
#' Cross-validating a Cox-Model fitted on PLSR components
#' This function cross-validates \link{coxpls} models.\cr
#' It only computes the recommended iAUCSurvROC criterion. Set
#' \code{allCVcrit=TRUE} to retrieve the 13 other ones.
#' @param data A list of three items: \itemize{ \item\code{x} the explanatory
#' variables passed to \code{\link{coxpls}}'s \code{Xplan} argument,
#' \item\code{time} passed to \code{\link{coxpls}}'s \code{time} argument,
#' \item\code{status} \code{\link{coxpls}}'s \code{status} argument.  }
#' @param method A character string specifying the method for tie handling. If
#' there are no tied death times all the methods are equivalent. The Efron
#' approximation is used as the default here, it is more accurate when dealing
#' with tied death times, and is as efficient computationally.
#' @param nfold The number of folds to use to perform the cross-validation
#' process.
#' @param nt The number of components to include in the model. It this is not
#' supplied, 10 components are fitted.
#' @param plot.it Shall the results be displayed on a plot ?
#' @param se Should standard errors be plotted ?
#' @param givefold Explicit list of omited values in each fold can be provided
#' using this argument.
#' @param scaleX Shall the predictors be standardized ?
#' @param folddetails Should values and completion status for each folds be
#' returned ?
#' @param allCVcrit Should the other 13 CV criteria be evaled and returned ?
#' @param details Should all results of the functions that perform error
#' computations be returned ?
#' @param namedataset Name to use to craft temporary results names
#' @param save Should temporary results be saved ?
#' @param verbose Should some CV details be displayed ?
#' @param \dots Other arguments to pass to \code{\link{coxpls}}.
#' @return \item{nt}{The number of components requested}
#' \item{cv.error1}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of, per fold
#' unit, Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood for models with 0 to nt
#' components.} \item{cv.error2}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of,
#' per fold unit, van Houwelingen Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood for
#' models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.error3}{Vector with the mean
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_CD for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.error4}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of iAUC_hc for
#' models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.error5}{Vector with the mean
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_sh for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.error6}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of iAUC_Uno for
#' models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.error7}{Vector with the mean
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_hz.train for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.error8}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of iAUC_hz.test
#' for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.error9}{Vector with the mean
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_survivalROC.train for models with 0 to nt
#' components.} \item{cv.error10}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of
#' iAUC_survivalROC.test for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.error11}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of iBrierScore
#' unw for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.error12}{Vector with the
#' mean values, across folds, of iSchmidScore (robust BS) unw for models with 0
#' to nt components.} \item{cv.error13}{Vector with the mean values, across
#' folds, of iBrierScore w for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.error14}{Vector with the mean values, across folds, of iSchmidScore
#' (robust BS) w for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se1}{Vector with
#' the standard error values, across folds, of, per fold unit, Cross-validated
#' log-partial-likelihood for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.se2}{Vector with the standard error values, across folds, of, per
#' fold unit, van Houwelingen Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood for models
#' with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se3}{Vector with the standard error
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_CD for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.se4}{Vector with the standard error values, across folds, of
#' iAUC_hc for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se5}{Vector with the
#' standard error values, across folds, of iAUC_sh for models with 0 to nt
#' components.} \item{cv.se6}{Vector with the standard error values, across
#' folds, of iAUC_Uno for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se7}{Vector
#' with the standard error values, across folds, of iAUC_hz.train for models
#' with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se8}{Vector with the standard error
#' values, across folds, of iAUC_hz.test for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.se9}{Vector with the standard error values, across folds, of
#' iAUC_survivalROC.train for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.se10}{Vector with the standard error values, across folds, of
#' iAUC_survivalROC.test for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{cv.se11}{Vector with the standard error values, across folds, of
