
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  packageStartupMessage("This information is preliminary or provisional and is subject to revision. It is being provided to meet the need for timely best science. The information has not received final approval by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and is provided on the condition that neither the USGS nor the U.S. Government shall be held liable for any damages resulting from the authorized or unauthorized use of the information. Although this software program has been used by the USGS, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by the USGS or the U.S. Government as to the accuracy and functioning of the program and related program material nor shall the fact of distribution constitute any such warranty, and no responsibility is assumed by the USGS in connection therewith.")

#' EGRETci package for confidence interval analysis
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Package: \tab EGRETci\cr
#' Type: \tab Package\cr
#' License: \tab Unlimited for this package, dependencies have more restrictive licensing.\cr
#' Copyright: \tab This software is in the public domain because it contains materials
#' that originally came from the United States Geological Survey, an agency of
#' the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the
#' official USGS copyright policy at
#' http://www.usgs.gov/visual-id/credit_usgs.html#copyright\cr
#' LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#' }
#' Collection of functions to do WRTDS and flowHistory analysis,
#'  and produce graphs and tables of data and results from these analyses.
#' @name EGRETci-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Robert M. Hirsch \email{rhirsch@@usgs.gov}, Laura De Cicco \email{ldecicco@@usgs.gov}
#' @references Hirsch, R.M., and De Cicco, L.A., 2014, User guide to Exploration and Graphics for RivEr Trends 
#' (EGRET) and dataRetrieval: R packages for hydrologic data: U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods book 4, 
#' chap. A10, 94 p., \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/tm4A10}
#' @keywords water-quality graphics streamflow statistics 

#' Interactive setup for running wBT, the WRTDS Bootstrap Test
#' Walks user through the set-up for the WRTDS Bootstrap Test.  Establishes 
#' start and end year for the test period.  Sets the minimum number of 
#' bootstrap replicates to be run, the maximum number of bootstrap replicates 
#' to be run, and the block length (in days) for the block bootstrapping.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, after running \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}.
#' @param \dots  additional arguments to bring in to reduce interactive options 
#' (year1, year2, nBoot, bootBreak, blockLength)
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @return caseSetUp data frame with columns year1, yearData1, year2, yearData2, 
#' numSamples, nBoot, bootBreak, blockLength, confStop. These correspond to:
#' \tabular{ll}{
#' Column Name \tab Manuscript Variable\cr
#' year1 \tab \eqn{y_s} \cr
#' year2 \tab \eqn{y_e} \cr
#' nBoot \tab \eqn{M_max} \cr
#' bootBreak \tab \eqn{M_min} \cr
#' blockLength \tab \eqn{B} \cr
#' }
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{setForBoot}}, \code{\link{wBT}}
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \dontrun{
#' # Completely interactive:
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList)
#' # Semi-interactive:
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList, nBoot=100, blockLength=200)
#' }
trendSetUp <- function(eList, ...){
  matchReturn <- list(...)

  numSamples <- length(eList$Sample$Date)
  message("Sample set runs from ", as.integer(eList$Sample$DecYear[1])," to ",
    year1 <- matchReturn$year1
  } else {
    message("Enter first water year of trend period")
    year1 <- as.numeric(readline())
  message("year1 = ",year1," this is the first water year of trend period")
    year2 <- matchReturn$year2
  } else {
    message("Enter last water year of trend period")
    year2 <- as.numeric(readline())
  message("year2 = ",year2," this is the last water year of trend period")
  yearData1 <- trunc(eList$Sample$DecYear[1]+0.25)
  yearData2 <- trunc(eList$Sample$DecYear[numSamples]+0.25)
    nBoot <- as.numeric(matchReturn$nBoot)
  } else {
    message("Enter nBoot, the maximum number of bootstrap replicates to be used, typically 100")
    nBoot <- as.numeric(readline())
  message("nBoot = ",nBoot," this is the maximum number of replicates that will be run")
    bootBreak <- as.numeric(matchReturn$bootBreak)
  } else {
    message("Enter Mmin (minimum number of replicates), between 9 and nBoot, values of 39 or greater produce more accurate CIs")
    bootBreak <- as.numeric(readline())

