FALSE))
#     .result <- as.list(result[nrow(result),]);
#     cat(sprintf("%30s", names(expected[application])))
#     if ((goDebug) && (names(expected[application]) == "VanderpolMuTimeControlApp")) {
#         cat("\n");
#         print(.result)}
#     last_row <- expected[[application]]$rowVector
#     expect_equal(.result, last_row, tolerance = expected[[application]]$tolerance)
#     # cat(expected[[application]]$tolerance)
#     cat("\t tested")
#     i <- i + 1
# }
f0nzie/rODE documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:34 a.m.