#' iBrierScore unw for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se12}{Vector
#' with the standard error values, across folds, of iSchmidScore (robust BS)
#' unw for models with 0 to nt components.} \item{cv.se13}{Vector with the
#' standard error values, across folds, of iBrierScore w for models with 0 to
#' nt components.} \item{cv.se14}{Vector with the standard error values, across
#' folds, of iSchmidScore (robust BS) w for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{folds}{Explicit list of the values that were omited values in each
#' fold.} \item{lambda.min1}{Vector with the standard error values, across
#' folds, of, per fold unit, Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood for models
#' with 0 to nt components.} \item{lambda.min2}{Vector with the standard error
#' values, across folds, of, per fold unit, van Houwelingen Cross-validated
#' log-partial-likelihood for models with 0 to nt components.}
#' \item{lambda.min1}{Optimal Nbr of components, min Cross-validated
#' log-partial-likelihood criterion.} \item{lambda.se1}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, min+1se Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min2}{Optimal Nbr of components, min van Houwelingen
#' Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood.} \item{lambda.se2}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, min+1se van Houwelingen Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood.}
#' \item{lambda.min3}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_CD criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.se3}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se iAUC_CD criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min4}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_hc criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.se4}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se iAUC_hc criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min5}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_sh criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.se5}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se iAUC_sh criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min6}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_Uno criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.se6}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se iAUC_Uno criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min7}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_hz.train criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.se7}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se iAUC_hz.train
#' criterion.} \item{lambda.min8}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_hz.test
#' criterion.} \item{lambda.se8}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se
#' iAUC_hz.test criterion.} \item{lambda.min9}{Optimal Nbr of components, max
#' iAUC_survivalROC.train criterion.} \item{lambda.se9}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, max+1se iAUC_survivalROC.train criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min10}{Optimal Nbr of components, max iAUC_survivalROC.test
#' criterion.} \item{lambda.se10}{Optimal Nbr of components, max+1se
#' iAUC_survivalROC.test criterion.} \item{lambda.min11}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, min iBrierScore unw criterion.} \item{lambda.se11}{Optimal Nbr
#' of components, min+1se iBrierScore unw criterion.}
#' \item{lambda.min12}{Optimal Nbr of components, min iSchmidScore unw
#' criterion.} \item{lambda.se12}{Optimal Nbr of components, min+1se
#' iSchmidScore unw criterion.} \item{lambda.min13}{Optimal Nbr of components,
#' min iBrierScore w criterion.} \item{lambda.se13}{Optimal Nbr of components,
#' min+1se iBrierScore w criterion.} \item{lambda.min14}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, min iSchmidScore w criterion.} \item{lambda.se14}{Optimal Nbr of
#' components, min+1se iSchmidScore w criterion.} \item{errormat1-14}{If
#' \code{details=TRUE}, matrices with the error values for every folds across
#' each of the components and each of the criteria} \item{completed.cv1-14}{If
#' \code{details=TRUE}, matrices with logical values for every folds across
#' each of the components and each of the criteria: \code{TRUE} if the
#' computation was completed and \code{FALSE} it is failed.}
#' \item{All_indics}{All results of the functions that perform error
#' computation, for each fold, each component and error criterion.}
#' @author Frédéric Bertrand\cr
#' \email{frederic.bertrand@@utt.fr}\cr
#' \url{http://www-irma.u-strasbg.fr/~fbertran/}
#' @seealso See Also \code{\link{coxpls}}
#' @references plsRcox, Cox-Models in a high dimensional setting in R, Frederic
#' Bertrand, Philippe Bastien, Nicolas Meyer and Myriam Maumy-Bertrand (2014).
#' Proceedings of User2014!, Los Angeles, page 152.\cr
#' Deviance residuals-based sparse PLS and sparse kernel PLS regression for
#' censored data, Philippe Bastien, Frederic Bertrand, Nicolas Meyer and Myriam
#' Maumy-Bertrand (2015), Bioinformatics, 31(3):397-404,
#' doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu660.
#' Cross validating extensions of kernel, sparse or regular partial least
#' squares regression models to censored data, Bertrand, F., Bastien, Ph. and
#' Maumy-Bertrand, M. (2018), \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.01005}.