  bootBreak <- if(bootBreak>nBoot) nBoot else bootBreak
  message("bootBreak = ",bootBreak," this is the minimum number of replicates that will be run")
    blockLength <- as.numeric(matchReturn$blockLength)
  } else {
    message("Enter blockLength, in days, typically 200 is a good choice")
    blockLength <- as.numeric(readline())
  message("blockLength = ",blockLength," this is the number of days in a bootstrap block")

  confStop <- 0.7

  caseSetUp <- data.frame(year1=year1,

#' Save EGRETci workspace after wBT
#' Saves critical information in a EGRETci workflow when analyzing trends over a set of two years.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, after running \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}.
#' @param eBoot named list. Returned from \code{\link{wBT}}.
#' @param caseSetUp data frame. Returned from \code{\link{trendSetUp}}.
#' @param fileName character. If left blank (empty quotes), the function will interactively ask for a name to save.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{wBT}}, \code{\link{trendSetUp}}, \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \dontrun{
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList)
#' eBoot <- wBT(eList,caseSetUp)
#' saveEGRETci(eList, eBoot, caseSetUp)
#' }
saveEGRETci <- function(eList, eBoot, caseSetUp, fileName = ""){
  if(fileName == ""){
    message("Enter a filename for output (it will go in the working directory)\n")

  save(eList, eBoot, caseSetUp, file = fullName)
  message("Saved to: ",getwd(),"/",fullName)

#' Run the WBT (WRTDS Bootstrap Test)
#' Runs the WBT for a given data set to evaluate the significance level and 
#' confidence intervals for the trends between two specified years.  The trends 
#' evaluated are trends in flow normalized concentration and flow normalized flux.  
#' Function produces text outputs and a named list (eBoot) that contains all of the 
#' relevant outputs.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, after running \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}.
#' @param caseSetUp data frame. Returned from \code{\link{trendSetUp}}.
#' @param saveOutput logical. If \code{TRUE}, a text file will be saved in the working directory.
#' @param fileName character. Name to save the output file if \code{saveOutput=TRUE}.
#' @return eBoot, a named list with bootOut,wordsOut,xConc,xFlux values
#' @importFrom EGRET as.egret
#' @importFrom binom binom.bayes
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{trendSetUp}}, \code{\link{setForBoot}}
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \dontrun{
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList)
#' eBoot <- wBT(eList,caseSetUp)
#' }
              saveOutput=TRUE, fileName="temp.txt"){

