#' Retrieve Information Tables about a Specific Graph from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection
#' \code{get_graph_info} fetches the overview tables about a specified graph/matrix from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection.
#' @export get_graph_info
#' @importFrom httr GET timeout http_error message_for_status
#' @importFrom curl has_internet
#' @param matrixname Name of the matrix/graph for which to fetch information.
#' @param groupname Name of the group that provides the matrix/graph.
#' @return A list of tables with detailed information about the specified matrix/graph:
#' \itemize{
#' \item "Matrix Information"
#' \item "Matrix Properties"
#' \item "SVD Statistics" (if available)
#' }
#' @details The tables contain detailed information and properties about the graph/matrix, such as its size, number of non-zero elements, etc. Visit \url{https://sparse.tamu.edu/} of see \code{\link{SuiteSparseData}} to explore groups and matrix names.
#' @references
#' Davis, T. A., & Hu, Y. (2011). The University of Florida sparse matrix collection. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 38(1), 1-25.
#' Kolodziej, S. P., Aznaveh, M., Bullock, M., David, J., Davis, T. A., Henderson, M.,
#' Hu, Y., & Sandstrom, R. (2019). The suitesparse matrix collection website interface. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(35), 1244.
#' @note
#' The \code{rvest} package is used for parsing HTML, if it is not installed, the function will prompt for installation.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' matrixname <- "grid1"
#' groupname <- "AG-Monien"
#' info_tables <- get_graph_info(matrixname,groupname)
#' # Matrix Information
#' info_tables[[1]]
#' # Matrix Properties
#' info_tables[[2]]
#' # SVD Statistics
#' info_tables[[3]]
#' }
#' #' @seealso \code{\link{download_graph}}, \code{\link{SuiteSparseData}}
#- todo change download graph dependcy to rvest
#- todo maybe check other possible conflict with different graphs
#- @importFrom rvest read_html html_table
get_graph_info <- function(matrixname, groupname) {
if (!requireNamespace("rvest", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("The 'rvest' package is required to use this function.
Please install it with install.packages('rvest').",
call. = FALSE)
url <- paste0("https://sparse.tamu.edu/",
groupname, "/", matrixname)
page_content <- rvest::read_html(url)
tables <- rvest::html_table(page_content)
if (length(tables) == 3) {
tables <- tables[-3]
if (length(tables) == 4) {
tables <- tables[-4]
tables[[3]] <- tables[[3]][-nrow(tables[[3]]), ]
tables[[2]] <- tables[[2]][,-3]
tables <- lapply(tables, function(t) {
df <- as.data.frame(t)
rownames(df) <- df[[1]]
df <- df[-1]
table_names <- c("MatrixInfo", "MatrixProp")
if (length(tables) == 3) {
table_names <- c(table_names, "SVDStats")
names(tables) <- table_names
gracefully_fail <- function(remote_file) {
# Fail gracefully if API or internet not available
# Based on code:
# https://github.com/lgnbhl/wikisourcer/blob/master/R/utils.R
# See full discussion to be compliant with the CRAN policy
# https://community.rstudio.com/t/internet-resources-should-fail-gracefully/49199
try_GET <- function(x, ...) {
GET(url = x, timeout(60), ...),
error = function(e) conditionMessage(e),
warning = function(w) conditionMessage(w)
is_response <- function(x) {
class(x) == "response"
# First check internet connection
if (!curl::has_internet()) {
message("No internet connection.")
# Then try for timeout problems
resp <- try_GET(remote_file)
if (!is_response(resp)) {
# Then stop if status > 400
if (httr::http_error(resp)) {
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.