#' @keywords models regression
#' @examples
#' data(micro.censure)
#' data(Xmicro.censure_compl_imp)
#' set.seed(123456)
#' X_train_micro <- apply((as.matrix(Xmicro.censure_compl_imp)),FUN="as.numeric",MARGIN=2)[1:80,]
#' X_train_micro_df <- data.frame(X_train_micro)
#' Y_train_micro <- micro.censure$survyear[1:80]
#' C_train_micro <- micro.censure$DC[1:80]
#' #Should be run with a higher value of nt (at least 10)
#' (cv.coxpls.res=cv.coxpls(list(x=X_train_micro,time=Y_train_micro,status=C_train_micro),nt=3))
#' @export cv.coxpls
cv.coxpls =
  function (data, method = c("efron", "breslow"), nfold = 5, nt = 10, plot.it = TRUE, 
            se = TRUE, givefold, scaleX = TRUE, folddetails = FALSE, allCVcrit=FALSE,
            details=FALSE, namedataset="data", save=FALSE, verbose=TRUE,...)

    method <- match.arg(method)
    x <- data$x
    time <- data$time
    status <- data$status
    n <- length(time)
      folds <- split(sample(seq(n)), rep(1:nfold, length = n))} else
        folds <- givefold
    number_ind = 14
    titlesCV = c("Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood","van Houwelingen Cross-validated log-partial-likelihood","iAUC_CD","iAUC_hc","iAUC_sh","iAUC_Uno","iAUC_hz.train","iAUC_hz.test","iAUC_survivalROC.train","iAUC_survivalROC.test","iBrierScore unw","iSchmidScore (robust BS) unw","iBrierScore w","iSchmidScore (robust BS) w")
    ylabsCV = c(rep("Minus log-partial-likelihood",2),rep("iAUC",8),rep("Prediction Error",4))
    xlabsCV = c(rep("nbr of components",14))
    signCVerror = c(rep(1,2),rep(-1,8),rep(1,4))
    show_nbr_var = FALSE
    for(ind in 1:number_ind) {
      assign(paste("errormat",ind,sep=""),matrix(NA, nt+1, nfold))
    for (i in seq(nfold)) {
      for(ind in 1:number_ind) {
        assign(paste("pred",ind,sep=""),rep(NA, nt+1))
      omit <- folds[[i]]
      trdata <- list(x = x[-omit, ], time = time[-omit], status = status[-omit])
      tsdata <- list(x = x[omit, ], time = time[omit], status = status[omit])
        assign(paste("cv.coxpls_",namedataset,"_folds_",i,sep=""),coxpls(Xplan=trdata$x, time=trdata$time, event=trdata$status, ncomp=nt, allres=TRUE, verbose=verbose, ...))
      } else {
      coeffit <- get(paste("cv.coxpls_",namedataset,"_folds_",i,sep=""))$CoeffCFull
      for(jj in 1:nt){
          pred1[1] <- logplik(x=newxdata[,1,drop=FALSE], time=tsdata$time, status=tsdata$status, b=matrix(0), method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron"  match with loglik of coxph
          plfull <- logplik(x=allxdata[,1,drop=FALSE], time=time, status=status, b=matrix(0), method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron" 
          plminusk <- logplik(x=oldxdata[,1,drop=FALSE], time=trdata$time, status=trdata$status, b=matrix(0), method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron" 
          pred2[1] = plfull - plminusk
          Xlp <- rep(0,length(time))
          TR <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",0,sep=""))[-omit,]
          TE <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",0,sep=""))[omit,]
          survival.time <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",0,sep=""))[,"time"]
          survival.status <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",0,sep=""))[,"status"]
          tr.survival.time <- trdata$time
          tr.survival.status <- trdata$status
          te.survival.time <- tsdata$time
          te.survival.status <- tsdata$status
          Surv.rsp <- Surv(tr.survival.time, tr.survival.status)
          Surv.rsp.new <- Surv(te.survival.time, te.survival.status)
          train.fit <- coxph(Surv(time,status) ~ Xlp, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, method=method, data=TR, iter.max=0, init=1)
          train.fit.cph <- cph(Surv(time,status) ~ Xlp, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, method=method, data=TR, iter.max=0, init=1)
          lp <- predict(train.fit)
          lpnew <- predict(train.fit, newdata=TE)
          AUCs <- getIndicCV(lp,lpnew,Surv.rsp,Surv.rsp.new,times.auc=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000),times.prederr=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000)[-(990:1000)],train.fit,plot.it=FALSE)