  eList <- setForBoot(eList, caseSetUp)
  localINFO <- eList$INFO
  localDaily <- eList$Daily
  localSample <- eList$Sample
  prob = c(0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.975)
  words <- function(z) {
    out <- if (z) 
      "Reject Ho"
    else "Do Not Reject Ho"
  bootOut <- as.data.frame(matrix(ncol = 25, nrow = 1))
  colnames(bootOut) <- c("rejectC", "pValC", "estC", "lowC", 
                         "upC", "lowC50", "upC50", "lowC95", "upC95", "likeCUp", 
                         "likeCDown", "rejectF", "pValF", "estF", "lowF", "upF", 
                         "lowF50", "upF50", "lowF95", "upF95", "likeFUp", "likeFDown", 
                         "baseConc", "baseFlux", "iBoot")
  year1 <- caseSetUp$year1
  yearData1 <- caseSetUp$yearData1
  year2 <- caseSetUp$year2
  yearData2 <- caseSetUp$yearData2
  numSamples <- caseSetUp$numSamples
  nBoot <- caseSetUp$nBoot
  bootBreak <- caseSetUp$bootBreak
  blockLength <- caseSetUp$blockLength
  periodName <- setSeasonLabel(data.frame(PeriodStart = localINFO$paStart, 
                                          PeriodLong = localINFO$paLong))
  confStop <- caseSetUp$confStop
  xConc <- rep(NA, nBoot)
  xFlux <- rep(NA, nBoot)
  pConc <- rep(NA, nBoot)
  pFlux <- rep(NA, nBoot)
  posXConc <- 0
  posXFlux <- 0
  surfaces1 <- estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt(eList, year1)
  surfaces2 <- estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt(eList, year2)
  combo <- makeCombo(surfaces1, surfaces2)
  eListCombo <- as.egret(localINFO, localDaily, localSample, 
  res <- makeTwoYearsResults(eListCombo, year1, year2)
  regDeltaConc <- res[2] - res[1]
  estC <- regDeltaConc
  baseConc <- res[1]
  regDeltaConcPct <- (regDeltaConc/baseConc) * 100
  LConcDiff <- log(res[2]) - log(res[1])
  regDeltaFlux <- (res[4] - res[3]) * 0.00036525
  estF <- regDeltaFlux
  baseFlux <- res[3] * 0.00036525
  regDeltaFluxPct <- (regDeltaFlux/baseFlux) * 100
  LFluxDiff <- log(res[4]) - log(res[3])
  fcc <- format(regDeltaConc, digits = 3, width = 7)
  ffc <- format(regDeltaFlux, digits = 4, width = 8)
  if (saveOutput) { sink(fileName) }
  cat("\n\n", eList$INFO$shortName, "  ", eList$INFO$paramShortName)
  cat("\n\n", periodName)
  cat("\n\n  Bootstrap process, for change from Water Year", 
      year1, "to Water Year", year2)
  cat("\n                   data set runs from Water Year", 
      yearData1, "to Water Year", yearData2)
  cat("\n  Bootstrap block length in days", blockLength)
  cat("\n  bootBreak is", bootBreak, " confStop is", confStop)
  cat("\n\n WRTDS estimated concentration change is", fcc, 
      " mg/L")
  cat("\n WRTDS estimated flux change is        ", ffc, " 10^6 kg/yr")
  cat("\n value is bootstrap replicate result (deltack or deltafk in paper)")
  cat("\n nPos is cumulative number of positive trends")
  cat("\n post_p is posterior mean estimate of probability of a positive trend")
  cat("\n Lower and Upper are estimates of the 90% CI values for magnitude of trend")
  cat("\n\n      rep              Concentration             |              Flux")
  cat("\n          value     nPos post_p   Lower   Upper  |     value   nPos  post_p    Lower   Upper")
  if (saveOutput) {
    message("\n", eList$INFO$shortName, "  ", eList$INFO$paramShortName)
    message("\n", periodName)
    message("\n  Bootstrap process, for change from Water Year ", 
            year1, " to Water Year ", year2)
    message("                   data set runs from WaterYear ", 
            yearData1, " to Water Year ", yearData2)
    message("  Bootstrap block length in days ", blockLength)
    message("  bootBreak is ", bootBreak, "  confStop is ", 
    message("\n WRTDS estimated concentration change is ", 
            fcc, "  mg/L")
    message(" WRTDS estimated flux change is         ", ffc, 
            "  10^6 kg/yr")
    message(" nPos is cumulative number of positive trends")
    message("\n post_p is posterior mean estimate of probability of a positive trend")
    message(" Lower and Upper are estimates of the 90% CI values for magnitude of trend")
    message("\n      rep              Concentration             |              Flux")
    message("          value     nPos post_p   Lower   Upper  |     value   nPos  post_p    Lower   Upper")
  for (iBoot in 1:nBoot) {
    bootSample <- blockSample(localSample = localSample, 
                              blockLength = blockLength)
    eListBoot <- as.egret(localINFO, localDaily, bootSample, 
    surfaces1 <- estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt(eListBoot, year1)
    surfaces2 <- estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt(eListBoot, year2)
    combo <- makeCombo(surfaces1, surfaces2)
    eListBoot <- as.egret(localINFO, localDaily, bootSample, 
    res <- makeTwoYearsResults(eListBoot, year1, year2)
    xConc[iBoot] <- (2 * regDeltaConc) - (res[2] - res[1])
    xFlux[iBoot] <- (2 * regDeltaFlux) - ((res[4] - res[3]) * 
    LConc <- (2 * LConcDiff) - (log(res[2]) - log(res[1]))
    pConc[iBoot] <- (100 * exp(LConc)) - 100
    LFlux <- (2 * LFluxDiff) - (log(res[4]) - log(res[3]))
    pFlux[iBoot] <- (100 * exp(LFlux)) - 100
    posXConc <- ifelse(xConc[iBoot] > 0, posXConc + 1, posXConc)
    binomIntConc <- binom::binom.bayes(posXConc, iBoot, confStop, 
    belowConc <- ifelse(binomIntConc$upper < 0.05, 1, 0)
    aboveConc <- ifelse(binomIntConc$lower > 0.95, 1, 0)
    midConc <- ifelse(binomIntConc$lower > 0.05 & binomIntConc$upper < 
                        0.95, 1, 0)
    posXFlux <- ifelse(xFlux[iBoot] > 0, posXFlux + 1, posXFlux)
    binomIntFlux <- binom::binom.bayes(posXFlux, iBoot, confStop, 
    belowFlux <- ifelse(binomIntFlux$upper < 0.05, 1, 0)
    aboveFlux <- ifelse(binomIntFlux$lower > 0.95, 1, 0)
    midFlux <- ifelse(binomIntFlux$lower > 0.05 & binomIntFlux$upper < 
                        0.95, 1, 0)
    quantConc <- quantile(xConc[1:iBoot], prob, type = 6)
    lowConc <- quantConc[2]
    highConc <- quantConc[8]
    quantFlux <- quantile(xFlux[1:iBoot], prob, type = 6)
    lowFlux <- quantFlux[2]
    highFlux <- quantFlux[8]
    prints <- c(format(iBoot, digits = 3, width = 7), 
                format(xConc[iBoot], digits = 3, width = 7), 
                format(posXConc, digits = 3,width = 5), 
                format(binomIntConc$mean, digits = 3), 
                format(quantConc[8], digits = 3, width = 7), "  |  ", 
                format(xFlux[iBoot], digits = 4, width = 8), 
                format(posXFlux,digits = 3, width = 5), 
                format(binomIntFlux$mean,digits = 3, width = 7), 
                format(quantFlux[2],digits = 4, width = 8), 
                format(quantFlux[8],digits = 4, width = 8))
    if (!saveOutput) {
      cat("\n", prints)
    } else {
      message(" ", paste(prints, collapse = " "))
    test1 <- as.numeric(belowConc + aboveConc + midConc > 0.5 & 
                          belowFlux + aboveFlux + midFlux > 0.5 & 
                          iBoot >= bootBreak & iBoot > 30)
    test2 <- as.numeric(midConc > 0.5 & 
                          midFlux > 0.5 & 
                          iBoot >= bootBreak &
                          iBoot <= 30) 

