
#' Microarray summarization
#' Summarize a microarray experiment at the level of genes.
#' Transforms an expression set (eset) which describes the microarray experiment
#' data at the probe level into a list of genes and their associated log-fold
#' changes and statistical values. The statistical values include the p-values,
#' the False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted p-values (q-values), and the 95\%
#' confidence intervals for the log-fold change. Expression sets which are not
#' log-transformed are log-transformed for the purpose of this function.
#' Batch effects are adjusted using Surrogate Variable Analysis (SVA) and
#' gene-level summarization is assessed using the empirical Bayes function from
#' the \code{limma} package. If the package \code{GOstats} is installed, Gene
#' Ontology (GO) term enrichment is performed to determine biologically relevant
#' terms in each group comparison. Similarly, if the \code{ReactomePA} package
#' is installed, pathway analysis is performed using the Reactome database to
#' determine which biological pathways are involved in each group comparison.
#' @param config Character string consisting of the path to the configuration
#' file generated using the \code{write.yaml.config} function or parsed
#' configuration list associated with a microarray experiment.
#' @param eset Expression set object describing microarray experiment at the
#' level of probes.
#' @return A summary of all the data in the expression set for each group
#' comparison.
#' \describe{
#'    \item{top.tables}{A list of genes, associated log-fold changes, and
#'    other statistical values of interest.}
#'    \item{go.terms}{A list of biological terms associated with the expression
#'    set.}
#'    \item{reactome}{A list of biological pathways associated with the
#'    expression set.}
#'    \item{limma.model}{An \code{MArrayLM} fitted model object containing all
#'    of the statistical information relating to the expression set produced by
#'    the \code{eBayes} function in the \code{limma} package.}
#'    \item{design.matrix}{The experimental design matrix which represents the
#'    associations between samples and groups and is used to help fit the model.
#'    This matrix may have been modified by the \code{sva} function if batch
#'    effects were adjusted.}
#'  }
#' @examples
#' if(require(madeData))
#' {
#'   dataPath <- system.file("extdata", package = "madeData")
#'   config <- file.path(dataPath, "config.yaml")
#'   eset <- readRDS(file.path(dataPath, "eset.rds"))
#'   ma.summarize(config, eset)
#' }
#' @references Benjamini, Yoav, and Yosef Hochberg. "Controlling the false
#' discovery rate: a practical and powerful approach to multiple testing."
#' \emph{Journal of the Royal Statistical Society}. Series B (Methodological)
#' (1995): 289-300.
#' Leek, Jeffrey T., and John D. Storey. "Capturing heterogeneity in gene
#' expression studies by surrogate variable analysis." \emph{PLoS Genet} 3, no.
#' 9 (2007): 1724-1735.
#' Ritchie, Matthew E., Belinda Phipson, Di Wu, Yifang Hu, Charity W. Law, Wei
#' Shi, and Gordon K. Smyth. "limma powers differential expression analyses for
#' RNA-sequencing and microarray studies." \emph{Nucleic acids research} (2015):
#' gkv007.
#' Falcon, Seth, and Robert Gentleman. "Using GOstats to test gene lists for GO
#' term association." \emph{Bioinformatics} 23, no. 2 (2007): 257-258.
#' Croft, David, Gavin O'Kelly, Guanming Wu, Robin Haw, Marc Gillespie, Lisa
#' Matthews, Michael Caudy et al. "Reactome: a database of reactions, pathways
#' and biological processes." \emph{Nucleic acids research} (2010): gkq1018.
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi keys select
#' @importFrom Biobase annotation exprs featureNames
#' @importFrom limma contrasts.fit eBayes lmFit topTable
#' @importFrom sva sva
#' @export
ma.summarize <- function(config, eset)
  stopifnot(class(eset) == "ExpressionSet")
  config <- read.yaml.config(config)

  # Load the corresponding annotation database
  get.annotation.data <- function(eset)
    annotationPkg <- .check.platform(Biobase::annotation(eset))[["annotation.db"]]

    # Check that annotation package can be loaded
    isInstalled <- require(annotationPkg, character.only = TRUE, quietly = TRUE)
      stop(sprintf("Check that the package '%s' is installed from Bioconductor.", annotationPkg))

    # Check that probes indicated in the eset are similar to those in the annotation database
    hgdb <- get(annotationPkg)
    hsel <- AnnotationDbi::select(hgdb, keys = AnnotationDbi::keys(hgdb), columns = c("PROBEID","ENTREZID","GENENAME","SYMBOL"))
    if(length(setdiff(Biobase::featureNames(eset),hsel$PROBEID)) > 0)
      stop("Expression set features must be probe sets.")

