
Defines functions align

Documented in align

#' Align templates and images
#' @param stimuli list of class stimlist
#' @param pt1 The first point to align (defaults to 0)
#' @param pt2 The second point to align (defaults to 1)
#' @param x1 The x-coordinate to align the first point to
#' @param y1 The y-coordinate to align the first point to
#' @param x2 The x-coordinate to align the second point to
#' @param y2 The y-coordinate to align the second point to
#' @param width The width of the aligned image
#' @param height The height of the aligned image
#' @param ref_img The reference image (by index or name) to get coordinates and dimensions from if NULL (defaults to first image)
#' @param fill background color if cropping goes outside the original image
#' @param patch whether to use the patch function to set the background color
#' @param squash whether to move template points outside the image boundaries inside the image
#' @param procrustes Whether to do a procrustes alignment
#' @return stimlist with aligned tems and/or images
#' @export
#' @examples
#' stimuli <- demo_stim("lisa")[1:2]
#' align(stimuli) %>% plot()
#' align(stimuli, procrustes = TRUE) %>% plot()

align <- function(stimuli, pt1 = 0, pt2 = 1,
                  x1 = NULL, y1 = NULL, x2 = NULL, y2 = NULL,
                  width = NULL, height = NULL, ref_img = 1,
                  fill = webmorph_options("fill"),
                  patch = FALSE, squash = FALSE,
                  procrustes = FALSE) {
  stimuli <- validate_stimlist(stimuli, TRUE)

  # if values NULL, default to ref_img points
  ref_points <- stimuli[[ref_img]]$points
  x1 <- x1 %||% ref_points[1, pt1+1]
  y1 <- y1 %||% ref_points[2, pt1+1]
  x2 <- x2 %||% ref_points[1, pt2+1]
  y2 <- y2 %||% ref_points[2, pt2+1]
  width <- width %||% stimuli[[ref_img]]$width
  height <- height %||% stimuli[[ref_img]]$height

  if (pt1 == pt2) {
    # align points are the same, so no resize needed,
    # make sure that left and right align coordinates are the same
    x2 <- x1
    y2 <- y1

  # procrustes align ----
  if (isTRUE(procrustes)) {
    # procrustes align coordinates
    data <- tems_to_array(stimuli)
    coords <- procrustes_align(data)

    # calculate size multiplier
    orig_avg <- apply(data, c(1, 2), mean)
    pro_avg <- apply(coords, c(1, 2), mean)

    oEyeWidth <- (orig_avg[pt1+1, ] - orig_avg[pt2+1, ])^2 %>%
      sum() %>% sqrt(.)
    pEyeWidth <- (pro_avg[pt1+1, ] - pro_avg[pt2+1, ])^2 %>%
      sum() %>% sqrt(.)
    mult = oEyeWidth/pEyeWidth

    # resize and convert to webmorph coordinates
    pts <- dim(coords)[[1]]
    for (i in 1:dim(coords)[[3]]) {
      coords[, , i] <- coords[, , i] *
        rep(c(mult, -mult), each = pts) +
        rep(c(width/2, height/2), each = pts)

    # get align points for each image
    x1 <- coords[pt1+1, 1, ]
    x2 <- coords[pt2+1, 1, ]
    y1 <- coords[pt1+1, 2, ]
    y2 <- coords[pt2+1, 2, ]

    x1 <- rep(x1, length.out = length(stimuli))
    y1 <- rep(y1, length.out = length(stimuli))
    x2 <- rep(x2, length.out = length(stimuli))
    y2 <- rep(y2, length.out = length(stimuli))
    fill <- rep(fill, length.out = length(stimuli))
    #patch <- rep(patch, length.out = length(stimuli))

  # calculate rotation and resize parameters for each image
  rotate <- c()
  newsize <- c()

  for (i in seq_along(stimuli)) {
    # calculate aligned rotation and inter-point width
    rotate_aligned <- ifelse(x1[i] - x2[i] == 0, pi/2,
                             atan((y1[i] - y2[i])/(x1[i] - x2[i])))
    aEyeWidth = sqrt(`^`(x1[i]-x2[i], 2) + `^`(y1[i]-y2[i], 2))

    o_pts <- stimuli[[i]]$points
    ox1 <- o_pts[1, pt1+1]
    oy1 <- o_pts[2, pt1+1]
    ox2 <- o_pts[1, pt2+1]
    oy2 <- o_pts[2, pt2+1]

    # calculate rotation
    rotate_orig <- ifelse(ox1 - ox2 == 0, pi/2,
                    atan((oy1 - oy2)/(ox1 - ox2)))
    rotate[i] <- -(rotate_orig - rotate_aligned) / (pi/180)