    if (test1 + test2 > 0.5){
  rejectC <- lowConc * highConc > 0
  rejectF <- lowFlux * highFlux > 0
  cat("\n\nShould we reject Ho that Flow Normalized Concentration Trend = 0 ?", 
  fquantConc <- format(quantConc, digits = 3, width = 8)
  cat("\n best estimate is", fcc, "mg/L\n  Lower and Upper 90% CIs", 
      fquantConc[2], fquantConc[8])
  lowC <- quantConc[2]
  upC <- quantConc[8]
  cat("\n also 95% CIs", fquantConc[1], fquantConc[9], "\n and 50% CIs", 
      fquantConc[4], fquantConc[6])
  lowC50 <- quantConc[4]
  upC50 <- quantConc[6]
  lowC95 <- quantConc[1]
  upC95 <- quantConc[9]
  p <- binomIntConc$mean
  pValC <- 2 * (min(p, (1 - p)))
  cat("\n approximate two-sided p-value for Conc", format(pValC, 
                                                          digits = 2, width = 9))
  if (posXConc == 0 | posXConc == iBoot) 
    cat("\n* Note p-value should be considered to be < stated value")
  likeCUp <- (posXConc + 0.5)/(iBoot + 1)
  likeCDown <- 1 - likeCUp
  cat("\n Likelihood that Flow Normalized Concentration is trending up =", 
      format(likeCUp, digits = 3, width = 10), " is trending down =", 
      format(likeCDown, digits = 3, width = 10))
  cat("\n\nShould we reject Ho that Flow Normalized Flux Trend = 0 ?", 
  fquantFlux <- format(quantFlux, digits = 3, width = 8)
  cat("\n best estimate is", ffc, "10^6 kg/year\n  Lower and Upper 90% CIs", 
      fquantFlux[2], fquantFlux[8])
  lowF <- quantFlux[2]
  upF <- quantFlux[8]
  cat("\n also 95% CIs", fquantFlux[1], fquantFlux[9], "\n and 50% CIs", 
      fquantFlux[4], fquantFlux[6])
  lowF50 <- quantFlux[4]
  upF50 <- quantFlux[6]
  lowF95 <- quantFlux[1]
  upF95 <- quantFlux[9]
  p <- binomIntFlux$mean
  pValF <- 2 * (min(p, (1 - p)))
  cat("\n approximate two-sided p-value for Flux", format(pValF, 
                                                          digits = 2, width = 9))
  if (posXFlux == 0 | posXFlux == iBoot) 
    cat("\n* Note p-value should be considered to be < stated value")
  likeFUp <- (posXFlux + 0.5)/(iBoot + 1)
  likeFDown <- 1 - likeFUp
  cat("\n Likelihood that Flow Normalized Flux is trending up =", 
      format(likeFUp, digits = 3), " is trending down=", format(likeFDown, 
                                                                digits = 3))
  bootOut <- data.frame(rejectC, pValC, estC, lowC, upC, lowC50, 
                        upC50, lowC95, upC95, likeCUp, likeCDown, rejectF, pValF, 
                        estF, lowF, upF, lowF50, upF50, lowF95, upF95, likeFUp, 
                        likeFDown, baseConc, baseFlux, iBoot)
  likeList <- c(likeCUp, likeCDown, likeFUp, likeFDown)
  wordsOut <- wordLike(likeList)
  cat("\n\n", format(wordsOut[1], width = 30), "\n", format(wordsOut[3], 
                                                            width = 30))
  cat("\n", format(wordsOut[2], width = 30), "\n", format(wordsOut[4], 
                                                          width = 30))
  xConc <- xConc[1:iBoot]
  xFlux <- xFlux[1:iBoot]
  pConc <- pConc[1:iBoot]
  pFlux <- pFlux[1:iBoot]
  eBoot <- list(bootOut = bootOut, wordsOut = wordsOut, xConc = xConc, 
                xFlux = xFlux, pConc = pConc, pFlux = pFlux)
  if (saveOutput) {
    message("\nShould we reject Ho that Flow Normalized Concentration Trend = 0 ? ", 
    message("  best estimate is ", fcc, " mg/L\n  Lower and Upper 90% CIs ", 
            fquantConc[2], " ", fquantConc[8])
    message("  also 95% CIs", fquantConc[1], " ", fquantConc[9], 
            "\n and 50% CIs ", fquantConc[4], " ", fquantConc[6])
    if (posXConc == 0 | posXConc == iBoot) 
      message("* Note p-value should be considered to be < stated value")
    message("  approximate two-sided p-value for Conc ", 
            format(pValC, digits = 2, width = 9))
    message("  Likelihood that Flow Normalized Concentration is trending up = ", 
            format(likeCUp, digits = 3, width = 10), " is trending down = ", 
            format(likeCDown, digits = 3, width = 10))
    message("\n Should we reject Ho that Flow Normalized Flux Trend = 0 ? ", 
    message("  best estimate is ", ffc, " 10^6 kg/year\n  Lower and Upper 90% CIs ", 
            fquantFlux[2], " ", fquantFlux[8])
    message("  also 95% CIs ", fquantFlux[1], " ", fquantFlux[9], 
            "\n and 50% CIs ", fquantFlux[4], " ", fquantFlux[6])
    message("  approximate two-sided p-value for Flux ", 
            format(pValF, digits = 2, width = 9))
    if (posXFlux == 0 | posXFlux == iBoot) 
      message("* Note p-value should be considered to be < stated value")
      message("  Likelihood that Flow Normalized Flux is trending up = ", 
              format(likeFUp, digits = 3), " is trending down= ", 
              format(likeFDown, digits = 3))
      message("\n ", format(wordsOut[1], width = 30), "\n ", 
              format(wordsOut[3], width = 30))
      message(" ", format(wordsOut[2], width = 30), "\n ", 
              format(wordsOut[4], width = 30))