          pred3[1] = AUCs$AUC_CD$iauc 
          pred4[1] = AUCs$AUC_hc$iauc 
          pred5[1] = AUCs$AUC_sh$iauc 
          pred6[1] = AUCs$AUC_Uno$iauc
          pred7[1] = AUCs$AUC_hz.train$iauc
          pred8[1] = AUCs$AUC_hz.test$iauc
          pred9[1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.train$iauc
          pred10[1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.test$iauc
          pred11[1] = AUCs$prederr$brier.unw$ierror
          pred12[1] = AUCs$prederr$robust.unw$ierror
          pred13[1] = AUCs$prederr$brier.w$ierror
          pred14[1] = AUCs$prederr$robust.w$ierror
      } else {
      AUCs <- getIndicCViAUCSurvROCTest(lp,lpnew,Surv.rsp,Surv.rsp.new,times.auc=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000),times.prederr=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000)[-(990:1000)],train.fit,plot.it=FALSE)  
      pred3[1] = NA 
      pred4[1] = NA 
      pred5[1] = NA 
      pred6[1] = NA
      pred7[1] = NA
      pred8[1] = NA
      pred9[1] = NA
      pred10[1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.test$iauc
      pred11[1] = NA
      pred12[1] = NA
      pred13[1] = NA
      pred14[1] = NA
        pred1[jj+1] <- logplik(x=newxdata[,1:jj,drop=FALSE], time=tsdata$time, status=tsdata$status, b=coeffit[1:jj,jj,drop=FALSE], method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron"  match with loglik of coxph
        plfull <- logplik(x=allxdata[,1:jj,drop=FALSE], time=time, status=status, b=coeffit[1:jj,jj,drop=FALSE], method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron" 
        plminusk <- logplik(x=oldxdata[,1:jj,drop=FALSE], time=trdata$time, status=trdata$status, b=coeffit[1:jj,jj,drop=FALSE], method = method,return.all = FALSE)   #"efron" 
        pred2[jj+1] = plfull - plminusk
        predict.trainvectjj <- oldxdata%*%(coeffit[1:jj,jj,drop=FALSE])
        predictvectjj <- newxdata%*%(coeffit[1:jj,jj,drop=FALSE])
        Xlp <- rep(NA,length(time))
        Xlp[-omit] <- predict.trainvectjj
        Xlp[omit] <- predictvectjj
        TR <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",jj,sep=""))[-omit,]
        TE <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",jj,sep=""))[omit,]
        survival.time <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",jj,sep=""))[,"time"]
        survival.status <- get(paste("dataset_",namedataset,"_",jj,sep=""))[,"status"]
        tr.survival.time <- trdata$time
        tr.survival.status <- trdata$status
        te.survival.time <- tsdata$time
        te.survival.status <- tsdata$status
        Surv.rsp <- Surv(tr.survival.time, tr.survival.status)
        Surv.rsp.new <- Surv(te.survival.time, te.survival.status)
        train.fit <- coxph(Surv(time,status) ~ Xlp, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, method=method, data=TR, iter.max=0, init=1) #offset
        train.fit.cph <- cph(Surv(time,status) ~ Xlp, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, method=method, data=TR, iter.max=0, init=1) #offset
        lp <- predict(train.fit)
        lpnew <- predict(train.fit, newdata=TE)
        AUCs <- getIndicCV(lp,lpnew,Surv.rsp,Surv.rsp.new,times.auc=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000),times.prederr=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000)[-(990:1000)],train.fit,plot.it=FALSE)
        pred3[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_CD$iauc 
        pred4[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_hc$iauc 
        pred5[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_sh$iauc 
        pred6[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_Uno$iauc
        pred7[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_hz.train$iauc
        pred8[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_hz.test$iauc
        pred9[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.train$iauc
        pred10[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.test$iauc
        pred11[jj+1] = AUCs$prederr$brier.unw$ierror
        pred12[jj+1] = AUCs$prederr$robust.unw$ierror
        pred13[jj+1] = AUCs$prederr$brier.w$ierror