    return(list(package = annotationPkg, data = hsel))

  # Adjust for surrogate variables (biological and non-biological variability)
  sva.estimate <- function(eset, config)
    modf <- config$data$design.matrix
    mod0 <- model.matrix(~1, config$data$groups)

    cmx <- config$data$contrast.matrix

    if(ncol(eset) != nrow(modf))
      stop("Number of samples in the expression set do not match those in the experimental design.")

      sva1 <- .gc.wrapper(sva::sva, Biobase::exprs(eset), modf, mod0)

      modf <- cbind(modf, sva1$sv)

      dummy <- matrix(0, nrow = sva1$n.sv, ncol = ncol(cmx))
      cmx <- rbind(cmx, dummy)

    return(list(design.matrix = modf, contrast.matrix = cmx))

  # GO term analysis for each ontology
  go.term.analysis <- function(deGenes, universe, qvalue, annotation)
    go.term.test <- function(ont, deGenes, universe, pvalue, annotation)
      params <- new("GOHyperGParams", geneIds = deGenes, universeGeneIds = universe, annotation = annotation, pvalueCutoff = pvalue, ontology = ont, conditional = TRUE, testDirection = "over")
    return(lapply(list(BP = "BP", CC = "CC", MF = "MF"), go.term.test, deGenes = deGenes, universe = universe, pvalue = qvalue, annotation = annotation))

  # Calculate differential expression for eset
  differential.expression <- function(eset, config, svaModels, dbAnnotation)
    dmx <- svaModels$design.matrix
    cmx <- svaModels$contrast.matrix

    qvalue <- config$global_options$qvalue

    # Compute microarray statistics using empirical Bayes
    fit <- limma::eBayes(limma::contrasts.fit(limma::lmFit(eset, dmx), cmx))
    ess <- fit$coefficients / sqrt(fit$s2.post)

    hasGOstats <- .silentLoad("GOstats")
    hasReactPA <- .silentLoad("ReactomePA")

    tf <- gotests <- reactPA <- setNames(vector(mode = "list", length = ncol(cmx)), colnames(cmx))
    for(i in 1:ncol(cmx))
      cat(sprintf("Contrasting %s.\n", colnames(cmx)[i]))

      tt <- limma::topTable(fit, coef = i, number = Inf, adjust.method = "BH", confint = TRUE)
      tt$PROBEID <- row.names(tt)

      # Merge effect size and variance for each probe
      tt <- merge(tt, data.frame(PROBEID = names(fit$s2.post), ES = ess[ ,i], s2 = fit$s2.post), by = "PROBEID")

      # Check which probe sets are differentially expressed or have large log-fold change
      tt$DE <- tt$adj.P.Val < qvalue
      tt$sigFC <- abs(tt$logFC) > log2(1.5)

      # Merge annotation database with differentially expressed probe sets, remove unknown probe sets
      tt <- merge(tt, dbAnnotation$data, by = "PROBEID")
      tt <- tt[!is.na(tt$ENTREZID), ]
      tt <- tt[ order(tt$P.Value) , ]
      tt <- tt[!duplicated(tt$ENTREZID), ]

      # Store toptable, go terms, and kegg pathways in lists
      tf[[i]] <- tt

      pos <- tt$DE & tt$sigFC
      if(hasGOstats && any(pos))
        gotests[[i]] <- go.term.analysis(deGenes = tt$ENTREZID[pos], universe = tt$ENTREZID, qvalue = qvalue, annotation = dbAnnotation$package)
      if(hasReactPA && any(pos))
        reactPA[[i]] <- ReactomePA::enrichPathway(gene = tt$ENTREZID[pos], universe = tt$ENTREZID, organism = "human", qvalueCutoff = qvalue)

    return(list(top.tables = tf, go.terms = gotests, reactome = reactPA, limma.model = fit, design.matrix = dmx))

  eset <- .do.log2(eset)

  dbAnnotation <- get.annotation.data(eset)
  svaModels <- sva.estimate(eset, config)
  allModels <- differential.expression(eset, config, svaModels, dbAnnotation)
  class(allModels) <- "MadeSummary"

  # Save output to file
  analysisDir <- dirname(config$groups$group_file)
  .write.table.list(allModels$top.tables, analysisDir, prefix = "genes-")
    saveRDS(allModels, file.path(analysisDir, "results.rds"))

fboulnois/made documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:01 p.m.