#' surface slice
#' Creates surface slice for one year.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, 
#' after running either \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}} or \code{\link{setForBoot}}.
#' @param year integer year to perform WRTDS analysis
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @importFrom EGRET runSurvReg
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \dontrun{
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList, nBoot=100, blockLength=200)
#' eList <- setForBoot(eList, caseSetUp)
#' surfaces <- estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt(eList, 1990)
#' }
  localINFO <- eList$INFO
  localSample <- eList$Sample
  localDaily <- eList$Daily
  windowY <- localINFO$windowY
  windowS <- localINFO$windowS
  windowQ <- localINFO$windowQ
  edgeAdjust <- TRUE
    edgeAdjust <- localINFO$edgeAdjust
  originalColumns <- names(localSample)
  stepLogQ <- localINFO$stepLogQ
  topLogQ<-bottomLogQ + 13 * stepLogQ
  nVectorLogQ <- localINFO$nVectorLogQ
  stepYear<- localINFO$stepYear
  nVectorYear <- localINFO$nVectorYear
  topYear<-bottomYear + (nVectorYear - 1)* stepYear 
  vectorYear <-seq(bottomYear,topYear,stepYear)
#   if(is.null(localINFO$paStart) | is.null(localINFO$paLong)){
#     # Default to water year
#     localINFO$paStart <- 10
#     localINFO$paLong <- 12
#   }
  vectorIndex <- paVector(year,localINFO$paStart,localINFO$paLong,vectorYear)
  # Tack on one data point on either side
  vectorIndex <- c(vectorIndex[1]-1,vectorIndex,vectorIndex[length(vectorIndex)]+1)
  vectorYear <- vectorYear[vectorIndex]
  numDays <- localINFO$numDays
  DecLow <- localINFO$DecLow
  DecHigh <- localINFO$DecHigh
  resultSurvReg <- runSurvReg(estPtYear,estPtLogQ,numDays,
                                     DecLow,DecHigh, localSample,
  for(iQ in 1:14) {
    for(iY in 1:length(vectorIndex)){ 