        pred14[jj+1] = AUCs$prederr$robust.w$ierror
        } else {
          AUCs <- getIndicCViAUCSurvROCTest(lp,lpnew,Surv.rsp,Surv.rsp.new,times.auc=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000),times.prederr=seq(0,max(time),length.out=1000)[-(990:1000)],train.fit,plot.it=FALSE)
          pred3[jj+1] = NA 
          pred4[jj+1] = NA 
          pred5[jj+1] = NA 
          pred6[jj+1] = NA
          pred7[jj+1] = NA
          pred8[jj+1] = NA
          pred9[jj+1] = NA
          pred10[jj+1] = AUCs$AUC_survivalROC.test$iauc
          pred11[jj+1] = NA
          pred12[jj+1] = NA
          pred13[jj+1] = NA
          pred14[jj+1] = NA
#      if(allCVcrit){
#      }
      if (length(omit) == 1){
        for(ind in 1:number_ind) {
          assign(paste("pred",ind,sep=""),matrix(get(paste("pred",ind,sep="")), nrow = 1))
      errormat1[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred1),-pred1/length(omit),NA)
      errormat2[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred2),-pred2/length(omit),NA)
      errormat3[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred3),pred3,NA)
      errormat4[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred4),pred4,NA)
      errormat5[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred5),pred5,NA)
      errormat6[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred6),pred6,NA)
      errormat7[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred7),pred7,NA)
      errormat8[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred8),pred8,NA)
      errormat9[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred9),pred9,NA)
      errormat10[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred10),pred10,NA)
      errormat11[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred11),pred11,NA)
      errormat12[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred12),pred12,NA)
      errormat13[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred13),pred13,NA)
      errormat14[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred14),pred14,NA)
      } else {
        errormat10[, i] <- ifelse(is.finite(pred10),pred10,NA)        
      if(verbose){cat("CV Fold", i, "\n")}
    for(ind in 1:number_ind) {
      assign(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""),apply(get(paste("errormat",ind,sep="")), 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
      assign(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""),sqrt(apply(get(paste("errormat",ind,sep="")), 1, var, na.rm=TRUE))/nfold)
    }} else {
      assign(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""),apply(get(paste("errormat",ind,sep="")), 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
      assign(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""),sqrt(apply(get(paste("errormat",ind,sep="")), 1, var, na.rm=TRUE))/nfold)
    object <- list(nt=nt, cv.error1 = cv.error1, cv.error2 = cv.error2, cv.error3 = cv.error3, cv.error4 = cv.error4, cv.error5 = cv.error5, cv.error6 = cv.error6, cv.error7 = cv.error7, cv.error8 = cv.error8, cv.error9 = cv.error9, cv.error10 = cv.error10, cv.error11 = cv.error11, cv.error12 = cv.error12, cv.error13 = cv.error13, cv.error14 = cv.error14,
                   cv.se1 = cv.se1, cv.se2 = cv.se2, cv.se3 = cv.se3, cv.se4 = cv.se4, cv.se5 = cv.se5, cv.se6 = cv.se6, cv.se7 = cv.se7, cv.se8 = cv.se8, cv.se9 = cv.se9, cv.se10 = cv.se10, cv.se11 = cv.se11, cv.se12 = cv.se12, cv.se13 = cv.se13, cv.se14 = cv.se14, 
                   folds = folds, 
                   lambda.min1 = lamin1[[1]], lambda.1se1 = lamin1[[2]], lambda.min2 = lamin2[[1]], lambda.1se2 = lamin2[[2]], lambda.min3 = lamin3[[1]], lambda.1se3 = lamin3[[2]], lambda.min4 = lamin4[[1]], lambda.1se4 = lamin4[[2]], 
                   lambda.min5 = lamin5[[1]], lambda.1se5 = lamin5[[2]], lambda.min6 = lamin6[[1]], lambda.1se6 = lamin6[[2]], lambda.min7 = lamin7[[1]], lambda.1se7 = lamin7[[2]], lambda.min8 = lamin8[[1]], lambda.1se8 = lamin8[[2]], 
                   lambda.min9 = lamin9[[1]], lambda.1se9 = lamin9[[2]], lambda.min10 = lamin10[[1]], lambda.1se10 = lamin10[[2]], lambda.min11 = lamin11[[1]], lambda.1se11 = lamin11[[2]], lambda.min12 = lamin12[[1]], lambda.1se12 = lamin12[[2]], 