    # calculate resize needed
    oEyeWidth <- sqrt(`^`(ox1-ox2, 2) + `^`(oy1-oy2, 2))
    newsize[i] <- ifelse(aEyeWidth == 0 || oEyeWidth == 0,
                        1, aEyeWidth / oEyeWidth)

  stimuli <- stimuli %>%
    rotate(degrees = rotate, fill = fill, patch = patch) %>%
    resize(width = newsize, height = newsize)

  # recalculate eye position for cropping
  x_off <- c()
  y_off <- c()
  for (i in seq_along(stimuli)) {
    n_pts <- stimuli[[i]]$points
    newx1 <- n_pts[1, pt1+1]
    newy1 <- n_pts[2, pt1+1]
    x_off[i] = newx1 - x1[i]
    y_off[i] = newy1 - y1[i]

  stimuli <- crop(
    stimuli, width = width, height = height,
    x_off = x_off, y_off = y_off,
    fill = fill, patch = patch, squash = squash


#' Procrustes align templates
#' @param data Template points
#' @param rotate Whether to "guess" the rotation, or rotate 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees
#' @return coordinates
#' @keywords internal
procrustes_align <- function(data, rotate = 0) {
  gpa <- geomorph::gpagen(data, PrinAxes = FALSE,
                          print.progress = FALSE)

  coords <- gpa$coords

  # if (rotate != "guess") {
  #   rotate <- as.numeric(rotate)
  #   if (rotate == 90) {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateC")
  #   } else if (rotate == 180) {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateC") %>%
  #       geomorph::rotate.coords("rotateC")
  #   } else if (rotate == 270) {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateCC")
  #   } else { # rotate == 0 or anything else
  #    coords <- gpa$coords
  #  }
  # } else {
  #   ### otherwise guess best rotation ----
  #   # calculate average face
  #   orig_avg <- apply(data, c(1, 2), mean)
  #   pro_avg <- apply(gpa$coords, c(1, 2), mean)
  #   all_pts <- expand.grid(x = 1:nrow(orig_avg),
  #                          y = 1:nrow(orig_avg)) %>%
  #     dplyr::filter(x != y) %>%
  #     dplyr::sample_n(min(100, nrow(.)))
  #   angles <- list(
  #     o = orig_avg,
  #     p0 = pro_avg,
  #     p1 = geomorph::rotate.coords(pro_avg, "rotateC"),
  #     p2 = geomorph::rotate.coords(pro_avg, "rotateC") %>%
  #       geomorph::rotate.coords("rotateC"),
  #     p3 = geomorph::rotate.coords(pro_avg, "rotateCC")
  #   ) %>%
  #     lapply(function(coords) {
  #       mapply(function(pt1, pt2) { angle_from_2pts(coords, pt1, pt2) },
  #               all_pts$x, all_pts$y)
  #     })
  #   dd <- data.frame(
  #     p0 = angles$p0 - angles$o,
  #     p1 = angles$p1 - angles$o,
  #     p2 = angles$p2 - angles$o,
  #     p3 = angles$p3 - angles$o
  #   ) %>%
  #     # take care of values near +-2pi (better way?)
  #     dplyr::mutate_all(function(x) {
  #       x <- ifelse(x > 2*pi, x - (2*pi), x)
  #       x <- ifelse(x > 0, x - (2*pi), x)
  #       x <- ifelse(x < -2*pi, x + (2*pi), x)
  #       x <- ifelse(x > 0, x + (2*pi), x)
  #       x
  #     }) %>%
  #     dplyr::summarise_all(mean)
  #   min_diff <- as.list(dd) %>% sapply(abs) %>% `[`(. == min(.)) %>% names()
  #   #message("rotation: ", min_diff)
  #   if (min_diff == "p1") {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateC")
  #   } else if (min_diff == "p2") {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateC") %>%
  #       geomorph::rotate.coords("rotateC")
  #   } else if (min_diff == "p3") {
  #     coords <- geomorph::rotate.coords(gpa$coords, "rotateCC")
  #   } else { # min_diff == "p0" or anything else
  #     coords <- gpa$coords
  #   }
  # }

  dimnames(coords) <- dimnames(data)

#' Get angle from 2 points
#' @param coords The coordinate array
#' @param pt1 The first point
#' @param pt2 The second point
#' @return double of angle in radians
#' @export
angle_from_2pts <- function(coords, pt1 = 1, pt2 = 2) {
  x1 <- coords[[pt1,1]]
  x2 <- coords[[pt2,1]]
  y1 <- coords[[pt1,2]]
  y2 <- coords[[pt2,2]]

  atan2(y1 - y2, x1 - x2) %% (2*pi)
facelab/webmorph documentation built on April 11, 2021, 6:34 a.m.