#' paVector
#' Creates paVector. This is the index of which years are in the proper period of record.
#' @param year integer year to look for. If the period of analysis is a water 
#' year (\code{setPA(paStart = 10, paLong = 12)}), the year corresponds to the calendar year of that water year for Jan-Sept.
#' If the period of record crosses a calendar year (\code{setPA(paStart=10, paLong=3)}), the year indicates the year at the ending month.
#' @param paStart integer starting month for period of analysis
#' @param paLong integer length of period of analysis
#' @param vectorYear numeric vector of decimal years
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @import lubridate
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' year <- 2000
#' paStart <- 10
#' paLong <- 12
#' vectorYear <- c(seq(1999,2001,0.1))
#' paIndexWaterYear <- paVector(year, paStart, paLong, vectorYear)
#' requestedYears <- vectorYear[paIndexWaterYear]
#' paStart <- 11
#' paLong <- 3
#' paIndexWinter <- paVector(year, paStart, paLong, vectorYear)
#' requestedWinterYears <- vectorYear[paIndexWinter]
#' paStart <- 6
#' paLong <- 3
#' paIndexSummer <- paVector(year, paStart, paLong, vectorYear)
#' requestedSummerYears <- vectorYear[paIndexSummer]
#' paStart <- 10
#' paLong <- 3
#' paIndexLate <- paVector(year, paStart, paLong, vectorYear)
#' endOfYear <- vectorYear[paIndexLate]
paVector <- function(year,paStart,paLong, vectorYear){
  if (paStart + paLong > 13){
    # Crosses January
    minTime <- ymd(paste(year-1,paStart,1,sep="-"))
    maxTime <- as.Date(ymd(paste(year,(paStart + paLong - 12),1)))-1
  } else {
    minTime <- ymd(paste(year,paStart,1,sep="-"))
    if(paStart + paLong <= 12){
      maxTime <- as.Date(ymd(paste(year,(paStart + paLong),1)))-1
    } else {
      #Special december issue
      maxTime <- as.Date(ymd(paste(year,12,31)))
  minTime <- decimal_date(minTime)
  maxTime <- decimal_date(maxTime)
  vectorIndex <- which(vectorYear >= minTime & vectorYear <= maxTime)