                   lambda.min13 = lamin13[[1]], lambda.1se13 = lamin13[[2]], lambda.min14 = lamin14[[1]], lambda.1se14 = lamin14[[2]] 
    if(folddetails){object <- c(object,list(errormat1 = errormat1, errormat2 = errormat2, errormat3 = errormat3, errormat4 = errormat4, errormat5 = errormat5, errormat6 = errormat6, errormat7 = errormat7, errormat8 = errormat8, errormat9 = errormat9, errormat10 = errormat10, errormat11 = errormat11, errormat12 = errormat12, errormat13 = errormat13, errormat14 = errormat14, 
                   completed.cv1 = completed.cv1, completed.cv2 = completed.cv2, completed.cv3 = completed.cv3, completed.cv4 = completed.cv4, completed.cv5 = completed.cv5, completed.cv6 = completed.cv6, completed.cv7 = completed.cv7,
                   completed.cv8 = completed.cv8, completed.cv9 = completed.cv9, completed.cv10 = completed.cv10, completed.cv11 = completed.cv11, completed.cv12 = completed.cv12, completed.cv13 = completed.cv13, completed.cv14 = completed.cv14))}
    if(details){object <- c(object,list(All_indics=AUCs))}
    } else {
      object <- list(nt=nt,cv.error10=cv.error10,cv.se10=cv.se10,folds=folds,lambda.min10=lamin10[[1]],lambda.1se10=lamin10[[2]])
      if(folddetails){object <- c(object,list(errormat10 = errormat10, completed.cv10 = completed.cv10))}
    if (plot.it) {
        for(ind in 1:number_ind) {
        if((ind%% 4)==1){dev.new();layout(matrix(1:4,nrow=2))}
        plot((sign.lambda*(0:nt))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], type = "l", xlim=c(0,nt), ylim = range(c(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] -
                                                                                                                                                                                                         get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] + get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))])), xlab = xlabsCV[ind], ylab = ylabsCV[ind],
             main = titlesCV[ind]
        abline(v = sign.lambda*getElement(object,paste("lambda.min",ind,sep="")), lty = 3)
        abline(v = sign.lambda*getElement(object,paste("lambda.1se",ind,sep="")), lty = 3, col="red")
        if(show_nbr_var){axis(side = 3, at = sign.lambda*(0:nt), labels = paste(object$nzb), tick = FALSE, line = -1)}
        if (se)
          segments(sign.lambda*((0:nt)[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))]), get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] - get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], sign.lambda*((0:nt)[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))]), get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] +
    } else {
      plot((sign.lambda*(0:nt))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], type = "l", xlim=c(0,nt), ylim = range(c(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] -
                                                                                                                                                                                                       get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] + get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))])), xlab = xlabsCV[ind], ylab = ylabsCV[ind],
           main = titlesCV[ind]
      abline(v = sign.lambda*getElement(object,paste("lambda.min",ind,sep="")), lty = 3)
      abline(v = sign.lambda*getElement(object,paste("lambda.1se",ind,sep="")), lty = 3, col="red")
      if(show_nbr_var){axis(side = 3, at = sign.lambda*(0:nt), labels = paste(object$nzb), tick = FALSE, line = -1)}
      if (se)
        segments(sign.lambda*((0:nt)[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))]), get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] - get(paste("cv.se",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))], sign.lambda*((0:nt)[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))]), get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep=""))[!is.nan(get(paste("cv.error",ind,sep="")))] +
fbertran/plsRcox documentation built on Dec. 5, 2022, 2:55 p.m.