#' makeCombo
#' Combine surface slices.
#' @param surfaces1 vector returned from \code{\link{estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt}}
#' @param surfaces2 vector returned from \code{\link{estSliceSurfacesSimpleAlt}}
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' surfaces1 <- c(1,2,3)
#' surfaces2 <- c(4, NA, 5)
#' surfaces <- makeCombo(surfaces1, surfaces2)
makeCombo <- function (surfaces1,surfaces2) {
	combo <- surfaces1 + surfaces2
	combo[combo == 0] <- NA

#' makeTwoYearsResults
#' makeTwoYearsResults
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, after running \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}.
#' @param year1 integer. Initial year of a 2-year trend comparison.
#' @param year2 integer. Second year of a 2-year trend comparison.
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @importFrom EGRET estDailyFromSurfaces
#' @importFrom EGRET setupYears
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' twoResultsWaterYear <- makeTwoYearsResults(eList, 1985, 2005)
#' eList <- setPA(eList, paStart=11, paLong=3)
#' twoResultsWinter <- makeTwoYearsResults(eList, 1985, 2005)
makeTwoYearsResults <- function(eList,year1,year2){
# note this thing only works if the pa is water year
  paStart <- eList$INFO[,"paStart"]
  paLong <- eList$INFO[,"paLong"]
	returnDaily <- estDailyFromSurfaces(eList)
	bootAnnRes<- setupYears(localDaily=returnDaily, 
	AnnBase <- bootAnnRes[1,1]
	index1 <- year1 - trunc(AnnBase) + 1
	index2 <- year2 - trunc(AnnBase) + 1
	twoYearsResults <- c(bootAnnRes$FNConc[index1],

#' setForBoot
#' Adds window parameters to INFO file in eList.
#' @param eList named list with at least the Daily, Sample, and INFO dataframes. Created from the EGRET package, after running \code{\link[EGRET]{modelEstimation}}.
#' @param caseSetUp data frame returned from \code{\link{trendSetUp}}
#' @param windowY numeric specifying the half-window width in the time dimension, in units of years, default is 7
#' @param windowQ numeric specifying the half-window width in the discharge dimension, units are natural log units, default is 2
#' @param windowS numeric specifying the half-window with in the seasonal dimension, in units of years, default is 0.5
#' @param edgeAdjust logical specifying whether to use the modified method for calculating the windows at the edge of the record.  
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @importFrom EGRET surfaceIndex
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' \dontrun{
#' caseSetUp <- trendSetUp(eList)
#' bootSetUp <- setForBoot(eList,caseSetUp)
#' }
setForBoot<-function (eList,caseSetUp, windowY = 7, windowQ = 2, 
                      windowS = 0.5, edgeAdjust=TRUE) {
#  does the setup functions usually done by modelEstimation
	localINFO <- eList$INFO
	localDaily <- eList$Daily
  localSample <- eList$Sample

	numDays <- length(localDaily$DecYear)
	DecLow <- localDaily$DecYear[1]
	DecHigh <- localDaily$DecYear[numDays]
	numSamples <- length(localSample$Julian)
    localINFO$windowY <- windowY
	  localINFO$windowQ <- windowQ
	  localINFO$windowS <- windowS
	  localINFO$edgeAdjust <-edgeAdjust
	if (is.null(localINFO$minNumObs)) {
	  localINFO$minNumObs <- min(100, numSamples - 20)
	if (is.null(localINFO$minNumUncen)) {
	  localINFO$minNumUncen <- min(100, numSamples - 20)
  surfaceIndexParameters <- surfaceIndex(localDaily)
  localINFO$bottomLogQ <- surfaceIndexParameters[1]
  localINFO$stepLogQ <- surfaceIndexParameters[2]
  localINFO$nVectorLogQ <- surfaceIndexParameters[3]
  localINFO$bottomYear <- surfaceIndexParameters[4]
  localINFO$stepYear <- surfaceIndexParameters[5]
  localINFO$nVectorYear <- surfaceIndexParameters[6]

  localINFO$numDays <- numDays
  localINFO$DecLow <- DecLow
  localINFO$DecHigh <- DecHigh
  localINFO$edgeAdjust <- edgeAdjust
  eList$INFO <- localINFO

#' blockSample
#' Get a subset of the Sample data frame based on the user-specified blockLength.
#' @param localSample Sample data frame
#' @param blockLength integer size of subset.
#' @keywords WRTDS flow
#' @return surfaces matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(EGRET)
#' eList <- Choptank_eList
#' Sample <- eList$Sample
#' bsReturn <- blockSample(Sample, 25)
blockSample <- function(localSample, blockLength){
  numSamples <- length(localSample$Julian)
  dayOne <- localSample$Julian[1]
  newSample <- data.frame()
  firstJulian <- localSample$Julian[1] - blockLength + 1
  lastJulian <- localSample$Julian[numSamples]
  possibleStarts <- seq(firstJulian,lastJulian)
  while(nrow(newSample) <= nrow(localSample)){
    randomDate <- sample(possibleStarts, 1)
    blockStart <- max(randomDate,dayOne)
    blockEnd <- min(lastJulian,randomDate+blockLength-1)
    oneYear <- subset(localSample, localSample$Julian >= blockStart & 
                        localSample$Julian < blockEnd)
    newSample <- rbind(oneYear, newSample)
  newSample <- newSample[-c((nrow(localSample)+1):nrow(newSample)),]
  newSample <- newSample[order(newSample$Julian),]

#' wordLike
#' Function called in \code{\link{wBT}} to convert numeric likelihood percentages to useful text.
#' @param likeList list
#' @return character vector for [1] Upward trend in concentration, 
#' [2] Downward trend in concentration, [3] Upward trend in flux,
#' [4] Downward trend in flux
#' @export
#' @examples
#' likeList <- c(0.01, 0.5, 0.55, 0.99)
#' Trends <- wordLike(likeList)
wordLike <- function(likeList){
	firstPart <- c("Upward trend in concentration is",
                 "Downward trend in concentration is",
                 "Upward trend in flux is",
                 "Downward trend in flux is")
	secondPart <- c("highly unlikely",
                  "very unlikely",
                  "about as likely as not",
                  "very likely",
                  "highly likely")
	levelLike <- cut(likeList,breaks=breaks,labels=FALSE)
	wordLikeFour <- paste(firstPart,secondPart[levelLike])
fawda123/EGRETci documentation built on May 16, 2019, 10:57 a.m.